Thriller Paradise

Chapter 48: Garlic Wushuang Chapter 2


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Professional gamer sounds like a desirable job. You can use games as a career to support yourself, and even gain both fame and fortune. Who hasn't thought about it

In 2055, this has indeed become a socially recognized profession, and the top talents in the industry have the same influence as famous athletes.

The age span of professional players is between fourteen and thirty-five years old. Of course, younger masters also exist, but the age classification of some games prevents them from joining.

Generally speaking, professional players can be simply divided into two categories, one is star players, and the other is ordinary blue-collar players.

Star players generally choose to retire around the age of 30. They either turn to amateurs or retire to the second line, basically preparing to enter the studio management. There are also those who switch to other related positions in the game industry, such as commentary, referee, organization and so on. There are even those who make a lot of money and become their own bosses.

Everyone who entered this industry wanted to become such a star player. But many people entered this industry after graduating from junior high school, and they did not make a name for themselves until they were 30 years old. In the end, they still sought a way out in society. These people can be said to have gambled with their youth, and only they know what they will win or lose. These non-star players are the blue-collar workers in this industry. They are the backbone of the industry, without their support, the studio cannot operate at all, and those star players also need their solid backing.

And one of the most frustrating things in this business is the brutality of competition.

Any game that can be a smash hit must have "confrontation". If in a game, there is no way for two or two groups of players to compete against each other, then this game will not attract any studios at all, and the group of players it can attract is also extremely limited.

As far as multiplayer online games are concerned, it doesn't matter if it's competitive or not, even if it's fighting monsters, leveling up and wearing equipment, there is still a K that can decide the outcome.

The simplest and clearest way for professional players to prove their worth is one word - win.

It's a pity that there is only a momentary bright in this world, and there is no permanent victorious general. No one wins all the time.

Factors such as the increase in age, the ups and downs of competitive status, the decline of a certain game... have made countless high-level players who were once regarded as "gods" by players gradually fade out of people's sight. There are only a handful of people who can escape unscathed at their peak.

The more top game studios, the more brutal the competition. What they need is always young fresh blood... They need a group of newcomers who maintain a very high competitive state, have a fighting spirit and enterprising spirit... the kind of people who can pull down a certain god-level player who is high above the altar at any time.

Simply put — ambitious geniuses. For example... Sky Swallowing Ghost Xiao.

This time, Order Studio invested in four groups of people in Thriller Paradise, with ten people in each group, one or two star-level players in each group, and the rest are basically senior and experienced blue-collar players.

And Tuntian Guixiao was the only rookie among the four groups who was under twenty years old.

Order Studio had high hopes for him, so he was included in the list of the first batch of players to enter Thriller Paradise. The team leader didn't give him any tasks, he just needs to play according to his interests. Unexpectedly, in the mode of a killing game, he accidentally encountered a trio headed by the brave man without fear, and this kid killed all the seniors in a ignorant manner... It can be said that he made such a willful and reckless act. As a matter of fact, being "on holiday" by the team leader deserves it.

Of course, the brave man is not afraid, and it is indeed not the "strongest" level. Among the star players with many orders, neither his past game performance nor his popularity ranked in the top ten. Although his team successfully won the title of the first level 20 player in the closed beta, the real strength of Order is far more than that.

At present, these four teams can only be called the "land reclamation team". The strongest group of players in the studio have only registered an account and locked their nickname, and have never been online again. In other words... the real masters of order have not been officially dispatched to this project at this stage. The senior management of the studio has already made a decision, and they will stay on the sidelines, at least wait until Dream Company opens the currency exchange and charging business before deciding whether to invest the top talent resources in it.

Having said so much, you may be a little confused, how did you get there? Don't you know? What about the Nuka City script

Wait for me to pull things back in three bars.

Speaking of the studio, there are also members of the studio in Feng Bujue's script this time.

But he doesn't belong to the high-ranking sect like Order, he is the third-rate studio owner, financial manager, and player I mentioned in the previous article...

He is [Master Atobe].

Well, I believe you have guessed it, yes, his studio is called "Ice Emperor".

Master Atobe is twenty-three years old in reality, and he just graduated from university last year. My dad runs a factory, and the family has a small amount of savings, so he can make... Anyway, the cost of opening a game studio is not high, just rent a place, buy a few game pods, and basically don’t need to calculate the manpower investment. They were all his buddies from school days.

And at present, there are only three employees under Master Atobe, one is [name is really difficult to pick] who is in the same script as him at the moment, and the nicknames of the other two are [name is really difficult] and [true]. Difficult to pick a name]. Although Master Atobe once solemnly asked his three buddies to use nicknames such as Huadi and Shinobu, they were ruthlessly rejected. When he threatened with wages, Aruba was met.

Their studio also knew that two groups of people would take turns, so they were divided into two groups of games. Currently, the other two are in between games and went out for supper.

The image of Master Atobe in the game is a fair-looking, fair-looking man with a thin body, and the overall image difference from his own image is not too big... but the change on the face is slightly obvious.

It's really hard to pick a name. He is of medium stature, slightly shorter than Master Atobe. This person's game image is as rough as his name. Not only did he not change his handsomeness, but he even turned himself into a bald one. The image is to experience the feeling of being bald in the game.

The title of Master Atobe seems to be a kind of malicious ridicule by the system, called [a swordsman], the weapon he uses is a simple knife, which looks very similar to the kind of weapon specially used by the miscellaneous fish in martial arts TV dramas. It is normal and has no attributes or special effects, but at least it is a serious weapon.

Different from the ordinary title of Master Atobe, the title that is really difficult to get is highly recognizable, with four words - [External strength, middle performance]. His bald and capable image is in stark contrast to his performance in terms of scare value. This guy doesn't even have a serious weapon, and he has two baseball bats and a rusty iron pipe in his luggage, and I don't know where he picked them up...

As luck would have it, the two landed about a block apart, so they would soon make up.

These two seem to be unreliable, but they are actually a bit extraordinary. If they really don't know anything about games, what kind of studio would they open? Therefore, Master Atobe made a very correct decision, forget about the mission, and find a gun shop to arm himself.

Looking at the state of the city, one can tell that the location of this script is in the land of the evil emperor. Therefore, there are likely to be gun shops in the city. Even if there are no amazing heavy weapons in the gun shop, standard pistols, shotguns, rifles, etc., especially sufficient ammunition, are all very valuable.

As the two walked forward, they often encountered blood wolf zombies wandering in twos and threes on the street, but these guys were really very small threat, so if they were too lazy to fight, they would go around. Although these monsters will suddenly speed up a little when they get close to their bite range, but as long as you are careful not to be surrounded by three or more monsters within a short distance at the same time, these guys are still very easy to kill.

After two blocks, Master Atobe entered a phone booth. He picked up the phone. The line was completely different. In fact, even if it was connected, he didn't know who to call. Could it be that he dialed 911? His main purpose in coming in was to look through the phone book. After searching for three to five minutes, Master Atobe successfully found the address of the nearest gun shop. He and the name are so hard to come by (I decided to call him a nickname next), so I quickened my pace and headed there.

After walking for more than ten minutes, they approached their destination, but found a rather unusual scene.

I saw the corpses of about 30 blood wolf zombies lying on this street. The heads of each corpse were beaten to pieces, and the corpses stretched all the way to the door of the gun shop.

On the street in front of that store, in broad daylight, in the middle of the road, there was a large cylindrical ice bucket with the Gatorade logo on it. The bucket was filled with red liquid, and scattered on the ground next to it. There were many empty plastic blood bags, and the pure and strong smell of blood could be smelled even by human noses from a long distance.

Two stereos were placed next to the "Blood Bucket", playing "Matador March" loudly. Looking at the drag marks on the ground, it seemed that they were dragged from an audio shop across the street. An electrical box on the side of the road was disassembled, and the situation inside was unclear, anyway, the power cord of the audio system was extended there...

"What's going on?" Naruto asked.

Master Atobe didn't understand what was going on, but he didn't have time to answer, but saw a blood wolf zombie flying upside down from a corner behind the blood bucket.

Immediately afterwards, a man covered in blood came out from there. He has a sharp knife in one hand and a pipe wrench in the other, and a string of garlic is slanted across his shoulders. These two strings of "garlic belts" are interlaced in an X shape in front of him, and they are already stained red with blood.

He followed the rhythm of matador music, dancing similar to the dance of the ax gang in "Kung Fu", gnawing a white unknown object in his mouth like chewing gum... He approached the blood wolf zombie with brisk steps, and then Facing the head of the fallen monster, he slashed violently, smashing bones and tendons, and sending blood flying everywhere.

After killing the monster, he seemed to realize something, suddenly straightened up, turned his head, just in time to see the stunned figures of Young Master Satobe and Xiao Ming.

"Run!" "Quickly!" The two of them and Feng Bujue looked at each other for two seconds, shouted at the same time, turned their heads and ran.

Feng Bujue didn't talk too much, so he chased after him. He actually wanted to yell: "What are you running? I'm a player!" But because his mouth was full of garlic, he couldn't yell loudly.

On the other side, seeing the evil star chasing after him with a vigorous posture, Xiaoming's fright value increased instantly, and while running, he said to Master Atobe: "It's over, it's over, it's over... We will die if we are chased by this guy!" Oh, it's all your fault! Look for a gun shop if you have nothing to do, as expected, a small OSS has been installed at the entrance of the gun shop!"

Master Atobe looked back at Feng Bujue who was approaching from time to time: "It's none of my business! How could I know that there is such a situation!" He looked back again: "By the way... this guy seems to be running faster than us! "

"I found out a long time ago! It's ridiculously fast!" Xiao Ming shouted.

Feng Bujue, who was about 20 meters away from them, heard their conversation, and thought: Nonsense, I have [Jazz Dance] on my feet, you two are running like me

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the two people in front suddenly said in unison with a tacit understanding: "Let's split up!"

At the next intersection, they went left and right, each heading in the same direction.

Feng Bujue exclaimed in his heart: These two bastards are quite tactical!

Without thinking too much, he turned to the left and chased after one casually.

That happened to be Master Atobe...

"What the hell... didn't make him hesitate at all!" Master Atobe said to himself: "If you don't chase after such an obvious target as the dead bald head, you just rush towards me. My handsomeness must have hurt me!" .”

Seeing that Feng Bujue was getting closer and closer, and Master Atobe's scare value was getting higher and higher, he knew that he was about to be caught, so it was better to turn back and fight than to be killed by this little OSS from behind.

Thinking of this, he suddenly stopped, straightened his simple saber, placed it horizontally in front of him, and swiped at Feng Bujue who was rushing at high speed.

"Eh?" When Feng Bujue rushed in front of him, Young Master Atobe found that the knife in his hand could not be swung at all, and his movements were stopped by the system.

Feng Bujue came to him, stopped, panted heavily, stared at him, and said intermittently: "I... ha... I... I am... from... ha... my own! You [beep—] !"

After all, the word "idiot" was blocked by the system. It is reasonable to say that Feng Bujue couldn't turn his intention of saying this into reality, but since the silence appeared, it means that he didn't mean any insult when he said it. A sarcasm tone.

"Huh?" Master Atobe slumped on the ground, his face pale, and the corners of his mouth twitched, "Heh... hehe... I'm sorry." He actually apologized.

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