Thriller Paradise

Chapter 131: Earth Wasteland Chapter 4


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"I've seen a lot of disgusting things in my life, but this one..." Mad Zing Jianying said, "I don't even want to touch it with my sword."

"Hiss... is this a grub..." Feng Bujue read: "What's the condition of the pattern on its body..."

The thing that appeared in front of their eyes was an insect larva the size of a baby. It looked like the kind of moth that gnawed on the inside of vegetables and fruits. It was long and short, cylindrical, and its body was divided into sections. .

The body of this moth is not the usual milky white or light yellow. Its body surface is covered with patterns of currencies from various countries, various anti-counterfeiting threads, patterns, specially designed numbers, and even some patterns of human faces. printed on its body.

And at the junction of every two parts of this insect's body, there will be densely extended countless things that seem to be silk threads. The threads are soaked in black mucus. It seems that these threads make the giant egg at the core and the rust A certain connection is established between the metal objects.

"Before I saw this guy, it hid in it, screaming and bluffing, and when it was cut open, it fell silent..." Feng Bujue said.

"But it's really not easy to dig out those things outside." Mad Zong Jianying continued.

"I said, it's up to you to give it the final blow." Feng Bujue said while using his weapon to block a piece of metal that was smashed next to him.

"Didn't I just say that I don't want to touch it with my sword?" Kuang Zong Jianying replied, taking advantage of the opportunity to cut off a section of water pipe coming from his side.

"Judging from the fatness of this worm, stabbing it with a knife... must be spraying juice like bursting *pissing cowballs." Feng Bujue said, "I just bought this knife."

"You can just put it back into the bag after chopping and take it out again." Mad Zong Jianying said.

"Then cut it with a sword!" Feng Bujue said: "Aren't you as fast as the wind, kill it quickly, I will stand a little farther away to support you spiritually."

Kuang Zong Jianying sighed: "Well... I didn't want to waste it here, since this is the case..." He took out a grenade from his luggage.

"Hey... didn't you take out this thing earlier? If you said earlier, we opened the door just now and threw it in, wouldn't it be over?"

"I said I don't want to waste here... I only have two consumables such as grenades." Mad Zong Jianying replied.

Feng Bujue didn't pay attention to him any more. After avoiding the impact of a piece of metal, he turned around and retreated to the corner of the corridor.

Seeing that he was ready, Mad Zong Jianying pulled the grenade and threw it at the fat worm at the core. The silk threads extending from the worm body stuck the grenade without accident. .

Under normal circumstances, the speed of Mad Zong Jianying is obviously faster than Feng Bujue, and his movement skills are also more clever. I saw him tap his foot, dodge and move, quickly get rid of the entanglement of the giant monster, and almost came to Feng Bujue. Unconsciously shoulder to shoulder distance.

A few seconds later, there was an explosion sound behind the two, and the core giant worm was blown to pieces, all the rotten metal objects were scattered on the ground, and the outermost layer of skin-like cell tissue began to turn into pus.


"Did you hear that?" Final Storm asked.

"Of course I heard it." Doomsday Strike replied: "It seems to be the sound of an explosion, not like a powerful explosive. The distance... is quite far, and the position is hard to tell."

"Is it Mad Zong Jianying and the others?" Final Qiangxi said, moving his gaze to the floor in front of him: "Or did this group of people do it?"

On the ground lay the corpse of a human, caucasian, male. Wearing an orange protective suit similar to a spacesuit, it is basically connected from the neck to the soles of the feet, but his suit looks more streamlined and comfortable than the spacesuits of the 21st century, and it is not very bulky. He was wearing a light helmet. The front of the helmet was a transparent mask, which looked like glass, but it wasn't. It should be some kind of more advanced material. This helmet is connected to his collar, and it can be roughly judged that the whole suit is airtight, but it is not equipped with equipment such as an oxygen backpack, so this suit probably contains some kind of future technological achievement that can provide breathing.

At this moment, there was a huge tear on the mask of the corpse, and his face was already bloody. Obviously, the two corpse knife gave him a blow just now. It is not known whether the cause of his death was the injury to his face or the air he breathed after the mask was broken...

"This script is more troublesome than it looks. In addition to the players, there are also monsters and this group of people of unknown origin..." Doomsday Strike said: "We, Kuangzhang Jianying, the monsters, and these people are already four Power. The more living things, the easier it is to disturb our sight, so that we don't know where to find the two we really want to kill."

Finally, Qiangxi observed the situation in the menu again: "What we can know so far is that the two opponents are still alive, and their survival value..." He paused: "It should be the same as us, if it is not counted as battle damage. , has lost 32, anyway, we each have fifteen bottles of large-capacity survival value supplements, even if repeated drinking will have diminishing effects, it should last for a long time, don't worry about it for the time being."

Doomsday Strike continued: "Hmph... That's right, since we can't tell whether the explosion sound was from them, we'll proceed according to the original plan, first explore this area of the laboratory before we talk..."


"Crazy brother, come and take a look at this." Kuang Zong Jianying squatted in front of a safe with a flashlight and said loudly.

Feng Bujue was inspecting the cage where the giant monster was held, but he didn't find any big results. Hearing this, he walked over, took a look there with his flashlight, and said, "This is obviously a treasure chest created by the system. "

"I know that." Kuang Zong Jianying said: "This box looks very new, it doesn't look like it has been in place for 455 years, and..." He pointed to the position of the lock: "Look at the mystery given by this system. What do you mean? Tic-tac-toe?"

Feng Bujue moved closer to the box, and the system menu popped up in front of his eyes. The window displayed nine square grids put together, like one side of a Rubik's Cube, but there was no color. The prompt was: [Please fill in the appropriate content]

"Isn't it just the Nine Palaces Map?" Feng Bujue blurted out, "One wears nine shoes, three on the left and seven on the right, two and four shoulders, six and eight feet... Eh? Didn't you play this when you were young?"

"Of course I know after you said it..." Mad Zong Jianying said: "The system should prompt 'fill in a suitable number', so that people can understand it."

"It's opened." Feng Bujue had already unlocked it in the menu, and the safe opened with a click.

However, the treasure chest was actually empty. There were neither skill cards nor items and equipment. It was empty.

At this moment, Feng Bujue suddenly suspected that his character was too bad, so that he opened an empty box... Fortunately, the system voice dispelled his idea.

[Submissions have been triggered]

[Catch it, kill it!]

The content of this mission is short, weird, and inexplicable...

But Feng Bujue realized something immediately.

He pounced on the empty safe one meter away, reached into it with both hands and scratched for a while, then rushed to the metal door of the room frantically, and quickly closed the door.

"What's going on?" Kuang Zong Jianying asked.

"There is something in the box." Feng Bujue replied.

Just now, Kuang Zong Jianying watched Feng Bujue open the safe, it was obviously empty... There is no light in this room, and the flashlights in the hands of the two of them are the only light source. In this atmosphere, Feng Bujue suddenly said nervously: This kind of pointing at a deer as a horse can't help but make Kuang Zong Jianying get goose bumps all over his body.

"It has already run out!" Feng Bujue said again.

Kuang Zong Jianying stood up and looked at Feng Bujue warily. He suspected that this teammate had been polluted by some kind of spirit, or had hallucinations. He tentatively asked, "Crazy brother... what did you see?"

"I didn't see anything." Feng Bujue replied, "That thing is invisible!"

Upon hearing this, Mad Zong Jianying immediately dispelled the thought just now. He suddenly realized that the mission referred to this. "Where is it?" Mad Zong Jianying searched around with a flashlight.

"Are you asking me?" Feng Bujue said.

"The goggles you're wearing don't have any special visual enhancement?" Mad Zong Jianying didn't know the equipment attributes of [Eye of Hatred], he just saw Feng Bujue wearing it when encountering monsters, and made a guess Effect.

"This thing is to see the target of the monster's hatred." Feng Bujue replied: "But first I have to 'see' the monster. If I can't see the monster, it won't work." He said I took off the eye of hatred and put it back in the bag, "By the way, the hatred target of the 'Meat-wrapped Iron Worm' outside the door can't be detected, it seems that it will only attack creatures that approach it indiscriminately. "

Mad Zong Jianying moved cautiously, inspecting the surroundings: "There is no sound at all... Are you sure that thing didn't escape before you closed the door?"

"If it rushes to the door faster than me, it will definitely make a sound. If it wants to keep quiet, it can't be faster than me." Feng Bujue replied.

"How do you know? What if it is fast and quiet?" Mad Zong Jianying asked.

"Nonsense...then there's no need to catch it, it's fast and quiet invisible creature, it can dance around us right now." Feng Bujue said: "Will the system let you catch something that's impossible to catch? "

"Then what should we do now?" Kuang Zong Jianying said: "It's in this room, can it understand our conversation?" His expression became tense: "If it attacks us..."

Feng Bujue interrupted: "An invisible creature locked in a safe, whose height and weight are at most middle school students, as long as he dares to touch us..."

Suddenly, there was a muffled sound from behind Feng Bujue, and the next second, he immediately felt something jump on his shoulder, and then, two bony claws grabbed his throat, no doubt , at this moment the monster tried to strangle him.

Feng Bujue was a man who had lost his fear. This sudden attack not only didn't frighten him, but made every nerve of him tense. Before the brain has time to respond to this situation, the body has already acted instinctively. Feng Bujue raised his two arms and grabbed the invisible monster on his shoulders. His fingers were deeply embedded in the monster's bare shoulders. Under the pain of the monster, the claws stuck on Feng Bujue's throat had to be loosened.

The free breathing boosted Feng Bujue's stamina, and an extremely tense but weird-looking fight began...

From Kuang Zong Jianying's point of view, Feng Bujue said half of what he said, and suddenly started playing performance art. There was a performance similar to a zombie dance, and the flashlight in his hand flew out, and then he took a very happy gesture He fell to the ground, writhing inexplicably.

The situation at this time was very complicated, Feng Bujue had no energy left to speak, he was always on guard against a pair of strong and agile claws attacking his throat, almost every second, he was in a state of wrestling with the opponent. The invisible monster's body was a little slippery, but it wasn't that wet and disgusting feeling, just because it was naked. Its body shape was as predicted by Feng Bujue, like a miniature human being, and its strength was very abnormal, almost on par with Feng Bujue.

"Crazy brother... you are..." Kuang Zong Jianying walked over with a flashlight, shining it on Feng Bujue who was rolling on the ground.

"I... grab it..." Feng Bujue's face was flushed, and he squeezed out a sentence between his teeth: "It... it's..."

What seemed inexplicable to Kuang Zong Jianying for a minute, to Feng Bujue, it was a silent and exhausting fight to the death. Fortunately, he still prevailed in the end.

Feng Bujue put his knees against the monster's chest, and grabbed its throat with his hands. The length of his arms and the advantages of his size allowed him to temporarily suppress the monster. He could clearly feel that in the darkness, something was panting like himself, and its heart was also beating violently, which meant that the monster was as exhausted as himself.

"This is..." Mad Zong Jianying tried to touch it with his hand, and touched the monster, "It's really invisible..."

"Don't be naughty, do it quickly." Feng Bujue said, he knew best, the monster started to struggle violently again after a pause for a few seconds, its claws were grabbing Feng Bujue's arm, if it wasn't for the throat and The double suffocation on the chest weakened its strength, and I'm afraid it can't be restrained with Feng Bujue's strength.

"Don't reach out, this monster has fangs in its mouth, cut off its head with a sword." Feng Bujue reminded again.

"Uh... where is its head."

"My right hand is pinching its neck, and above it is the head."

"Understood." Kuangzong Jianying responded, pointed at the position, raised the sword and dropped it.

With a bang, something was split open, and Feng Bujue felt the two claws holding onto his arm suddenly tighten and then loosen, and he understood that the monster had confessed. RS

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