Thriller Paradise

Chapter 142: Earth Wasteland Chapter 15


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"Ah, Miss Molly... you... hello." After Hank turned his head and saw the woman, he quickly recognized her, and he replied hesitantly.

"I've said it many times, Hank, just call me Molly." The woman looked about the same age as Hank, and was a little shorter than him. Her dress was white, which indicated that she belonged to the third area. residents.

"Are these two your friends? Eh? Why are they wearing protective clothing?" Molly asked suspiciously.

"Miss Molly." Hank's expression was tense, sweat dripped from his temples, he mustered up his courage, and said before Feng Bujue could speak: "My friend and I have something to do, we don't have time now, please Forgive me, I'll come back to apologize and explain when we're done..." He said and was about to move on.

"Working?" Molly looked at Hank suspiciously, "To the third area?" Her eyes quickly fell on Feng Bujue and Kuang Zong Jianying: "Why don't you change the protective clothing?" She asked Moving her gaze upwards, the unusual height of the two players aroused her suspicion even more: "Are you also scavengers? What are you going to do?"

Hank stared, "This is an order from the superior." He emphasized his tone: "Please leave it alone, Miss Molly."

"Hank, what's the matter with you?" Molly replied; "You never talk like that."

"Hey..." Feng Bujue said at this moment: "Actually, he wants to help you." He paused, "Unfortunately, I have decided now that I cannot let you go."

"This is on the street. If you kill someone, you will be surrounded immediately!" Hank lowered his voice and said to Feng Bujue.

"Ms. Molly." Feng Bujue ignored Hank, but said to Molly, "I'm sorry, I have to invite you to come with us."

Molly instinctively took two steps back: "Who are you?" She looked at Hank: "Hank, what's going on here?"

"Hank was hijacked by us. If you yell now, run away, or do anything that might attract the patrol, Hank will be killed." Feng Bujue said the threatening words first to prevent the other party from Acting rashly: "I know, you may not believe what I say at this moment, but please calmly think about the situation in front of you based on your understanding of Hank, and judge whether what I said next is true."

Feng Bujue said: "We have some kind of weapon in our hands that can quickly and effectively kill others, and the two of us also have abilities beyond your imagination, whether it is running speed, jumping ability, or survivability, all of them are Beyond your understanding of human beings.

If we are exposed, Hank will die immediately, and then we will kill every villager who tries to approach or stop us. Your village will suffer at least a thousand population losses, and the material loss is another matter.

But if you are willing to cooperate and take us to the front area for a visit, we will leave quietly after we achieve our goal.

Now, you can choose to cooperate with us or start shouting. "


Five minutes later, in the third area.

"It's unbelievable that you brought outsiders into the village." Molly whispered to Hank in a complaining tone.

Walking beside her, Hank replied softly, "I was held hostage...just like the situation we are in now."

"What about us... from now on, I will draw a clear line with you." Molly replied unhappily, "I should have listened to my family and not associated with people in the first area."

"Alas..." Hank opened his mouth to speak, but in the end he still didn't say anything. Many times, even if he had a thousand words, he could only turn into a sigh.

At this time, Feng Bujue and Kuangzong Jianying were walking behind the two of them. Ever since Molly walked in front, no one on the street patrols came forward to ask questions. It seems to find a place in the third area. Residents lead the way, and it does work.

"Don't worry, Ms. Molly, you just need to walk with us to the junction of the third area and the fourth area." Feng Bujue said at this time: "Next, you can leave."

Molly was obviously taken aback when she heard the words: "Are you going to enter the fourth area?" She then asked: "What about Hank? Will you let him go too?"

"Hmph... I'm afraid not, and I can't." Feng Bujue replied.

"Oh... thank you then." Hank replied with a wry smile.

This answer surprised Molly, but the next sentence Hank said in a self-defeating tone explained everything: "I think... from the moment I bring you into the village, it is impossible for me to continue to be in this village." stay here."

"Oh? I finally realized it." Feng Bujue said.

"I should have thought of it when you didn't let me return to my life before, but I was still deceived by you." Hank said: "I'm really too slow, I just figured it out."

Feng Bujue said: "Then, I can also open my mouth. No matter what the outcome of this matter is, as long as you fall into the hands of Coben's minions, you will surely die. Only when we succeed can you have a way out. "

"I don't even know what you guys are going to do," Hank replied.

Kuang Zong Jianying put on a dead fish face, looked at Feng Bujue and said, "Yeah... I don't know too well, can you tell me."

"First of all, what we are going to do is definitely not massacre the villagers. If we want to do that kind of thing, we can start killing directly after we enter the residential area." Feng Bujue said: "Secondly, it is impossible for us to just visit I don’t think you will really believe that kind of reason.” He laughed and said, “My main purpose is to obtain the scientific and technological knowledge in the temple. The secondary purpose is to change the social system of this village.”

"What technology are you talking about? There is no scientific and technological knowledge in the temple. It records the classics passed down by the gods. Only a very small number of priests are eligible to learn." Molly interjected at this time.

"These nonsense are all lies that you have been indoctrinated at an age when you can't tell right from wrong." Feng Bujue said: "The Cobain family just monopolized some natural science knowledge that you don't know, and they don't let you get in touch with it." That knowledge, in order to enslave you with religious lies." He sighed with compassion: "Ignorance and panic are two beasts that inhabit the human heart forever and keep thirsty. Only civilization can defeat them, and they are on the threshold of human progress. On the ladder, the pioneers are constantly devoured.

As far as you live, a thousand years ago, innocent women were burned as witches, just so they could sleep well or have a good harvest next year; five hundred years ago, people took Darwin's theories out of context , Shouting 'We are not monkeys', prohibiting the teaching of evolution in schools, huh... I don't think there is much difference between these people and monkeys.

And more than two hundred years ago... the people of the Cooper family held the fire of knowledge firmly in their hands, keeping those of you who live in darkness and cold in fear and ignorance, so that they can rule and enslave for a long time. "

"I don't believe your nonsense. The priest has warned us long ago that outsiders are devils full of lies. You don't want to use those blasphemous words to distort my belief." Molly replied.

"Ah~ They just want to make sure... when you meet someone who knows the truth, don't be affected by those words." Feng Bujue sneered: "They also asked you to kill outsiders unconditionally, didn't they?"

"Give it up. If you meet the guards, you will die. Their equipment is different from that of the patrols. They will kill anyone who tries to force their way into the fourth area, no matter whether you have hostages or not..." Molly still couldn't help it. Eat Feng Bujue's set: "As long as you agree to release me and Hank, I can try to take you out of the village."

" are better at negotiating than Hank." Feng Bujue said: "But unfortunately, our purpose will not change." He laughed: "And... Hank can't stand against Coburn again Off to the side, right, man."

Molly turned her head to look at Hank in surprise, who showed unprecedented calmness: "Sorry, Miss Molly, there is only one way in front of me, and that is to act with them, and I can't turn back."

"Hank..." Molly read, "Have you been bewildered by these two outsiders' evil witchcraft?"

"No, I'm very sober, I've never been so sober." Hank replied: "Although these two outsiders have repeatedly threatened to kill me, at least they didn't use any rhetoric such as gods to manipulate my thoughts. He said firmly: "If everything the Son of God told us is true, then I am a sinner who helps outsiders and tries to overthrow the gods. I don't know what the result will be. Anyway, I will die at most. Even if I personally kill What can I do if I kill these two outsiders? Will the priests let me go? I will also be punished and sentenced to death. Rather than die like that, it is better to fight."

For some reason, Mad Zong Jianying showed a smile: "Well said, Hank, let's go on."

Hanke continued: "And what if these two outsiders are right? The so-called sons of God and the priests are all telling lies?"

"Do you know what you're talking about? Hank, how could this..." Molly wanted to cut him off.

But Hank asked back: "Why is it impossible?" He turned his head and looked at Molly: "I was told from birth that I am a child of God, and everything must be obeyed by the arrangements of the Cobain family and the priests. It means that if you violate the will of God, you will be punished. My father and elder brother risked their lives to work and labor, but they could barely make ends meet. The priests lived a life of luxury, but they didn’t have to do anything.

I can only learn what they assign me to learn, say what they allow me to say, do what they send me to do, and I have to sing their praises and worship them.

If this is the will of God, then a god like this is not worthy of my devotion, because it obviously does not want to reward us believers, he just treats us like donkeys and horses, only the Cobain family and the priests are human . "

Molly looked at Hank with surprised eyes, "You're crazy..."

"Maybe." Hank said: "But I feel great. I have never felt so good. For the first time, I feel that my fate is in my own hands. Even if the price for this feeling is death, I will not Will be sorry."

"This feeling is called 'freedom'." Feng Bujue said: "When the prison they imposed on your mind is broken, whether you are in prison or dying, at least from this moment, you are free, as long as you No one can take away your freedom again." Feng Bujue said in a very provocative tone: "As long as you help us, overthrow the knowledge monopoly of the Cobain family and the priests, and expose their lies... Han Ke, you will not only survive, you will be a hero. All your fellow countrymen, including this Miss Molly, can taste the taste of freedom." RS

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