Thriller Paradise

Chapter 146: End of Earth Wasteland


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"Hmph... Xanadu?" Feng Bujue smiled: "Maybe it is for you." He stretched his neck twice, raised his head, and said lazily: "Their belief comes from deception, and their safety comes from ignorance." , not dissatisfied...just out of fear.

You keep these people in captivity like livestock, where they live, what they wear, what they do. The worst thing is that you control their minds and take away their... freedom. He looked at York Coburn with cold eyes: "Don't make your family's actions seem to be serving the villagers, no matter how you whitewash... All this is ultimately to maintain your generational rule, Guarantee your eternal interests. "

The flesh on York's face twitched a few times: "Even if what you said is correct, what would you do if you were in my position? Could it be that you would give up in such a situation before your eyes?" He Turning his face again, he glared at Hank with a distorted face: "My conditions are still valid, you can say whatever you want, but... are you really going to refuse? Can you refuse?" He smiled self-comforting twice Voice: "Stop pretending to be lofty, as long as you nod your head, you can join my ranks. You don't have to do any labor, you just need to enjoy yourself. Think about it, absolute power! When you reach eighty years old, you can also play By the age of eighteen, women will come to their door by themselves; the life and death of these untouchables is only a matter of thought. In this village, you can do whatever you want, and your children and grandchildren can also inherit this kind of life... "

"I can't help but want to ask." Kuang Zong Jianying sneered: "The outsiders who joined your ancestors must have agreed to these conditions, right?"

"Hehe... Of course, who would be willing to refuse?" York replied.

"Where are the descendants of those people now?" Kuang Zong Jianying asked.

"Uh..." York was speechless for a moment.

"How long did your ancestors let them live in the temple? One month? Half a year? One year?" Mad Zong Jianying laughed.

York gritted his teeth, speechless.

"Generally speaking, this kind of power similar to imperial power will not be shared with others. Even the competition among family members is very cruel, let alone people with foreign surnames." Kuang Zong Jianying said: "Besides you Judging from the attitude of your younger brother and son, an idiot will believe your promise."

"Then what do you want?" York seemed a little annoyed, and he couldn't choose what to say: "What can you do? Now the only device that can communicate with the outside world has been destroyed by me, and it is impossible to repair it in a short time. If you kill If you die, the whole village will not let you go!"

"I want to correct two of your mistakes." Feng Bujue raised his right hand and stretched out his index finger: "First, I am fully capable of directly communicating with the outside world in this room. You don't need to worry about this " He stretched out his middle finger again: "Second... hehe..." His smile made people feel a breath of death.

Feng Bujue stood up, revealing the console behind him. He was sitting there just now, not to study the communication components destroyed by York. That place can be used after temporarily recovering it with [Sloppy Maintenance] . Feng Bujue's real purpose was to block the area next to him. The light on that operating area has been on since a few minutes ago.

"As soon as I entered this room, I was looking for the location of broadcasting and communication. I really want to thank the people who designed these devices. The interface is as easy to understand as a point-and-shoot camera." Feng Bujue continued in a joking tone, "Our just now All the conversations have been live broadcasted, so...the person the villagers will not let go is you."

York Cobain's eyeballs seemed to be falling out of their sockets, his panic was completely written on his face, when he saw that the communication light announcing the whole village was on, the blood all over his body It's all cold.

"Our conversation is no longer a secret, and this village no longer has any secrets." Feng Bujue came to the console and said directly to it: "Villagers of Shenyou Village, listen to Come on. The so-called Son of God and his family... Over the years, history has been distorted, knowledge has been monopolized, the truth has been buried, fear and ignorance have shrouded you, and you have lived like pigs, dogs, cows and horses, and you must be grateful to the ruler .

The so-called outsiders are just humans who migrated to other planets hundreds of years ago. Coburn described them as heretics and devils, in order to prevent you from knowing the truth from the outside world. Even if you don't believe what I'm saying now, you should have heard the voice of York Coburn many times, judge for yourself. "

Feng Bujue paused for a few seconds, and then said: "I will contact the human beings outside and tell them the coordinates of Shenyou Village. After that, I hope you can communicate with outsiders rationally. What will happen in the future is up to you Shenyou Village The villagers themselves decided that there will no longer be any people who enslave you under the guise of an oracle. As for York Coburn..." He turned his head and glanced at the Son of God: "I leave him for you to dispose of, and he is here In the room of the divine decree, you can drop in and take a look around."

After saying this, Feng Bujue turned off the communication channel, turned around, spread his hands, looked at York with a smile and said, "Hey... Seeing your expression now, I really feel extremely refreshed."

"You... you...why! Why did you do such a thing!" York Cobain almost collapsed, he roared: "Are you sick! You don't want the glory and wealth that is brought to you! You and your companions even There is a chance to replace me, isn't it? Why?"

"Master Jian, please explain this kind of problem." Feng Bujue smiled.

As soon as the voice fell, several sword lights flashed, and the mad trace sword shadow appeared beside York Cobain in an instant. Almost at the same second, Cobain's mechanically modified limbs were all amputated, and his fat torso fell vertically, bleeding. , engine oil, and nutrient solution dripped out on the ground, and Cobain's face was full of astonishment.

"There is a saying... idlers will shovel uneven roads, and high-level people will take care of uneven things." While talking, Kuang Zong Jianying retracted his sword handsomely. His few moves are much better than Feng Bujue's when he killed Havertz, because his weapon has no effect of restraining mechanical creations, and he was able to dismember Cobain so quickly and neatly, mostly because of his own skill.

"If it were in the world I live in, facing such a choice, maybe I would compromise..." Mad Zong Jianying said: "But here, first, we won't stay for long, and second, you do you say it?" Well, huh... damn it."

York Cobain, who fell to the ground, was completely hopeless. He had hoped that he could escape the village alive, but now, even this illusion was completely shattered.

Most of the adult men of the Coburn family have undergone mechanical transformation. There is a reason for this. In addition to preventing assassination, displaying divine power, and prolonging life, it is also to enable them to survive on the old earth as a last resort. The enhanced heart and lung function can cope with bad air, and the mechanical body can also help them hunt mutant creatures for food.

The ancestors of this family did plan very carefully. They set many rules, such as body modification, mastery of history, which part of knowledge should be kept absolutely secret, etc... It can be said that they have already thought about how to deal with all kinds of problems for future generations. possible mishaps. The Cobain family's smooth rule for so many years also depends on the strict observance of these iron laws by the heirs of all generations.

If two players hadn't come here today, perhaps the only thing that could destroy Shenyou Village would be its own genetic decline. Looking forward to the day when the outside world discovers this place, it may be far away.

"Oh, by the way, although the probability is very small, in order to prevent you from being in this state, relying on the unshakable prestige established by the family over the past years, to deceive the public and turn the tide..." Feng Bujue took out the steel knife, Squatting next to York, smiled and stuffed the tip of the knife into the other's mouth, pressed the blade against York's cheek and said, "Just to be on the safe side, you might as well smile..."

"Ah... ah!" York Cobain yelled in pain, watching his cheeks on both sides be cut open, and his tongue was also blocked by the tip of the knife. Numb feeling.


More than ten minutes later, at the gate of the temple, Hank walked out of the temple slowly. A large number of civilians had gathered at the gate, from the first area to the third area. The priests have all been arrested by the villagers. Although some of them are innocent, this group of people must suffer a bit, and no one will believe their words again.

Among the crowd gathered at the gate of the temple, there were also many guards who had met the "intruders" before. When they saw Hank, they shouted: "It's him! He was with those two outsiders before! "

Hank walked to the front of the crowd, everyone was watching him, people were waiting, waiting for this man to say something. It's like looking forward to the guidance of that ray of light in the darkness before dawn.

Hank scanned the people in front of him. He saw Miss Molly, his mother, and his friends in the crowd. At this moment, Hank received attention that he had never received in his previous life.

After a moment of silence, Hank finally spoke.

"Those two outsiders... No, it should be said that they are two travelers from the outside world. They have already left. They said they will never come back, and they don't want to be remembered or talked about by us." Hank tried his best to keep his tone as calm as possible. The words are clear: "That Mr. Crazy... He repaired the communication equipment destroyed by Cobain, and contacted a place called 'Solar System Research Station' in the outside world. He told the other party the coordinates and signal frequency of Shenyou Village. We Our village is no longer an isolated place, the outside world already knows our existence.

Soon we will be visited by other humans who are capable of taking all of us out of here. We can go to a place called 'Second Earth', which is the home of human beings today. There are clean air and water, blue oceans, mountains, rivers, forests and lakes, and real cities.

Diseases can be cured without kneeling down and praying; the weather is predictable, not the moodiness of the gods. Every child has the right and obligation to receive education, no one stipulates or forces you to believe, what to wear, what to do... Women don't have to be sent to other people's houses for sex before they get married, and men don't have to risk their lives It is dangerous to do work like picking up waste. "

His voice unknowingly became louder, and it may also be because everyone has become quieter.

"I can understand your feelings at the moment. Like you, I feel confused, timid, and hopeful about the future. But what I can be sure of is..." Hank's eyes were filled with relief and emotion: "...we Free." RS

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