Thriller Paradise

Chapter 150: Attacking Protagonist 2


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"Would you like to go around the town first?" Ye Zhi said after reading the task content: "So far, there has not been any plot that restricts the player's free movement, and there is no condition that limits the time. Theoretically speaking... we are looking for It’s not impossible to hide somewhere far away from the mountain, wait until dawn, and then go up the mountain with some heavy machinery or explosives to physically destroy the well.”

Ye Zhi was arranged by the studio to practice medical specialization, not because she is a female gamer, so her superiors have stereotyped prejudices, but because she, like Feng Bujue, is also a gamer who takes the puzzle-solving route.

Among the orderly three-person group in front of them, Ye Zhi is responsible for planning and supporting during the battle, and the brave invincible is mainly responsible for the battle part, and Meng Jingchan, as one of the top players in the studio, can be regarded as this small group. The captain of the team has to listen to him at critical moments.

It can be said that the combination of these three people, even if they meet the most scumbag teammates, may pass the script of four or five people by their own strength. The so-called masters and the first club, to put it bluntly You have to have such strength and confidence.

"Ours is a non-sleep mode script. The strategy of delaying until dawn, if it is really implemented...maybe it will be judged by the system as a negative game for all." Feng Bujue thought for a while after hearing the words, and then proposed a correction : "However, I think it would be beneficial to go to the town first to have a look. First, you can collect information, and second, you can search for items."

Ye Zhi glanced at him and thought, "Is it a passive game... I've overlooked this factor." Then she said, "Anyway... go to the town to do some scouting first. Do you have any objections to this?"

"I agree." Feng Bujue answered.

Brave Invincible nodded, and Meng Jingchan, who was standing by, was smoking and drinking, so he probably had no objections.

Copernicus and Galileo exchanged glances, and then said: "Okay, let's go to the town first, but I don't think it should be delayed for too long, after all, it is an act that runs counter to the main task." His words It means that since most of you have reached an agreement, there is no need for the two of us to object, but our idea is to go up the mountain early and follow the task.

Feng Bujue quietly observed Copernicus' Galileo's words and deeds, trying to find something out of them. Before he finds out whether these two guys are GMs, Feng Bujue will definitely continue to be so conflicted in his heart. What he can't bear the most is the puzzle that is in front of him but cannot be determined. But he can't directly ask "Hey, are you two game masters? Is there a derivative in this script?" Even if the other party is really a GM, he will not admit it when asked like this. May cause many unnecessary troubles.

After discussing with each other, the six people changed direction and walked towards the town along the main road, but after walking for less than ten minutes, they discovered the problem... The distance between the town and the mountain was much farther than they imagined .

On the edge of the town are large fields with only scattered houses. It was night, and the moon was hanging in the sky, but the moonlight was not bright. The main road the players were walking on had utility poles and street lamps on the side of the road. Although there were not many street lamps, at least there would be a little light at intervals, while the fields on both sides of the road were dark. There is even a bus stop on this road, but the stop sign shows that only two buses pass by a day.

In the extreme distance at the end of the road, you can see the light of the city, and there is Yingguo Town.

Although judging from the distant view in the opening CG, this mountain is next to Yingguo Town, but after walking for a while, the players gradually got used to the sense of distance in the dark night, and they soon realized that this road may About ten kilometers, or even farther. To really enter the urban area of Yingguo Town, even if you travel at a constant speed, it will take at least an hour, unless you run forward to shorten the time.

"Hmm... It seems that our strategy has been miscalculated." Feng Bujue stopped walking, and the others knew what he was referring to, so they also stopped, "I'm afraid if we continue walking like this, we won't get close to the town. side, it will be judged as far away from the mission goal, and the game is negative. Heh... We have to turn back and turn back towards the mountain to release the negative game state. "

"Ah... Sure enough, playing tricks at the beginning of the script won't work." Meng Jingchan always speaks in an emotional tone while puffing out smoke rings...

"I'm sorry, this is all my responsibility." Ye Zhi simply admitted his mistake: "I let everyone go for nothing. Let's go back before we go far."

"No, it's not a waste of time." Feng Bujue denied, "If going in this direction is completely futile, the system should have given a warning of passive play." He paused, and said in a more determined tone: "There is only one road at the starting point of this script. We have two options. The first is to enter the mountain, and the second is to walk along the road to the town. Judging from the distance, the system is not ready to let us reach Yingguo Town Yes, but there's obviously something about this route that's plot-related, so we haven't been judged as a negative game at the moment."

At this time, Galileo looked at Feng Bujue with a strange look. He didn't make a big movement, nor did he turn his head, but just cast his gaze over there. Feng Bujue had been paying attention to him and his companions, so Galileo's move was completely noticed by Feng Bujue.

At this moment, Feng Bujue is absolutely calm and extremely cautious. He will not make accidental eye contact with the other party. He only observes the two suspected GM guys from the corner of his eye. No focus, as if lost in thought.

At this moment, in the team of six people, there is actually a secret battle that goes beyond the content of the script. For Feng Bujue, the most direct way to verify whether there are derivatives of this script as quickly as possible is to first find out whether the two teammates around him are GMs. Words are easy to speak out.

A few seconds later, Galileo said something to Copernicus in a low voice, and then Copernicus suddenly said to the crowd: "The crazy little brother is right, I have seen it." He raised his arm and pointed to the road ahead Said: "There is a big building outline less than one kilometer ahead."

Brave Invincible continued: "Oh? Why can't I see it?" He narrowed his eyes, as if he could see farther this way.

"I'm a detective specialist. I can see farther than ordinary people as long as there is a little light source in the absence of obstructions." Copernicus explained.

Feng Bujue snapped his fingers: "Very well, there is likely to be a flag that can be triggered in the place you see." He said excitedly: "It's like some very cunning side-scrolling game. Rush to the right, but there is a setting where the reward is hidden at a distance to the left from the beginning of a certain level."

"I hope so..." Copernicus replied, but his tone sounded weak for some reason. RS

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