Thriller Paradise

Chapter 156: The protagonist of the attack eight


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"Huh? So it's okay like this." Brave Invincible wondered.

"Very good, I have tried another FLAG that can change the aura's ownership." Feng Bujue murmured: "But this method doesn't seem to be very practical."

"That's for you." Ye Zhi looked at Feng Bujue with contempt and said, "I think this way is much better than your declaration of the second class."

When Feng Bujue heard this, he just spread his hands and shrugged, refusing to comment.

Even though Copernicus and Galileo came to the front of the team to lead the way, they were a little distracted by the anomaly that the derivatives appeared and disappeared from the radar just now. At this moment, the words that were sealed just let the two go smoothly. Go to the front of the line to lead the way.

The GM knows how to clear the level and the position of the FLAG. In this regard, Feng Bujue's skill [Decisive Victory] is far behind them. The OSS he saw with the title skill is the well of resentment, that's because he observed At that time, Vairu was in the world on the other side of the well, so he couldn't detect it.

If there are no derivatives in this script, there are certain conditions for the players to reach the true OSS ending. And the basic customs clearance route does not need to face Vairu.

The GM menu can directly see that there are four "soul grabbing formations" on this mountain, three regular magic formations are scattered in the mountain, and a general formation is located at the bottom of the Well of Resentment. According to the normal process, after the player enters the mountain after the start of the game, he will inevitably encounter a regular soul grabbing array first. As long as he survives the illusion and breaks it, he will be able to trigger the prompt of the main task. At that time, the system will remind the players that they need to break through four A magic circle, and then the well of resentment can be sealed.

Then, the players can complete the three regular formations and one general formation one after another, and then they can pass the level. Of course, the formation at the bottom of the pit of resentment will be more difficult to deal with. But in any case, if you follow this game line, Vailu will not play.

But Feng Bujue and the others walked in the opposite direction after entering the script, which was actually tantamount to discovering a hidden reward. Following that route, they could also find a soul grabbing array on a broken wall outside the mountain. Although getting this magic circle did not trigger any flags, in fact, this circle can make up for the main task. That is to say, after the players who have solved the magic circle in advance, after breaking any regular magic circle in the mountains and updating the main task, their progress will be directly 2/4, which means that the players who have completed the test of the mansion , there is no need to fight against the resentment well formation at all, just deal with four regular soul-grabbing formations to pass the level.

The above two game routes are the conventional customs clearance route without thinking, and the simple customs clearance route with puzzle-solving properties. The difficulty of the latter is obviously lower, while the former needs to deal with more troublesome battles.

Of course, there is a third route, which the GM will not choose, and it is also the most simple and rude one. Just ignore everything, ignore hallucinations and other FLAGs in the mountain, fight all the way to the shrine on the top of the mountain, jump into the well, rush into "another world" and kill Vailu.

This kind of route, maybe a team of six strong players at the studio level can still do it, or two GMs can avoid all the dangers along the way and go directly to the well to fight the real OSS without the derivatives making trouble. With a fight, it is possible to do it. But for ordinary players, this last method of violent customs clearance that relies entirely on force is almost an impossible task.

Now that we have come to the easiest way to clear the level, and the derivatives are in a state of disappearing, the original plan of Copernicus and Galileo has naturally changed. They underestimated the player's strength at the beginning, so they didn't want to make things too complicated. They just planned to lead everyone up the mountain quickly, finish the four magic circles according to the conventional route, and send the player away. But now, they have the opportunity to complete the main task and send the player away without going to the top of the mountain, so they have to take good care of it.

After the six walked for a while, Galileo led the team away from the original mountain path and walked into the nearby woods.

Feng Bujue looked at the actions of the two with an attitude of onlookers, without expressing any doubts. It was Ye Zhi who asked a few questions, but the two "investigation specialists" explained in unison, and then got away with it.

Before I knew it, about twenty minutes had passed since I entered the mountain. The shadowy forest and the constant slope under my feet gradually made me feel a kind of mental depression and fatigue.

"This forest has no real boundaries." Galileo said in an explanatory tone: "I think the whole mountain, on the night of October 31, entered a state of abnormal space."

Feng Bujue read only five words from his words: Please be patient.

"Then let's stop walking around in circles, and keep going up the slope, we will eventually reach the top of the mountain, right?" Brave Invincible continued.

"It's too naive..." Feng Bujue said: "People say 'no boundary'... then the concept of direction can be thrown away. You think we are taking a 'detour', and the basis is just the slope under our feet." He crooked Turning around: "So... imagine that we are walking on a flat land at the moment, but the trees on this land grow obliquely, and the gravity is also inclined, then you will feel that this is a slope .”

"Hmm..." Brave Invincible couldn't imagine.

"In addition, the space anomaly means that the actual area of this mountain may be infinite." Feng Bujue continued: "In this kind of place, with the idea of 'going in the same direction, you can walk out' , then nine out of ten will be trapped in the same place." He gestured a positive infinity symbol in the air with his hand: "If this is a circular space with no exit connected end to end, then from the moment we step in, there will be no exit. There is no such thing as 'going out', and the way out can only be found by breaking the space anomaly. But judging from the current is another situation."

When the two GMs heard the words, they all looked back at him, their expressions showed that Feng Bujue was right again.

"The current situation?" Ye Zhi wondered, "How do you say that?"

"There is no trace of backtracking." Meng Jingchan suddenly spoke at this moment, and threw out a concise and to the point speech.

"Ha! It's amazing, it seems that there are still people who understand." Feng Bujue laughed.

"Thank you, each other." Meng Jingchan said, picked up the wine bottle and took another sip. This man is far more reliable than he looks on the outside.

Feng Bujue continued: "Up until now, have you seen any familiar scenes, or seen your own footprints repeatedly?"

"Uh... that's not true." Brave Invincible said: "But this mountain is also very big from the outside, so it shouldn't explain anything, right?"

Galileo turned around and explained for Feng Bujue: "What the outside world sees is completely different from what we are in now... It's like..."

Before he finished speaking, Copernicus at the front suddenly raised his arm and made a gesture, and gave a short but forceful hiss, then lowered his voice and said, "There is something ahead..." RS

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