Thriller Paradise

Chapter 52: Garlic Wushuang chapter 6


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At around three o'clock, in the building of Ai Lebu Company, Pan Feng and Hua Xiong are leading Xiao Tan all the way to the top floor.

In the building, the elevator from the ground floor to the fifty-second floor has failed, and the entrance to the fire stairs on the ground floor has also been blown up, but several elevators leading to other floors are still working.

They changed the elevator several times, from the first floor to the seventh floor, then went up the third floor from the stairs on the seventh floor, and transferred to another elevator on the tenth floor.

Along the way, they encountered two small OSS-level monster attacks, but in front of Pan Hua's fighting power, the OSS could only parry and had no ability to fight back, and was chopped to the ground within two or three minutes. Not to mention those ordinary blood wolf zombies, they usually clean up melons and vegetables.

Xiaotan following them was an eye-opener and awe-inspiring. As for the battle, he didn't even have room to intervene. He felt like the boss of the gang was clearing the field with two gold medal fighters, and he was only watching the whole process.

"Two big brothers..." Xiao Tan finally couldn't help asking on the stairs between the forty-second and forty-third floors: "By the way, you are going to fight from the bottom floor to the top floor, and then go back from the top floor." yes?"

"No and no." Hua Xiong replied, "We are here to rescue Dr. Ashford."

Xiao Tan was taken aback when he heard the words: "Uh...that... I don't know if it's too late for me to say it now, but I glanced at the schematic diagram of the building when I was on the first floor. The research institute is built underground, not upstairs..."

It stands to reason that they have already reached this level, and only after hearing him say such an afterthought, the other party should reply, "Why didn't you say it earlier?"

But unexpectedly, the two of them looked calm and composed, Hua Xiong just turned his head and smiled and said: "Haha, little brother, we know that the research institute is underground, but the doctor may not be in the research institute."

Xiao Xiao sighed, "Where will the doctor be if he is not in the research institute?" It's not necessarily hiding in the toilet, is it? According to the routine of sci-fi movies, after a virus breaks out, researchers like this will usually find a relatively safe isolation facility to protect themselves, and then try to find a way to control the virus, or call for rescue. And the top floor of this building is only marked as "office area" on the schematic diagram. If Dr. Ashford was really there, he would have been eaten long ago.

Although he had doubts in his heart, Xiao Tan didn't say it clearly, anyway, he didn't want him to fight monsters, he just needed to walk behind them, even if it turned out that he was going wrong, at most, he would follow these two uncles all the way to kill.


A few minutes ago, Feng Bujue also successfully entered the building. By observing the wounds of the corpses and the footprints on the blood along the way, he basically guessed that there were two people with Xiao Tan, one with a A heavy weapon with a blade, and another with what appears to be a spear or something. Moreover, the combat ability of the two is very powerful, and they are basically killed in one blow against mobs.

Because of the powerful performance of those three people who opened the way ahead, Feng Bujue's road ahead was much easier, and the monsters he encountered after arriving inside the building were very limited. He glanced at the schematic diagram in the building, and then headed towards the underground research institute. He didn't expect that the three guys were rushing to the top floor, and he took it for granted that his teammates went underground.

So, after Feng Bujue found the elevator leading to the lower floor in a certain corridor, he took it.

This elevator is very spacious. To be honest, it is a bit like the landing space, but there is no mirror wall behind it, and there is no touch screen beside it. There were some bloodstains in the elevator, but no corpses or stumps. Since he could only go back and forth between the first floor and the basement research institute, there were only five or six buttons on the elevator's operating panel. Feng Bujue pressed the button for the basement floor, and then the door close button, and the elevator started soon after.

Based on the analysis of the "records" he had seen before, he felt that in a closed environment, it would be very difficult for monsters like blood wolf zombies to escape from Pan Hua's clutches. However, he still holds the pipe wrench, and is on guard against any fish that slip through the net, and there will be monsters coming after the elevator door opens, although this possibility is extremely small...

Just as the elevator door was about to open, there was a burst of shouts from zombies, which caught Feng Bujue by surprise. But I saw an arm coming in from outside the door, and then another...

Before the door was fully opened, three or four zombies were already scrambling towards the door. Looking back, there were about twenty or thirty monsters crowded in the corridor outside the door. Most of them were wearing white coats and security uniforms. Salivating and moaning, his body exudes a corpse-like stench.

Although Feng Bujue was attacked suddenly, his subsequent response was still calm and correct. While biting a garlic clove he had already held in his mouth, he took out a kitchen knife and cooperated with the pipe wrench in the other hand to grab the head of the monster closest to him.

After killing a few monsters quickly, he discovered a very surprising thing. The monsters that were pounced on him at the moment were just ordinary zombies. No werewolf hair.

The most critical point is...they are not afraid of garlic!

This sudden unexpected situation made Feng Bujue suffer a lot. He thought that there would not be many strange things, but he didn't expect that there were so many now, and he forced himself into a narrow environment like the elevator where there was no way out. What's more troublesome is that Garlic has lost its deterrent power, and these ordinary zombies move much faster than those blood wolf zombies on the ground, and their strength and speed are no different from normal humans.

Feng Bujue no longer had [Slow Quicksand]. In the last script, he used this prop on Roderick Usher's ghost to resist the attack of a large number of telekinetic objects. So, at this moment, he basically has nothing to do.

If it was an ordinary person who was blocked by more than twenty zombies in the elevator, then the best result for him would probably be... to commit suicide by swallowing a gun if conditions permit.

And Feng Bujue didn't even have time to pull out the gun at this moment, he kept waving the weapon with both hands, relying on the passive effect of [Concussion] to barely survive the scene. But the forward arms of those monsters and the limited space inside the elevator made it difficult for him to hit the head every time.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for him to be bitten, and not only in one place. The feeling of pain is not strong, but he knows that he may have been infected.

When the zombies in front of him were cleaned up, Feng Bujue was already in the corridor, with more than 20 dead bodies piled up behind him, blood flowing like a river. He looked at the wounds on his body... There were two on the arms and two on the legs, and there were four in total.

Except for some sensitive parts and the clothing nearby, other parts of the player's clothing can be damaged. As long as the total area of damage is less than 10% of the entire clothing, the system does not need to correct or delay the correction. As a result, at this moment, Feng Bujue's sleeves and trousers on his calves showed the wounds bitten by the zombies.

And the status next to his survival value has been displayed as [disease], which directly proves that he has been infected.

Feng Bujue sighed, took out the Winchester in the bag, loaded the bullets, and continued to move forward. He still doesn't know why there are ordinary zombies in this institute, but he knows that it takes time to mutate after infection, and he still has some time to use before he feels symptoms such as flu and high fever.

He wanted to try to search for serums and other things in this institute, and by the way, check whether Xiaotan and the other two were here. If not, it means that the three guys went to the upper floor of the building inexplicably; if they are, then there must be some reason for the scene at the elevator door.


At the same time, at the entrance of the gun shop.

Master Atobe and Xiao Ming simply moved a big sofa across the middle of the road, the two of them sat on it, and practiced shooting with the blood wolf zombie slowly approaching in the distance.

Of course, after all the fun, they still remained cautious, after all, it was very difficult to hit the head from a long distance with their marksmanship. So for every zombie whose legs were broken or knocked to the ground, the two of them would go over later to check whether it was completely dead, and headshot the dead ones.

The guns in the gun shop can basically be used with general-purpose F, and the equipment requirements are lower than the M1911A1 that Feng Bujue picked up at level 5. Obviously, in such scenarios above level 10, the use of guns is restricted. It has been relaxed, and people who have not opened the shooting specialization will have more opportunities to open this specialization.

"Hey, what do you think is that?" Xiao Ming suddenly saw a somewhat unusual figure appearing in the distance.

Master Atobe was guarding another direction, and when he heard the sound, he turned his head and took a look: "Could this be... the player?"

The movement of the figure was obviously not a zombie, so that's why Xiao Ming's attention was attracted. As "her" approached, the two of them gradually became clearer.

It was a young woman with a graceful figure, long hair draped over her shoulders, and a beautiful and pure melon-seeded face with delicate and snow-white skin, amused eyes, a pretty nose and a small mouth. Wearing a black tuxedo, the clothes are tightly wrapped, making her slender and weak figure obvious, in sharp contrast to her full and straight chest.

"Anyway, her outfit is definitely not the system's default outfit." Xiao Ming said.

"Hmm... makes sense, and I think it's unlikely that she will be named General Pan Feng or Hua Xiong with her appearance." Atobu said: "That madman told us before, sigh in vain He is his friend and also a male player, so there should be no female players in this script... "

"I don't think she looks like a monster, is she an NC?" Xiao Ming continued.

"Then try to communicate." Master Atobe raised the TM in his hand and aimed at the beauty and shouted: "Stop! Who are you?"

She didn't answer, just smiled, and after a few seconds, the smile quickly turned into a grin, and the fangs in her mouth were exposed...

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