Thriller Paradise

Chapter 33


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At two o'clock in the afternoon, the intercom at the door rang, and Feng Bujue felt groggy and irritable after being woken up.

Although he had already bathed the cat at the pet clinic in the morning, he had been busy for more than half an hour when he got home, and he fell asleep without taking off his clothes. It had only been more than six hours by now.

Walking to the door in a daze, Feng Bujue picked up the handset of the walkie-talkie and said, "Who is it?"

"Me." Wang Tanzhi replied, "Lord Bao is also here."

"Is the door open?" Feng Bujue pressed the door open button and asked with a yawn.

"Open it, come up and talk."

More than a minute after the call ended, the two took the elevator up. After passing through the corridor, he rang the doorbell of Feng Bujue. The latter looked out of the peephole on the door and opened the door. He didn't say hello to the two of them, turned around and walked towards the sofa.

Wang Tanzhi and that "Master Bao" also didn't come out, they walked to the door, put the pizza and a dozen beers on the coffee table, and went to Feng Bujue's kitchen to get the plates and chopsticks.

"Eh? Brother Jue, why is there a cat?" Wang Tanzhi soon spotted the little cat napping in the corner of the sofa.

"Didn't you see the sand table in the corner? I raised it." Feng Bujue unscrewed a bottle of beer sleepily, gulped it like mouthwash, and then swallowed it...

"When did you start keeping cats again?" Wang Tanzhi asked, tiptoeing towards the little cat.

"This morning." Feng Bujue hiccupped and said, "Don't think it's really sleeping. Cats are very alert animals. They seem to sleep for more than ten hours a day. In fact, when there is any disturbance around them, their ears will move slightly, which indicates that…”

Just as Xiao Tan was about to grab the little cat, the latter opened his eyes instantly, leaped forward, turned a corner, and slipped behind the sofa. Xiao Tan lost her center of gravity because of leaning forward, and fell staggeringly.

"Why do you want to keep a cat again?" Master Bao came back from the kitchen with a plate and paper towels, waved his hand, and drove Xiao Tan to sit on the sofa, and sat down himself.

His name is "Bao Qing". In fact, he is only a few months older than the two of them, a false year. The three of them have been classmates from kindergarten to middle school. Bao Qing has been called Mr. Bao since elementary school. The problem is... he is not black at all, and he has never been an official in his family, and he has never been a class leader when he was studying.

Who would have thought that Mr. Bao would really become an "adult" when he grew up. He is twenty-five years old, a civil servant, works in a government agency, and his daughter is two and a half years old. Compared with these two bachelors, they are much more stable. The characteristic of Mr. Bao is that he has a "melancholy" face since he was a child, not to mention after getting married, he has a bitter face all day long.

"This is the fate between me and that cat." Feng Bujue replied, "Fate."

Those two people used the word "you" when they asked the question, because they all knew that Feng Bujue had raised a cat when he was a child. At that time, the neighbor's old lady raised a female cat, and she gave birth to four kittens, and gave Feng Bujue one. He kept it for thirteen years, and the kitten became an old cat. I killed my lord, and buried the old cat with my own hands.

"Did you name it?" Wang Tan asked excitedly.

"Assas." Feng Bujue replied very calmly, as if the name didn't come out of his mouth, but had been thought of long ago.

"Pfft..." Master Bao spit out a mouthful of beer at that time, "Even if you don't want Xiaotan to mix the name, you can make up something more common, such as Kule, Mike, etc..."

Feng Bujue snapped his fingers: "Assas."

The little cat turned around and gave a "meow".

"Look, there is no sense of disobedience." Feng Bujue pointed at Assas' cat face and said.

"I'm going to post it online." Xiao Tan took out his phone and said.

"Wait." Feng Bujue put down the beer, went to the window and opened the curtains, then picked up Assas who failed to escape in time.

Feng Bujue passed under the cat's creaking nest with his hands, held the cat up, turned the cat's face away from him, straightened his arms, and raised them up against the sun, imitating the scene in the opening scene of The Lion King at the Glory Stone, and Said a line that had nothing to do with it.

"My son... on the day you were born, every corner of Lordaeron echoed your name... Arthas..." Feng Bujue read in a deep and solemn voice.

Wang Tanzhi pointed his mobile phone at the kitten with an inexplicable face, and took a 360-degree onlooker-style shot.

"You guys are crazy! This year is Gui Geng! What is the daily life of a man with secondary illness?!"

After being scolded by Mr. Bao, the two sat back on the sofa, and Asas slipped onto a cushion and then took a nap.

"Why is Master Bao free this week?" Feng Bujue asked.

"My wife has gone back to her natal home with her daughter." Master Bao replied after taking a sip of beer comfortably.

"Permanent or temporary?" Feng Bujue asked again.

"Nonsense! How could it be permanent! My mother-in-law just wants to see her granddaughter." Master Bao almost choked to death.

"You look relieved..." Feng Bujue said.

Wang Tanzhi interrupted them, he picked up the remote control and asked, "What's the theme of this week?"

"Bad movie marathon." Feng Bujue replied.

"Huh?" Wang Tanzhi turned his head.

Feng Bujue said: "That's right, that's it. Last time we discussed, there are so many notoriously bad movies that have passed the test of time and become the bottom line of the movie industry, but we haven't seen them yet."

"Okay... Let me take a look..." Wang Tanzhi used the remote control to browse the optional streaming program list on the TV.

When the three of them get together when they have free time, they will think of a theme and watch movies for more than ten hours in a row. As for the movies I watched, most of them were works from the end of the 20th century to the beginning of the 21st century. After that, as computer shooting technology became more and more mature, and the popularity of fifth-generation computers, it is almost impossible to find too bad movies. , in the future, no matter how bad movies are, at least there will be pictures and sound effects to whitewash them.

"How about "Ghost Rider"?" Wang Tanzhi said.

"Do you know "Daredevil"?" Feng Bujue said.

"Well... I have seen it." Wang Tanzhi replied.

"The same director." Feng Bujue said.

"Okay..." Wang Tanzhi searched again: "Look at this, "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn (Part 2)", wow, there are actually seven volumes in this series." (In 2055, there were two more volumes)

"I haven't seen even one." Master Bao shrugged.

"I remember that this movie won seven out of ten Golden Raspberry awards. Twenty years later, it was named one of the three most dominant bad movies in the early 21st century." Feng Bujue said.

"I'm curious what the other two are... don't tell me they are the other episodes of this series." Mr. Bao said.

"No, it's "Battlefield Earth" and "Jack and Jill". The latter won all the Golden Raspberry awards in 2012." Feng Bujue said, "I've only heard of the name, but I haven't seen it. How about today Let's just watch these three."

"It doesn't matter." "I agree." Xiao Tan and Master Bao replied.

two hours later...

"Are you alright?" Mr. Bao asked looking at the ending credits rising up on the big screen.

Wang Tan looked at the floor gloomyly: "I feel like I've lost something important..."

Feng Bujue stared blankly at the sunlight outside the window: "This is the most humiliating two hours of my life, my brain was raped..."

"There will be a sci-fi movie and a comedy movie next... Let's watch the comedy first." Mr. Bao's bitter face was extremely serious.

Ninety minutes later...

"Al Pacino is not guaranteed at the end of the festival." Wang Tanzhi said.

"The performance is hard to complain about, the plot is really..." Feng Bujue said, "What do you think, Mr. Bao?"

No one answered.

"Master Bao? Bao..." Feng Bujue turned his head away, only to find that Master Bao had fallen asleep with his eyes open, snoring slightly.

"This vile civil servant..."

Around six or seven o'clock, the three of them went to a roadside stall to eat some dirty barbecue. Brother Jue and Xiaotan told Mr. Bao that they were playing in the Thriller Paradise recently, but Mr. Bao expressed that he was not interested in it. A man with a family Life is hard, not much private space and entertainment time. The three chatted for a few hours, and they broke up after nine o'clock. Feng Bujue and Wang Tanzhi agreed to go to the game to brush up a few scripts in the early morning, and then they went back to their respective homes.

The friendship between these three people is hard-won, and it is also very sincere. When they were young, everyone was a runny-nosed, silly kid. This kind of friendship is the purest. Even if I look back at these friends in my fifties or sixties, the feeling in my heart will not change.


He didn't get enough sleep during the day, and considering the need to log in to the game, Feng Bujue lay down in the game cabin at midnight. After scanning, he selected the sleep mode to log in, and set the connection time.

[The access type is sleep mode, adjusting... After the adjustment is complete, please set the time to load the game, or return to the previous option.]

[The setting is complete, the connection procedure will start at 1:00 AM on April 6, 2055, I wish you a good night.]

After listening to the voice, Feng Bujue closed his eyes. The game cabin was comfortable, and with a little drunkenness, he fell asleep quickly.

When he regained consciousness, he was already standing in that familiar elevator. The screen on the wall displayed the real world time at this moment, April 6th, 1:00 AM, but the electronic timer did not display the seconds. And it feels like after several minutes, the time didn't jump to 1:01. Obviously this is a horror paradise in sleep mode.

Wang Tanzhi's team invitation soon popped up on the screen. After joining the team, Feng Bujue found out that Long Aomin was also in the team. This was when Xiao Tan saw that the other party was idle before forming a team.

"Brother Jue, something serious happened!" Wang Tanzhi said immediately.

"Someone has already reached level 20?" Feng Bujue opened his mouth to answer.

"Eh? You already know?"

"It's just a guess from your tone."

"Hehe... Crazy brother really has a clever plan." Long Aomin said: "At about half past twelve in real time, the server's first player at level 20 was born."

Feng Bujue glanced at the team frame. It was only a day since Long Aomin had already reached level 13, and Xiao Tan had also reached level 11. He must have logged in about ten minutes earlier, so he had written a solo script first so that he could level up. a level.

"Will there be an announcement in the game for the first full-level player?" Feng Bujue asked.

"Yeah, all players in the login space will hear the system notification tone, and this news will appear on the touch screen at the same time, besides, the forum has already exploded." Long Aomin said.

"Let me see..." Feng Bujue clicked on the forum and found the official top post. The title read: [Congratulations to the "Order" studio - "The Brave" became the first player with a level cap in the closed beta stage]

The fastest update, no pop-up windows please.