Thriller Paradise

Chapter 132: Earth Wasteland Chapter 5


When the system prompt sounded, Feng Bujue heaved a sigh of relief and sat down on the ground.

"Strange... This thing is still invisible after death?" Mad Zong Jianying knelt down and tried to touch the dead body of the monster.

"This shows..." Feng Bujue said, took out the steel knife, fumbled to cut off a piece of skin from the monster, and put it on his palm: "Its invisible mechanism is not active, but a A passive characteristic." He threw off the piece of leather again and said, "Its invisibility is not like a chameleon, it creates an effect similar to optical camouflage on its body and blends into the environment... It is completely transparent." He picked it up with one hand He picked up his own flashlight to light it, and cut the corpse on the floor a few times with the other hand, and there was a creaking sound of broken flesh and blood in the empty place, "Not only the skin and muscles, but also its internal organs and bones , bodily fluids, etc... all are transparent, hum... "

"Hmm... Crazy brother." Kuang Zong Jianying said: "I already understand, can you stop playing with monster corpses?"

"I'm not playing, I just want to see if its skin or meat can be used as a camouflage prop." Feng Bujue curled his lips and said, "It didn't work..."

"If it works, are you really going to peel off its skin and put it on as a cloak..."

"It can be considered." Feng Bujue replied.

"Hmm..." Mad Zong Jianying pondered and said, "My grenade just now was really wasted... I think as long as the income is high enough, even if you pounce on it and kill that fat bug, you will die."

"That's o... If you can reward five million game coins for killing that bug with your mouth, let me eat it, let alone bite it."

"All right... don't describe it anymore..." Kuang Zong Jianying felt disgusted after thinking about it.

"Let's get down to business." Feng Bujue stood up: "Now that the side quests are finished, no matter whether this round of killing game is won or lost in the end, at least there will be an extra reward for the side quests at the end of the settlement." He went to the door again At the side, put away the flashlight, and opened the heavy metal door with both hands, the light in the corridor illuminated a small area at the door: "Then continue along the other fork road opposite, in this script Stopping and resting is no different from exhaustion, I suggest to keep active." He said and went out.

Kuangzong Jianying responded, and then followed Feng Bujue and walked out. The two walked a distance of five or six meters by stepping on the pus and rotten metal left by the giant monster's death, and then walked a dozen more steps, crossed the T-shaped corridor fork, and walked to the other side of the fork.

The lighting situation in the corridor was still the same, a dark path followed by a bright area, extending into the distance.

The cold iron walls around and the poor air quality created a feeling of oppression and discomfort. If I want to compare it... Every second in this underground laboratory, my lungs are like breathing gaseous rust. This uncomfortable feeling is like a shadow, unable to get rid of, and regularly consumes the survival value of the players... When the survival value of Feng Bujue and Mad Zong Jianying dropped to 50%, Feng Bujue took out two bottles from the luggage. A survival value supplement with a capacity of 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 thing that pass a bottle to teammate, drink another bottle directly.

"Crazy brother... you only have four bottles of this kind of supplement." Kuang Zong Jianying didn't go to pick up the medicine, but said: "At this time, don't be so generous, keep it for yourself, I have some in my luggage. It has a large capacity."

Feng Bujue didn't put down the supplement, but replied: "I suggest that you don't just bring a large bottle of blood in the future. A survival supplement with a capacity of 1000 is a waste to drink at any time. Its recovery effect is 1oo %, the theoretical minimum value when drinking is 1%, but generally speaking, players will drink it when the survival value drops to about 10%, because with that kind of residual blood, it is easy to be hit by a thousand, resulting in loss A chance to replenish blood.

In short, under normal circumstances, a bottle of large-capacity supplements that can recover 100% can provide 80% to 90% of the recovery volume, and the rest is the overflow data. But there is an easy way to solve this problem. "

Although Kuang Zong Jianying hadn't finished listening to Feng Bujue's whole set of theories, he had already taken the supplement in the bottle and drank it at this time, because he felt strongly... that he would be convinced soon .

"If you take into account the diminishing characteristics of survival value supplements..." Feng Bujue turned his head and continued on, and continued: "As long as you have a small or medium volume of supplements in your luggage... My personal suggestion It is five bottles, because every five bottles of supplements occupy one item space. When the blood volume is lost, drink the supplements with a smaller capacity first to fill up the survival value, then at a later time when you need to drink a large bottle of supplements, The wasted profit and loss is gone, because the big supplements at that time couldn't recover 100%..." He paused, and then said: "In terms of this script, leaving aside the damage caused by the battle, our method is more economical, The blood recovery cost is lower, and the recovery volume will not be wasted."

Kuang Zong Jianying walked almost side by side with him. After listening to it, he was silent for a few seconds. He felt that although the words were very reasonable, there seemed to be something wrong... "Crazy brother... Can I understand it this way? A bottle of medium blood, and then in this script, as long as there is a need, the two of us will start to drink the big blood I brought, until we run out... "

"Yes, but I have limited luggage, so I'll keep the large bottle of supplements with you first. Anyway, as long as you see that your survival value is almost recovering, you can consciously give me a bottle too." Feng Bujue said this His facial expressions and tone of voice are so righteous.

"Let me take care of the situation..." Mad Zong Jianying said: "You first force me to give me a bottle of 6,000 game coins of medium blood, and then I have to supply the two of us with unlimited blood of 12,000."

"Yes." Feng Bujue replied, "Isn't that what you said just now? Is it necessary to say it twice?"

"You kid really don't treat yourself as an outsider..." Kuang Zong Jianying said.

"According to my observation, this level of team resource sharing will not go beyond your psychological expectations and financial affordability." Feng Bujue said: "Besides, if we can find a way in the next hour To prevent the loss of survival value, in terms of the ratio of survival value at that time, you may not be able to use your big blood bottle. In that case, you have earned my bottle of blood for nothing." He stretched out a finger He said, "What's more, you have gained a set of theories on how to make blood bottles more profitable, which can save you an unpredictable amount of survival value recovery in the future. If you convert these into money..." He turned his head : "Why do you make such an expression?"

"Because I think you guys are gradually escalating from fooling you to blackmailing..."

"I'm just discussing with you. It's normal for two adults to chat about intellectual property rights."

"Brother, I was wrong... Take as much blood bottle as you want..."

The two were walking and chatting like this, when suddenly, a bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang , looks like a two-legged creature.

"Maybe it's the person... the footsteps are heavy, messy, a little staggered, and he runs close to the wall on one side..." Feng Bujue read: "Is this person running away..."

Kuang Zong Jianying also listened intently, and he continued: "Why is there no footsteps from the thing chasing him?"

"And the escaped man wasn't panting or calling for help, that's not right..." Feng unconsciously pulled out the steel knife.

Soon, Ruying who ran out from the corner answered all their questions.

The man was wearing an orange protective suit and a helmet, and the collar of the suit was connected to the helmet. At this moment, his head was tightly bound by an octopus-like creature, only the lower edge of the mask was still exposed, and the tentacles of the "octopus" had already passed through the helmet and pierced into the brain of this person.

The octopus monster has replaced this person's brain, controlling his actions, and this monster doesn't seem to be very good at using the human body. When running, the person's hands just hang down weakly, swinging with the shaking of the body, This affects his balance, so he always staggers when he runs.

Kuang Zong Jianying looked at the guy who was running towards them and said: "You said... take off that thing on his head, will this guy still be alive?"

Feng Bujue shook his head, took a few steps forward, and with a posture like playing baseball, swung the steel knife with both hands vigorously, and chopped off the guy's head head-on.

"I kind of miss the shotgun." Feng Bujue walked towards the head that fell on the ground, "In this kind of script derived from European and American sci-fi horror movies, monsters are really disgusting and disgusting..."

The octopus monster was still alive, and it fell off the neck of its own. When its tentacles were pulled away from the helmet, it could be clearly seen that the head inside the helmet was bloody and bloody, and there were at least some blood on the skull. There were seven or eight large holes, and a lot of brains flowed out from the tentacles of the octopus monster, and dripped to the ground together with the blood.

Feng Bujue was really glad that he bought a knife before entering this script, which saved him from using blunt objects to kill this mollusk. Even zombies have skulls, so smashing the skull with pipe wrench is just a few things, but to kill this chewy creature in front of you, the distance is probably about the same as rolling dough... The octopus monster is not too intense It was easily chopped into several pieces by the steel knife, and the subtle color of unknown liquid in its body flowed all over the place, and then it stopped moving.

"The way this thing attacks and enters should be similar to the 'face hugger' in "Alien"..." Feng Bujue shook off the dross on the steel knife, then came to the head, and said while observing: "But the parasitic There seems to be a difference in the way, the facehugger will not drill so many big holes in the head of the person and stick its tentacles in."

When Feng Bujue was chopping the octopus, Mad Zong Jianying had already come to the corpse of the deceased and began to search for it. He found a weapon in his pocket and took it to his eyes. Can bring up the item menu.

"Crazy brother, let's see if you can use this weapon?" Kuang Zong Jianying handed the item to Feng Bujue.

This one looks like an iron, but it’s not that thick overall. There are two buttons where you hold it. Obviously, one is “lift up” and the other is “ejection”. Feng Bujue looked at the item's properties, then casually aimed in another direction, and "sucked" the dead head that fell a few meters away. The helmet with its head was floating a few inches in front of this piece of equipment, and at the same time, the projectile also made a continuous buzzing sound.

Feng Bujue raised his arms horizontally again, and pressed the eject button in the direction they came from, only to see that head flew out at a speed of about seventy yards, and disappeared at the other end of the corridor like a shell.

"High-tech o, this is it." Feng Bujue praised: "It's a pity that this guy couldn't use this to save his life."

Kuang Zong Jianying stared blankly at the passing head, "You're playing with corpses again..."

"I said Old Kuang..." Feng Bujue was about to say something with his shoulders on Kuang Zong Jianying, when the latter interrupted: "You can call me Young Master Jian..."

"Baby young man, right... okay..." Feng Bujue continued.

"You should know I'm talking about the sword of the sword, right?"

"I know~Of course I know~" Feng Bujue said: "I said Jian Shao, what about this equipment..."

"Use it if you want, my shooting and weapon expertise are still low." Kuang Zong Jianying also guessed that Feng Bujue was going to mention this matter, he just did it because he didn't have enough equipment Then just leave it to Feng Bujue.

"Then I won't be polite." Feng Bujue put away the equipment, looked at the corpse on the ground and said, "This script is really not simple... There are still humans in this laboratory."

Mad Zong Jianying replied: "Didn't the synopsis say that the scientific research team who came to 'archaeology' had already left with Jason's body... Could it be that besides them, there are other human-human teams that have entered here?"

"At present, there is only this kind of explanation." Feng Bujue replied, and began to pick off the dead body's clothes.

"Hey... do you want money... this is a man." Kuang Zong Jianying raised his voice: "Why are you addicted to playing with corpses?"

Feng Bujue took off the protective clothing of the headless corpse. Inside the protective clothing, the corpse was wearing a white undershirt and a pair of shorts. Feng Bujue raised one arm of the dead body, pointed to the tattoo on the outside of the left arm and said, "Look at this."

Kuang Zong Jianying took a closer look, there was a boat-shaped pattern tattooed there, and the word sbsp;, he thought about it for a while, then raised his head and asked: "Hey... this person is not a member of a future tomb robber organization, right?" ?”

"The tattoo is a badge of some kind of organization, which is a relatively reliable guess." Feng Bujue was already examining the palm of the deceased, "Of course... Maybe this tattoo has no meaning, it's just that this guy thinks that such a pattern It's cool to have a bum-like appellation drawn on the arm."

"Will there be such an entry?" Kuang Zong Jianying continued.

"That's hard to say." Feng Bujue pressed the dead body's palm so close to his face that the tip of his nose almost touched: "When I was in elementary school, I saw some small The fart boy named the guild 'Nazi' or something, I can't remember the exact full name, they still seem to think they're pretty cool, and everyone walks around the game with a swastika on their head." He finished watching The palm of the corpse, and began to check the back of the hand and the nails again: "So... put a stupid seed in the soil of ignorance, apply it with good fertilizer, and then irrigate it with the venom of exam-oriented education, and in the end, it will probably succeed. Breed some self-defeating scum."

"I'm going... Crazy brother, have you studied the language blocking system of this game? Ah... you can say this passage, and there is only one silenced word that doesn't affect the meaning..."

"This guy rubbed off his own fingerprints." Feng Bujue didn't pick up on Kuang Zong Jianying's words, but turned to the main topic: "Maybe it was glue, or another rough method... In short, he No fingerprints." He paused: "These hands don't look like the hands of a heavy manual laborer, and his figure is not muscular..."

"With a device like an anti-gravity projectile, it is natural that many things can be done without any physical strength." Mad Zong Jianying said.

"From the elbows of his left and right hands, it doesn't look like someone who often uses computers." Feng Bujue continued: "However, it cannot be ruled out that in the future, people will completely abandon peripherals such as the mouse."

"I said detective, are you planning to strip this corpse here, and then analyze him through every detail from head to toe?" Mad Zing Jianying asked.

Feng Bujue smiled: "I don't have that much time, and if I really want to do that, I won't throw his head away." He replied: "I just want to see if his limbs are intact. Mutation, and..." Feng Bujue said, lifted up the corpse's undershirt, and looked at the body again: "Does the body grow strange organs, or have a skin that is different from what we are familiar with? .”

"What do you mean?" Kuang Zong Jianying said, "The setting of this script comes from the tenth part of "Black Friday", right? It doesn't come from X War Jing or something like that?"

"I just have a hypothesis..." Feng Bujue replied: "What if this group of people is different from the humans on those spaceships? What if they don't come from the universe? Maybe in this 1

On the earth, there are still human cities, but those who 'immigrated' out don't know about them. The descendants of the few survivors hid there, and civilization continued... ”