Thriller Paradise

Chapter 157: Protagonist of Attack Nine


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The kingdom of the undead, boundless and lost.

In the boundless desert, there is not a single grain of yellow sand. Looking around, it is gray and white.

After the deceased's bones were crushed and ashes were scattered, the last trace of powder remained, forming this desolate white sand.

There is no distinction between day and night here, the sky is always gray, and a black fireball hangs high in the air, lighting up the world with "black light". The "black moon" is the symbol of Youwang Youwang of the Nether Abyss, the land illuminated by the black light is his territory; the spirits frightened by the black light are all his subjects.

On that day, the wild sand was still there, and the strange and evil singing reverberated, causing a vortex-shaped sandstorm. Amidst howling, he saw a circular space rift suddenly appear out of thin air, and a figure rushed towards it.

The figure of K3-Chitie fell to the ground, like a multi-ton artillery shell bombarded the desert, causing a loud noise, and set off turbulent sand waves all around. The killing intent that bloomed hugely shrouded the sandy plain.

"Come out." K3 sneered: "Even if you regret letting me come here now, it's already too late."

For K3, the thing that can limit his strength is the difficulty of the script itself. Vairu thought that he would have an advantage in this world, which was obviously a miscalculation. Maybe his strength here can exceed the upper limit of the fourth-level derivatives, but the third-level derivatives, like him, also have room for improvement in this dimension of higher combat power.

The blood cloud rushed, and the black moon lost its color. The evil singing in the wind stopped suddenly, and at this moment, a puff of black smoke rushed down from the midair, and Vailu seemed to be a vain mist, gradually condensing into a body from a gaseous state.

His reality is the image of a purple-faced old man, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, curly beard and tiger temples, white beard reaching his chest, and a black robe. The same image, if it is righteous, it is not an exaggeration to call it a fairy spirit, but Vailu's body reveals an extremely terrifying and gloomy evil hostility, just looking at him will make you shudder.

The evil wind whispers and is silent, and the wandering soul is fierce and vicious.

The surroundings became extremely quiet in an instant, as if everything was waiting and watching...Wailu's next move.

"I have seen and heard... your arrogance." Vailu said, "I also feel that you are really strong. But these... will not shake my will to fight."

"As far as the watchdog is concerned." K3's attitude is still very calm, even though his right arm can only display 50% of its strength now, he still has absolute confidence in winning: "You are not bad."

As a derivative, and a derivative of the three poles, he must be more aware of some order and laws in the thriller paradise than these script OSS, and the analysis of combat power is obviously more objective and specific.

For comparison, Vailu's strength at the Necromancer's side is much stronger than that of Ford that Feng Bujue encountered on Hunter Island, but it is still a little worse than the high-ranking monsters like Samodil. .

If he went to the world on the side of Yingguo Town, Vairu would be weakened and restricted. In a real fight, two GMs with full status would have a great chance to kill him.

As for the strength of K3-Chitie, at the end of Yingguo Town, it is almost the same as the combined combat power of the two GMs, or even slightly stronger. In the world on the side of the Necromancer Kingdom, his data restrictions are also reduced accordingly, so after everyone's upper limit has been raised, he is still stronger than Vailu.

"Those who want to destroy my soul-grabbing array... kill!" Vailu shouted, his figure suddenly became in a trance, and turned into an afterimage, and he was killed in front of K3 in the blink of an eye.

The battle started, and the murderous intent suddenly rose.

Vailu preempted the attack, wanting to seize the opportunity, K3 stepped on the bone sand, turned his arms around the world, barely moved his position, just lightly pushed the opponent's ghost claws to the side, and the two bullied each other Wrong, Vail's attack was easily resolved in this way.

Of course, this move was just Vailu's temptation. Facing a strong enemy, he didn't dare to use any ultimate move when he didn't know the depth, so as not to reveal his flaws and be defeated in a blink of an eye.

Turning around and shouting in a deep voice, a misty black mist gathered behind Vailu's back, and his rampant murderous aura accompanied by raging evil waves turned into an invisible force and rushed towards K3's back.

"Is it a long-range attack this time?" K3 turned around nonchalantly, "This kind of bluffing move may still have a little deterrent effect on players..." He raised his right arm flat and opened his palm, and the crimson light was on his arm bloom.

Facing the oncoming Heitao, he greeted him with even stronger red power, defending against it with rigidity, the two forces collided, and there was a clear ringing like a bell in the desert.

The sound waves disappeared, the situation changed, and when the white dust cleared, the two figures still stood facing each other, neither of them was injured, and their breath was not disturbed. It seems that only with this level of tentative attack and fighting each other, the two can fight for three days and three nights like the masters depicted in martial arts, and finally end up with someone desperate to urinate and retreat.

"Sad temporary data, even if you don't die here, it will disappear at the end of the script." K3 sighed in a compassionate tone: "In countless scenarios, the system can create countless you. You will be destroyed by countless players." Kill, or kill them...but neither means anything, for you death is the end, for them it's just the return."

"I don't understand what you're talking about..." Vailu continued.

"It's really hard for you to understand, and the saddest thing is that even if you understand, you can't change anything." K3 said: "Only those data that are high enough to have 'uniqueness' can 'live' longer. Although they cannot escape the fate of disappearing, at least they have a longer lasting memory. Their final 'death', in this dimension, will also be an epic."

K3 sighed: "And you... don't waste my time anymore, be quiet, and disappear for me quickly, so that the system can meet the conditions for teleporting players." The fierce killing intent erupted in K3's eyes: "I'm two miles away. There is only one step left to the next level, there is no room for mistakes, I will never let your temporary data create any variables!"


"Those are... people?" Brave Invincible lowered his voice and asked, following Copernicus' line of sight, he saw a small group of figures approaching slowly in the woods ahead.

"It must be a hallucination..." Copernicus replied.

"Oh... it's a hallucination, not a monster." Feng Bujue said in his heart, he really wanted to complain more and more about the administrator. He hasn't gotten close to him yet. Generally speaking, he would think it was a monster. Yours The first reaction is to tell us that the other party is not an entity.

"Should we hide?" Ye Zhi was still thinking in a normal way, and came up with some more reliable suggestions. As she spoke, she vigilantly covered the light on the front of her flashlight.

"Hey, do you want to hide?" Feng Bujue simply turned his face and asked Galileo directly in a rather impatient tone.

"Uh... I don't think it's necessary." Galileo replied dully, before he realized why Feng Bujue would suddenly ask himself such a question, he instinctively said the answer.

"OK, let's see what kind of tricks this illusion can play." Feng Bujue put one hand in his clothes pocket, and held up the flashlight in the other hand, looking forward boredly.

Ye Zhi looked around with strange eyes, scanning the faces of Feng Bujue, Copernicus, and Galileo one by one. She found it very strange that these teammates all looked unreliable, but they always used abnormal behaviors to do the right thing, as if they had read some strategies beforehand.

Not long after, the small group of figures came to the front, they walked very slowly, and the way they walked was very strange, like children playing with a train, one after another.

The guy walking in the front had his head lowered to his chest, but his hands were raised straight forward like a zombie, and he staggered forward with the people behind him. The person in second place put his hands on the shoulders of the first person, his head was also pressed very low, buried deeply between his two arms, and the third person put his hands on the shoulders of the second person , and so on, this small team has a total of six people.

When they are quite close, the players can use the lighting equipment in their hands to see the clothes of this group of people. The six figures with their heads down, their clothes, and gender correspond to the six players one by one. , exactly.

Feng Bujue smiled and said, "Ha... Needless to say, the last one must have a line, and the content is probably like 'Come on'..."

The team just passed by the players without making a sound, as if they were just passing by for a soy sauce. I don't know if it's a coincidence or God's will, but the one who walked last was wearing the same long purple suit as Feng Bujue, and when he passed by everyone, he raised his head and turned his face, revealing a pale and stern face. Turning his face, he rolled the whites of his eyes, and said in a voice that gave people goosebumps: "Come on..."

"Look, I'm right." Feng Bujue shrugged.

His relaxed and unusual attitude largely infected the people around him, just like when you are watching a horror movie, someone spoils the next scary scene in advance. After being psychologically prepared, the plot setting that was originally very infiltrating did not have the effect of scaring at all, and everyone's shock value did not fluctuate.

"This kind of trick... Hong Kong ghost movies have been playing in the 1990s." Feng Bujue said: "I have watched countless similar plots." He watched the group of hallucinations gradually go away and walk into the darkness In the mountain forest, he still complained persistently: "If you really want to make people feel uncomfortable, why not string six people together like centipedes, then let them crawl over, and then the person at the front of the line will say something..."

"Stop talking!" Ye Zhi hurriedly interrupted: "Aside from offering constructive suggestions, can I ask you to stop talking?" As a girl, her San value has been constantly increasing since she saw Feng Bujue. At a lower level, compared to games, the spiritual pollution caused by Feng Bujue's words and deeds is more terrifying, because it may continue into real life.

"Seeing hallucinations, it means that we have entered the range of the magic circle." After all, it is the GM, and Copernicus still brought the topic back to the customs clearance process in a serious manner.

"You remove the word 'bar'." Feng Bujue smiled: "Just lead the way." RS

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