Thriller Paradise

Chapter 154: The protagonist of the attack six


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In the abandoned shrine, the surface color of the chrysalis changed from white to beige, then gradually darkened, and finally turned into the bloody eggplant-like brown when the wound was scarred.

After the color change stopped, a few minutes later, the chrysalis suddenly shattered, and thousands of fingernail-sized fragments collapsed to the ground. Those brown fragments were very dry and landed very neatly, and none of them were stained. On the man inside the chrysalis.

The appearance of this three-pole derivative is in his thirties. He is a male with soft facial lines and medium hair. He looks quite refined. The suit he is wearing is actually the player's novice suit.

After coming out of the chrysalis, he moved his neck expressionlessly. At this time, he has no right arm, and there is a very flat incision on his right shoulder. No flesh and blood can be seen in the cross section of the incision, and there is only a piece of hair scattered there. Looking closely at the shimmering plane, one can also see very fine streams of data swirling on its surface.

"Cut... It's still the same..." He muttered in a rather unpleasant tone, walked to a corner of the room, and picked up the clay pot on the ground.

His right arm cannot be generated as an entity together with other data of the body when entering the script, so every time he has to wait for the materialization of the body to complete, and then find the hand and connect it.

There is a narrow space pocket behind the mouth of the clay pot, similar to the players' luggage, but when the arm comes out of it, this space will disappear. The derivative's right arm seems to be a piece of luggage that cannot be carried or disassembled. When returning to the script, it is squeezed in from the space crack directly in a solid form.

He took his arm out of the jar and put it on his shoulder. When the two luminous cross-sections came into contact, the entire area on the right side of the derivative's body twisted. Without any physical collision, The wall near that side was suddenly sunken, and the surface showed an irregular undulation.

After connecting, he tried to swing his arm, then looked at his right hand and muttered: "So many times... the break-in time has not shortened even a second..." He can feel the arm when it is not connected. You can also immediately know how long it will take for this set of data to complete the synchronization with the body after connecting it.

In short, it will take some time for this tripolar derivative to recover to 100% combat power. Now the arm seemed to be growing on him, but he couldn't use his full strength yet.

"it hurts… "

"So sad… "

"help me… "

Suddenly, one after another moans sounded in the derivative's ears, he frowned slightly, and looked down following the sound. I saw that the floor of this house was crawling with horrible ghosts covered in blood at some point.

Those ghosts came through the walls from under the floor, like dying people trapped in a quagmire. Some of them only showed their heads, and some of them emerged with half of their bodies. Their hair was scattered and covered their faces. It's black, without eyes, with a half-open mouth and outstretched hands. It looks like a drowning man trying to catch something...

The groans of the ghosts were not loud, they sounded like cries for help from people struggling in agony, but that was how they penetrated...

At this moment, the entire floor of the room was filled with these ghosts, and this derivative man almost had no place to stay. Soon, those ghosts stretched out their hands to hold him, some of them grabbed his ankles, and some of them leaned out and grabbed his clothes.

"Does the OSS in this script use hallucinations..." His eyes lit up, and there was a glimmer of light in the pupils, "Huh... it seems quite cunning..."

In the next second, he bent his knees slightly and made a light bouncing movement. And this seemingly inadvertent jump made him throw off the shackles of the ghost hand, and directly jumped onto the beam of the house with a difficult movement of turning over with a straight body for a week and a half.

A gray ghost was hiding on the beam. This monster was exactly the same as the one Feng Bujue encountered. Before it could make any attack, it was "exploded" by the derivative with a left hand punch.

Three-pole derivatives can use a different perspective from the player to see the world in the script. They can turn the scenery in their eyes into a state of half data and half entity, and they can also perceive within a certain range. Therefore, the illusion is nothing to them, far less threatening than actual strength and speed.

"Strange... Hasn't that fourth-level guy finished OSS yet?" He raised his leg and kicked while thinking, his toes easily over the top of his head. The roof of the shrine was knocked off at that time, and a powerful impact broke a large hole, the size of which was large enough for a person to jump out of it.

After jumping onto the roof, he saw a hazy moonlight in front of his eyes. Of course, for derivatives, light is a very secondary observation condition, even in the dark room, he can see clearly.

In the courtyard of the shrine, there is a dry well.

At this time, on the edge of the well, there was the head of the fourth-level derivative.

"Are you kidding me..." He whispered, moved his body, and swept forward. The whole person suddenly fell from mid-air, his feet touched the ground, and he stood firmly.

When he came to the head, he said, "What happened?" It seemed that he knew that the head could still communicate with him.

"I... went to... the... world on the other side..." The head spoke like a broken radio.

Although the fourth-level spinner is the weakest level among the spinners, according to common sense, its combat power will never be worse than the script OSS (not all worlds are suitable for spinners to enter, such as Thunderbolt World, there will never be spinners ), the situation at hand is very abnormal.

"I've... finished... the data... broken..." He could no longer utter a complete sentence: "It put me... in... this... let you..." At this point, a ghost suddenly protruded from the well. Claws, dragging the head down.

It was the first time for the three-pole derivative standing by the well to encounter such a situation, and he immediately started a series of logical analysis. First, I checked the positions of the players and the GM. These guys are still on their way up the mountain, and the situation in front of them obviously has nothing to do with them; Drive some script OSS with relatively low intelligence, so X-23 once commanded the mutant of Dr. Ashford), but it failed.

"If you still don't understand what I mean, I'll say it myself." A thick and distant voice suddenly came from the dry well: "I put his head here just to let you be smart and don't try to Make me my enemy." RS

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