Thriller Paradise

Chapter 151: The protagonist of the attack three


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The actual situation is consistent with the information provided by Copernicus. There is indeed a building less than one kilometer ahead, and it occupies quite a large area.

It was a large and stately house, and there was a garden outside the front door. The gate of the garden was about two meters away from the main road. This house is the same as the field beside the road. Even if you look at it from more than ten meters away, it is still dark, as if the street lamps and moonlight are blocked by some kind of hazy barrier, making it difficult to shine into this territory.

In front of the courtyard, Feng Bujue took out a flashlight from his luggage and turned it on. Others also took out lighting equipment, mostly flashlights and the like. Only Meng Jingchan held up a kerosene lighter, that's right. , the one he used to light his cigarette.

"Brother Chan, aren't you afraid that if you take too long steps, the flames will burn your hands?" Feng Bujue asked when he saw this.

"Not afraid..." Meng Jingchan replied, listening to his context, and then going to add an explanation of the reason for not being afraid. But after he said the first two words, his expression changed slightly, it seemed that he suddenly realized that Feng Bujue's words made sense. But the first half of the sentence jumped out, and he had to finish, so after about three seconds, Meng Jingchan stammered: "Uh... don't be afraid!"

"That's it..." Feng Bujue laughed, but he thought this Brother Chan was quite interesting, so he made a malicious joke: "Then I have a suggestion, at the right time, you can have a sip of wine, Then spray it on the flames, which can not only increase the lighting range, but also cause a certain killing effect.”

"Hey! Great idea!" Meng Jingchan replied.

"You'd better put away the lighter and follow us... Anyway, there are so many people, and there is no shortage of your Martian light source." Galileo said.

"Well... that's fine too." Meng Jingchan borrowed the slope to get off the donkey and put away the lighter.

"There doesn't seem to be a doorbell here..." Ye Zhi had already arrived at the iron gate of the garden. As she spoke, she pushed lightly with her hand, and with a creak, the gate opened just like that.

Everyone looked in, and when the scenery inside the gate came into view, they realized that it was not so much a garden as it was a wasteland surrounded by fences.

There is a pool that has dried up in the yard, and there is an old fountain in the middle of the pool; there are still a few fruit trees around, which are uneven and unpruned; weeds have spread out of the flowerbed, and there is a strange smell that is not very pleasant diffuse in the garden.

Maybe... the place was once a pleasant, leafy respite, full of the scent of fruit trees and flowers and the soft, sweet sound of water. But at this moment, here is the same as the haunted mansion that appears in every horror game. When the players enter the door, the breath that hits their faces is only decay, depression and darkness.

"I see... Let Brother Invincible go in first." Copernicus said: "People with the aura of the protagonist will scout the way ahead, and even if they encounter any sudden danger, they will be fine."

"From the tone of your voice, it seems that you know that there will be danger soon after entering the door..." Feng Bujue murmured such a sentence in his heart.

"Ah, that's exactly what I mean." Brave Invincible walked forward as he said that, he looked quite relaxed: "But the battle in front of us is just a few wandering ghosts at the level of miscellaneous fish, I think There is no danger of instant death."

[The protagonist's halo has been transferred]

[The current player with the protagonist's halo is Ye Zhi.]

As soon as Brave Invincible finished speaking, the system prompt rang in everyone's ears.

"Eh? What's going on?" Brave Invincible asked in surprise.

"So, if you say something purely stupid from the bottom of your heart, will you lose your halo..." Feng Bujue rubbed his chin and read.

"Hey... You should know that I can hear every word you say clearly, please don't be so sharp..." Brave Invincible said to Feng Bujue with an embarrassed expression.

"So, this is the condition for the transfer of the protagonist's halo?" Ye Zhi said thoughtfully.

"I think... there should be two transfer mechanisms." Feng Bujue continued: "Like Brother Invincible who lost his halo due to his actions just now, it is one of them." He licked his lips: "There is another one." In this way, 80% of the players do not have halos, and actively strive for the halo of the protagonist through certain behaviors."

"How to fight for it? Could it be that he said something insincere, not so purely stupid?" The Brave Invincible was obviously raising an argument with Feng Bujue.

Feng Bujue was taken aback when he heard the words: "Hey~ what you said makes sense, let me try." He suddenly walked to the front of the line and put on a serious expression: "I will take on the task of exploring the way first. Let's go..." He straightened up, with an attitude of "I'm about to transform", and said in a very shameful and handsome tone: "Even if I become an enemy of everything in the world and end up alone, I will not hesitate In front of your companions!"

The other five were so overwhelmed by his impassioned dialogue that they didn't even know where to start, they were stunned and speechless on the spot, and Meng Jingchan drank a sip of wine to suppress the shock.

Unexpectedly, a few seconds later...

[The protagonist's halo has been transferred]

[The player who currently has the aura of the protagonist is—Crazy Bujue.]

"Pfft—" Meng Jingchan spit out a sip of wine from his mouth at that moment.

Feng Bujue turned around, with a smug expression on his face: "Hmph... It's a piece of cake."

"That's fine!" Brave Invincible shouted: "Then it's okay if I just say 'Coach, I want to play basketball'!"

"Of course not. You have to kneel in front of someone with tears in your eyes, shout that sentence hoarsely, and the tears come out of your eyes at the right time, to be considered as meeting the requirements." Feng Bujue said.

"How did you come up with this requirement..."

"I'm just talking about my own opinion, and it may not be right." Feng Bujue spread his hands: "Oh, besides, your line is a supporting role, so it probably will fail."

"Cut... just call it Zhonger Halo." Ye Zhi said aside, "In this case, I have no chance, and of course I'm not interested in fighting for Halo..."

"Actually, you can try it too." Feng Bujue said, "For example... it means the moon disappears..."

"I warn you not to say nonsense and expect me to repeat it." Ye Zhi interrupted Feng Bujue directly.

Feng Bujue smiled: "Then... Brother Chan, um... and the two pioneers of astronomy, are you interested?"

"Don't look at me now... I used to be a shameless person..." Meng Jingchan replied.

"Hehe... I'll forget it." Copernicus replied.

Galileo sighed: "Uh... Crazy brother, I see... Only you can control the protagonist's halo."

"Actually, I think it's quite simple." Feng Bujue said, "For example, if I don't want it now, I can..." He suddenly showed a very obscene look, and said with a smile: "I'm not a pervert, even if I am, it's just A gentleman with a pervert name."

[The protagonist's halo has been transferred]

[The player who currently has the protagonist's aura is - Brave Invincible.]

"As long as you say this kind of line..." Feng Bujue regained his calm and composed expression in an instant, "It will definitely lose the aura, but I took the initiative to set up FLAG to transfer, and the transfer mechanism is naturally random."

"Brother...don't be like this..." Brave Invincible said.

Feng Bujue completely ignored him, and continued: "If you want to get it back..." He suddenly put on an exhausted expression, but there was still a trace of determination in his lazy eyes: "Wig, instead of thinking about how to die gorgeously, Why don't you think about how to live a gorgeous life!"

[The protagonist's halo has been transferred]

[The player who currently has the aura of the protagonist is—Crazy Bujue.]

"Have you had enough of playing..." Ye Zhi rested her forehead with one hand and shook her head. As the so-called dead house world, women will never understand.

"The halo of the protagonist is going to be ruined by you!" Brave Invincible said: "Enough is enough! You can just keep being it! No one wants to snatch it from you!"

"Oh, then I'll refrain from it... just take on the heavy responsibility of the protagonist for now." Feng Bujue changed his face faster than turning the pages of a book, and it only took him a second to return to normal again, and stepped into the courtyard.

"In a sense... this guy is so powerful..." Meng Jingchan breathed out smoke rings, and whispered to Brave Invincible and Ye Zhi in a low voice.

Soon, six figures passed through the gate of the garden one after another, and walked into this deserted mansion...


At the same time, in the mountains, inside the shrine.

In a corner of a certain room, there is a jar. It was an old brown clay pot covered with several layers of cobwebs, which looked inconspicuous in the dark environment.

Suddenly, a human hand stretched out from the jar.

Before passing through the cobwebs and dust, the hand was still quite clean, not like it had been in the jar in the first place.

After the hand came out, an arm followed naturally, but the part above the shoulder was stuck inside, and it was impossible to protrude further. It seems that the mouth of this tank is a passage connecting another dimension. Because the entrance is too small, the owner of this arm cannot fully come through.

"Cut... really troublesome." A deep male voice sounded in the dark room.

There is also a shrine near the wall of this room, and beside the shrine, there is a huge chrysalis-like object emitting a faint light. The height of this pupa is more than one meter, and the circumference of the widest part in the middle is also more than one meter. At this moment, above the chrysalis, the outline of a human face stood out, and it was this face that spoke just now.

"The conversion speed of data fragments has been blocked to such an extent..." Another voice sounded in the room, it was also a man's voice, but it came from the beam, "Are you a derivative of the three poles?"

"You four-level guys really like to ask boring questions." The man in the chrysalis replied, " don't know what 'boring' is."

"Is there anything I can do to help?" asked the fourth-level derivative on the beam.

"Of course there is." He replied: "You can try to complete the clearance conditions before the players come here and let them teleport." RS

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