Thriller Paradise

Chapter 155: The protagonist of the attack seven


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"Oh? The temporary data in a set of scripts dare to talk to me like that..." He looked suspicious: "I seem to be underestimated." He then sneered: "Humph... But it can kill the fourth-level Hey, it means that you are not an ordinary stat... You must be one of the subordinates of the 'four different types'?" He shook his head: "But you don't seem to understand the rules, even if you are the only one among you Because of the highest combat power of those four, they would not speak in this tone when they saw me 'K3-Red Iron'."

It took a few seconds for the voice in the dry well to sound: "I have never heard your name, I don't know what you are, and I don't know what you are talking about." It paused, and then said: "I It is Vailu, the servant of You Wang of the Nether Abyss. Just now your kind tried to destroy the 'General Formation' in the Well of Resentment, and I have already eliminated it. If you want to follow in his footsteps..."

"It turned out to be just a relatively powerful watchdog." K3 interrupted: "I thought you were a high-ranking existence, but I didn't even know the names of the other three of the Four Pillar Gods. Temporary data is temporary data..."

As K3 spoke, he approached and stepped on the edge of the well of resentment without hesitation: "[The Lord of Time] is in charge of the river of order, [The Chief of All Demons] rules the scorched earth of chaos, and [The King of the Abyss] leads The kingdom of the undead, [Truth Tribunal] adjudicates good and evil in all realms." He looked down into the well, and through the vision of the data level, he had seen the whole picture of the "general formation" at the bottom of the well, and even observed part of "that world". scene.

Following the words just now, K3 continued: "And you... what kind of thing? Are you a guard guarding a certain back door for the kingdom of the dead?"

Vailu did not respond to K3's provocative words, which turned hostility directly into action. In the next second, an invisible attraction suddenly appeared at the mouth of the Well of Resentment, pulling K3 downward like a vortex that was hard to break free.

This force has no effect on the ordinary objects around, not even a fallen leaf or a withered grass is affected, only K3's body is held tightly by an incomparably huge force and dragged to the bottom of the well.

"It seems that you are also very self-aware. You know that the world here is no match for me." K3's upper body has entered the well. That guy will die... So that's how it is." His eyes suddenly showed unconcealable murderous intent: "Huh... Interesting, then I will do what you wish, come and play with you."

K3 let go of his hand, head down, and plunged down like a fish. When he touched the bottom of the well, a strange light suddenly appeared, and his body passed through a data diaphragm and went to another. world.


Six players... oh no, at this point we can already call them four players and two GMs. Anyway, these six people still don't know anything about the disputes between the three-pole derivative K3-Red Iron and the real OSS Vairu of the script.

Two GMs can detect the position of the spawner in the administrator's special menu. They have a system similar to the "spawner radar". When the target approaches within a certain range, they can find each other. Of course, apart from the coordinates, the radar For other information, such as the derivative's level, ability, appearance, etc., it is impossible to obtain it.

So Copernicus and Galileo are also wondering at the moment... Shortly after the script started, they detected the existence of a derivative, but the signal disappeared after a while... About ten minutes ago, they detected again The signal arrived, but disappeared again shortly after.

They didn't know that there were two derivatives, let alone what happened on the mountain. According to the conventional thinking, the GM's inference is... The fourth-level derivative in this script seems to be able to shield the GM radar, but during this period he interrupted the shield for unknown reasons, appeared for a while for the second time, and now disappeared again .

"Are you guys thinking about some ulterior conspiracy?" Feng Bujue's voice interrupted their thoughts and caught them off guard.

At this moment they were walking on the path in the mountains, Copernicus and Galileo were at the back of the team, and Feng Bujue was at the front of the team, suddenly stopped, and shone the flashlight back on their faces, Said such a sentence inexplicably.

"Uh... what... what?" Copernicus stammered back.

"Hehe... you... what are you talking about, don't be kidding." Galileo replied with a smirk, but he was actually muttering in his heart: no way... this kid is so clever? Are we exposed

"What he meant was, why did you two experts in scouting unknowingly drag you to the back of the team?" Ye Zhi said.

"Ah?" Copernicus was taken aback, "Oh... oh, yes, I'm sorry, I was a little distracted..." He smiled mischievously and walked forward.

It's obviously nonsense to talk about detective specialization, they just know the location of FLAG. As for titles... GM's titles are all set and will not change, and they will not be given any skills. Of course... they don't need any title skills. The quality bonus is also stronger than that of players of the same level, and the equipment that ordinary players can't imagine, such as:

[Name: Administrator's Knife LV18]

[Type: Weapon]

[Quality: Normal]

[Attack Power: Strong]

[attribute: none]

[Special effect: The damage after hitting the target is calculated by triple]

[Equipment Conditions: Exclusively for administrators]

[Remarks: This item cannot be discarded, destroyed, or traded, and the item description cannot be displayed to ordinary players in any form.]

It seems that the introduction of this item is not very complicated, but the column of special effects can almost scare people to death.

At the beginning, Pan Feng and Hua Xiong said that the actual strength of the GM is about ten levels higher than the displayed level. In other words, leaving aside the level of the game, the hard power of Copernicus and Galileo is equivalent to two 28-level players, and they also have a lot of script information that only GMs can see.

Titles and so on are just floating clouds to them. GM's titles are often modest and low-key, titles like "Military Way Killing Fist", "Heir of the Demon", "Iron Fist Invincible", etc. Even if they want to use them, their superiors will not approve them.

GMs usually pretend to be scouting specialists, so that they can explain their sources of intelligence and protect ordinary players properly. Because scouts always take the lead, GMs can get ahead of others to deal with some negative FLAGs or resist derivatives. raids by raiders to prevent unnecessary deaths of players.

"Don't be nervous, there is nothing to be afraid of, cheer up." Brave Invincible interjected in an encouraging tone at this time, and he thought that the two people were disturbed because of fear.

Unexpectedly, his unintentional behavior triggered a...

[The protagonist's halo has been transferred]

[The player who currently has the protagonist's aura is - Brave Invincible.]RS

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