Thriller Paradise

Chapter 13


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Seeing the door open, Feng Bujue heaved a sigh of relief. He didn't rush to run out, but took advantage of the light coming in from outside the door, walked to the cage where the monkey was kept, opened the latch, lifted the gate, and released the sleeping monkey. The monkey hugged out.

[Name: Sleepy Tibetan Macaque]

[Type: Drama Related]

[Quality: Normal]

[Function: Unknown]

[Whether the script can be brought out: Yes]

[Remarks: A lively and brave monkey, now on the verge of extinction]

"The plot item, but it shows that it can bring out the script, um..." Feng Bujue murmured, he tried to put the monkey in the bag and succeeded. Immediately he walked out of the room.

Outside the door is a passage, the walls are basically metal, the roof is still four or five meters high, the lighting is normal, and there are still no windows. There are some doors and forks on both sides of the passage, but they cannot be opened, or they are blocked by large debris. There is obviously only one real path. From time to time, red spray-painted arrows will appear on the wall to guide Feng Bujue on how to go. After several futile attempts, he understands that there is probably nothing useful to be found on this section of the road, so he speeds up. Speed up, follow the arrow, and after about seven or eight minutes, you reach the end of the passage, where another metal door marked red appears.

There is no handle on this door, and there is a round valve handwheel in the middle. Feng Bujue walked up to hold the handwheel and tried to turn it. He felt a lot of resistance, and he exerted considerable strength to move it. Turn it around.

After turning more than half a circle, the door moved, and a burst of cold air leaked out from the crack of the door, and Feng Bujue instantly had an ominous premonition. When he opened the door, he realized that the metal door was very thick, and the room was obviously a closed freezer room, and a strong cold air rushed in as soon as the door was opened.

The interior of the room is a veritable "ice and snow", the ground is covered with white frost and snow, and there are signs of ice on the four walls. Looking up, in addition to the lighting equipment, you can see a pipe with a diameter of about one meter in each of the three corners of the ceiling. The moment the door was opened, white snowflakes began to float out of the pipe. Big, but the snowflakes falling are only sporadic, not too many.

Feng Bujue took a deep breath, breathed hot air into his palms, rubbed his hands together, and walked into the room. After crossing the threshold, he found that the depth of the floor in this room was wrong. The floor was a bit lower than the lower frame of the door, and it was not on the same level as the passage outside the door at all, so the seemingly thin layer on the ground Hoarfrost is actually knee-deep snow. When he stepped on his foot, he sank into the snow below his ankle. It was so cold that he quickly jumped a few steps, but it was useless. The snow was very soft, and the way to keep his feet from sinking was to increase the contact area, so he Resolutely knelt down...

He didn't close the door, and knelt directly to the opposite wall of the room. There was another door there, but there was no hand wheel to open the door. There was only an electronic lock embedded in the door that required password input. There were four digits on the display screen. A blank space for the password. On the wall next to the door lock is an apparently movable iron plate, about ten centimeters long, square, with a small handle on it. When Feng Bujue opened the board, the iron door for him to enter the room automatically closed.

There is a small space behind the iron plate, and a tape is placed, and the next thing to do is very clear...

Feng Bujue took out the tape, took out the alkman on his body, took out the tape that was already inside, put it in the bag, put the new tape in, and pressed the play button.

"Merry Christmas, Arthur. It's a time of family reunion, and at the same time, the Christmas spirit also means selfless giving and blessings..."

While listening to the recording, Feng Bujue began to observe the room carefully for the second time. He just noticed that the most eye-catching thing in the room was a new-looking newspaper on one side of the metal wall. This wall has obviously been treated, and the ice around the newspaper is not serious. Although it is full of artificial snow, the humidity in this room is not too high, and the words on the paper are still very clear. One of the most eye-catching reports was headlined "They Are No Different From Us" and accompanied by a photo of a group of homeless men warming themselves around a waste oil drum, with the snow falling in the background and the ground white. Of course, this report was also written by "Arthur Segal".

"You go to charity galas and show up for the cameras, but we all know that you don't give money to any organization in private. You call people not to discriminate against the homeless, but you never give any social status People below you with respect, your meanness and snobbery make everyone around you sick. You also speak up for the elderly, claiming they need more attention and understanding, but you use your job as an excuse every year to say no Spend Thanksgiving and Christmas with your own parents.

Arthur, you have stood on the moral high ground and accused the world of indifference and system injustice more than once, but your actual actions show that you have no idea what you are talking about.

Now's your chance to learn how those helpless people survived. In this snow-covered room, there is a piece of cardboard with the password needed to unlock the lock. All you have to do is reach into the snow under your feet to find that piece of paper.

Just like every person who is freezing in the streets on a snowy night is longing for a sliver of hope, you will not have a time limit, but even if you find something, the best result is to stay until dawn... "

After the recording ended, Feng Bujue was already shivering from the cold. The clothing given by the game can ensure the comfort of the player in an environment with a virtual temperature of more than 20 degrees Celsius. If it is hotter or colder, the player will have a corresponding body feeling. Now this ice cave-like room is obviously below zero, and the three pipes on the ceiling are still increasing the thickness of the snow at a very slow speed.

In order to ensure the dexterity of his fingers, Feng Bujue pointed the palm of his hand when he exhaled. He quickly ran through the recording in his mind, and then repeated the last sentence in his mouth: "Just like those who are frozen." … Find 'something' and you'll be able to stay till dawn..." According to his speculation, this was the only hint, rather cryptic, but it must have foreshadowed something.

Feng Bujue stood up again, he was completely frozen below his knees, and it didn't matter if he stepped on the snow now, because he was so cold that he couldn't feel it. He staggered to the newspaper, staring at the report and photos, carefully searching for any possible clues.

Feng Bujue knew that this was the best time to search for clues, and physical work could wait until there was really no other way. If he impatiently digs his hands into the snow on the ground, after five minutes, even if his fingers are not broken off, the drop in body temperature will be exacerbated. In a hazy state, it is impossible to solve the puzzle.

"Things that can keep homeless people up until dawn..." Feng Bujue said the words to concentrate: "Several people gathered around a bucket, burning garbage to keep warm until dawn? No, no, that's not the case..." In his mind Suddenly, an image of an uncle wearing sunglasses flashed across: "With... MADAO living on the street three artifacts, a cardboard box, a dog, and a radio." Thinking of this, he started to do it.

This spread out newspaper was fixed on the wall with four small pieces of adhesive tape at the four corners. Feng Bujue carefully fixed the newspaper as much as possible on the basis of ensuring that a large piece in the middle of the newspaper would not be damaged. Several corners torn off.

"It's impossible to have a dog, unless I use snow to build one. For the radio... alkman should be considered. As for the cardboard box..." Feng Bujue has already taken the newspaper from the wall, although a small piece is missing at all four corners, But that doesn't affect what he has to do.

As I said earlier, this newspaper is very new, so the creases on it are very clear. The average person does not fold a newspaper in half more than twice, but this newspaper has many creases, which undoubtedly shows that it has been folded into something .

Feng Bujue restored the newspaper according to the creases. His hands hadn't become stiff, but they were still affected by the extreme cold environment. In fact, in his game menu, the special status next to the survival value had already displayed [Frozen] typeface.

Although the corner of the newspaper was missing, the shape that perfectly matched the crease was folded out—a small cardboard box.

Feng Bujue held it in his hand and looked at it, turned several angles, and finally found a series of consecutive letters and numbers in a place where several paper edges overlapped.

The letters on a newspaper cannot all be in the same format, and occasionally there will be different font sizes and styles, such as letters used in titles or footnotes of pictures, which are different from those in the article, and there are also capitalization issues .

The string of letters and numbers that Feng Bujue found were all of the same font size and style. The letters were all capitalized. When the newspaper was spread out, they were in different layouts and positions. After being folded, they could be put together in one place and become neat. a little bit.

"FM27.3MHZ..." Feng Bujue read: "The band of the amateur radio station..." He adjusted the alkman to the state of listening to the radio.

There was noise on all frequencies, as well as FM27.3, but he identified this frequency, turned it up, and waited patiently. Sure enough, after the noise lasted for about forty seconds, a hoarse voice read: "Nine, five, two, seven." Then there was another rustling noise.

Feng Bujue hurriedly rushed to the exit door, and said unhappily while entering the password: "What do you mean by breaking the password, that lowly servants and dogs are not allowed to enter..."

Sure enough, the password was correct and the door opened. Feng Bujue scrambled out of this room. When he came to the corridor outside, he rolled on the ground in the cold. After rolling twice, he stood up and did more than 20 straight-arm squats. During this process, he looked at the status in the menu, and the survival value had been reduced to 67%, but the frozen state was quickly lifted under the normal temperature environment.

In any case, coming out like this is less of a loss than lying on the ground and digging snow with your hands to find a piece of paper. Feng Bujue's luck in playing games has always been very bad. For homework like finding a needle in a haystack just now, he can't find the piece of paper under the snow without searching every inch of the room.

After passing the second pass, he didn't turn off the alkman immediately, and soon he discovered the law of that frequency. Every minute or so, the FM27.3 would read the four-digit password once, while other frequencies Always constant noise.

After recovering his body temperature, Feng Bujue continued on his way. He estimated that the script did not arrange or calculate how long it would take for "Arthur Segal" to reach the hospital and receive treatment after he escaped. The initial recording said he had forty minutes to find the exit or die from the toxins in his body. But Feng Bujue's menu has never displayed the status of [Poisoned], and at this moment he can't judge whether the decrease in survival value is due to the severe cold just now or the slow effect of the toxin. In short, this is not a dominant poisoning effect, but some kind of plot event. Simply put, the script must be cleared within 40 minutes, otherwise it will be game over.

It took Feng Bujue more than 20 minutes. He passed the second level very quickly. Adding in the five minutes spent in the first room and the running time, he reached the third level. , there should be about fifteen minutes left. The system must consider the possibility that the player chooses to plow the snow in the second level, which will undoubtedly delay longer. Therefore, considering the time factor, the next game that Feng Bujue will face should be the last one without accident. As long as it's done, he can end the script.

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