Thriller Paradise

Chapter 16


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[Name: Sloppy Repair]

[Skill Card Attribute: Active Skill, Permanent Mastery]

[Skill Category: Equipment]

[Effect: Temporarily upgrade a mechanical creation whose quality is garbage or dilapidated to normal quality within three minutes]

[Consumption: Stamina value 100]

[Learning conditions: Equipment Specialization F]

[Remarks: As we all know, the founder of the great "Rotten Apple" company, the goblin inventor and entrepreneur known as the pioneer of the industry, Mr. Steve Chew, also worked as a repairman when he was young. His epitaph reads - "Only a rookie would try to fix a thing completely". In order to let more people understand this sentence, he also printed the company's LOGO (a chipped apple) on the tombstone]

Feng Bujue's luck in playing games has always been very bad, and getting this skill randomly is a good manifestation. At a low level, such as [Explosive Fist], which has low learning requirements and consumption, and has a limited number of uses, can bring great help to the player.

And this [sloppy repair] belongs to the kind... After the player's twentieth level, even if the skill bar is not full, he still feels optional.

The effect is tasteless and consumes a lot. The worst thing is that the target of the effect is limited to "mechanical creations". If this skill can be applied to all equipment, it should still have some value. For example, if a player picks up a rusty iron pipe of dilapidated quality and has enough stamina, he can use this skill to turn it into a normal-quality iron pipe, which can be regarded as a little bit more powerful.

But the reality is cruel, this skill can only be used on machinery. Feng Bujue is already imagining the situations where this skill can be used... If you find a faulty chainsaw... it would be worth spending a hundred stamina to make it run for three minutes; this skill should theoretically It can also restore the function of the faulty vehicle. Suppose you take a scrapped car in full condition, pinch the time, and use it again a few seconds before the skill expires every time. The car can run normally for nearly 15 years. minute.

But these are just hypotheses. It is hard to say whether vehicles like vehicles are really affected by this skill. After all, large objects in scenes like cars are not considered "items", and players cannot view their properties.

Anyway, if he kept this thing, he wouldn't be able to sell it for any money during the public beta, so Feng Bujue learned this skill, and immediately there was such an item in his skill list. Then he came to the second glass pillar, and the system prompt appeared:

[Please choose your extra reward: 1. Randomly draw a piece of equipment corresponding to the level, 2. 5000 game coins, 3. 200 experience points]

Feng Bujue resolutely chose the equipment. First of all, the latter two options are completely unnecessary at this stage. Secondly, he just didn't believe it. He was already at level 5, and he had nothing but a non-combat skill and a plastic needle. Could it be that he could get a second [stone]

The white light converged, from virtual to real, and a white shadow of a piece of equipment gradually appeared in the glass pillar. Before it was fully formed, Feng Bujue knew that there was something going on this time, and judging by the outline, it was definitely a weapon.

[Name: Mario's Pipe Wrench]

[Type: Weapon]

[Quality: Excellent]

[Attack Power: Medium]

[attribute: fire]

[Special effect: When attacking the head of a human or humanoid creature, there is a high chance of causing heavy damage]

[Remarks: The owner of this pipe wrench is very famous. He claims to be a plumber, but he never repairs the pipes. He just drills in and out of the pipes, jumping around. Busy all day fighting evil forces, saving the kingdom, looking for princesses and so on. He sometimes disguises himself as a frog, a raccoon, or even Ksitigarbha. Sometimes he also sets fireballs and throws hammers...but he never! Note, is "never" use this plumber's must-have tool. So, the pipe wrench became angry, and it flew into a rage. It wanted to prove that the pipe wrench could take part in the battle!]

"This world view is a bit strange..." After reading the attributes, Feng Bujue complained, but he was still very happy. No matter how weird the content in the remarks column was, at least the other attributes of this equipment were very good.

After walking back to the elevator, Wang Tanzhi's communication request was already displayed on the screen. When Feng Bujue clicked to accept, he sent an invitation to form a team, "How is it? Have you arrived at level five?"

Wang Tanzhi replied: "Ah, the experience is just enough, how about you brother Jue?"

In the friend list, only the nickname and current status of the other party can be seen, and the level is not displayed. But when Wang Tanzhi asked this question, because he accepted the request to form a team, the team status bar appeared on the monitor, and at this time he also saw Feng Bujue's level information.

"Sure enough, brother Jue, did you get any equipment?" Wang Tanzhi said again: "I just used up the rest of the magic fist. Before the script came out, in addition to the fruit knife I had before, I also found it. A piece of armor."

"Let's not mention these things... did you use the key at the end of the script just now?" Feng Bujue said.

"Ah? Yes, how do you know?" Wang Tanzhi replied.

"How did you get that key?" Feng Bujue asked again.

Wang Tanzhi was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and then he replied: "At the end of the script, I found a key left on the ground in front of the exit gate. I don't even want to understand what is going on now... I can’t stop, my survival value and stamina have bottomed out, and there’s still something chasing me in the distance. I didn’t expect to pick up a key to open the door in such a place, and just finished the script.” He paused: "Eh? Brother Jue, do you know why? Is this also the case in the end of your script?"

Feng Bujue said: "How is it possible... My script is very difficult, and your situation... I guess the system thinks that with your wisdom, picking up the key to unlock the lock is already a kind of puzzle solving, so it gives set up like this."

"This kind of puzzle solving is for orangutans!" Wang Tanzhi exclaimed.

Feng Bujue smiled, he made the joke intentionally to change the subject, "Are you ready? Is there anything else to sort out before platooning to survive?"

"I'm fine, let's go." Wang Tanzhi replied.

Feng Bujue operated the touch screen, and quickly called up the queue menu. After both of them reached level five, the modes they could enter changed. Now the menu displayed were single player survival mode (normal) and team survival mode (normal) ).

Training mode has been turned off as an invisible option, and single player survival mode is also now greyed out and unavailable.

[Crazy Unconscious, Level 5]

[Sigh in vain, level 5]

[Please select the game mode that the team wants to join.]

[You have chosen Team Survival Mode (Normal), please confirm.]

[Confirmed, the random number of team members has been generated: five people.]

[Your team has entered the queue and is searching for other ready individuals or teams.]

[Matching completed, neural connection is being coordinated, script is being generated... ]

[Loading starts, please wait a moment.]

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