Thriller Paradise

Chapter 141: Earth Wasteland Chapter Fourteen


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The three walked quickly towards the village. Along the way, Feng Bujue was asking Hank about the situation in Shenyou Village, while Mad Zong Jianying listened silently.

Hank is not a tour guide, he can't introduce the customs of the village in an orderly manner, but Feng Bujue is very skillful in asking questions, and he skillfully guides Hank to tell some useful information in more detail.

The residential area of Shenyou Village is roughly divided into four areas. The outermost area near the exit is the first area, which belongs to the poor area. Hank's home was here, and his only family was his mother, who was over fifty years old, and she worked ten hours a day in the laundry room, taking only one day off a week for very little pay.

Hank earns a little more working in the scavengers, but every time he goes out, he may never come back. His father and several brothers were scavengers, and they all ended up dying.

Scavenger teams are tasked with scavenging for useful supplies in the hostile environments of Old Earth. Exploring ancient ruins is not a common task. What they do most on weekdays is to collect and transport back the natural resources that grow outside Shenyou Village, mainly ores, plants, and water sources that are polluted within a manageable range. .

With inventions like the [Anti-Gravity Catapult], this work does not require a lot of manpower. The scavengers pack up the things, "lift" them up, and walk back to the warehouse of the shark tank to put them down.

It seems that this is not a lot of hard work, but the risk factor is actually very high. Today's old earth, even in the black stormy desert, there are a few ferocious animals, and those jungles, swamps, and coastal areas are already full of mutated creatures. For human beings, the environment and creatures are deadly threats.

Most of the people living in the outskirts are families like Hanke's. The villagers here only receive education for three years. They learn basic mathematics and Chinese characters in the first two years, and learn some work-related knowledge in the third year. From the age of ten, they have to learn to rely on their own labor to survive. They have been doing single and heavy physical labor or some dangerous work all their lives. But as long as they obey the rules and do their jobs dutifully, there is nothing wrong with having enough to eat.

Passing through the first area, the second area is the farming area with the largest area and medium population.

The style of roads and houses here has changed compared with the surrounding areas. The main crops in the field look like corn, but the leaves are not green, but corrugated golden yellow; there are also some tubers growing in the soil, exposed in the The outer leaves are brown, and you can smell a fragrance from a long distance. Feng Bujue asked Hank what these were, and the other party's answer was "cooked rice and sweet fruit", these two are the staple food on the villagers' table. These two crops should have been created and named by the former villagers of Shenyou Village. Anyway, there were no similar things on the previous earth.

People living in the farming area live a little better than the first area, the living environment is more comfortable, and the color of clothing is also different. Each family has a piece of land that is responsible for farming, and the crop yield is strictly monitored, all of which have to be handed over to the village, and no grain of rice can be kept by the family. Family income is determined according to the amount of food handed in.

Relatively speaking, their lives are not too risky, and the ratio of labor and rest is not inhumane, and residents in farming areas have the opportunity to receive further education. If there are more than two children in the family, they can choose among them. A child who is more talented in learning continues to study and receive "higher education". If they succeed in their studies, they will have the opportunity to enter the third area.

The third area belongs to technical personnel, and the number of these people is very small. The population of this area is basically maintained at about 300. Some of the top of them are the promoters of the "public" technology in Shenyou Village. The poorer ones can also serve as engineers or managers, and those who are old or unable to work are responsible for teaching students.

Residents in this area are mainly mental workers, with considerable income and a stable life. The space for one person is equivalent to the area of a family in the outer area. Their clothing is white and their social status is also high.

As for the fourth area, it is the "sacrifice", or the place where the nobles live. Their residences can be described as luxurious for the outlying villagers, but in Shenyou Village, even the sacrificial families must dress uniformly, and this is not negotiable. The only ones in the village who can dress freely are those surnamed Kouben. Everyone knows their appearance, and their portraits can be seen everywhere. The children have to learn the heroic deeds of the Kouben family members and learn a few songs to praise their virtues. Songs to praise them.

The priests basically don't have to do anything, and their lives are already very good. Their tables are often the ingredients bought by scavengers with their lives, which are beyond the reach of ordinary villagers; the tap water they use is directly drinkable water, while the water used by the surrounding villagers is outside the village. It is made by "filtering" the polluted water source brought back.

The duty of the priests is to safeguard the "Son of God" and the rule of the Coppen family. Whether their children are talented or not, they can and are obliged to receive the most complete education and learn as much knowledge as possible, and some of the smarter ones can share some secrets that the Coopers only know.

The heads and management of all departments in Shenyou Village are all held by priests or their family members, and this has been the case for generations. In some departments, even if a guy has no professional knowledge, he can still sit in the top position. Anyway, just find someone from the third area to be the deputy. Moreover, the deputy had to ask the layman chief for instructions before he could do anything. If he made his own decisions, the crime would be very serious.

Passing through these four areas is the deepest part of the village, the temple.

There are patrols on the streets of the first three areas, and although the third area has fewer residents, the patrols are stronger. In the fourth area, ordinary villagers are not allowed to enter. Except for those who wear sacrificial clothes and hold a pass, the procedures for other people to enter are very troublesome.

The fourth area and the outside of the temple are no longer in charge of the patrols. There are special guards there, all of whom have undergone strict screening. Guys like Hank who are born in the outer areas are definitely not eligible, at least people from the second and third areas are eligible to join the ranks of the guards... The sacred mission of guarding priests and the sons of gods, isn't it? Can be careless and cautious.

"The third area is ahead." When he came to the junction of the second area and the third area, Hanke said: "It's fine to get here. There are many patrolmen in the third area. If you are asked..."

"Keep going." Feng Bujue said categorically. Along the way, they were questioned by several groups of patrolmen, and Feng Bujue used the same reason to fool them, but Hank always looked worried.

"Hey! Hank, is that you?" Suddenly, a woman's voice came and called Hank. RS

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