Thriller Paradise

Chapter 144: Earth Wasteland Chapter Seventeen


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The difficulty of passing through the fourth area was far lower than Hank's expectations. They almost never encountered decent resistance, and even Feng Bujue and Mad Zong Jianying didn't expect it to be so easy.

Originally, there were not many residents in the fourth area of Shenyou Village, just talking about a few hundred people. These guys all took their lives very seriously. When the alarm sounded in the village, they all hid behind closed doors. The number of guards is about a hundred, of which 60% are scattered at various sentry posts and checkpoints, and only a small number of them are patrolling. Even if the communication between the guards is unimpeded, they are not able to organize any effective interception measures. They only have such a small number of people, and there is no such thing as a quick-reaction force. Invaders with combat power like monsters, sporadic blocking are useless.

Cooper, who lived in the temple, had already received the news of the invasion of outsiders immediately, and it was he who gave the order to sound the alarm. If Feng didn't realize that they were not three people, but three hundred people, it is estimated that Cooper had already announced his surrender by now. But at this moment, he wasn't too worried. After all, he held the "divine power" in his hands. As long as the three intruders rushed into the temple, they would never return.

In just ten minutes, the three came to a place less than a kilometer away from the temple. The wreckage of this half starship has been transformed beyond recognition into a huge palace, but the original outline is still there, and at this distance, Feng Bujue can see some ways.

"I thought what the 'temple' you were talking turned out to be a spaceship." Feng Bujue said with a smile: "Then, the last few questions have been solved."

"Spaceship..." Hank wondered: "...what is it?"

"Oh, yes, you don't have that concept." Feng Bujue said: "Simply put, it's a giant shark tank that can fly into space."

"So... Coburn told us that the temple is a creation of God, and it can only be used by the sons of God. Anyone who enters the temple without permission will be cursed and die," Hank said.

Feng Bujue had already figured out the cause and effect, and he explained: "Don't go into the nonsense about gods and curses. According to my guess, this spaceship should be ancient humans, which is what you call it today. The outsiders built it hundreds of years ago. I don’t know what happened to your earth, anyway, it’s nothing more than environmental reasons or wars... Humans had to migrate to space, and some people stayed for various reasons, you guys Their ancestors are those who failed to leave." He licked his lips: "Maybe this spaceship was what they were on, and it crashed here due to a malfunction; or they found the wreckage of this spaceship, and then Settled in this place. As for the version of history that the Cobain family told you after they won the ruling power, I don’t know. Anyway, religious stories are almost routine, shameless nonsense, and everything can be attributed to miracles. "

"Crazy brother... If you talk like this outside the game, you will offend many people." Kuang Zong Jianying said.

"The part of people who are offended by me can find a corner and kneel down, praying to the gods they believe in to kill me with lightning." Feng Bujue said.

The three of them arrived in front of the temple while they were talking. At the entrance of the temple, about forty guards were standing in a row, ready to meet the enemy. They held up gravity shields, forming a human wall, and the anti-gravity catapults in their hands were all hovering in front of metal shells, and The target has been aimed.

"This kind of situation is rare. I have a group attack consumable skill, but I haven't had a chance to use it. Now I can try it." Mad Zong Jianying laughed.

"Sword Saint Storm?" Feng Bujue asked immediately.

"Uh... no." Mad Zha Jianying replied.

"Oh, whatever you want." Feng Bujue's expression showed that he had lost interest in this skill.

[Name: One Sword Ryu. Evil Harbor Bird]

[Skill Card Attribute: Active Skill, disappears after being used once]

[Skill Category: Fighting]

[Effect: A long-distance slash launched with one arm, setting off a wave of swords for a group attack, the move is powerful, and the speed is medium (can only be launched when using a sword weapon)]

[Consumption: Stamina 300]

[Learning conditions: Fighting specialization D, level 15 or above]

[Remarks: This move was created by a famous three-sword swordsman who was born on Singles' Day. After many years, it seems that this guy just randomly named the long-distance slash.]

The guards didn't talk nonsense with the intruders any more. When the three of them reached a range of about 50 meters away from them, they used the catapults together under the order of a guard chief.

Dozens of cannonball-like pieces of metal rushed towards him, and Mad Zong Jianying's moves followed the momentum.

He swung his arm and slashed obliquely, and a tangible sword energy surged out, rushing forward, and the metal pieces shot were bounced away in mid-air as if hitting a wall of air, Jian Tao's advancing momentum was Undiminished at all, he rushed towards the front line formed by the guards in an instant.

After a while of clattering, the sound of the metal shield being blown to the ground followed by shouts and exclamations of the guards. Except for a few people standing on both sides of the queue who escaped by chance, the guards in the middle were like bowling pins. He was also staggered and defeated by this move.

"Ah... I don't even have a chance to show myself." Feng Bujue walked into the temple as he spoke.

The interior of the temple is no different from that of ordinary duplex mansions. Apart from the men of the Coppen family, they also provide accommodation for the women who come to be "baptized". In addition, there are many servants living in the temple. These servants are basically They are old and decrepit women who entered the Cobain family when they were young, but they had no children. After many years, Cobain has lost interest in their bodies, so they can only use this method to serve as the son of God's family. "Service" again.

The space of this interstellar spacecraft is quite large and complicated. If Cobain hides intentionally, it will not be easy to find him. Fortunately, Hank knew where to find this "Son of God". Under such circumstances, York Cobain would definitely go to the "Divine Room", which was a place they would never allow outsiders to enter.

Shenyou Village will hold large-scale gatherings from time to time, and how often it depends on the situation. During the assembly, the Cobain family will use some "ceremonies" (such as treating the sick, or predicting solar and lunar eclipses in advance), to show "miracles" in front of the villagers, and to convey some of the latest "God's will" ". This is also a means of consolidating the rule. Every once in a while, the Coppins have to remind this group of slaves that the authority of the Son of God family cannot be offended or questioned.

This kind of ceremony naturally needs an audience, but the square in front of the temple cannot accommodate the whole village, so only "selected" villagers can come to watch it. The selection mechanism is actually very simple. Most of the people who are lucky enough to watch the ceremony are randomly selected from the first and second areas. Let these people come to experience the power of the Son of God. Excellent publicity effect.

Hank had seen the "miracle" once before, and although he had never entered the temple, he knew the approximate direction of "between the decrees". That room can be looked up from outside the temple (that is, the space between the command tower of the interstellar spaceship). Signs and proclamations of various decrees.

The three of them looked for a path to move forward, and there was no obstacle on this path, because there were no guards in the temple, even if there were, they would not be able to stop them. It didn't take long before the door between the decrees appeared in front of my eyes. And in the corridor in front of the door, there was still someone standing.

"This is York Coburn's younger brother, Harvez Coburn." Hank said.

Havez is half a head shorter than Hank, with a fat body, a big heart and a fat body, and his face looks shiny. When he saw the three of them, he said without fear, "Untouchable, do you know what you are doing?" ?” He stared at Hank with a smirk: “Do you know how serious the crime you committed is?”

Hank ignored him, raised the catapult, and directly fired the ammunition prepared in advance. The basketball-sized piece of metal attacked Havertz at high speed, but the opponent did not dodge, raised his left arm, and caught it with his palm.

With a bang, the sound of the metal block was like hitting an iron wall, but in fact it hit Hawez's palm and bounced to the ground.

"Hmph, do you want to challenge the power of God?" Haweez sneered.

"It's no wonder you dare to stop here." Feng Bujue also sneered: "The body has been mechanically transformed, right?"

He punctured Havertz's so-called "divine power" in an understatement, and the latter's face instantly became very ugly.

"Well... only know the knowledge of mechanical engineering, but without the support of biological technology of this era, this kind of transformation cannot be completed." Feng Bujue mused: "This shows that you not only have the technology recorded on this interstellar spacecraft, but also the outside world. civilization can also be obtained. It seems... the priests who helped you complete this body have been silenced, right?"

"There are as many people as you want. Anyway, the information is in our hands. We decide who is qualified to learn and how much to learn." Hawez snorted coldly, and continued: "Outsiders, even if you know some Don't be too complacent about things that these untouchables don't know, you can't leave alive, and no one in this village will believe your nonsense."

"Hey..." Feng Bujue sighed: "You are so stupid that I want to cry..."


A cold light flashed, and the steel knife was already in hand.

Feng Bujue held the knife in his right hand, and raised the gun in his left hand. As he moved forward, he fired continuously, but when he raised the gun, Haweez had already raised his hand to protect his head, and bent down, With a roar, he rushed forward, and the bullets poured on him like hitting a wall.

The fight between the two of them can only be described as horrible. Havertz doesn't know how to fight at all, and his fighting skills are much worse than Feng Bujue. To put it more simply, he has never eaten pork, and even pigs A type I've never seen running before, who flails his arms as if he's swimming when fighting...

Feng Bujue just took two steps back, raised his knife to greet him twice, and cut off both of Harvez's arms, and he didn't use much force, most of the strength was Haweez's own.

"How is it possible?" Haweez looked at his two severed arms in shock. He didn't feel much pain, but was surprised that his iron arms would also be severed.

"I can't stand it anymore." Kuang Zong Jianying shook his head: "Look at your actions, you haven't fought since you were a child."

Feng Bujue thought of something at this moment, looked at the sky at 45 degrees and laughed out loud, and said: "Ha... 'Even my father never hit me'... Is this a setting?"

Kuang Zong Jianying also laughed: "The famous lines are ruined by people like you who misuse them at inopportune times."

Feng Bujue put away his gun, and approached Hawetz step by step with the steel knife: "Okay, let's see how your divine power works."

Because of the lack of arms and his fat body, Haweez lost his balance after taking a few steps back, and sat down on the ground, "You... what are you going to do..."

Feng Bujue ignored his words, and just said to himself: "As soon as I raised the gun just now, you raised your hand to defend, which means that you know the weapon of a pistol. If you cover the head, it means that that part is completely non-mechanical..." As he said that, he inserted the knife into the opponent's thigh. The effect of [Robot Must Die] is also effective on this kind of creature that has been mechanically transformed in the body, and it is not a problem to penetrate its defense under the power bonus.

"Your limbs seem to have been completely remodeled, don't you feel any pain anymore..." Feng Bujue pulled out the knife and inserted it into the opponent's chest again.

Haweez gasped in shock, but after the knife entered his chest, he was still alive, but his breathing was affected, and he was speechless.

"Sure enough, the cardiopulmonary function has also been improved." Feng Bujue said: "After all, the members of the Cooper family have already made full preparations. Even if a major disaster occurs one day, causing problems with the air filtration in the village, you will also Don't worry, because you don't need protective clothing to survive in the atmosphere." He then stepped on Havertz's round beer belly, and the other party clearly showed a painful expression.

"Hmph... the digestive system hasn't been changed, right? No wonder, if it's changed, it should have eight-pack abs." Feng Bujue said with a smile: "I don't think the reproductive system should have been changed, because it's related to pleasure, so Are you unwilling to give up..." He moved the tip of the knife to the opponent's abdomen.

Although Haweez couldn't make a loud sound, he still desperately wanted to shout, and shook his head frantically in panic, as if begging Feng Bujue not to kill him.

"Don't worry, it's just a joke." Feng Bujue put the knife away as he said: "Since there is no mechanism in it, there will be no skill points if you stab it in, and it will be stained with fat and feces from the knife for no reason, how disgusting what."

Havertz couldn't understand what the other party was saying, but it seemed that he was about to let himself die.

Unfortunately, the next second, Feng Bujue took out a pair of pipe wrench from his luggage, and stared at Havertz's forehead with a murderous look... RS

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