Thriller Paradise

Chapter 5


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Feng Bujue lay down in the game cabin, and still logged into the game in non-sleep mode (non-sleep mode and sleep mode log in to different servers, and the two modes cannot communicate with each other).

After coming to the login space, click to select the game, this time no prompt pops up, only the optional game menu is displayed on the screen, such as social options, that is, friend list and blacklist, and more game introductions, if Players who have not read it on the website can also browse in this space. Considering the problem of time ratio, this can actually save twice the time.

Feng Bujue found Wang Tanzhi's nickname, added him as a friend, and then sent an invitation to form a team.

After Wang Tanzhi joined the team, a team list popped up on the monitor next to Feng Bujue, showing the nicknames and levels of the two members of the team.

[Crazy Unconscious, Level 2]

[Sigh in vain, level 1]

[Please select the game mode that the team wants to join.]

There are three options appear on the screen, namely: single training mode, multiplayer training mode and single survival mode (normal). Since the two of them are in a team state, the two modes that can only be played by a single player have gray icons that cannot be selected.

"Brother Jue, we can only enter the 'multiplayer training'." Wang Tanzhi can now talk to Feng Bujue through the screen, and in his login space, he can also see the same information as on this screen. Information, but the control is in the captain's hands.

"Well... let's talk after we go in." Feng Bujue replied, and clicked the option.

[You have chosen the multiplayer training mode, please confirm.]

[Confirmed, the neural connection is being coordinated, the script is being generated...]

[Loading starts, please wait a moment.]

The elevator Feng Bujue was in started to move again, and it also felt like it was descending.

At the same time, a subtitle appeared directly in front of his eyes, accompanied by a system prompt: [You are about to enter the same script with other players. Before joining a multiplayer game for the first time, please be sure to understand the following.]

[A. In the non-confrontation mode, any attack on "other players" will be restricted by the system, and your intention will not be transformed into the actual action of the character; The attack behavior of "teammates" will be restricted by the system, and your intention will not be transformed into the actual action of the character.]

[. Any speech that is judged by the system as sensitive vocabulary will be silenced, such as the names of political figures, swear words, animals, plants, and item names in specific contexts, etc.]

[C. Deliberately using slow mouth movements, gestures, words, paintings, etc. to verbally attack other players will be restricted by the system, and the player's intentions will not be transformed into actual actions of the character.]

[D. Regardless of gender, any behavior judged by the system as sexual harassment, including the intention to implement it in the manner listed in Article C for this purpose, will be restricted by the system, and the player's intention will not be converted into The actual actions of the characters. Repeated attempts will be forcibly disconnected, and the player's citizen ID will be permanently added to the system blacklist and become a monitoring object with higher priority.]

[E. Any behavior judged as discriminatory by the system will be dealt with in the same way as Article D. Players who violate Articles D and E several times will have their accounts permanently deleted and their citizen ID rights to use the company's products will be suspended. If the circumstances are serious, their behavior in the game will be recorded by the system and handed over to the public security department for processing. For details, please inquire Network Public Security Law and its derivative regulations.]

I have to explain here that Feng Bujue lives in a parallel universe in 2055. In the world he lives in, the crimes of sexual harassment and discrimination (disability, race, congenital diseases, etc.) are very strict. The latter will not be sentenced, but the citizen ID of serious cases will be added to the blacklist of various industries and institutions; the former can be sentenced properly.

Feng Bujue has been exposed to many games before, and he has also played neural connection games with a helmet. Basically, he can see similar terms. With the continuous upgrading of the optical brain, players can play less and less edge balls. These two behaviors were killed in the ideation stage.

[The loading has been completed, you are currently in multiplayer training mode.]

[In this mode, script descriptions, missions, and world views are not provided.]

[Completing this mode can only get experience points, no skill points, game coins.]

[This mode has no customs clearance rewards and additional rewards for fear ratings.]

[The game has started.]

After listening to the prompt, the elevator door opened, and almost at the same time, a strange voice sounded in my ear, this time it was a man's voice with a sharp voice: "Welcome to the horror paradise." grinning.

The scene outside the elevator door is another corridor, but this one looks quite spacious, the floor is tiled, the walls on both sides are painted white, and there are three doors on one side, all of which are closed at the moment. The lighting on the ceiling is functioning and there is plenty of light. There was a smell of disinfectant in the air, and with the architectural layout, it looked like a hospital.

Feng Bujue walked out of the elevator immediately, and the elevator door behind him closed. Then, the image of the elevator gradually distorted and disappeared, and finally turned into a wall. Turning his head, he saw another elevator door behind him, parallel to the one he just walked out of.

Feng Bujue walked to that door, probed inside, and heard: "Ah..." a scream.

"Are you sick?" Feng Bujue asked.

Wang Tanzhi took a breath: "I just made up my mind to go out, when your head sticks out suddenly, scaring me."

"Can I ask, how much is it worth to be frightened by me now?" Feng Bujue was really curious.

Hearing this, Wang Tanzhi went to look at the menu. From Feng Bujue's point of view, it was just that the focus of his eyes shifted to some unknown place, and it resumed after a few seconds.

"I've calmed down now, and the fright value fluctuates around 3%." Wang Tanzhi replied, "However, I don't know how high it jumped in that second just now."

"Hmm... It increases instantly according to the degree of fear, and then falls again..." Feng Bujue muttered: "By the way, what color is the scare value displayed in the energy gauge?"

"Uh... bright red."

"Oh I got it."

"Brother Jue, that disease of yours... do you keep the scare value at 0% all the time?" Of course Wang Tanzhi knew about Feng Bujue's condition, but as a freshly graduated intern, he was naturally powerless to deal with it. It is also because he is a medical student that he understands that Feng Bujue's disease may really depend on luck. If he is lucky, he may be fine for thirty years. If he is not lucky, it is not surprising that he will die within three minutes.

"Yes." Feng Bujue replied calmly.

"Then I rely entirely on you... You have to cover me under any circumstances." Wang Tanzhi said.

Feng Bujue didn't reply, but said, "The preparation time before the start of the script is only three minutes. If you don't come out, you will be forced out of the elevator by the system."

Hearing the words, Wang Tanzhi stepped out quickly.

Before the elevator completely disappeared, Feng Bujue took out a stone from his luggage and handed it to Wang Tanzhi: "Hold it, and lead the way."

Wang Tanzhi took the stone, and after reading the attributes, the corner of his mouth twitched: "Brother Jue... Even if you picked this up and used it in the novice tutorial, you wouldn't be reluctant to throw it away and bring it back to the login space..."

"You are jealous." Feng Bujue replied shamelessly.

Without saying a word, Wang Tanzhi threw the stone on the ground, and took out a fruit knife about five inches long from his bag, "My attribute is better."

"Why do you have equipment!" Feng Bujue shouted, Wang Tanzhi said on the phone earlier that the fear rating of his novice tutorial was terrifying, and according to the instructions on the official website, there is no extra reward for this level.

"I picked it up in the script." Wang Tanzhi said.

Feng Bujue said: "Show me first."

Wang Tanzhi shrugged and handed over the knife.

[Name: Fruit Knife]

[Type: Weapon]

[Quality: Dilapidated]

[Attack Power: Weak]

[attribute: none]

[Special effects: none]

[Whether the script can be brought out: Yes]

[Remarks: At least this thing has a blade.]

Feng Bujue returned the knife to Wang Tanzhi, and lamented: "Character, I can't take out anything that can be picked up in that script."

"Then your rock is..."

"The extra reward after settlement is drawn." Feng Bujue said, "Are you scared?"

"Ok… "

"lead the way!"

Wang Tanzhi had no choice but to walk ahead holding the knife.

At the beginning of the game, he felt a little timid in his heart. He is an "ordinary person". No matter how brave an ordinary person claims to be in front of others, when playing horror games, there is no one who is not afraid. Fear is a normal reaction. , not to mention that the thriller park is still a neural connection game, the immersive sense of horror is even more realistic.

There is a corner more than 20 meters in front of them. There are three doors in this distance, all of which are on the right hand side. There is a wall on the left hand side. There is nothing on the wall. There is no doctor information, floor map, or even a health encyclopedia.

The two of them had just walked five or six meters away, and before they passed the first door, they suddenly heard a strange laugh, like a little girl's, and then countless blood appeared on the white wall on their left. The handprints almost covered the entire wall, extending to the end of the corridor.

at the same time. Both of them saw a black shadow flash past in the distance, and hid in that corner.

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