Thriller Paradise

Chapter 134: Earth Wasteland Part 7


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"I think we should re-examine each other's strategy..."

"Um... what the hell did they do..."

When Doomsday Strike and Final Strike saw the disheveled and headless corpses on the ground, as well as the fragmented tentacles scattered not far away, the two of them instantly became confused.

Doomsday stormed and said: "If the head just now wanted to create psychological pressure, what is it?"

In the end, Qiangxi continued: "Do you think it will be like this..." His stiff expression showed an intriguing change: "After they beheaded this person, they temporarily split up. Kuangzong Jianying turned back with the head, and That guy called..." He glanced at the game menu: "That guy called Crazy, here alone, did something to this corpse..."

"Is that guy a pervert..." Doomsday Strike said: "Speaking of which, Thriller Paradise has very thorough restrictions on this kind of obscene behavior. What can he do?"

"How do I know..." In the end Qiang Qiang replied: "I just guessed randomly, maybe we misunderstood... Maybe they just searched the corpse very carefully."

"I hope so..." Doomsday Strike swallowed.

The two of the Corpse Knife felt an inexplicable psychological pressure at this moment, which had a far greater impact on them than seeing a tragically dead head.

This has to start with the "that medicine" they use...

As Kuang Zong Jianying said, members of the Corpse Knife Studio will cheat. It cannot be said that they are cancers of the industry, but they have their own way of doing things.

Let’s take filming as an example. For example, there is a little-known screenwriter who spent several years or even ten years writing scripts everywhere to get sponsors. Double the box office investment.

And another screenwriter with a little connection spent a few months to come up with the whole messy script, and found a few topical stars as the leading actors. Movie theaters can also make this little money.

The economic benefits obtained by these two kinds of people are the same in the end, the difference is that the former may get some word-of-mouth, that is, intangible assets, while the latter is drowned out by scolding.

But as a result, people are forgetful after all. When the former re-financed the script and disappeared in the next few years, the latter continued to produce similar bad movies at the frequency of one per year, with the same method and the same income. …

This example can be applied in countless industries. In this world, to achieve the goal, there may not be only one way to go. As long as you abandon the shackles of morality or some other principles, there are countless ways to choose.

Corpse Knife Studio has made a contribution that cannot be ignored in the exploration of the gray field of online games. When it comes to exploiting loopholes and finding UGs, they are even ahead of studios like Gods. Of course, even if this is the strongest point of Zombie Knife, it is still inferior to "Order". Into the ranks of the "top".

But the current situation is enough for them to benefit from. To put it bluntly, everyone's fundamental purpose is to make money and profit. If the reputation is something, it stinks. This world is very realistic. As long as the money is in place, people will naturally come to curry favor and clean up the ground.

The professional players and staff of Corpse Knife didn't even sign the contract directly with the studio. There are many benefits to signing a contract with a third party, even if you are sued, it doesn't matter. When the time comes, the bag company will be disbanded and a new one will be registered, just to change the brand.

Exploiting this kind of loophole in reality is obviously even more unscrupulous in the game. The Corpse Knife Studio even has a team that specializes in developing cheats. In many games they have been stationed in, players are still using the paid hooks provided by the Corpse Knife.

Even titled players don't care about games that are similar to "consumables". The game is originally charged under the banner of permanent free, and the operator is only thinking about how much they can earn before closing the service, so the account registration is very open, there is no need to bind with the citizen ID, and the same person can register N accounts. It doesn't matter if you get a title, if you register another account, it's still open. The mentality of the players is also understandable. If you want to have fun and win, you have to fight for money with other players. Giving the money to the game company is like throwing it into a bottomless pit. It's better to just hang it up, it's just as fun, it's just as winning, and it's cheaper than those time-limited equipment and props after all. If you stop playing someday, just stop paying for it.

However, in the era of the fourth-generation optical computer, it is already very difficult to hack without being discovered technically. Even if some illegal hardware that cannot be detected is inserted into the game cabin to assist, it is still difficult to do. As long as the operator and the game itself are not too rubbish, cheating will be discovered sooner or later.

Therefore, the corpse knife naturally has other means. They will also develop some illegal auxiliary "plug-ins". The functions of this type of software are similar to plug-ins, but they can only be said to be marginal. The effect is negligible, but in less high-level contests, using such tools can give you a considerable advantage.

In addition, Zombie Knife does not shy away from the increasingly bad image of the studio, and often engages in vicious competition, with the goal of nothing more than peers. Of course, they dare not touch the mountains of order and the gods. They still have self-knowledge, and they can't afford to provoke too powerful opponents. But for studios similar to mine, it was merciless, spreading slanderous news everywhere, attacking the other party's servers, etc., the effect was more or less effective, and it did bring down some other studios.

In short, these guys are professionals, and they have achieved a level by finding sideways, and walked out of a broad road.

There is a saying that goes well, if you run out, you will have to pay back sooner or later. After all, the corpse knife got a bad nose in a certain game, no... a bloody nose. That game is Thrillerland.

The system of this game is simply impeccable, cheating at the data level is impossible.

So, they secretly organized a network attack, wanting to see the server of "Dream Company" in secret, and try elasticity.

As a result... something happened. Not only did Zombie Knife fail to break through Dream Company's firewall, but it was also counter-attacked. An unknown virus actually bypassed countless fake I and puppet machines, directly infecting and destroying Zombie Knife's own system.

On that day, on all the computer screens in the entire company building, a round cartoon face appeared. It was a wretched image wearing glasses, and kept making "hehehe..." smiles. All the data in their computer hard drives were deleted. Destroyed, the loss is unimaginably large, it can no longer be described as a broken muscle, it is simply a broken limb.

And the most frightening thing that day was that the laptop on the desk of the chairman of the corpse knife studio exploded... He had only seen it in movies before. The battery overheats and explodes. I didn't expect to experience it myself in my lifetime.

Due to the particularity of this matter, the Corpse Knife Studio can only eat Coptis chinensis dumbly, swallowing all bitterness. For Dream Company, they no longer dare to think about cyber attacks...

Later, the hardware research and development department of the corpse knife also suffered a blow. They tried various types of illegal external hardware, but none of them worked on the game pods released by Dream Company. The technical reasons were difficult to find out, and even if the game pods were disassembled, no problems could be found.

This situation is unprecedented. These days, with so many technicians, it is even impossible to cheat in the game. Is there any reason? Is this dream company the Ministry of Defense or what

Therefore, the members of the Corpse Knife Studio were united and united. After many meetings and research, they finally thought of a way... to make a fuss about the players.

"U63" is the code name of a drug, and it is unknown what the models from U01 to U62 are. Anyway, U63 has now become the only way for Zombie Knife Studio to conquer the thriller paradise.

Regarding the inextricable cooperative relationship between the Corpse Knife Studio and an unscrupulous pharmaceutical factory, I will not list it here for the time being.

In short, after drinking this potion, the player will fall into a state called "awake anesthesia" mentally. These seem to be two contradictory words, but the general meaning is easy to understand. A kind of "forced calm".

All the experimental data show that the peak shock value of players who take U63 never exceeds 50 in the script. battles), able to react more quickly.

To put it more bluntly, this is an alternative "stimulant" for players.

The game cabin only monitors the player's heartbeat, pulse, blood pressure and other data, and it is impossible to provide the function of drug testing. Therefore, this drug can be used unscrupulously.

At present, the U63 of the Corpse Knife is only used by its internal players. They have no plans to sell it to the outside world, but the sales plan has been scheduled. I believe that in the next two months, this thing will appear in various On the third-party trading website, of course, that's another story...

Back to the story... So, the self-confidence of the corpse knife is not groundless. With the help of drugs, although they still fear, the degree of least physiologically will be different. relieved.

With this kind of psychological advantage under external factors, coupled with the actual advantage in the game level, it is normal for them to think that they must win.

"Wait...Look at what that is..." Said Final Strong Attack, squatting down again. At this moment, he watched intently, and found that there seemed to be some traces under the half-lifted undershirt of the corpse.

Doomsday Assailant heard the words and squatted down to take a closer look.

In the end, the assault lifted the undershirt of the dead body and got a clear view of the situation there. Not far above the stomach of the corpse, a line of words was engraved, the words were carved deeply, cutting into the flesh.

"hySoSerious?" Doomsday Strike read this line, looked up at his teammates and asked, "What is this?"

"This is..." The final strike also looked puzzled. Suddenly, he found a strand of metal wire protruding from under the skin at the "question mark" at the end of this line of engraving. He stretched out his hand and clamped the metal wire with two fingers. The end of the thread, want to pull it out to see...



At the same time, in another part of the laboratory, after hearing the explosion, Feng Bujue glanced at the game menu, and then said listlessly: "Cut... Only one will be killed..." RS

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