Thriller Paradise

Chapter 19: Strange Movie Fan City Chapter 3


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"One, two, three... um... Exactly five." Feng Bujue walked to the middle of the street while counting, and left the brightest area under the street lights.

He stepped directly on the hood and stood on top of a car, holding the pipe wrench tightly with one hand, looking at all directions and listening to all directions. He stood on this dimly lit high point at the risk of his own life, trying to lure the strange babies into the bait.

Wang Tanzhi took out his [Fruit Knife], and put on the armor obtained in the previous single-player survival mode—a black steel helmet, which looked rather nondescript. He and Long Aomin were basically standing back to back, not too far away from the street lights, each guarding the same direction.

And the response to loneliness and loneliness is similar to that of men and women who are about to receive lunch in horror movies. The woman hugs the man's arm, and the man stands sideways in front of the woman, a proper suicidal stance.

The shadows of strange babies walk through the shadows of the street, using the shadows of buildings and vehicles to hide themselves. These monsters move really fast, appearing in places where the light is at most one second, and their figures are fleeting. .

Feng Bujue was standing far away from the street lights, and there were many shadows around him. As expected, he was the first to be attacked. But I saw a strange baby jumping up from the ground, more than two meters high in one leap, culling it from behind Feng Bujue.

He had already checked and turned to meet him, just in time to see the strange baby jumping in front of him. The skin of this monster is copper green all over, its body looks like a baby, its face is ugly, its mouth is full of jagged yellow teeth, its forearms are replaced by two small scythes, and below its knees are a pair of animal legs. The end is not the sole of the foot but the hoof.

Feng Bujue chose to stand on the roof of the car because the height of these monsters is less than one meter, and the target who attacks a high place is bound to jump up. Now this strange baby really jumped up. Since it jumped, it would stay in the air , you will be unable to dodge for a while...

In terms of strength, Feng Bujue obviously had the upper hand, and he was well prepared to lure and kill him. But seeing it aimed at the head of the strange baby, from top to bottom, the pliers were raised and lowered, and the pliers fell with a sound. This smashing, let alone how disgusting it is...

You can imagine a watermelon flying towards your face, and you blow it up in mid-air with a stick, but the watermelon is full of rancid liquid, viscous pus, and semi-solidified pulp Wait, it exploded all at once, and splashed on you due to inertia...

This is what Feng Bujue encountered. The "off-water" splashed on him even smelled real. Speaking of literature and art, Feng Bujue exuded a dark and mysterious aura from all over his body at this moment, to put it more simply...the smell of corpses.

Although this strange baby was killed by Feng Bujue, there are four other babies around. Their number may be generated according to the number of players, but they are not set so that each one is directed at different players.

Except for Feng Bujue, everyone else was standing under the light. Anyone who has watched horror movies knows that monsters only attack those who are alone, so the other four did not pay attention to others, but all surrounded them. Feng Bujue in the dark.

In this situation, Feng Bujue did feel a little nervous, but unfortunately he still didn't feel the emotion of "fear". He could still keep calm in his thinking, so he directly ruled out the plan of escaping to the backlight in his mind. Now he has an idea of the speed of these strange babies. He is very clear that as long as he gets off the roof, within five seconds, as long as two strange babies rush over at the same time, his leg will be shot by one of them. The sickle was chopped off.

Standing on the same level, this short and fast monster is definitely not easy to deal with. Feng Bujue reckoned that with his current strength, it would be okay to go down to the ground one-on-one, but one-on-two would definitely be injured.

The second strange baby also rushed over after more than ten seconds, and Feng Bujue didn't know when the other three would jump up, but the one in front of him had to be dealt with first. He repeated the same trick, swinging the pliers hard, this time not as accurate as the first time, but the pipe pliers still hit the strange baby's head side, the fire attribute and the special effect of heavy blow to the head provided a pretty good attack effect, The second strange baby was successfully born.

And the third wave of attack was launched before Feng Bujue had time to retract his arms. This time, two strange babies rushed together, jumping up from Feng Bujue's left and right sides at the same time. If he turns around to block, at most he can block one, and it's hard to say whether he can kill it with one blow.

It was too late to say it, but when a golden light appeared in the distance, a burly figure entered the battle with a snap of his fingers. Like stepping on a skateboard, Long Aomin rushed over while moving horizontally. His feet didn't pass at all. It can be seen that this movement activated some kind of skill.

As expected of a tenth-level character, he is powerful in battle. Long Aomin raised his shield in front of him, and with this skill, he instantly got close to a strange baby, knocking it into the air, and then he opened his arms and waved , Relying on the wingspan, he used the edge of the shield to rub against the waist of another strange baby, causing it to lose its balance in the air, and the flying route was deflected.

How could Feng Bujue miss this opportunity? With the two seconds of stagnation, he had enough time to react. He picked up the pipe wrench and took down the strange baby with a waist injury. .

Seeing that he had finished this one, Long Aomin quickly ran towards the strange baby that he had knocked into the air just now, came close to him, bent his knees and raised his shield, and pressed it down with one blow.

The strange baby had just landed after being knocked into the air by the skill just now, and its foothold was not stable. When it saw a huge and strong man rushing towards it, it had no choice but to raise the sickle in front of its hand to meet it. Although it stirred up some sparks on the shield, as a weak monster, it was obviously impossible to cut through this piece of sophisticated equipment with both offensive and defensive capabilities.

Long Aomin let out a tiger roar, and slammed the shield several times. After a few strange screams, the baby turned into meat paste, obviously dead.

"Where is the other one? Let's cut it together." Wang Tanzhi just ran to the side at this time. In fact, he and Long Aomin rushed over together, but he used skills to move, half a second Just arrived, but he ran over. In the past few seconds, Brother Long had already completed one kill and one assist.

"Don't be careless, I don't think things will be that simple..." Before Feng Bujue finished speaking, the surroundings suddenly became pitch black, and all the light sources in the city disappeared in an instant, including the moonlight in the sky.

The whole world seemed to be swallowed by something, and plunged into complete darkness. Those breaths, whispers, laughter... all became extremely clear at this moment, as if they were right beside everyone, in the darkness that was within reach but couldn't be seen clearly.

A few seconds later, just like the plot CG at the beginning of the game, the hazy moonlight shines again, the street lights are turned on again, and the surrounding brightness returns to the state before it was dimmed.

And the last strange baby dormant in the shadows, after the baptism of the weird darkness just now, has undergone drastic changes.

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