Thriller Paradise

Chapter 137: Earth Wasteland Chapter Ten


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Feng Bujue stood in front of Hank. He seemed to want to say something, but he didn't speak immediately, but was thinking.

Hank looked at this "outsider" nervously with fear on his face, completely unable to guess what the other party was planning, Feng Bujue's brief silence turned into an invisible pressure.

About thirty seconds later, Feng Bujue took out his pistol from his bag and asked, "Do you know what this is?"

Hank shook his head.

"This is a weapon popular in the 20th to 21st centuries." Feng Bujue said, "You should know the meaning of the word 'weapon', right?"

Hank nodded and said, "I know...but...the century...what is it?"

Feng Bujue thought: Don't you even have this concept... It seems that they are completely enslaved.

He remained calm, and said: "In other words, it is the weapons used by people about four hundred to five hundred years ago."

Trembling, Hank asked, "Why... tell me this?"

Feng Bujue sneered, "I mainly hope you have an idea of this thing." He said, pointing to the muzzle of the gun with his finger: "As long as I move my finger, something called a bullet will fly out from here. Its flying speed is faster than objects launched by anti-gravity catapults, if you use it to attack humans..." He began to scare Hank: "If you hit the head, your brain will explode, if you hit the body, your internal organs will shatter, if you hit the limbs , that limb will lose its ability to move and bleed profusely..." He put on a very scary expression, like a psychopath who is suppressing the desire to kill.

Expressions are an international language, and they are also cross-generational. Even if two people are separated by a thousand years, they can still understand the emotions written on their faces, so Feng Bujue succeeded in scaring the other party.

Speaking of this, he suddenly stopped talking about pistols, and asked instead: "How many people does your village have in total?"

"What... what are you asking for?" Hank asked nervously.

"What's the matter? You don't want to tell me?" Feng Bujue said with a smile: "Are you afraid that I will use this gun against them?" He asked knowingly, first showing a weapon that the other party didn't understand at all, and then immediately If you ask about the population, everyone will think in that direction.

"I... There are 100,000 people in our village!" Hank seemed to muster up his courage, and replied loudly.

"Really... hehe..." Feng Bujue smiled relaxedly, and he waved the pistol in front of Hank: "From the automatic navigation, we will arrive at your village in about twenty minutes. According to my observation, your village is very hostile to outsiders..." He paused, then continued: "If they attack us as soon as they see us... I have a thousand bullets in this pistol, so it's my The hit rate is around 60 to 70%, how many people do you think will die in your village?"

The sword shadow of Kuang Zong in the distance almost fell off the chair when he heard the words, he thought to himself: How dare you fool around, a pistol, a thousand rounds of bullets? Where are you going? Different dimension magazines? Besides the rate of fire of the pistol, even if you really have a thousand rounds of ammunition, and your arms and hands can hold it, it will take almost half an hour to finish firing a thousand shots. Do people in the village line up to let you come up one by one? kill

"No... please, don't kill people in the village!" Hank begged, "There are only five thousand people in our village..."

"Hey! I really believe it!" Kuang Zong Jianying said in surprise, but he still pretended to be calm on the surface, with his back to the two, sitting in the passenger seat in a daze.

"I can promise you not to kill anyone." Feng Bujue said, "But you have to cooperate with us."

"Okay... okay... what do you want me to do." Hank said tremblingly.

"Look, Hank." Feng Bujue's tone became quite sincere again, this is the so-called soft and hard: "No matter what kind of prejudice you have against 'outsiders', you should have seen it, my friends and I, Not a very bloodthirsty kind of person, even if you hit us first with a catapult, we didn't kill you, did we?"

Hank nodded.

Kuang Zong Jianying was shaking his head at this moment, and muttered in a low voice: "Although he didn't kill him, but the threat of death is constantly escalating, isn't it..."

"We just want to go to your village to take a look, and then we will leave." Feng Bujue continued: "Don't worry, this is not some investigation, and there will be no 'outsider army' to attack you later. The two of us just A traveler, simply out of curiosity, wants to see your village."

Hank is skeptical about these words. He really thinks that the so-called "outsider army" is unlikely to exist, but if it is said that these two people are purely visiting the village, he will not believe it.

"However... your village is obviously very xenophobic, and there is a deep-rooted misunderstanding of humans outside the village." Feng Bujue observed Hank's expression while saying: "Under normal circumstances, I think anyone in your village, They will kill us without asking why, and the two sides have no chance to communicate." He shook his head: "Once there is an armed conflict, you should know the result very well." He raised his hand and tapped the madman behind him with his thumb. Zong Jianying: "I promise, my friend can kill more than a thousand of you with only cold weapons."

At this moment, Kuang Zong Jianying finally couldn't help turning around and complaining: "Do you think this is playing Mower Wushuang?"

Anyway, Hank couldn't understand what he was talking about, so Feng Bujue took the opportunity to get off the donkey, and continued solemnly: "What he meant by this sentence is that for him, killing a thousand people is as easy as harvesting crops .”

Hank was already covered in cold sweat. Hearing this sentence, the previous scene of Mad Zing Sword appearing in front of him like a ghost appeared again, which made him more convinced of the teaching of the village priest: outsiders are all devils. Powerful, cunning, and good at demagoguery, no matter how harmless, pitiful, or even beautiful they appear on the surface, they must be killed without hesitation, and they must not even be given a chance to speak.

Feng Bujue's words continued: "Trust me, I don't want to see that happen just like you." He patted Hank on the shoulder, "As long as you follow the plan I said and take us into the village , I promise I won't hurt anyone, me and my friends will stay in your village for a few hours at most, then we will leave, after that, you are free, do what you want, call people to hunt and kill immediately It's okay with us." He paused for two seconds, looked at the change in Hank's expression, and then added: "You don't have to believe what I say at this moment, but you have to weigh it, what will happen if you don't cooperate Look." He turned around, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth: "Time is running out, if you think about it for too long, the shark tank will soon reach its destination, then...we can only play by ear and enter by force... "RS

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