Thriller Paradise

Chapter 130: Earth Wasteland Chapter 3


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The second roar came as expected a few seconds later, this time Feng Bujue and Kuangzong Jianying could clearly hear the monster's location when they were very focused. The two exchanged glances, and then they approached that direction together.

Their pace is not fast, but very quiet. Feng Bujue switched the mask back to the non-display state, then took out the [Eye of Hatred] from his luggage and put it on for himself. In the previous few scripts, he either acted alone, or encountered a death question and answer situation, so he hadn't used this equipment for a long time, and the current situation happened to make the best use of it.

There is light in the hallway, but it is not very complete. At intervals, there will be a brighter area of white light, then a dark section of about fifteen meters, then another bright area...and so on. That's why Feng Bujue took out the flashlight to scout the way. He was mainly worried that he might miss some game clues in the dark section of the road.

The two of them tiptoed along the corridor to a T-junction ahead, during which time the low growl of the unknown monster sounded again, even louder than the previous two times.

They stopped at the fork in the road and looked to the left. After turning into the corridor, there was an end about 20 meters away. At the end there was a thick metal door with a rudder-shaped valve. The roar of the monster came from came from the door.

Feng Bujue tilted his head and said softly: "Since the door is closed, it means that this is an optional plot. From this we can infer... the strength of this monster will not be too weak, and the system will let us decide whether to kill or not. If not Kill it, we just leave from the other side of the fork; and if we venture in and kill it, we should be able to get corresponding benefits."

Mad Zong Jianying also lowered his voice and asked, "What if this is just an OSS-level monster stronger than Jason?"

"Impossible, Jason is the strongest monster in this script, there's no doubt about it." Although Feng Bujue hadn't been in contact with Kuang Zong Jianying for a long time, he felt that this person was quite open and forthright, and he and He didn't need to pay too much attention when communicating, so he said bluntly: "My title skill is to directly check the total OSS data of the script. I glanced at it as soon as I entered the script. The boss of this script is Jason."

"Oh? There is such a skill?" Kuang Zong Jianying immediately became interested when he heard this, and asked, "Hey, who is the OSS you saw in the Thunderbolt script we played against each other?"

"I didn't read it." Feng Bujue said.


"Just after I heard the mission prompt, you rushed up with your sword in hand. Am I still standing there stupidly looking at the menu?"

"Blame me?"


"Hehe... Then how about Jason's stats? Is it strong?" Kuang Zong Jianying said again.

"How should I put it... In terms of combat ability alone, maybe he is not as good as alien monsters like Alien and Predator, but in terms of survivability, he is harder to kill than ghosts." Feng Bujue replied.

The monster data Feng Bujue saw before is as follows:

[Name: Jason Forsythe]

[Race:? ? ?]

[Level: 20]

[Height: 190 cm]

[Weight: 113 kg]

[Combat style: close combat, machete, and other weapons or unarmed combat]

[Weakness: Listen to mommy's words]

[Possess skill: Resurrection (Even if Jason is completely destroyed on the physical level, as long as he finds an absurd reason, he can reappear)]

[Level of danger: medium.]

Feng Bujue personally thinks that the resurrection skill is completely maliciously complaining about the producers who made N episodes of this series...


The monster inside the door roared again. Because of the close distance this time, Feng Bujue and Mad Zong Jianying heard other sounds, which seemed to be the sound of metal rubbing against each other. dense feeling.

"Let's put those irrelevant things aside. Anyway, Jason is already on the spaceship at this moment. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to meet him until we leave the script." Feng Bujue said: "Let's talk about the monster in front of us first. Don't kill?"

"Ah?" Kuangzong Jianying was stunned for a moment: "Aren't you in charge of making suggestions? Ask me?"

"Oh... that's it..." Feng Bujue read: "You can kill whatever I tell you, that's easy." He put the flashlight and steel knife in his bag, and stepped forward to grab the metal door The valve on the door: "I will open the door now, you rush in and hack at once, and I will cover you from behind."

"Hey..." Only now did Kuang Zong Jianying come back to his senses... why did Feng Bujue ask for his opinion.

It's too late to say anything now, Feng Bujue has already turned the valve open, pushed hard, and the metal door opened in response, the monster in the room seemed to have noticed the situation on the side of the door, and before the mad Zing Jianying Rushed in, it started to move first.

After pushing the door, Feng Bujue withdrew a few steps, and drew out the steel knife again. Just as Mad Zong Jianying was about to bow and rush towards the door, he heard the strange sound of metal rubbing coming from the darkness again. Almost instinctively, Crazy Sword Shadow stopped his pace and momentum, put the sword across his chest, and faced the black shadow rushing out of the door.

Accompanied by a strange buzzing sound, the huge body of the monster poked out from the door, and when its whole picture was displayed in front of the eyes of the mad Zong Jianying, the latter immediately gave up the idea of blocking it with a sword, and quickly backed away.

The monster came to the light of the corridor, and its appearance was too strange to describe.

Imagine spreading out a piece of newspaper and putting a bunch of metal objects of various shapes on it, such as hangers, screws, scissors, L-shaped water pipes, a large group of wires, etc... Then wrap these things with newspaper, And apply pressure from the outside to squeeze out the air in the internal void. Then there is no doubt that the protruding parts of the edges of those metal objects will pierce the outer newspaper and stick out. The final result was an irregularly shaped metal mass wrapped in a layer of paper full of holes.

The monster coming out of the door is something similar to this form, except that its body surface is not a newspaper, but a layer of erosive skin. This skin is thicker than a bedding, and there are many holes in it, some of which can move. A mess of metal objects protruded from the hole. You can see bicycle poles, coils of barbed wire, car parts, iron bars for security doors, etc... almost all rusty and dilapidated garbage.

The size of this monster is hard to tell, it is about the size of a car, and when it is in the room, it can take the shape of a bun, and in order to squeeze out of that metal door, it can also transform itself into a Mexican Chicken roll shape.

It moves on the ground with metal objects piercing its skin, seemingly wriggling like a snail, but actually has countless "feet". The friction sound Feng Bujue they heard just now was the sound it made when it was moving.

The low roar came from the inside of its "body", but even Feng Bujue couldn't imagine that the core part of this monster was wrapped in a layer of skin more than ten centimeters thick and a pile of living metal. What the hell is it...

"Is this guy a machine or a creature..." Mad Zong Jianying retreated, staring vigilantly at the unknown giant monster that was slowly moving towards him. He was not frightened by this strange appearance, but really felt that he had no way to attack. start.

Feng Bujue stood a few meters behind Kuangzong Jianying and said, "Anyway, it doesn't look like a spirit body." He said, and took out another weapon from his luggage. At this time, he had a steel knife in one hand and a Pipe wrench, looking forward: "So I have double insurance."

"How do you do this?" Kuang Zong Jianying turned his head slightly, watching Feng Bujue's movements from the corner of his eye.

"Cut it open." Feng Bujue replied in a very calm tone.

"It's easy to say, it has so many metal 'tentacles' protruding from the outside, and it's big, it will be very disadvantageous if you get close to it..." Mad Zong Jianying didn't finish his sentence.

Feng Bujue strode forward, swinging two weapons with both hands, chopping violently. The monster did fight back, but surprisingly... it was weak. After all, those old and rusty metals are not sharp weapons, and the speed of their swings is not very fast, and even their strength is mediocre. In short, the attack of this monster is basically like the feeling of an ordinary person with normal physical strength swinging a bicycle towards you. In real life, it can hurt people, but in the game, the physical fitness of the players is different, and Feng Bujue has a guy in his hand, so it's no big deal if he blocks it a little.

After chopping randomly for a while, Feng Bujue peeled off the "skin" on the front of the monster, exposing a large pile of rusty metal that smelled of damp and mildew in front of his eyes. Without hesitation, he raised his knife and slashed. Using [Robots Must Die] to cut the pile of broken copper and iron is like cutting a cake with a plastic knife. The metal body of the monster is cut open with hideous cracks.

Kuang Zong Jianying saw that the giant monster was nothing more than that, and suddenly felt that he was embarrassed by his fearful appearance. Apart from anything else, he stepped forward with a move of "Hui Ying Slash". It gnawed at the giant monster's body like a humanoid pulverizer.

A liquid similar to engine oil seeped out of the giant monster's extremely thick "skin". After being chopped up, it splashed everywhere. For a while, the ground was full of chopped off meat, black oil, and rotten metal fragments. …

The strange thing is that the giant monster that had let out a few low growls before was very quiet under the attacks of Feng Bujue and Mad Zong Jianying. Although it was constantly moving the metal defenses and counterattacks in its body, it no longer There were no roars of any resembling a creature.

In the next three minutes, the two were like mice eating cheese, launching a continuous onslaught on the troll. As for the giant monster, although the counterattack of its metal limbs did not pose a great threat, it never stopped.

The process of killing this monster is more tiring than imagined. If a werewolf or something rushed out of the door, it would be easier. Maybe its attack power is more than five times stronger than this giant monster, but it will never be like this trouble.

Finally, after the two of them consumed about three hundred points of stamina, they finally saw what the core of the troll was. In an instant, the strangeness of this monster rose to a new level... RS

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