Thriller Paradise

Chapter 136: Earth Wasteland Chapter 9


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The old earth, the land ravaged by a large-scale nuclear war, has hardly recovered its former appearance, and the ocean has also been eroded by serious pollution. After the "Doomsday" crisis, the planet has undergone irreversible changes.

More than 50% of the land has been turned into deserts, and the color of the ocean has changed, purple, black... Areas with different levels of pollution have different performances. There are almost no surviving organisms in the shallow sea, and the cut-off ecological chain has led to a certain degree of variation in deep-sea organisms. The fittest survive, and the species that fail to adapt to environmental changes also become extinct.

As many 21st century scientists predicted, the ice caps at both poles eventually melted, and after that, the Ohio Valley flooded, Australia sank into the sea, and New York became a swamp...

War brings death, and death stops war.

When the last people look at their devastated homes and find that the second "sun" has disappeared into the sky, heat, hunger, pain, regret, despair...all of these come to mind and will accompany them, until death came.

Intense radiation polluted the fertile land near the equator, and the ruins of the city glowed in the dark night, and this situation lasted for a whole hundred years. Some species disappeared, others mutated and evolved.

As time passed, dark clouds began to gather on some barren and desolate lands, and heavy rain poured down, cooling the boiling poisonous sea water on the surface, washing away the stale air, and healing the open wounds of the earth.

After the warm rain washed away, a dead land appeared.

There will always be some people who survive. Human life is as fragile as an ant, and of course it will be as tenacious as an ant.

The survivors climbed out of the ruins of civilization and embarked on the road to survival. They found that the temperature was hotter than in the past, and in non-desert areas, the air was more humid than before, and the sky was orange-yellow overhead, and the sun was shining brightly.

Among the ruins, some weird plants began to sprout. Even if no one watered them, even if they were exposed to the scorching sun, these wild plants with strange colors and shapes continued to grow wildly, covering land after land.

For the vicissitudes of the earth, this kind of climate change is not the first time... Ice ages, crustal changes, and volcanic eruptions have left traces, but they have not changed the orbit of the earth. Now, it is still spinning and advancing in space unmoved, circling the orbit around the sun, as it did in the past three billion years.

Technology has become obsolete, and the survivors have returned to their primitive existence, forming tribal-like social structures, wandering the surface of the earth, searching for food...and reliable safe havens.

In those areas that are not deserts, there are poisonous swamps, deep canyons, muddy depressions, and desolate mountains. But other than that, on the huge earth, there are indeed one or two pure lands like a paradise...

There is such a place in a canyon in the North American continent. It was a huge underground cavity like a city, in the shape of a pocket as a whole, and the thick vegetation "cloud" covered the top like a pergola, resisting most of the scorching sun. There are comfortable temperatures here; land and environment suitable for normal crop growth; clean and abundant underground water sources... Most importantly, there are "half" interstellar spacecraft wreckage here.

No one knows why this spaceship is here. Maybe it used to be a secret scientific research base of a certain country, or maybe it was a spaceship that fell after a certain battle.

Anyway, at last a tribe found the place. The environment gave them a basis for survival, and the wreckage of the starship made them regain the fire of civilization. Once again life flourished and a new human society was established.

In the past three centuries, this place has become the only remaining human gathering place on the earth, and the people living in it call it God Blessing Village.


In the Crystal Lake underground laboratory.

Doomsday Assault had seen the end of the road, he searched all the forks, and came here along the corridor. At this moment, there is a staircase going up in front of him, just like the zig-zag fire stairs usually used in residential buildings. There are iron railings next to it, and the treads are also made of metal. Through the gap under the feet, you can vaguely see the sky above. Condition.

He took out his weapon and approached cautiously. The light here was not very good. Looking from below, it was difficult to find out if there was an ambush.

"You two in Jianghu, don't hide, I've seen you all!" Doomsday Strike is obviously bluffing, and he is not afraid of revealing his whereabouts, because he knows very well that this is the end of the laboratory, and there is no doubt that the exit is above. If Kuangzong Jianying and Feng Bujue want to ambush, there is only this last place to choose. But for the two people who were condescending and ambushing, their whereabouts must have been discovered long ago.

"The trick of the grenade is really clever, huh?" Doomsday stormed: "Mad Zing Sword Shadow, is that what you are capable of? You gangsters in the rivers and lakes are quite good at playing tricks." Try to scold and fight as much as possible without being blocked and silenced, and want to stimulate the opponent to show up. After all, at this moment, the enemy is in the dark and he is in the open, so it is not beneficial.

"What's wrong? Don't you dare to come out?" Doomsday Strike coldly snorted: "You two are against me, one, are you afraid of this?"

Only his own echoes answered him.

"Hmph... You have to think clearly." Doomsday Strike said: "Under the effect of indiscriminately reducing the survival value, the consumption of the two of you is twice as high as mine. If you are timid to fight when you have the advantage, you can only use it." It will be a waste of survival points in vain." He paused, and then added: "I don't mind turning around and leaving, the farther away from you the better, when the time comes, everyone will consume the survival value supplements, see who runs out first, even if In the end, I lost, and you have to waste at least twice as much potion as I did."

The words of doomsday strike seem reasonable, but since he appeared here at this moment, it means that he did not choose that strategy.

If Doomsday Strike feels that it has no chance of winning in a head-on confrontation, it will be impossible to continue to approach the opponent. When the final attack was killed, he should run in the opposite direction, find a favorable terrain to ambush, wait for the other party to come to him. If he succeeds in the sneak attack and kills one person directly, there is still a chance of winning.

So... There is only one reason why Doomsday Strike came here, that is, he is confident that he can fight two against one and win, and the basis of this confidence is obviously some powerful skills or props.

After shouting for a while, there was still no response from the top of the stairs, which made the situation of Doomsday Strike awkward. He couldn't help thinking: Is there another floor in this laboratory from this staircase? The top layer is the same size as the bottom

Thinking of this, he cautiously touched the stairs and walked up slowly. He can only do this. First, if the other party does not show up, he has no choice but to go up or leave; second, if there is really another layer above, then he will shout at the other party for an hour. Can't hear either.

He turned back and forth and went up the stairs, but he really didn't run into an ambush, and he couldn't even detect the slightest sign of a trap. However, Doomsday Strike did not dare to be careless at all. The previous grenade incident is still fresh in his memory. Because his teammates were too close, he died directly, and he was almost killed. This kind of lesson may be used in his entire career and even his entire life. I can't forget it.

He walked up the stairs about three stories high and back and forth four times for a full five minutes. When they successfully reached the upper floor, Doomsday Strike was stunned. In front of him is a corridor, an empty corridor, and the end is just ten meters ahead. The entire wall there is a gate. The door is divided into left and right parts, and the gap in the middle is zigzag. in any bank vault, and the switch next to the door, has been broken...

"Where are people?" This was the first reaction of Doomsday Strike.

He and the final assault have already explored the other end of the laboratory, and the end of this side is the exit, all the way here, he saw the traces left by Feng Bujue and Kuang Zong Jianying, and fell into their arrangement He also searched every fork in the trap, he must be on the right track, but why... is there no one here

"Could they have gone out?" This thought flashed in Doomsday Strike's mind, but he immediately denied the speculation: "Impossible... According to the script introduction, the outside environment is harsher than inside, maybe the survival value will be lower than the inside." The reduction is faster. Besides, the switch is broken... how could they get out?" He changed his mind and thought again: "Could it be... that they went outside to activate the switch to close the door first, and destroyed the switch on the inside before the door closed. Do you want to lock me in?"

"No way... It's no good going out at all." Doomsday Strike walked back and forth with a stiff expression. After a long time, he finally thought of a guess that he thought was correct: "That's right! It must be like this!" He thought It suddenly dawned on me, but the face and tone remained the same: "They came to the end of the corridor, broke the switch of the exit, created the illusion that they had escaped from the laboratory, and then turned back... They must have taken advantage of me to search the sidewalk. , slipped quietly through the main passage, and missed each other with me... At this moment, they may have hidden at the other end of the laboratory."


At the same time, outside the laboratory.

Under the dim yellow sky, there is a rolling sea of sand. There was a strong wind in the sky, and black sandstorms swept around and raged. If a person stands unprotected in this environment, it is very difficult to open his eyes. As long as he opens his mouth to speak, he will inevitably eat a mouthful of sand, and the sound cannot be transmitted even five meters away.

A "sandfish cabin" is floating on the sandy sea. The cabin is 20 meters long, 6 meters wide, and more than 4 meters high. The exterior shape looks like a giant armored shark, but the sandfish cabin has no "fins". On top is a streamlined smooth design. The color of the cabin was painted the same khaki color as the desert, and there was no windshield or visual device directly in front of it, and it was driven entirely by the internal detection radar and navigation device.

The air in the shark cabin has been treated. Although the two players are not wearing protective clothing, their survival value loss has stopped.

At this time, Feng Bujue was sitting leisurely on the main driver's seat with his hands on his head. It didn't take long for him to learn how to open the shark tank. The operation interface of these devices is not complicated, and the navigation coordinates of the destination have already been entered, so it is enough to select the automatic mode.

When Feng Bujue walked out of the laboratory and saw the outside environment, he understood that on this planet, manual driving is basically meaningless, because there is no "road", let alone a road, not even a reference , so this shark cabin must rely on automatic navigation to drive to the desired place.

So... Here comes the question again, how did this group of people find Crystal Lake Labs

Hanke said that their team came here to search "instructions". This sentence means that the higher-level department that gave them instructions has the specific coordinates of Crystal Lake Laboratory.

So a new question arose, did their superiors detect this coordinate a long time ago, or did they just discover it today? How did they find it here, could it be a tiny detection robot

Feng Bujue's speculation is... this group of people doesn't come early or late, the "interstellar immigrants" go forward, and they come behind, which actually shows an obvious thing... and Hank saw the "outsider" for the first time The reaction at that time gave Feng Bujue a basis for further reasoning. At this moment, although he had not yet reached the village, Feng Bujue could basically determine the situation there.

"Why didn't you kill him?" Mad Zong Jianying sat on the passenger seat next to him, turned his head to Feng Bujue and said, "Keep him, aren't you afraid of changes?" His voice was naturally subdued when he said this Low enough not to be heard by Hank, strapped in the rear corner.

"If there is no injustice or enmity, why bother to kill?" Feng Bujue replied.

Kuang Zong Jianying laughed dryly: "No way... it's too late for you to pretend to be lawful and righteous now, isn't it?"

"It has nothing to do with whether I am law-abiding or not. It is mainly because this NC is still useful." Feng Bujue replied, "We still have to rely on his help to sneak into the village."

"He will help us?" When Mad Zong Jianying spoke, he turned his head slightly and glanced at Hank who was pale in the distance from the corner of his eye. "Why? He can't resist now, but when he returns The village, he can find an opportunity to escape at any time, or he can directly yell for others to catch us."

A smile appeared on the corner of Feng Bujue's mouth, and he replied: "Everyone has weaknesses. Once caught, they will betray their principles, and then they will do whatever you want." He got up from his seat Get up, and said softly: "For Hank...just use simple force deterrence and psychological oppression." After he finished speaking, he walked towards Hank... RS

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