Thriller Paradise

Chapter 140: Earth Wasteland Chapter Thirteen


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Going out from the "changing room" is still not a residential area, but another large area similar to a train station platform. The shape of this area and the pillars standing in it are almost the same as the previous one. It is estimated that these two areas are up and down. Two-story mirror construction.

When we got here, the surrounding air was already enough for ordinary people like Hank to breathe smoothly. Passing through this place, and then through a tortuous passage, the front suddenly became clear, and the three of them finally came to the interior of Shenyou Village.

For the two players, what they saw was indeed a spectacle. Orange-yellow light sprinkled down from the sky. Looking up, you can see layers of cloud-like vegetation forming the sky here. Its height can basically be measured visually, which is about the distance from the ground to the top of the canyon. Sunlight does not enter through the gaps covered by these plants, but penetrates through the filters of these plants. This layer of vegetation seems to be the unique ozone layer of Shenyou Village. Of course, what they saw at this time was no longer a purely natural product. This layer of vegetation has been improved several times by the people who lived here in the past hundreds of years. This protection is the lifeblood of the village, and it must be absolutely stable and stable. Safety.

Walking forward, you can see the neatly arranged roads and the same low buildings. There were not many pedestrians on the street, and they all wore the same clothes. The men's clothes were exactly the same as Hank's, and the women's clothes were not much different in style, but the color was slightly brighter.

At this moment, Feng Bujue and Kuangzong Jianying had already taken off the helmets of their protective suits and left them in the dressing room. They tightened the collar of the protective clothing and turned it inward to ensure that the clothing they were wearing inside was not exposed. Even so, they are still quite conspicuous.

To give a vivid example: two fifth graders came to the first grade classroom. They wore different school uniforms and were taller... But after all, they still wore school uniforms and did not go to school dressed like Conan. So the villagers just look at them strangely, instead of screaming in panic or attacking them with pickaxes.

"The guy who designed this city has really bad taste, no robot will live in such a place." Kuang Zong Jianying commented.

"Hehe... what do you think it will be like here?" Feng Bujue asked.

"When he said the village, I thought it was a place like 'Shire'." Mad Zong Jianying said: "I didn't expect to see this scene... It's like a formatted slum here." He sneered For a moment: "The real slums are better than this, at least the buildings and people there are..." He couldn't think of any words for a moment.

Feng Bujue continued, "Have a personality."

"Yes, personality." Kuang Zong Jianying said: "Look at these guys, they live in the same house, wear the same clothes, and use the same things... To be honest, aren't you afraid of getting lost?" He turned his head and asked Han gram.

Hank replied: "Every road has a number, so it's easy to find."

Mad Zong Jianying shook his head and sighed: "Okay."

"At least they still enjoy freedom in terms of hairstyles. The leader didn't arrange for them all to shave their heads bald. Only cadres are allowed to keep their hair." Feng Bujue said.

"Fengxian Academy sent a congratulatory message..." Kuang Zong Jianying really understood, and replied jokingly.

After walking for a while, the three met two street inspectors. The two men had slightly different clothing styles and colors. They wore epaulets, long boots, and were equipped with a catapult and a metal shield. .

"Stop." One of them stopped them.

Feng Bujue and the others stopped, waiting for the other party to come forward to ask questions. Crazy Sword Shadow has nothing to fear, he just looked at the other party with neither humble nor overbearing eyes, and stood there silently, while Hank felt guilty and was too nervous to speak.

"Why did you come in wearing protective clothing?" the inspector asked.

Feng Bujue replied: "Well... sir, our clothes are broken."

"Broken?" The man glanced at Feng Bujue suspiciously: "The clothes are in the locker box, how could they be damaged?"

"Report sir, I was accidentally caught by the metal door of the filter layer." Feng Bujue replied.

"Oh..." The man replied suspiciously, and said after a few seconds: "Then go to the supply department as soon as possible to get a new set."

"Understood, thank you sir for your concern!" Feng Bujue replied.

The two inspectors looked at each other, shrugged, and left.

Kuang Zong Jianying smiled and said: "Your attitude... You have watched too many domestic TV dramas, the feeling of the underground traffic officer meeting the national army on the street."

"Just work." Feng Bujue replied.

Hank looked suspicious and said, "It's strange... They actually believed it. How could the clothes be caught by the metal door of the filter channel? We filter first, and then change the clothes. If you want to clip, you must clip the protective clothing." Bar."

"Yes, but how would they know?" Feng Bujue said, "They're not scavengers."

"Oh, yes! The patrolman should have never been out of the village." Hank suddenly realized.

"Have you thought of such a thing?" Mad Zong Jianying interjected and asked.

"Under a social system where classes are clearly defined and insurmountable; each performs his duties and does not interfere with each other, regardless of the upper class figures, a certain group living at the bottom cannot understand the details of another group's work at all." Feng Feng Wujue said: "It is impossible for the scavengers to know how many dishes and soups are served in the canteen of the patrol officers, and it is impossible for the patrol officers to know the process of using the locker room by the scavengers. So I just need to give a random reason, can they still Immediately take out your mobile phone and Google to find out the specific process for the scavengers to return to the village?"

"Hmm... Due to the shielding words, please allow me to use 'cunning' to praise you." Kuangzong Jianying said, the adjective in his heart was actually "despicable".

"Okay, Hank, you see, there is nothing to worry about, we can handle it well." Feng Bujue turned to Hank and said, "Now, before you go to report to the superiors, show us around Let's go to your village."

"But according to the regulations... the scavengers have to..." Hank's words were naturally interrupted by Feng Bujue.

"You have already brought two outsiders into the village, so why do you care about the rules?" Feng Bujue said, "If you go to report now, the two of us must not follow, because your superiors will see through that we are not scavengers. Members. We don’t have time to wait for you to report to your superiors by yourself before you act. Besides, I don’t trust you to act alone. If you betray us or show your flaws, things that everyone doesn’t want to see will happen Happened... fight.

In addition, it is undoubtedly a capital offense for you to bring an 'outsider' into the village. I think your authorities will not care whether you are threatened or not, and will not listen to your explanation... So, if you plan to sneak away from us , and then go to inform the patrol, not only will it lead to the death of your fellow countrymen, but you will also die in the end. "

Feng Bujue watched Hank's expression change, and knew that his persuasion had succeeded again: "Your best choice is to follow what I said, don't go to see your superiors yet. Instead, take us to the village and wait for us to visit It's over, leave the village quietly, and you go back to your command. At that time, you will be late at most, and there will be no serious consequences. No one will be injured, and no one will know that we have been here."

"This is not the same as what was said in advance... You didn't say this before..." Hank replied in a panic, he seemed a little at a loss.

"Then how do you think things will develop?" Feng Bujue smiled: "The plan is to catch up with the changes."

By now, Hank has already boarded the pirate ship. As Feng Bujue said, everyone has weaknesses, and if they are caught, they will betray their principles.

At the beginning, Hank just didn't want to be killed, and later he didn't want to see people in his village killed, but now, these two threats are on his shoulders at the same time, for him, the only solution is to get along with this Two "outsiders" cooperate in the hope that they can get away without being detected.

Of course, his thinking was too simple and naive. If he could think more deeply, he should understand that even if Feng Bujue and Kuangzong Jianying left quietly in the end, just as they came quietly, With a wave of your sleeves, you won't take a life away. Things will eventually come to light... They had registered their names when they entered the village, and Jiawei and Joey were considered alive and returned to the village. How can the living disappear out of thin air? Therefore, in a few days, Hank will still be arrested for questioning. At that time, if he can't tell clearly, it will be a felony. To be clear, I have to die.


In the deepest part of Shenyou Village, there is a place called the Temple.

Although this place is called a temple, it actually has nothing to do with a temple. This "temple" was rebuilt from the half of an interstellar spaceship hundreds of years ago.

In the village, only the Cobain family has the right to freely enter and leave the temple, which is equivalent to their royal palace.

Over the years, the Cobain family has regarded themselves as the spokespersons of the gods. They convey the will of "God". Of course, this "God" has nothing to do with Christianity. The will represented by the word GOD can be freely fabricated by the Cobain family. .

If they want to kill a certain person, they will say that the gods want him to die; if they want to kill a certain group of people, they will say that this group of people are heretics; They want other people's property, wives and daughters, and they can make up corresponding reasons.

In short, the words of the Cooper family are equivalent to the decree of the gods, and those who disobey are against God, regardless of the life and death of the whole village.

Of course, religious lies alone cannot rule for so long. What the Cobain family really masters is "knowledge". The information left in the starship is monopolized by them. They only share with a small number of useful people ( village priests) to share. In this way, when they are willing, they can show some "miracles" to make those ignorant people afraid and convinced.

This is why the people at the bottom of Shenyou Village know almost nothing about biology, medicine, and astronomy.

Biology makes people question the Creator, medicine makes people understand death, and astronomy will expose countless religious lies and break people's illusions.

Knowledge changes destiny, technology changes life.

But the Cobain family is not willing to see any changes in this thing of fate. Any independent individual or interest group is not willing to see the inherently good situation in front of them being changed, so they must know how to "control".

As the saying goes, the people are difficult to govern, but they are more wise. Shenyou Village's policy of obscuring the people can be said to be very clever. The Cobain family did not completely prevent the villagers under their rule from accessing knowledge. They let the people learn some of them, such as farming, metal smelting, architecture, etc... At the same time, they instilled brainwashing religious propaganda to make them believe in the existence of gods. Don't dare to do anything presumptuous.

Thus, there is such a unique and deformed civilization.

York Cobain is the current "Son of God" of God's Blessing Village. It can also be said that he is the village chief, mayor, chief, president, king...

His ancestors were greedy, sinister, and far-sighted. After seizing power, he occupied the interstellar spacecraft, and then planned this set of ruling methods, which created a great situation for him today.

From the brief communication with Hank, Feng Bujue had roughly understood what the social system of Shenyou Village was all about, so he insisted that this script was just a sci-fi setting, what "son of God"? An old trick played a thousand years ago. The revolutionaries in the twentieth century were too lazy to associate themselves with the gods. At most, they were self-appointed generals who had never fought a war, or doctors who had never read books. People with a little bit of culture and IQ can't do things like thinking that they are the godson, biological son, or second son of so-and-so in the sky.

It was time for Cobain to drink afternoon tea when Hank led two uninvited guests gradually into the depths of the village.

Cobain's life is very regular, full three meals a day, two drinks, drink tea and snacks in the afternoon to satisfy his hunger, go to bed at nine o'clock in the evening, and basically have to change girls to accompany him every night.

Some people may wonder, there are only a few thousand people in this village, how can he do this? Did all the women in the village sleep with him

In fact, it can be said that he has slept with anyone with a little bit of beauty, why? This has to be said back to the thirteenth century, when European nobles exercised something called "virgin rights", also called "first night rights", that is, the daughters of tenant farmers should be given to the local nobles the day before they get married. taste". In Shenyou Village, this kind of bad habit has revived, but it is not so explicit, it is said that it is first sent to the temple to accept the "baptism" of the son of God. Send them out, some of them will stay for a few days longer.

The Cobain family continued this behavior for many years, which caused another problem, that is, their descendants filled the village. Generally speaking, the head of the family will choose the most favored woman as his wife, so there is only one son of God in name, and his brothers and sisters are family members, and the second generation is reduced to sacrificial priests.

But in fact, it is not clear how many people in this village are related to Cooper.

For hundreds of years, bloodline encounters between close relatives are inevitable. Although there are exceptions, statistically speaking, it is a common phenomenon that the genes of offspring become worse and worse. Low athletic ability, physical fitness, low intelligence, high incidence of congenital diseases... are all irreversible conditions, but the medicine in this village is poor, and there are only a few doctors in the temple. The end result is that the villagers are short in size, stupid and naive; the population base hardly increases because the death rate of the disease is too high;

The decline and demise of Shenyou Village will come sooner or later, it is only a matter of time.

However, there may be a turning point for this matter, because a guy named Feng Bujue entered the village today... RS

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