Thriller Paradise

Chapter 28: Strange Movie Fan City Chapter 12


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"Well... According to the experience so far, when we 'discover' something, a certain monster or something, it will be triggered..." Feng Bujue said only half of it...

The "corpse" in front of him suddenly stood up, and at the same time, a burst of strange laughter pierced into the ears of the five people.

Its head was raised slowly, and the gradually revealed face was still covered with a gloomy and stagnant shadow under the illumination of the flashlight. Its facial features were only vaguely discernible, and its skin was as green as lead.

"Is he not dead?" Long Aomin asked in a low voice.

"Not dead?" Feng Bujue turned sideways, walked in front of Long Aomin, and walked towards the guy who seemed to be a fraudulent corpse: "That's easy to explain, the lewd laughter just now must have been caused by this survivor after he was discovered. Overjoyed performance." He has been wearing goggles, and at this moment he is very clear that the target of the other party's hatred is on him.

Seeing Feng Bujue approaching quickly, the monster immediately made a second response.

"Ah—" Lonely suddenly yelled from behind.

Not only her, but even Lonely was startled and screamed. Wang Tanzhi's cry was choked in his throat and he didn't even make it out. He was so frightened that his face turned pale and his heart stopped for a few seconds. Only Long Aomin's performance was quite normal, but his hairs stood on end, and he gasped.

Countless arms with festered skin protruded from the wall around the pipe, which was dark and gloomy. A flood of whimpers and moans instantly filled the sewer.

Lonely retreated in panic, closing her eyes and waving the golf club in her hand indiscriminately. Lonely stepped forward to stop her, but almost got hit several times.

Wang Tanzhi was almost dumbfounded, his eyes widened, and he didn't dare to move, the hand holding the knife was trembling, and the palm was already full of sweat.

A few seconds later, Long Aomin yelled: "It's all hallucinations! Don't move!" Before he lost his ability to think, he immediately realized that those hands were just phantoms, because he saw some arms sticking out from the ground passing through them. His calf, but he didn't feel anything strange.

"Even if it's true, they won't be able to touch us!" Long Aomin shouted again.

Only then did Lonely calm down a little bit. Lonely grabbed her and comforted her softly. Although he was also terrified, seeing his girlfriend panicked, he calmed down a little. He told himself repeatedly that this was just a game, no matter how scary it was. The scene is also only temporary, false.

More than ten meters away, Feng Bujue walked up to the monster in a leisurely manner. Those terrifying images and sounds didn't affect him in the slightest, and he didn't even blink his eyes. He held a baseball bat in his hand, and moved his neck twice, as if he was about to swing the bat.

Seeing that the other party didn't take this set at all, the monster resorted to the third countermeasure.

It changed from a male corpse wearing dirty clothes to a living beauty in an instant... It looked like she was in her twenties, wearing a short black suspender skirt with blue hair on her shoulders, her skin was as white as snow, and her chest was two Tuanying is soft and half exposed, her slender legs are looming at the edge of her skirt, and her brows are inexhaustibly charming.

Feng Bujue was stunned for a second, and then he actually put the bat into his bag.

When the male compatriots at the rear saw such a scene, they all cast contemptuous glances at him in an instant, although they all understood him in their hearts...

"Almost forgot..." Feng Bujue just took out the pipe wrench from his luggage as soon as he put away the bat: "Since it is a humanoid creature, choose this weapon with bonus special effects to attack, and you can also earn skill points " He said in a relaxed tone, picked up the pipe wrench and smashed the monster's head.

bang bang bang...

The pipe wrench hit the monster's skull again and again, and the black blood gushed out, which was shocking. The moment Feng Bujue hit its entity, the monster's appearance changed back to its original blue-faced corpse, and the illusions around it disappeared as the monster suffered heavy injuries.

The four in the back watched Feng Bujue's efficient, courageous, and inhumane attack without saying a word. Among them, the scare value of three of them could not be stabilized because they were thinking wildly. What deep information is hidden...

After the monster's head was completely smashed, Feng Bujue reached into the corpse's coat pocket and rummaged through it. He got the Wooden Key, whose item description was almost the same as the Fire Key.

[The current mission has been completed, the main mission has been updated]

After picking up the key, a tick was ticked on the right side of the task, and a new line of tasks appeared: [Return to the Devil's Gate, restore the seal]

"It's done, let's go." Feng Bujue turned around and said.

"Hmm... Crazy Brother..." Long Aomin said, "How do you know this monster is so... vulnerable?"

"I'll know it as soon as it stands up." Feng Bujue replied: "I'm more sure when those arms appear. This kind of monster is obviously used to test the player's scare value. Approaching rashly, all kinds of hallucinations will gradually escalate, and even if it doesn’t scare people to disconnect, at least it will make the evaluation at the settlement become very bad.” He paused: “When it turns into a beautiful woman, it means that the donkey is at the end of its rope. , can only delay time by becoming something that is sexually attractive to me." He suddenly touched his chin and said, "Wait... How does this system know my sexual orientation? If I am gay or bisexual Love what it will become... ”

The lonely little brother said at this time; "You use your ID to log in to the forum, and there should be this question in the user information you need to fill in, right?"

"Because the game company has my data, does the system 'know'..." Feng Bujue pondered; "Okay, let's hurry back and talk about it."


On the way back, the five speeded up as much as possible. They all have a vague feeling that this script will not end like this. Even if the final OSS named Samodil does not show up or cannot show up, there should be a powerful demon appearing as the final OSS.

At this moment, it is impossible to reach the gate before the next darkness falls, but at least it must be ensured that the OSS at the end will not be strengthened by the next darkness.

Sure enough, when the five of them were still on their way back to the square, darkness fell. This was the fourth time they had entered the script. Counting the ten minutes before the first darkness, their time in this script was over. Close to two hours.

When the fourth darkness fell, they heard nothing, no breath, no whisper, no laughter. Feng Bujue feels that this is not a good omen. In this kind of horror game, every abnormal change that breaks the rules indicates that the situation is developing in a bad direction.

Three minutes after the darkness passed, they returned to the square, and even Long Aomin was a little out of breath. After nearly two hours of running around, fighting, walking for a long time, moving things, etc... Everyone's physical energy has been consumed a lot.

Loneliness and Loneliness each consumed more than 400 stamina. They were at level 7 and 6 respectively. Counting the stamina restored by intermittent rest, they still had more than 200 available at this time; Long Aomin was the one who consumed the most. The [Lightning Crash] when he encountered the strange baby burned 300 of his stamina, and he was basically the one who fought against the blood corpse, the total consumption has exceeded 700. In fact, this is not much, because of the non-dominant attribute, he consumes less stamina for running than others, and the same is true for fighting. The gap gradually accumulates, and with the restored stamina, he still has 289/ 1000 can be used.

Compared with the above three, it is a miracle that Feng Bujue and Wang Tanzhi, two level 5 guys, can still have dozens of points of stamina left after participating in the battle.

"The mission has been updated, you should be able to use the key." Wang Tanzhi gasped.

Feng Bujue walked to the front of the five people, facing the door, took out two keys, and approached the door with the keys in his hands. After dozens of seconds, nothing was triggered.

"Something's wrong..." Seeing this, Long Aomin said, "Why is there still no response?"

"No... I think something has happened." Feng Bujue looked away: "Look."

This square is very open, and you can see hundreds of meters away. At this time, hundreds of monsters are pouring out from all the streets in the city. Their appearance is bizarre, but they can basically be divided into two types: ferocious and ferocious, and spooky and strange.

These monsters walked very slowly, and their appearance undoubtedly created an atmosphere of despair. When this feeling of despair is slowed down, it will make people more frightened.

"How is this possible? Did we do anything wrong?" The lonely little brother panicked, his voice raised involuntarily: "Is this situation certain to be fatal?"

Feng Bujue also felt that the development in front of him was a bit unexpected. He said: "Samodil can't get close to the key or the seal on this door. He can't go out and kill us himself. The demons don't want to get close here either. They are not afraid of the key. But you must be afraid of this door, or... afraid of going back to the field opposite the door, so there are no demons wandering in this huge square." He wanted to stabilize the situation with these words first: "Now that they are approaching here, It’s impossible. Let’s stand as close to the door as possible and check the situation first.”

"What if they don't care about the devil's door and just pounce on it?" Long Aomin said.

"Let's retreat to the door." Feng Bujue said.

"Brother Jue...there is the 'Devil Realm'! What if there are more monsters on the opposite side?" Wang sighed.

"That's not necessarily the case. I suspect that the opposite side of the door is similar to a prison. Now that the prisoners have escaped, it may be empty inside. Besides... death is not death?" Feng Bujue replied: "Anyway, it's just returning to the landing space. "

The five quickly retreated to the door, standing with their backs to the Devil's Gate. Feng Bujue was still thinking about the ins and outs of this script... What made him more concerned was what the tree monster said about "cycle". What kind of cycle is this city that has been pulled out of reality going through? Maybe solving this puzzle will reveal some of Samadir's laws or weaknesses, or a way to restore the seal...

Many clues were intertwined and deduced in his mind, and there was not much time left for Feng Bujue. He reorganized his thoughts in his mind: "Isolated from the puddles outside the river of time... the darkness every half an hour... the whispers in the darkness disappear… "

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