Thriller Paradise

Chapter 133: Earth Wasteland Part 6


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An hour later, Doomsday Strike and Final Strike came to a fork in the road where Feng Bujue and Kuang Zong Jianying met the troll.

"What are those?" Doomsday Strike looked at the pile of rotting metal garbage on the ground and said, "Is it some kind of trap?"

"I think it's the corpse of some kind of monster." Finally, he said forcefully, "Do you still remember the explosion?"

" that's it, it was blown up, right?" Doomsday Strikes Out: "That is to say... someone killed one here more than an hour ago..." He shrugged, unable to imagine the pool of pus for a while. The way it looks when interacting with metal, "It's a pretty big monster anyway."

"We've already killed three or four guys in orange clothes, and they don't have any explosive weapons on them." Finally, he said: "It's just an anti-gravity catapult, so it's basically certain that the explosion is the crazy sword shadow." They made it."

Doomsday Strike continued: "That means we are on the right path."

Finally Qiang Attack nodded: "Although this underground laboratory is large, it is not a maze, and the few fork roads do not extend far. We have already explored the end of the other side, and we will follow this unpassed corridor Go forward and you will find them."

The doomsday strike said: "However... there is no exit in the area we searched just now, which indicates that there may be a way out at the end of the direction they are walking."

In the end, he said: "So what? The synopsis has already said that this 'Old Earth' is full of violent storms, poisonous swamps, and even the oceans are polluted. It is obvious that the situation outside will only be worse than here." bad."

While the two were talking, they walked to a metal door at the end of the corridor. The door was open, and the room inside was very dark and exuded a strange smell.

"Be careful of ambushes or traps..." After arriving at the door, Doomsday Strike lowered his voice and said to his teammates in front of him.

In the end, Qiangxi didn't answer aloud, but just made a simple gesture, signaling his teammates to come in with him, and each was responsible for checking a direction. It seemed that they had already established a fixed coordination routine for entering the dark space.

In the end, Striker was the first to rush to the door, and turned on the strong flashlight in his hand the moment he entered, the light lit up from directly in front of him, sweeping counterclockwise; Doomsday Striker followed closely, but his flashlight was Probe clockwise.

It turned out that there was nothing of value in the room, only a cage with a broken door and an empty safe.

"It seems that they killed the monster at the door, came in and opened a box, and then left." Doomsday Strike said.

"Well, it should be..." Finally, Qiang Xi responded to his words while pacing, but he didn't expect that the words were interrupted suddenly, and then he heard a muffled sound.

"What's wrong?" Doomsday Assault turned around.

In the end, Qiang Xi fell into the mud, he calmly propped himself up in a push-up position, stood up again, and wiped off two lines of nosebleeds...

"I tripped over something..."

The conversation between the two became more and more weird. Even when something unexpected happened, their expression and tone remained the same, cold and stiff, and their speaking speed was unhurried.

In the end, Qiangxi touched the seemingly empty place at his feet and said, "Here is an invisible... um... corpse of a creature." The reason why he immediately realized that it was a corpse was not only because he could see it at close range. He clearly smelled a pungent smell, and it was because he touched the monster's internal organs that were exposed by Feng Bujue's incision. At this moment, his hands were already covered with disgusting but invisible mucus.

Doomsday Strike also came over, wanting to confirm it with his hands.

"Wait a..." Finally, before the second word "wait" could be uttered, his teammate had already pressed his palm into the corpse's chest cavity.

"Uh... this..." Doomsday Strike felt extremely regretful in his heart, but it was too late.

"Since you are all stained, it will be easier for me to explain." Finally, he said forcefully: "Have you noticed that this corpse has suffered too many fatal injuries..."

"Hmm... something chopped off his forehead, and his torso..." Doomsday Strike slightly frowned and said, "Are those two guys dissecting or whipping corpses..."

"It may be that during the battle, the two attacked different parts." Finally Qiang said: "I can only think so."

After visiting the masterpieces of Feng Bujue and Kuang Zong Jianying, the two quickened their pace and continued on their way. They also understand that even if there are monsters on this road, they have already been dealt with by the two opponents, so they can safely shorten the distance between them.

After running like this for a while, suddenly, on the floor of a dimly lit corridor ahead, they saw something again.

This time it was Doomsday Strike who came forward to check first. He shone a flashlight on the thing and read: "Is this a human head..."

Finally, Qiang Xi walked up to him and looked around: "But where is the body?"

"Eat by monsters?" Doomsday Strike responded.

"Look at the incision on the lower edge of the helmet... very flat." When Qiang Attack said this, cold sweat ran down his pale cheeks: "It was obviously cut off by a sharp weapon."

Doomsday Strike turned his face and looked at his teammates: "Aren't you implying me that it was Mad Zong Jianying and the others who ate the corpse..."

"How is it possible..." Qiang Xi squatted down and carefully observed the head in the helmet, and said, "Whether the corpse is destroyed on the spot or dragged away, there will be a lot of blood, but there is almost no blood here. And... Look at this head, the inside has dried up, except for some blood on the face, there is almost no brain left."

Doomsday Strikes: "What is the conclusion?"

"We didn't see any corpses or bloodstains along the way." In the end, Qiangqiang replied: "It means that the place where they killed was somewhere in front, but they turned back later and put the head of this nearly dry body here. .”

"Hmph... do you want to scare us away?" Doomsday Assault snorted coldly.

"Probably so." Finally said forcefully: "Look at the holes in the helmet, they don't seem to be caused by weapons, so... this person was probably killed by a monster before his head was beheaded, and his skull was sucked dry." The brains and blood inside." He stood up: "They chopped off the head of a corpse, and then took it and threw it here, trying to create psychological pressure for us? Hehe... It seems that the crazy sword shadow is nothing more than that. A little clever."

"This is a guilty conscience." After hearing this, Doomsday Strike immediately became more confident: "What kind of sword smile, low-level is still cowardly, isn't it? Ha..."

"Hurry up and chase." Finally, Striker stepped over the dead man's head and said: "Since the other party wants to delay us, the best countermeasure is not to let them do so." RS

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