Thriller Paradise

Chapter 25: Strange Movie Fan City Chapter 9


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The few people waiting outside only waited for a minute before seeing the lights turned on in the police station.

Everyone looked at each other, and after dozens of seconds, Feng Bujue came out from the old place: "I found the switch for the backup power supply. This police station seems to have a built-in independent power supply."

This is undoubtedly good news. The five people immediately filed through the gap in the wall and entered the police station.

After being fully illuminated, the scene inside is actually very scary. Except for the ceiling not being damaged much, basically all the movable objects such as desks, chairs, benches, computers, files, water dispensers, etc. are not there. In situ, there are still many suspected door fragments and a dozen damaged door frames. The back of the main entrance of the police station has the most things piled up, so it can't be opened from the outside at all, even if you have a key, it's useless.

On the first floor, there were three police corpses in total, and the first corpse Feng Bujue found was closest to the entrance. Digging deeper, there were two other uniformed men, both Caucasian males. The second corpse was obese, with a hole pulled open on the side of the chubby abdomen, and the intestines were dragged out of the stomach in a long ball, how long... Let’s put it this way, you can hang yourself with this; the third corpse is medium-sized Body, there is a gap in the left shoulder, the clavicle is severed, and it extends to the left chest. The heart in the chest cavity has disappeared...

The game has a very high degree of restoration of this kind of disgusting stuff, but the system will suppress the player's desire to vomit, mainly by making some fine-tuning of the sense of smell and taste during the conduction of the nerve connection, so as not to make the player's stomach feel strong discomfort .

Wang Tanzhi didn't care about it, he had dissected many corpses in reality. Of course, this has nothing to do with guts, he is just used to it, as long as it is a dead body that does not move, it doesn't matter if it is disemboweled or not, he is not afraid. But he is afraid of other ghosts, spirits, monsters, and even darkness, and his reaction when watching horror movies and playing horror games is similar to that of girls.

Let me make a digression here. In fact, although girls have a strong reaction to watching horror movies, it does not mean that they are timid. This is completely a scam, maybe they will be scared in real life, but watching a horror movie is another matter... For example, a young man and a woman sit together watching a horror movie. Looking timid, one pretended to be relaxed and laughed at the other party from time to time, while the other screamed from time to time. This kind of thing happens every day, and 80% of them are men pretending to be brave and women pretending to be cute. In fact, the two people's fear of horror movies is similar, so there is no such difference.

But I have to say that a man who doesn’t pretend to be brave is not cute, and a girl who doesn’t pretend to be cute is too brave. The world needs to run like this. Please continue to work hard.

Closer to home, let’s talk about the three corpses. The one that Feng Bujue had searched for naturally had nothing to discover. The man who disemboweled him had a baton and a pair of handcuffs on him. When he picked it up, the handcuffs were still broken, and the key to the handcuffs could not be found on him.

The baton was sealed and handed over to Lonely. Although it is a piece of ordinary quality equipment, but because there is no equipment restriction, and it is a special weapon anyway, it also makes the Lonely brother who has been unarmed until now very satisfied.

The third body was in a small compartment, which seemed to be a place for cleaning tools, without any belongings or possessions. Just when Feng Bujue was trying to strip him naked to see if there were any tattoos or three moles on the soles of his feet, Wang Tanzhi finally found a note from his pocket.

This is such an obvious puzzle-solving element, so naturally we can't let it go.

[Name: A note with numbers written on it]

[Type: Drama Related]

[Quality: Normal]

[Function: Unknown]

[Whether the script can be brought out: No]

[Remarks: 69185]

Except for these five Arabic numerals, there was nothing on the note. Feng Bujue looked at the item description for a few seconds, and then threw the paper away.

"Hey! Brother Jue, is it okay to throw it like this?" Wang Tanzhi said.

Feng Bujue took out the bunch of keys he picked up earlier from his luggage, and observed them one by one: "69185... 69185... I found it." He picked out the key with these five numbers engraved on the end, and put it out of the key. He took off the large bunch of keys, and then threw away the whole bunch of keys, leaving only this one, and said, "Well... that's right, this is it."

When the key was picked out and held in the hand alone, a new item prompt appeared in the menu:

[Name: Key of Fire]

[Type: Drama Related]

[Quality: Excellent]

[Function: Acting on the seal of fire]

[Whether the script can be brought out: No]

[Remarks: A key with magical energy, one of the five keys of the Devil's Gate]

"This should be a plot item required for the main mission." Feng Bujue said, "Even if we don't enter this police station now, after we get to the Devil's Gate, there will still be follow-up missions for us to visit. of."

"Great, doesn't this save time?" Wang Tanzhi said.

"Time..." Feng Bujue said, "Hmph... I don't mind mentioning it. The note on this item says that there are five keys in total. According to this Zelda-style cheating routine... I guess it's at the Devil's Gate In the future, the follow-up task received is to find all five keys, and then open or close the door."

Long Aomin came over from the other end of the corridor at this time and said: "The stairs leading to the second floor are completely destroyed, it seems that you can't go up."

"As expected..." Feng Bujue handed him the key and asked him to look at the properties: "The thing you're looking for is on the first floor."

Solitude and loneliness seemed to be rewarded at this time. They found a first-aid kit from a pile of debris in a certain room and brought it over.

After opening, you can see a roll of bandages and two bottles of transparent medicine inside. These are naturally consumables. The effect of the bandage is to stop bleeding, and the two bottles of medicine are the standard recovery agents provided by Thriller Paradise.

[Name: Survival Value Supplement (Large)*2]

[Type: Consumables]

[Quality: Normal]

[Function: Restore 100% of the player's survival value]

[Whether the script can be brought out: Yes]

[Remarks: The maximum number of stacks is 5. If you use this item continuously, the effect will gradually weaken.]

Feng Bujue understood the note after reading the note. The maximum number of stacks is obviously to limit the number of players to carry, because the luggage only has ten slots, and even if there will be bigger ones in the future, there must be room for equipment and other items. The setting of diminishing effects of continuous use is to prevent players from relying too much on this supplement in battle.

"Very good... If a bottle is 100%..." Feng Bujue took out his [disposable syringe], handed it to Wang Tanzhi and said, "Doctor, I'll leave it to you."

Wang Tanzhi is also a smart person, so he immediately understood what Feng Bujue meant. He conveniently picked up a bottle of supplements, took about four-fifths of the amount from it, and then signaled Long Aomin to roll up his sleeves.

When Dr. Wang gave him an injection, Long Aomin handed back the key to Feng Bujue and said, "What does the 69185 on it mean?"

Feng Bujue replied: "Low-level puzzles, just alphabetical order, 6F, 9I, 18R, 5E, fire."

Although it is very simple to listen to its explanation, but Long Aomin feels that he may not be able to imagine it.

Wang Tanzhi completed the injection cleanly, and the amount he drew was relatively accurate. This injection replenished 83% of Long Aomin's survival value, and now he has returned to 95% of the state.

For the remaining 17% in the bottle, Wang Tanzhi first asked if loneliness and loneliness had lost the survival value. The survival value returned to 100%.

Some people may ask, why don't the two of them drink it directly? The reason is... as long as the player makes a "drink" action, the item will disappear instantly.

Supplements, as the most common "blood bottle", will be one of the main products sold in the game mall in the future. This is different from the realistic items in the script. It is completely a system prop setting. Players only need to make "drinking ", even if you lift it to your mouth and pour it indiscriminately, it will be regarded as completely empty, and there will not even be a feeling of liquid flowing in your throat, and even the bottle will disappear immediately. This thing is originally "used" by people, not to quench thirst or create a sense of satiety, so it has to be set like this.

That disposable syringe can be said to have taken advantage of a loophole, and only Feng Bujue, who is familiar with the game description, can figure it out. They just followed Feng Bujue's train of thought without thinking, and they didn't understand the reason until after the script ended when they read the relevant instructions of the supplements.

Judging from the system's point of view, not only is this not considered a UG, but Wang Tanzhi should be rewarded with some skill points. Because the [disposable syringe] will disappear once it is used up, so the player is consuming one item, thus changing direction and splitting another item, one in and one out, gain and loss, not out of nothing.

"A baton, a pistol, a plot item for the main quest, and two bottles of blood and an item that removes the 'bleeding' status..." Feng Bujue made up his mind: "After taking the main quest normally, come and kill After dropping a bloody corpse, there is a possibility of 'bleeding' wounds. Survival value supplements are also necessary, not to mention plot items... Killing such a monster, but only having two weapons, seems too few... "

Feng Bujue lowered his head, folded his left hand on his chest, propped his right elbow on his left hand, and tapped his forehead with two fingers: "I was expecting to find a room similar to an armory or a pile of confiscated marijuana..."

"Hey! What are you holding back? Virtual drug experiences and pornographic services are prohibited!" Wang sighed.

"That's right!" Feng Bujue's eyes lit up: "That fat man's intestines are leaking out, why is his stomach still so big? There's something in it!"

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