Thriller Paradise

Chapter 18: The City of Fantastic Movies II


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After the system voice prompt, Feng Bujue went to check the game menu again, and found that the task bar was finally unlocked. This was the first time he had officially received the main task. The previous training mode and single-player survival mode were basically completed in closed buildings. The layout of the script was very small, and there was not much room for choice in the direction of the plot, so the system did not generate tasks redundantly. The current team survival mode has a large map with a high degree of freedom, and the system must give a main line to guide the final direction of the game, otherwise the player may not understand what to do in the general direction.

After expanding the task bar, Feng Bujue saw a new window covering the front of the menu, and the task content was displayed in the frame. The text description of this main task is very simple: [Search the city and find the Devil's Gate.]

"It feels like a magical setting." Feng Bujue glanced at the mission and closed the game menu.

"This city is so big, wouldn't it be like looking for a needle in a haystack?" Wang sighed.

"The key word used by the mission to remind us is not 'door', but 'devil'." Feng Bujue said, walking to a nearby automatic ticket vending machine, looking at the map of the subway line printed on the machine Dao said, "There are a total of twelve subway lines in this city, although they are represented by different colors, but..." His fingers moved along the intertwined lines on the map, and finally stopped at one place, " Among the dozens of intersecting lines, there is such an area..." He opened his hands and pressed on the map, covering the line map around that area, only revealing the middle one: "Five intersecting straight lines form a very Standard geometric figure, a pentagram."

"Brother, this is too far-fetched." The lonely little brother said: "If you search carefully, you may find many other geometric figures in that mess of threads."

"The second my finger stops, it means that I have searched carefully." Feng Bujue replied, he turned around and explained: "Before we go up to this floor, whether it is inside the subway or on the platform, You can only see the station name and schematic diagram of this line of the main line. There is no complete line map of the whole city subway like this, but there is no one on the lower floor.

Before the system prompt sounded, we neither encountered a monster nor wasted much time, and hardly took any substantive actions. But there must be a reason for the task to be triggered. If there is no trigger condition for this task, we should receive it while sitting in the subway. Why should the system wait for us to go up to the first floor before giving a reminder.

So... the possibility I can think of is that there's something in this layer that isn't in the lower layer that provides information that could point us to the demonic door that the quest talks about. "

When he said this, he turned sideways and patted the subway map printed on the automatic ticket vending machine with the palm of his left hand: "There are only twelve subway lines, while there are thousands of roads on the ground. Meaningless, city maps are even more meaningless, unless we can find a tourist map with landmarks like 'Devil's Gate'."

He took a deep breath: "In short, if no one has made any constructive comments that contradict this inference, or if the comments themselves have no tenable basis to support... please move with me to this area in the picture. Come on, if I'm wrong, let's reorganize our thinking and discuss again, if I'm right, I'll take the skill value, and everyone clears the task, everyone is happy."

After Feng Bujue finished speaking in one breath, everyone was dumbfounded, but Wang Tanzhi seemed quite calm at this moment, because he had seen many such scenes since he was a child.

Feng Bujue's reasoning ability is a derivative of his addiction. He is a very smart person. When he was 16 years old, he scored 138 in the inet test at school, and the left and right hemispheres accounted for 69 points each, which is a balanced thinking. Compared with the "supernormal" geniuses above 140, he is still classified as a normal person, but his abilities of observation, memory, comprehension, and reasoning can be said to be well-trained, and they are absolutely incomparable.

As Mr. Conan Doyle said through the mouth of Sherlock Holmes, besides profound knowledge and experience, an excellent detective is more important than correct reasoning skills. Holmes in the article always spares no effort to promote his own "deductive method", and Feng Bujue is obviously a loyal fan.

His obsession comes from another set of Sherlock's theories: treat knowledge as a reserve, manage your brain as a library, sweep out unimportant things and forget them, put unimportant things in the attic, and keep what you need within your reach.

This seems to be an idealized memory habit and thinking mode, but in fact, it can be done with a certain amount of training. Feng Bujue is a typical example of self-taught.

There are many things in this world that are easier said than done, such as doing dozens of push-ups at home every day to become a muscular man unconsciously, memorizing a few words every day to easily pass Level 4 and 6, and writing thousands of words every day You can become a great god if you save your manuscript... If there is a ranking list for human beings' self-deception, these few sentences must be in the top few.

Ordinary people face this kind of self-discipline training, the probability of giving up halfway is extremely high, but as the saying goes, there are so many geniuses in the eccentric, Feng Bujue is one of the few people who persisted, and eventually turned reasoning and reasoning into habits and hobbies...

"Uh... What Brother Crazy said is very true. Finding it in this way is better than wandering around the city after we go out." The second half of Long Aomin's words were addressed to Brother Lonely.

"Ah... ah? Oh, okay... okay." The lonely little brother just came back to his senses. In fact, he didn't completely follow Feng Bujue's language and thinking, but he had a feeling of "although I don't quite understand , but this guy seems to be very powerful."

The five set off immediately, Long Aomin walked in the front, Feng Bujue followed closely and told him which exit to return to the ground, and was responsible for pointing out the general direction after going up.

When passing through a spacious safe passage, Feng Bujue found a setting that looked like an easter egg. Among the billboards one after another on the wall of the passage, there was an advertisement for a game of Horror Paradise.

After walking through the passage and turning right, everyone saw the exit at the top of the slope. There is an upward escalator on this slope, but it has stopped, and there are two rows of ordinary escalators on both sides for walking.

They climbed up the stairs and came to the ground of the city. The moonlight is dim, the lights in the city are very sparse, there are many cars parked on the street, but all of them are turned off, the billboards on the roadside buildings, the lights in the business places and houses are all dark, only the street lights on the street Still working fine.

Although there are no moving vehicles, the air in the nose and nose is still very turbid, and there seems to be a layer of fog in front of the eyes, making it difficult to see the distant scenery clearly.

When they were in the subway station, there was a roof over their heads, walls around them, and it was an underground environment, so everyone didn't feel anything. But after coming to the open ground, the indescribably weird atmosphere around... that kind of abnormal quietness can make people suffocate.

Four of the five had fluctuated startle values, ranging from 5% to 15%, and various signs of fear had gradually appeared on them.

"Go along this road, turn left after passing the four streets, and then go straight ahead." Feng Bujue's tone sounded normal, and he didn't seem to be affected at all. He quickly recognized several people on the road. Landmarks, figured out the route.

Holding his shield, Long Aomin nodded and continued to lead the way, while the other four walked behind. Everyone didn't speak, they were alert and listening, trying to walk on the sidewalk as close to the streetlights as possible.

From time to time in the darkness, there would be the breathing sounds of suspected wild animals, rustling whispers, and vague laughter. Anyway, no matter which one, people can hear it, but they can't hear it clearly.

Long Aomin would look back every tens of meters, and the more he looked, the more he felt something was wrong, "I said crazy brother... you should be a high-risk occupation in reality, right?" Long Aomin asked. He has practiced all the way to level ten, and he has never seen a player like Feng Bujue. Fear is hard to hide, but Feng Bujue didn't even show any fear in his eyes, which shows that he is not pretending to be bold, but really not afraid... Combining with the sharp reasoning just now, Long Aomin even doubted Feng Bujue In reality, it is a character like a professional special police officer.

"Artist." Feng Bujue replied nonchalantly, as if he was telling the truth.

Wang Tanzhi didn't bother to intervene. As far as he knew, Feng Bujue generally declared two professions: artist and great writer. No matter which way you look at his behavior, both answers are embarrassing...

Long Aomin didn't expect to hear this kind of answer at all, and for a moment he didn't know how to respond, but the lonely brother spoke up again: "Where would someone 'call' themselves an artist?"

"Then I can put it another way." Feng Bujue continued: "I am an art worker with high aesthetic ability and proficient creative skills, and has achieved certain achievements in art creation."

"Isn't this just an explanation of these three words!"

"Compared to saying those three words directly, it seems a little more modest, doesn't it?"

"Obviously even more arrogant, okay?"

Lonely laughed at the side, Lonely pouted, and said to her: "If he doesn't pretend to be stupid, can I complain?"

At this time, Feng Bujue suddenly stopped, and quickly took out [Mario's Pipe Wrench] from his luggage, "Well... I just eased the oppressive atmosphere, and something troublesome is coming."

Almost at the same time as Feng Bujue, Long Aomin and Feng Bujue saw two shadows flashing past in the darkness, but he only saw a rough outline, and he didn't know what they were, anyway, they were probably some kind of monster.

"It looks like a deformed baby, with small scythes at the front of both arms. It's very fast. In terms of number... there should be more than one." Feng Bujue narrated calmly, and approached the darkness with a pipe wrench. He didn't know at the moment that after saying these few words, his investigative specialization was activated.

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