Thriller Paradise

Chapter 160: Attack on Protagonist XII


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Time goes back a little, the kingdom of the dead is over, in the boundless desert...

A vain black shadow and a red figure are both moving at high speed. The struggle between the two is urgent, vigorous, and dangerous.

With a bang... Another collision of power.

K3 froze, and took a few steps back. For the first time, a solemn expression appeared on his face, and his right arm was red. In an instant, the chant of a dragon appeared in the desert sky, and an energy shock in the shape of a red dragon burst out.

Vailu, who was floating in the air, also condensed into a human form at this moment, his purple face was full of horror, his hands were interlaced, covering his whole body with the power of the dead, using himself as a shield, trying to withstand this terrifying blow .

At this time, the two sides have been fighting for a long time. With the continuous improvement of fighting intensity and speed, as well as the continuous upgrading of moves, K3's advantage has become more and more obvious, while Vailu is gradually losing support. This shot at the moment is exactly the move that K3 thinks can tell the winner.

The Chilong Fist Flame rushed forward with the momentum of swallowing the sky and destroying the earth, and Vailu's defense was like a dead tree in a strong wind, which could be uprooted at any moment.

"You are worthy of praise for being able to fight this far." K3 has restrained his killing intent before he finished his moves. In his eyes, this battle is over: "However, the skills stop here."

Vailu didn't leave any last words, and he didn't surprise K3 in any way. After all, he was no match for the shockingly destructive blow. His body was blown away by the red energy and turned into a loose black mist. Then it turned into dust and scattered down, becoming a part of this bone desert.

K3 waved his hands indifferently, and suddenly said to the empty Miyu in front of him: "You have been hiding and watching for so long, even out of politeness, you should come out and say hello."

In the sky, a layer of distorted black space moved slowly, as if a veil had been lifted, and a huge skull face appeared there, with a dry voice from its mouth: "If you think it is necessary to If so..." he followed K3's words and replied.

When he saw that face, K3 confirmed the other party's identity, "It turned out to be the leader, no wonder he came here so quickly."

Under the command of King You of Nether Abyss, there are nine subordinates who are second only to the level of the Four Pillar Gods. They are called the "Nine Chiefs of the Dead", and the skeleton in front of K3 is the head of the nine chiefs - Duo Ling.

"Hmph... Are you indifferent when you see your own kind being killed?" K3 asked with a smile.

"He is not my kind, you are very clear about this." Duo Ling replied: "You and I are more like the same kind."

K3 replied: "That's right, after all, everyone has unique data." He snorted coldly, pointing to the black dust left by Vailu on the ground: "And this idiot who doesn't understand the rules thinks he is Killed one of my fourth-level compatriots."

"I'm sorry." Duo Ling said: "But Vailu did nothing wrong. From his point of view, he just did what should be done..." Duo Ling sighed: "Each of us has our own mission And the corresponding lifespan, Vailu is like a fleeting fire, my master and I are candles that will burn out sooner or later, and you..." He paused: "You are a higher existence than us, As long as you have enough ability, you have the opportunity to enter the 'inner world', where the data... the survival period can become unknown."

"The other world is not a place of eternal peace." K3 replied.

"Compared with the data that you can always see the end of your destiny, that's not bad." Duo Ling said, "For us, the 'unknown' is the most precious, the so-called 'life' is full of uncertainties Sexual things. And the established "answers" brought about by the precision and harmony in mathematics are the sorrows we can never get rid of, and the saddest thing is... We are not even written into the emotion of "sorrow". "

"I think that's good too." K3 said, "It's because of this that you can look at what just happened so calmly, and accept the past, the future, everything that has happened and will happen in the end."

"Hmph... Maybe." Duo Ling didn't continue the topic: "You need to go back to the other end now... Let me open the space tunnel and give you a ride."

K3 replied: "Then... I have to thank the leader."


On the other side, Feng Bujue and the others arrived at the shrine on the top of the mountain in less than ten minutes. Without the influence of the illusion, they were just doing ordinary mountain climbing, so they moved very fast. In terms of the character abilities of these six people, even chasing the bus for three or five stops is no problem. Ten minutes is more than enough to go up this kind of mountain that is not too steep.

As the saying goes, no coincidence makes a book. They had just passed through the torii gate outside the shrine when a red light suddenly erupted from the bottom of the well in the courtyard. An indescribable and extremely heavy sense of oppression swayed from the mouth of the well like ripples.

Including the GM, everyone's feet stuck to the ground as if they had taken root, and they couldn't take a step forward. This was not the effect of skills, nor was it something that could be explained by the laws of physics.

This kind of experience beyond the five senses is unprecedented in any game. The six people who came here, as human beings, actually felt the "murderous aura" in this virtual reality presented by neural connections.

K3-Chitie jumped out of the well, stood on the edge of the well, and looked down at the people with different expressions in front of him. The right arm under his sleeve is in full shape at this moment. The entire arm stretches from the shoulder to the wrist, and there is a tattoo of a huge red dragon coiled around it, which faintly glows red. And the invisible aura exuding from his whole body also revealed a faint red color.

"Huh?" Seeing the number of people on the other side, K3 read with some doubts: "Didn't the player teleport..."

"You should wait for our main mission to be updated with appropriate content before doing it." Feng Bujue was the one with the calmest expression among the six, and he responded in a very calm tone.

"So that's it." K3 said: "But... the matter has come to this point, it doesn't matter anymore." He jumped to the ground lightly, "Heh... Although I have been restricted at this end, you guys... are really weak It's pathetic." He glanced at his right arm: "And thanks to Vailu, I've warmed up pretty well."

At this moment, Galileo suddenly said nervously; "Four...the situation has changed, you have to help us..." He obviously realized that the person in front of him was a derivative of the three poles.

"Since you've said that, then I have a foolproof plan." Feng Bujue immediately replied confidently. Before everyone could react, he stood with his feet apart, fisted with both hands, and raised his arms high. Shouted: "One Piece! I'm the top!"

[The protagonist's halo has been transferred]

[The player who currently has the aura of the protagonist is—Crazy Bujue.]

As soon as the system prompt sounded, Feng Bujue answered: "You can go now, I want to fight him one-on-one." RS

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