Thriller Paradise

Chapter 129: Earth Wasteland II


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Human beings, human civilization, and the land on which human beings live go round and round, with ups and downs. No matter how outstanding a character, how great a feat, or how prosperous a world is, it will be forgotten by eternity.

There are no monuments that stand forever, for they will all be brought down.

No story can be celebrated forever, as people keep writing new and great chapters.

"Old Earth", or "First Earth", is one such place that is gradually being forgotten...

On a peaceful night in the 22nd century, through the clear lens of the Shore Mountain Peak in the United States and the Arecibo Telescope in Puerto Rico, astronomers stumbled across a new bright spot in the sky. It is clearly visible in the region near Pluto. Observatories in Russia and Sweden soon confirmed the discovery, and speculated that this small meteor of unknown mass and origin was heading towards the direction of the solar system.

Some newspapers and periodicals carried out small-scale reports on this new star, while news agencies only briefly mentioned the news. It seems that for most people, news about astronomy is far less attractive than some gossip and entertainment stories.

A few days later, the astronomers observed the star field with nervousness and curiosity, guessing what would happen there. It turned out that the size and brightness of the meteor had grown at an astonishing rate, and its image could now be clearly photographed with ordinary photographic negatives. The closer it gets to Pluto, the more uneasy astronomers get. Even in the twenty-second century, collisions between celestial bodies so close to humans are still unthinkable. However, at the time, the absolute distance between the two celestial bodies was still very far.

And when the unimaginable things quickly became possible, the media from all over the world began to pay attention to the events taking place in the sky, and even some students in school made relevant charts of celestial bodies, and all the evidences were It shows that people can only helplessly watch the meteor rush towards Pluto.

Not long after, the event was reported all over the world, because the imagined collision didn't happen, and it turned out that the meteoroid, passing by Pluto, dragged the entire dwarf planet into its fiery clump...

The two stars fused into one huge, blinding white sphere, visible to anyone on Earth with the naked eye.

Therefore, besides the sun and the moon, a new celestial body appeared in people's sight regularly with the rotation of the earth. Every night, people watch the sphere rise and fall, and people gradually realize that every time the sphere rises, it becomes bigger...

People began to suspect, fear...and ask some questions such as "why the universe is so big, and that meteor just came here". It's stupid to ask such a question, it's like asking why you were born out of billions of your fellow human beings.

Scientists explain some relevant knowledge of astrophysics to the public in news programs, and publish some research results. The overwhelming reports are all telling the same thing: this uninvited guest who invaded the solar system must eventually move in the direction of the sun. Only the gravitational forces of the major planets could throw this star off its destructive course, but in any case, the end of the earth has come.

But what happened next was unexpected.

To use an analogy, the earth was sentenced to death, but with a reprieve.

After the fireball engulfed Pluto, its moving speed became very slow, and it stayed at a relatively safe distance, scorching the world like the twin brother of the sun. The cold winter has disappeared, and the coldest season in the world is also like early summer.

When one dawn ends, the second dawn lights up the sky again, so dazzling, so hot, the hellish heat wave scorching the world like a hurricane. No one knows how long these days will last, but the speed at which the ice caps are melting at the poles is a reminder that this planet is not a place to stay.

Optimists, skeptics, despairers, lunatics, people reacted in different ways, and the earth fell into unprecedented chaos. The doomsday has finally appeared in front of people in a tangible form, and it is no longer an "environmental problem", "alien invasion", "deadly virus" that exists in movies, or people often talk about it assumption. Instead, it actually appeared in the sky, and every day, it was telling the world that the end was just around the corner.

Unexpectedly, this "death reprieve" brought mankind together. In the ten years that followed, the development of human technology even surpassed that of the past two hundred years.

All human beings have finally abandoned the differences of skin color, race, nationality, beliefs, etc., and united together for the common goal of continuation of the race, doing their best to share the top science and technology, scientists, resources, and everything without reservation.

Finally, after twenty years, mankind has taken the first step of interstellar colonization. The first "Ark-class" interstellar mothership flew out of the atmosphere, carrying a population of one million. Then came the second, the third...

Later, the glimmer of life to escape from the earth... finally made people reveal their true nature, and a war broke out on the earth, which ended in the death of most human beings and the destruction of 93 man-made facilities on the earth.

Twenty-seven years later, "Doom" ended like a joke, and of course, no one laughed.

The meteor turned ninety degrees, accelerated again, and left the solar system. No one knew why. Maybe it's not a meteor at all, but an alien spaceship, maybe it's some kind of special life form, or maybe it's an unknown god's test for human beings.

In short, when people have the ability to escape from the earth, the crisis of the destruction of the earth no longer exists. The most ironic thing is that this planet has been devastated by the nuclear war started by humans themselves, and it is not suitable for continued survival.

Fortunately, people have mastered the key transition technology, and long-distance interstellar travel is no longer a fantasy. Thus, the survivors on the Ark found a new home in the Milky Way, an uninhabited planet very similar to the old Earth, a virgin land where no intelligent life has set foot—"New Earth", or "Second Earth".

In 2386, a new technology was successfully developed, called "ant", which is an extremely tiny nano-scale robot that can be used to repair the cell tissue of living things.

At first, "ants" were used to reshape the body of the amputee. Even patients with long-term paralysis and severe muscle atrophy can return to a normal state.

Later, when "ants" revived a climber who had been frozen to death on the snow-capped mountains for several years, this technology attracted attention, and people turned their attention to the first earth again...

Since 2401, a very small number of human "ancestors" found from the old earth have been resurrected, and many questions about the truth of history and lost civilizations have been answered.

This has become a wave, which has flourished for more than half a century and still hasn't stopped...

One day in 2455, a four-stage catamaran transport ship named Grendel came to the old earth. The scientific research team on the ship found two frozen living organisms in the Crystal Lake Laboratory and brought them back to the spacecraft. One of them is the female researcher Roan; and the other, named Jason Voorhees, is an undead murderer.

They didn't know that it was not only the Grendel spacecraft that visited the Crystal Lake underground laboratory that day, but another team followed the scientific research team to this place with ulterior motives. A group of talents entered the laboratory...


"I didn't expect... I met a strong enemy." Finally Qiang Xian said.

"One of the sword laughs, Mad Zing Jianying, is quite a tricky opponent..." Doomsday Strike continued.

The two people in the Corpse Knife Studio both had cropped hair, pale faces, numb expressions, low voices, and a very stable tone. They are all dressed in green and black outfits, much like Star Trek uniforms, only in different colors. On the left chest of the uniform is the emblem of the corpse knife. The pattern is a finely carved skull machete, and the text is naturally the word "corpse knife" in black.

"Is that guy called Crazy Bujue also a master of the rivers and lakes? Why have I never heard of this character..." Doomsday Strike said, "Don't you find it strange to meet such a combination?"

In the end, Qiangxi replied: "It's indeed strange... According to the rules of this game, the strength gap between the two teams will not be too large." Two levels, the strength is by no means inferior to you and me. But the one who is called crazy is only sixteenth level... "

"That is to say... the system believes that the combined strength of the two opponents is not much different from our two nineteenth-level players?" Doomsday Strikes.

"Hmph... something must have gone wrong, could it be that this nameless man called Crazy Unconscious is actually a strong fighter at the same level as Kuang Zong Jianying?" Finally he said forcefully: "If that's the case, the only possibility is …he's actually some star player with a new nickname in Thrillerland."

"It makes sense." Doomsday Strike continued: "It must be a master who jumped from another studio to the rivers and lakes, changed the game ID, and formed a partner with Mad Zing Jianying. This can explain...why we are in In a 2V2, we encountered two players whose levels were lower than ours."

"Isn't this pretty good." Finally, he said forcefully: "It's rare to meet an opponent with a lower level than us in the killing game. The chances of winning should be greater."

"Well..." Doomsday Strike nodded and said: "But even if you know you will win, you shouldn't be too careless. You see, our survival value is slowly passing away, which means that this script has a time limit. If the opponent uses delaying tactics If we face each other head-on, this battle will become a battle of attrition for survival value supplements and medical abilities. There is no specific value for the blood volume in this game, but a percentage. If the situation develops into a hide-and-seek situation, we will never There is no advantage."

"I think so too, we'd better fight quickly." Finally, Striker responded: "Leading in level, with the support of 'that medicine'... If you still lose like this, it's too unreasonable."


On the other side, Feng Bujue led the way with a flashlight, and Mad Zong Jianying followed him, moving quickly and quietly in the corridor.

Feng Bujue turned [Casey Jones's mask] into a display state. Although it is not a gas mask, it feels like wearing it like this has the effect of filtering the air to some extent.

"The war of attrition is a way that is more beneficial to us." Feng Bujue said as he walked, his voice became muffled because of the mask.

"What kind of consumption method?" Mad Zong Jianying said: "Are you referring to using long-range weapons or traps to deal with it?"

"No, as long as you don't meet with the other party, it's considered a waste." Feng Bujue replied.

After thinking about it for a while, Kuang Zong Jianying understood what he meant: "You mean...using the indiscriminate blood reduction effect here?"

"That's right." Feng Bujue replied: "Their level is higher than ours, and theoretically their survival value will be a little more." He coughed again: "But the survival value loss caused by the environment is obviously based on a percentage , You and I have checked this point just now."

They only communicated with each other about the survival value a few minutes ago. The level difference between the two is one level, and the current survival value is 95. Even the timing of the percentage drop is almost the same, accurate to the second. This shows that the passing speed has nothing to do with the level, as long as you breathe the air here, the blood will be reduced according to the percentage after a fixed period of time.

"Heh..." Kuang Zong Jianying said with a smile: "Crazy brother, can I ask, how many survival value supplements have you brought?"

"I have four (medium) bottles." Feng Bujue replied.

"Let's not say how much the other party will have." Kuang Zong Jianying said: "Even I bring more than you." He shook his head: "Besides, in case one of those two is a medical specialist, Or just understand a thing or two, so isn't your 'war of attrition' playing into the opponent's hands?"

"I said start with a war of attrition, but I didn't say it would end with a war of attrition." Feng Bujue said, "What I mean is, this game, it's best not to drag into the rhythm of quick battles."

"Do you think we will lose if we face it head-on?" Mad Zong Jianying asked. In fact, the tone of his question already showed that he didn't think so.

"Not necessarily." Feng Bujue said: "But since you have found me as a teammate, you should be clear that as far as our combination is concerned, the advantage in overall strength is far better than fighting with the opponent." He turned his head slightly, crossed Over his shoulder, he said to Kuangzong Jianying: "The use of strategy is also a part of strength." He paused for a moment, then looked forward again: "If you just want to go head-to-head with the opponent head-on, you might as well find a team with me." Pure martial arts players really come."

Mad Zong Jianying said: "Okay, then..."


Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by a strange growl, and Feng Bujue also stopped in time.

The two acted in a tacit understanding. They both kept silent and consciously faced two directions to guard. They listened with bated breath, waiting for the roar to sound again, to determine its position. RS

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