Thriller Paradise

Chapter 38: Mountain Pond Haunted House Chapter 5


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Feng Bujue continued to walk down the tunnel. The terrifying scene before had no effect on him, and he continued to move forward normally without any pressure.

Not long after, he came to the end of the tunnel, in a narrow and damp cellar.

It is not surprising that there is a cell door in the cellar, as in more distant times the cellar under such a large house was basically used as a cell for some nefarious purpose, and is now a place of death . The floor and the walls of the corridor were carefully covered with copper skin, and the heavy iron prison door was so heavy that when it was pushed open, the hinges would make an unusual screeching sound. There was a coffin parked in the middle of the cell, and when I illuminated it with a flashlight a few steps away, I knew that the coffin lid was not nailed, or even closed properly...

Feng Bujue pushed open the iron door and walked in, but he didn't rush to lift the coffin lid. Instead, he searched the surrounding walls with a flashlight. Sure enough, on one of the walls, he Found another passage from "Ghost Palace", this time written by Xue:

[But the devil in the robe of sorrow,

slew noble kings;

(Ah! let us mourn that the dawn no longer falls on him, so sad!)

The splendor of his former dwelling,

once bloomed like a flower,

Now it's a dark past,

To be buried by the years.]

"Hmm... is it the fifth paragraph?" Feng Bujue said in a low voice after finishing reading.

Then the system prompt sounded: [Subquest Progress Update]

The information on the task bar also became: [Find all six stages of "Ghost Palace", current progress 3/6]

Feng Bujue walked to the coffin, held a flashlight in one hand, and clenched his fist in the other, knocking on the coffin board three times as if knocking on the door: "Hey, Miss Madeleine, are you still there?" I don't know how he got the name.


With the passage of time, the scare value of Brave Invincible has gradually increased to about 15%, and has stabilized at this value. He will panic not because he encountered any real monsters, but because he searched for a while, I can't find my way out of the second floor...

Every corridor, every room, as well as the paintings on the walls, wall lamps, and decorations, all seem strange, yet familiar.

This building shows obvious spatial anomalies, and its interior is much larger than it looks from the outside. The length of the corridor seems to be changing all the time. If you count the doors on both sides of the corridor, you will get a different number every time. And until now, Brave Invincible has not been able to reach the end of any corridor. As long as he reaches the end of a certain section, he will see a new corner or a T-junction.

For general walking actions, the consumption of physical energy is negligible, and only "long-term" walking will have obvious physical decline. This is more similar to the situation in reality. If you let a person walk on foot for more than 20 minutes, he will feel a little tired, and his legs will feel sore after 40 minutes, and if it takes more than an hour, he must stop and rest to adjust. Of course, the examples given here are ordinary people, not professional athletes.

This fatigue is cumulative and becomes more pronounced over time. Under the erosion of fear, the reaction of the brave invincible accelerated. When he saw that his physical strength began to drop at a visible rate, he did not calmly choose to rest, but chose to speed up his progress...

He is no longer exploring, but fleeing.

He got a strong psychological hint that if he didn't do something as soon as possible, he would not just be trapped. When his physical strength dropped to a certain level, something might find him in the dark...

"Ha... ha..." Brave Invincible's breathing became heavy. He looked at the game menu, and he obviously still has a full physical value of about 1000, and he is not running, but just walking fast. He shouldn't That's right.

He stopped, put his hands on his knees, breathed evenly, and swallowed. At this moment, he suddenly felt a strange feeling in his stomach, but he couldn't tell what it was like.

"What's going on..." Brave Invincible said in a low voice, talking to himself can offset some of the effects of fear and help him concentrate.

Suddenly, his eyes caught something, he turned his face away, and found that there was a mirror beside him, a long square mirror about two meters high, embedded in the wall of the corridor, surrounded by carved wooden frames, carved patterns Simple yet refined.

"Strange... Did you have this just now?" He couldn't help asking, with a puzzled look on his face.

At this time, the Brave Invincible has long been numbly staring ahead, looking at the end of the corridor in the distance and moving forward, no longer paying attention to how many doors there are on both sides of the corridor, let alone observing those such as portraits, wall lamps, sculptures, etc. ornaments. But this corridor wasn't particularly wide, and it was the first time something like a mirror appeared, and it was such a big mirror, there was no reason why he couldn't notice it.

When he found the mirror, Brave Invincible was facing the mirror sideways, in a posture of bending over and supporting his knees with his hands, but after he turned his attention to the mirror, he straightened up instinctively and turned the front side over. Turning around, he was so frightened that he almost lost his breath.

The image in the mirror looks no different from the deity, but in that mirror, his entire abdominal cavity is exposed, and there is no clothing or skin on the abdomen. At a glance, he can directly see a mass of intestines.

The brave invincible gasped for a moment, his face was pale, he took a few steps back, and leaned his back against the other wall of the corridor. He stared and stopped breathing for nearly ten seconds.

"Phantom... this is a hallucination..." After he regained his composure a little bit, he walked to the mirror with a ruthless face, "Who are you scaring... Isn't it just seeing your own internal organs?" He won't lie, he is still very scared, but people have different reactions when they are extremely scared, and being angry and being cruel is one of them.

Brave Invincible's gaze involuntarily landed on his abdomen in the mirror, and it could be seen that the intestines inside seemed to be still wriggling. If you look closely, you can see some weird details...

The cross-section of that intestine looks weirder and looks like... like a corridor!

He felt the back of his spine go cold, and his neck was so stiff that he couldn't move. Two seconds later, he yelled angrily, kicked the mirror, smashed it, and turned to leave.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he turned around, he found that there were many such mirrors on both sides of the corridor in front of him. The original doors were all gone, but mirrors were almost everywhere.

"Ah!!!" Brother Invincible roared, and rushed forward without looking sideways. He didn't know whether this situation was an illusion or an actual change in the big house, but he felt fear and danger. Don't want to spend more time in these corridors for a second.

With a bang, a figure shattered the glass window and came out from the second floor of the big house.

The moment he fell from the sky, Brave Invincible was unprepared. One second before his eyes was the corridor, and he was running in the middle of the corridor. There was clearly a road ahead. The next second, the glass cut his skin and felt the pain when he hit it. Suddenly, he seemed to have bumped into something, and immediately lost his center of gravity and began to fall.

In the brief moments before dying, he saw the scene outside the house.

Moldy stone walls, dead trees all around, and twisted and huge black reflections in the stagnant water of the mountain pool. The eerie aura seeps out from the pool, the gable, and the depths of the big house, and the darkness leans on the material and spiritual worlds at the same time.

In the invisible silence, Brave Invincible fell into the mountain pond outside the house, swallowed by the ghostly swamp, he couldn't even make a sound from his throat, the huge house in front of him was like an indifferent ghost , overlooking the withering of another life.

What finally appeared in the professional player's eyes... was a blood moon sinking in the sky.


[Team member: Brave invincible, dead, a plot item has been transferred]

The system prompt sounded, which surprised Wang Tanzhi and Long Aomin.

"No way! A level 15 professional player just died like this!" Wang Tanzhi said in surprise, he opened the game menu and looked at the team column to confirm. Sure enough, the player's name displayed there turned gray, and the words "surviving" next to it changed to "dead".

At this moment, Long Aomin and the two of them have searched quite a few rooms, but they haven't found anything substantial. Apart from encountering a few traps where the floor suddenly collapsed and the ground is covered with spikes, there is no clue. , Second, there is no reward.

"If the two of us acted separately, then the several dangers we encountered just now may be fatal." Long Aomin replied, and then said: "I don't know if the crazy brother will be dangerous if he acts alone."

"Brother Jue... don't worry about it. Since he proposed to work separately, he must have considered the risks." Wang Tanzhi said, "By the way, I just read some game instructions when I was idle in the login space. , if a player dies with plot items on his body, the items will be randomly spawned near a teammate after his death."

Long Aomin has experienced more team scripts and is more experienced than him. He replied: "Well, I know, let's look for it now."

The two immediately rummaged around, but as the saying goes, they didn't find the letter, but found a poem about the ghost palace on the floor under a pile of debris:

[Travellers in the joyous valley,

Visible through two bright windows:

The elves danced to the music,

To the melody of poetry and Qin Cong Cong,

around the king's throne,

Sensible Majesty,

Luxurious and dignified,

The king of a country is extraordinarily majestic.]

[Submission progress update]

[Find all six stages of "Ghost Palace", current progress 4/6]

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