Thriller Paradise

Chapter 145: Earth Wasteland Chapter Eighteen


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The door between the decrees opened, and a man who looked somewhat similar to Havertz was standing in the room. He was York Cobain, and beside him stood a boy of twelve or thirteen years old, probably His son, the whole family is easy to identify, with similar facial contours, hair and eye color; they are all overweight, but this is probably not related to genetics, but mainly caused by the pace of life.

Feng Bujue was the first to enter the room, followed by Zongjianying and Hank. When Feng Bujue saw the scene in the room, he immediately understood why the Kou Ben family didn't let outsiders in. In this so-called "divine decree room", there is nothing that can be related to religion. The room is full of consoles and display screens, which seems to be the core control room of this interstellar spacecraft.

[Hidden mission completed]

System prompts sounded in the ears of the two players. The moment they saw York Coburn, the mission was considered a success.

"Your expression is very interesting." Feng Bujue said: "Seeing that we appeared at the door, you seemed very calm. Don't you care about Haweez's life or death?"

York replied calmly: "If you kill him, I have to say thank you."

"Is that so..." Feng Bujue said: "It seems that the relationship between your brothers is very bad, hehe... Is he taking the woman you fancy, or is he coveting your throne as the Son of God?"

"You're smart," York replied, "and mean..."

"Mean?" Feng Bujue smiled and took out his gun, and pulled the trigger, shooting York's son in the head. The other three people in the room were completely dumbfounded at this moment.

Blood and brains splashed all over the floor, and the boy's body slumped down, dying at his father's feet.

Hank's eyes widened, he was stupefied, and even the Sword Shadow was startled. Although this was only in the game, but Feng Bujue's unchanging expression and decisive killing behavior, ordinary people really can't do it.

For the next ten seconds, there was no sound in the room, only the breathing of everyone could be heard.

"Hmm... Your reaction is very interesting." Feng Bujue looked at York's face and said.

"You crazy..." York's expression began to change.

"This is your son, right?" Feng Bujue pointed at the corpse on the ground with his gun.

"Yes." York replied.

"I killed him in front of you, but you didn't even frown." Feng Bujue said, "But when you realized that I killed him just to observe your reaction, you showed I felt a little uneasy." He put the gun away: "With all due respect, Mr. Coburn, if you want to say that you are mean, your character is far from being mean."

"A man who shot and killed a child without hesitation, is he entitled to accuse me?" York asked rhetorically.

Mad Zong Jianying interjected: "Well... I have to agree with that."

Feng Bujue shrugged, looked at York and said, "For me, it's just shooting a stranger, but for you, it's a close relative. Judging from your reaction afterwards, who is more cruel? It's up for debate."

"I won't engage in unnecessary verbal disputes with you." York replied, "Since..."

"Since the matter has come to this, let's talk about the conditions... right?" Feng Bujue continued the other party's unfinished words.

York said: "Why do you..."

"Do you still need to wait for you to say this kind of thing?" Feng Bujue said: "You are indifferent when your brother dies; you don't care about your son's death." He sneered: "The only thing you care about is yourself. The green hills are here, so you don't have to worry about no firewood... But from the actual situation, you also understand that armed resistance is futile, so when we appeared at the door, you were already ready to negotiate with us.

But my behavior just now... made you think that I might be a lunatic, and then you showed panic, because you know that only people with normal thinking will negotiate terms with you, but lunatics will not. "

York's expression was horrified. He didn't expect the other party to see through so many of his mental activities just through the change of expression and the reaction between a few words, "Who are you?"

"That's right, mad brother... I also want to ask, who the hell are you?" Kuang Zong Jianying vomited at the side again.

"Why are you fooling around?" Feng Bujue replied to Mad Zing Jianying, and then looked at York again: "Mr. Coburn, I noticed that the console behind you has been destroyed, if I guessed correctly , is that the only set of communication equipment that allows Shenyou Village to communicate with the outside world?"

"So what?" York replied. Just before Feng Bujue and the others came in, York punched the screen on the console with his modified arm.

"It's really interesting, you did this before we came in." Feng Bujue said: "It can be seen that you have been very clear from the beginning that Hawez can't stop us. This point, after the door is opened, your face You can see it on the face."

"I said how many things you can think about at the moment when you encounter a certain situation..." Kuang Zong Jianying said again, now he doesn't take it seriously how the script will end, and his greatest interest at the moment is to see if Feng can Think what to do next.

"Mr. Coburn, I think you are also a very smart person, at least your calculations are quite reliable." Feng Bujue walked, passed York, and came straight to the destroyed console Next, leaned over to check the damage: "When we got to the main entrance of the temple, you were already looking at it, right?"

York remained silent, but cold sweat was streaming down his temples.

"You don't even have photographs or anything like that in your village, let alone video recording equipment. But I dare say that there is everything on this spaceship." Feng Bujue said unhurriedly: "Monitoring this This kind of thing is a very common device in terms of the technological level of the outside world, but in Shenyou Village, it is probably the top secret that only you know. If I were you, I would also strictly control this technology. Keep it secret, even the priests will not tell it, and at most share it with your own people.

Surveillance is a very effective method. The villagers will feel that every move is being watched, but they don't understand the reason, as if there is really some god watching them all the time. It's perfect, isn't it? "

While Feng Bujue was speaking, he was already sitting on a folding stool (the one that came with him), and while fiddling with the console, he continued: "Of course, you can't sit in this room all day. Looking at the surveillance footage, there must be limited cameras in the village, but... Today, when you received a communication and learned that three intruders had broken into the fourth area, they must have rushed here anxiously and quickly locked on to our whereabouts."

He paused, and continued: "We only encountered sporadic resistance in the fourth area, but there are enough things that can be shown in that kind of confrontation, and you quickly realize... Our strength is super strong. In Knowing that resistance is likely to be useless, you have thought up a set of countermeasures.

Then, you call two family members, and let your son enter this 'divine room' with you, and let Havez guard the door. I don't know exactly what words you used to fool your younger brother, but with his IQ, I think you can fool him any way you want.

Judging from Hawez's performance, you must have not told him our true strength, so before he was kicked out, he still looked quite confident, and he didn't even know he had been tricked.

In fact, you played with a borrowed knife to kill. As you said at the beginning, Havertz was killed by us, which is exactly what you expected. "

When Feng Bujue said this, he turned around from the console, faced York and said, "You keep your son by your side for the sake of safety. It's also good to have a child as a shield at critical times. After a normal person enters the door , seeing a person with a child and showing no signs of preparing to resist, it is unlikely that he will kill without explanation."

"You are admitting that you are abnormal in disguise, right?" Kuang Zong Jianying laughed dryly.

"Don't interrupt." Feng Bujue said: "Mr. Coburn, I know exactly what your plan is. If Harwez didn't die, or even succeeded in killing us, you would take the opportunity to kill him, and then push the cause of death For us intruders, this is the best ending.

But you are also very clear that things may not go smoothly to that point. The most likely situation is that the three of us kill Hawez and come to you. According to this development, you have to think about how to send us away.

In any case, it is absolutely impossible for us to contact the human beings outside. Once the existence of God Blessing Village is known to the outside world, the dictatorial rule that your Kou family has worked so hard for for so many years will come to an end. Even if you die, you don't want to see that happen.

So you first destroyed the communication equipment with the outside world to ensure that everything is safe, and then as long as you hold us steady, the conditions can be negotiated slowly. "

"Hehe... Hahaha..." York laughed: "I really want to applaud you, hahaha..." He suddenly looked very relaxed: "The words are beautiful, but you are not such a noble person, are you? You He didn't kill me, but pointed out all this to me, just to increase his bargaining chips." He snorted coldly: "Okay, you won, the two guests, and you..." He looked at Hank , "You can get what you want, the women and resources in this village, you can use whatever you want."

York kicked his son's body away: "I can make up a reason, saying that you are the messengers of God, and let you live in this 'temple'." He made a quotation mark gesture with both hands, which can be seen He himself thinks the title "temple" is ridiculous: "Anyway, those fools believe in everything, as long as they show some tricks they have never seen before, they think it is a miracle, haha...

how about it? Think about it, I know what you outsiders think, my ancestors also met a few outsiders, maybe their initial idea was to let the people in this village go back to the so-called civilized society outside, but in the end, They still compromised. "

Feng Bujue interrupted at this moment: "Many of the equipment in your divine decree room were repaired or updated by those outsiders, right?"

"Hehe... That's right." York did not deny: "It is true that they built these communication devices that can communicate with the outside world. Of course, these devices have never been used once. Unless there is another nuclear war or something like annihilation here Otherwise, it would be impossible for me and my descendants to use it.”

"Can you still use these devices to capture the signals of human spaceships outside?" Feng Bujue asked again.

"Do you even know that?" York replied sullenly.

"This is what I thought of on the way here in the sandfish cabin." Feng Bujue said: "At that time, I was thinking, how did the scavengers find the Crystal Lake Laboratory? Where did the coordinates in the automatic navigation system come from?" Coming? Soon I thought of a possibility... In this village, there are certain people, most likely the ruler... fully capable of tracking the signals of external spaceships.

Humans from the outside world would occasionally come to the old earth to carry out some exploration and archaeological activities. As long as they secretly observed the signals of these teams and remembered the movement route and stay time, they could roughly guess the coordinates of the ruins they discovered. After these archaeological teams leave, you send the coordinates to the relevant departments and ask them to send someone to pick up the leaks. Orders are conveyed step by step, and the final execution end is the scavengers. "

When Hank heard this, he suddenly realized: "So this is the truth of those coordinates!" He had always wondered where the coordinates of the ruins that his superiors asked them to go to came from before, and now he finally had the answer.

"You bastard! Your Cobain family has always been able to communicate with the outside world! But you have enslaved us with lies for generations! Imprison my mind and prevent us from knowing the truth!" Hank became more and more annoyed as he thought about it. He and his family, And his ancestors, their lives were so pathetic that they were controlled by others from birth to death.

"Hmph... the truth?" York sneered, "Without that kind of thing, wouldn't the people in this village live pretty well?" He even raised his voice and tone, and said confidently: "It's our Cobain family , gave you the goal of life, and gave you faith. From birth to death, as long as you keep yourselves in order and do the work you should do, you can have housing, clothes, food, marry a wife and have children, and die in your heart. There will be no confusion and dissatisfaction. What’s wrong with that?” He turned to Hank and sneered, “Do you know the outside world? Do you really think that the outside world is better than here? I’ve read the real History, I know very well that today's human beings still haven't learned the lesson, they are exactly the same as in the past, as long as there are people, desires and struggles never stop, no matter the stage is on the earth or in the universe.

Only God Bless Village is heaven! It is our Coburn family who gave you this paradise! "RS

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