Thriller Paradise

Chapter 135: Earth Wasteland Chapter 8


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An hour ago…

Mad Zong Jianying was standing five meters away from the headless corpse, watching out for Feng Bujue.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Kuang Zong Jianying looked at Feng Bujue who was busy squatting next to the corpse, his eyes seemed to say: You are really perverted.

"Aren't I already doing this? Why? Can't bear the grenade?" Feng Bujue replied.

"Ah... To be honest, I am more concerned about your mental state than whether the grenade will be wasted..." Mad Zong Jianying squinted at him and said.

"Does this have anything to do with the state of mind?" Feng Bujue replied, "I'm just using dead bodies to lay a trap in a virtual game. Anyone with a normal mind, as long as he can figure out this strategy, They will do so without hesitation.”

" can say whatever you want..." Kuang Zong Jianying didn't want to argue with him, at this moment he sort of understood why this guy's ID was called "Crazy Bujue".

Feng Bujue tied a metal wire through the grenade's pull ring, held the grenade in his hand, rolled up his sleeves, and directly and roughly inserted it all the way through the esophagus of the dead body, stuffing the grenade into the stomach. On the front of the corpse, only a small wound is needed to allow the wire to pass through the stomach and emerge from under the skin.

The next step is to engrave the words, and use a "question mark" to modify the position where the metal wire protrudes, waiting for the other party to take the bait.

"Why do you have to cover half of the words you left?" Kuang Zong Jianying asked Feng Bujue's arrangement.

"If it is not covered at all, they will be able to see what I wrote clearly from a distance." Feng Bujue said: "And if it is completely covered, they may not be able to find this line of writing." After he is done, Wiped his hands with the clothes of the deceased, stood up and said: "If they are half-covered, they will squat down, lift the clothes, and see what it is. At that time... as long as their eyesight is normal, they will be aware of the ray The end of the wire."

"How can you be sure that they will touch this thread?" Mad Zong Jianying asked.

"Who said I'm sure they will move the line?" Feng Bujue replied.

"Huh?" Mad Zong Jianying didn't seem to understand what he meant.

Feng Bujue asked again: "Does this look like a trap?"

"Well... not like."

"Why not?"

Mad Zong Jianying tried to keep up with his train of thought: "The trap should be placed in a sudden place on the way the opponent must pass through, such as behind a certain door."

Feng Bujue nodded: "That's enough."

"Okay?" Mad Zong Jianying still didn't understand.

"Let me give you another example." Feng Bujue said, "Remember the safe we received the side mission before?"

"of course I remember."

"If we open the box and there's an explosion, have we been tricked?"

"The system will not be set that way." Kuang Zong Jianying replied: "It is impossible for the player to hide in that way. If the box is really going to explode, there must be some clues before opening it."

"Oh." Feng Bujue said, "Then am I the system?"

"Ok… "

"Am I like a person who will remind the other party in good faith?"

"this… "

"In addition, there is another reason why you think that the death flag is not in that box without thinking." Feng Bujue said again.

"Because... that room is an optional task, we can leave the door directly by another way. Even if we kill the monster later, we can choose not to open the box in the room." Mad Zing Sword Shadow continued muttering.

Feng Bujue pointed at the corpse: "This corpse is lying on the ground, they can ignore it, don't read the remaining half line of writing, even if they read it, they can choose not to touch the strand of metal wire."

Mad Zong Jianying scratched his head, half understanding: "Is this some kind of... psychological hint?"

Feng Bujue had already taken a step forward, motioning for the other party to follow, and he said as he walked: "If you want a person to do something that seems to be healthy but is actually not good for him, first of all, let him feel that this thing is terrible. Whether to do it or not, he was not forced to do it. Then, this thing looks 'normal' on the surface, the so-called normal... that is, it can't be too difficult, it can't be done if it's too difficult, and it can't be too easy, too easy The other party will become suspicious.

For example, when you kill someone, it is 'normal' for the victim to resist, but excessive resistance will make you back off, while waiting for slaughter completely calmly will make you suspicious.

Another example is that you are going to plant a bomb in a certain facility, too strict security will force you to give up, and too lax defense will make you feel unbelievable... "

Feng Bujue licked his lips and coughed twice: "So, I hid the grenade in the corpse, the trigger wire is in a place where they can touch it or not, and my message is not engraved on the surface, nor is it engraved on the corpse. so that they can't find it." He breathed out: "Finally... just prepare an unexpected surprise for them."

"Then what if they didn't find the metal wire, or even left without looking at the corpse at all?" Mad Zong Jianying asked.

"They are professional players, right?" Feng Bujue said.

"Ok… "

"If it was you, would you just leave without caring about anything?"

Before Kuangzong Jianying could answer, Feng Bujue said again: "Of course, the worst case is nothing more than losing a grenade."

"Anyway, you have nothing to lose, right..."

"Yes." Feng Bujue replied shamelessly.

They talked for a while, and walked for about ten minutes. After turning a certain corner... Suddenly, a piece of metal the size of a basketball roared from the front, and flew past Feng Bujue's left cheek.

Feng Bujue's first reaction was to bend down and take out his pistol to prepare to fight back. He looked forward and found a figure standing in a dim area far away from the corridor. Obviously, that person launched the surprise attack.

Mad Zong Jianying also noticed the assailant, his movements were extremely fast, he couldn't help but rush forward, the long sword was already in his hand.

No matter who launched the attack, or what it was, for Mad Zong Jianying, as long as he got close to the launch distance of [Rainbow Shadow Slash], he would have absolute confidence that he would not be defeated.

Seeing what Kuang Zong Jianying did, the figure seemed to be stunned for a moment, froze there for two seconds, then turned and started to run away.

At this moment, Feng Bujue had already started to run forward, noticing the opponent's reaction, he rushed to the front of the mad trace sword shadow and shouted: "Keep alive!"

Mad Zong Jianying didn't have time to answer, but he heard the words.

Feng Bujue ran with all his strength, and it was also very fast. It can be seen from the script where the two of them were singled out that when Feng Bujue ran with all his strength, it was roughly equivalent to the speed of Kuang Zong Jianying's seven or eight parts of force, and the [Spiritual Consciousness After Gathering Body Technique, even with all his strength, Kuang Zong Jianying couldn't catch up with Feng Bujue.

At this time, the two were chasing at almost the same speed, and soon approached the escaper. That person was also wearing an orange protective suit, his running speed was not at the same level as the two players, and he was holding an [Anti-Gravity Catapult] in his hand. Seeing this, Feng Bujue was basically sure that the person who tried to sneak attack them was an NC, so he shouted again: "Catch him alive."

Not long after, Mad Zong Jianying finally came to the distance where Huiying Slash could be activated, and he appeared directly in front of the opponent with a teleport. The man turned pale with shock when he saw this, but he couldn't stop his steps anymore. The sword shadow of madness swept across his collarbone with an elbow, and this guy immediately fell on his back.

Although the man was thrown blindfolded and lay moaning on the ground, Mad Zong Jianying unceremoniously twisted his arms, pressed him face down on the ground, and took away the catapult from his hand.

Feng Bujue also rushed over at this time, but he was not as calm as other experts. Seeing that the situation was under control, he put his hands on his knees and panted heavily.

"Say, who are you?" Mad Zong Jianying said to their captives.

The man was out of breath from running a long time ago, and was thrown to the ground by an elbow, so he couldn't speak.

Feng Bujue said: "Let go of him, it's fine."

Mad Zong Jianying let go of his hand, took two steps back, still holding the sword and watching the attacker on the ground vigilantly.

The man turned over, his face was facing upwards, his chest rose and fell sharply, and he couldn't catch his breath for a long time. From the transparent mask, he is a Caucasian man, and he looks very young, about 20 years old, small, about 1.6 meters tall, and thin, with black hair like instant noodles.

After recovering a bit, the man sat up, supported himself with his hands and backed away until he reached the wall, and looked at the two people in front of him in horror.

"Let's talk." Feng Bujue knelt down, keeping his gaze at the same level as him, and said, "What's your name?"

"Outsiders! You devils! Heretics!" The man clasped his helmet with both hands and shouted, "Don't try to hypnotize my brain with your 'magic words'! Don't!"

Kuang Zong Jianying looked at Feng Bujue: "I'm going... This seems to be getting more and more complicated. Isn't this a science fiction script? Why is there a religious and magical setting again?"

Feng Bujue hesitated for a moment, then sneered: "No, I think this is the setting of future science fiction." He said, and pulled out the steel knife from his bag.

Seeing this, the man started to howl desperately.

"Shut up..." Feng Bujue said in a normal voice first, but the other party was still yelling, Feng Bujue immediately picked up the steel knife and put it on the guy's neck, shouting violently: "Shut up!" mouth!"

The man was frightened by him, and immediately fell silent, but his expression was still terrified.

"Your name, what, name." Feng Bujue asked word by word.

"Han... Hank," Hank replied.

"Hank, it doesn't matter what you think I am. I don't need your trust, I don't need to explain anything to you. But, you must, answer our questions truthfully, otherwise, you will die a very... very painful death " Feng Bujue said.

"No...don't..." Hank said: "Don't kill me, I have a mother at home... my brothers are dead... I can't..."

"Don't talk nonsense!" Feng Bujue interrupted: "I'll ask, you answer."

Hank nodded. At this time, his mood was a little calmer than a minute ago, like a child whose crying was frightened.

"What do you do, why do you come here?" Feng Bujue asked.

"I... I am 'Scavenger', our team... has been ordered to come here to search." Hank replied.

"How many people are there in your team?" Feng Bujue asked.

"Five..." Hank replied, "but the others... I lost contact with them a few hours ago." When he said this, he looked at Crazy Sword Shadow with a strange look.

"Don't look at me like that, I haven't killed your companion." Mad Zong Jianying naturally noticed it, he had already put away his sword, and said casually: "We have seen one of your companions, but seeing his By the time...he was dead, killed by a monster." He was referring to the man parasitized by the octopus.

"What... weird... monster? Oh, my God... damn it." Hank's body was shaking uncontrollably, and he seemed to be about to cry: "No wonder they said they saw strange things..."

"What means of transportation did you use to get here?" Feng Bujue asked again.

"'Traffic'?" Hank didn't seem to understand the meaning of the word.

"What kind of vehicle did you come here?" Feng Bujue asked in another way.

"It's the 'Sand Fish Cabin', scavengers take this." Hank replied.

"Is it something like a boat or a car?" Mad Zong Jianying interjected.

"Car?" Hank was puzzled again.

Feng Bujue shook his head, sighed, and continued to ask: "You stayed on the 'sand fish cabin', and your other four companions went down to this laboratory to explore, because you lost contact with them, so you Followed too, right?"

"Yes." Hank nodded.

"Why did you attack us?" Mad Zong Jianying asked.

"" Hank looked at them, tremblingly said: "Because you are outsiders..."

"Can you explain, what is an outsider?" Feng Bujue said.

Hank replied: "The devil! People outside the village!"

"Then how do you know we are outsiders?" Feng Bujue asked.

"Your clothes..." Hank said, "I've never seen clothes like this, and you can survive here without hazmat suits."

"Oh?" Feng Bujue raised his eyebrows: "What? Could it be that you will die if you breathe the air here?"

"Of course! Only the villages have clean air to breathe! The air outside is deadly! It's the poisonous gas spread by outsiders!" Hank said loudly.

Feng Bujue stood up, leaned close to Mad Zong Jianying and said, "Do you remember what the beginning of the tenth part of "Black Friday" was like?"

"Just say what you want..." Kuangzong Jianying said: "Anyway, whatever you say is what you say..."

"That means I don't remember." Feng Bujue said.

"Nonsense, who would remember the details of that old movie that I don't know when?" Mad Zong Jianying said, but after saying this, he realized something, and then added: "Okay, not including you …”

Feng Bujue said: "I remember very clearly that at the beginning of that movie, the members of the scientific research team from the universe, in this laboratory, could take off the helmets of the protective clothing to breathe. Of course... the premise It was they who first tested the air quality and bacteria in the surrounding environment."

"Let's talk about the important points." Kuangzong Jianying continued.

"The point is, the guy in front of us, just as I speculated before..." Feng Bujue whispered, while watching Hank, who was huddled against the wall: "...should be a survivor from the old earth." But for some reason, instead of adapting to the environment to become stronger, he has a tendency to degenerate physiologically. Even those immigrants in the universe can breathe the air in this laboratory for a short period of time, but they But not."

"Is this strange?" Mad Zha Jianying asked.

"Is Darwin a magician?" Feng Bujue asked rhetorically.

"Uh..." Kuang Zong Jianying said: "Well, I'm not very good biologically, but... you must be implying that this situation does not conform to the law of species evolution, right?"

"A group of human beings living in an artificial environment like a spaceship have almost the same cardiopulmonary function as the human beings more than 400 years ago." Feng Bujue said: "But the group of survivors living on the earth where the air is so bad, But it looks like he is about to choke to death inhaling second-hand smoke." He paused: "Also, do you still remember the guy who was killed by the octopus monster before?"

"Are you referring to the one whose head was beheaded by you, the grenade was forcibly stuffed from the esophagus, and the word was engraved on the belly?" Kuang Zong Jianying said with a blank look: "Ha... It's really easy to forget him..."

"That guy's height and build are about the same as Hank's, and he's also very thin." Feng Bujue said.


"They are white people... Let me remind you that in our era, the average height of men in Western European countries was generally around 1.8 meters, and it was close to 1.9 meters in northern Europe." Feng Bujue said.

"Don't you think malnutrition is a common phenomenon on a planet with this environment?" Mad Zong Jianying said, "Besides, this is just a game, why do you bother with these details..."

Feng Bujue shook his head: "I don't know how many humans are left on this old earth, but what is certain is... There must be something wrong with Hank's 'village'."

"Crazy brother... Do you remember, we are here to play a killing game 2V2, not to save the village where a certain NC is located."

Feng Bujue stretched out his hand, raised three fingers, and solemnly listed three reasons: "Their village has air quality that does not consume survival points, has the technological strength to manufacture [anti-gravity catapults], and their villagers Vulnerable."

"Oh... You're not going to save the village, but to burn, kill, and loot, right?" Mad Zong Jianying finally understood.

Feng Bujue replied: "Whether it is to save or plunder, we will talk about this later... As long as we manage to board Hank's 'sandfish cabin' first and leave this laboratory, we will be invincible. Before this guy's patience or blood replenishment methods are exhausted, we have a variety of strategies to choose from, and we have the initiative." RS

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