Thriller Paradise

Chapter 58: Garlic Warriors Chapter 12


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"The blood in the bucket is still almost full." Feng Bujue walked to the edge of the ice bucket again: "It seems that the derivative doesn't need these, it came here purely to kill two players."

Xiaotan continued: "Then why didn't it come to kill us? Our level is relatively low, isn't it?"

"It's easy to understand if you don't come to kill you. You should be the closest to the two GMs. If it comes to kill you, it will risk entering the detection range of the two." Feng Bujue said: " At the beginning of the script, I, Master Atobe, and the name are really hard to come by. All three of them can be targeted. Especially me, with a low level and acting alone, even if I am killed, the GM may misjudge it as a blood wolf zombie dry.

But... During that excellent hunting time, the spinner didn't attack me, nor did he go after the other two. It didn't come here until you and the two GMs were in the Alab Building. so… "

When Feng Bujue said this, he raised his head and shouted loudly to Pan Fenghuaxiong and the others: "Hey! Two generals, did the spinners not be able to move for a while at the beginning of the script?"

Hua Xiong lowered his head and shouted from the rooftop: "It's not that he can't move, it's that he hasn't completed his transformation yet." He then asked, "Do you still remember that cup of coffee?"

"How?" Feng Bujue responded.

"General data is like ordinary instant coffee, which boils as soon as it is brewed with hot water, but the powder from the derivative takes longer to dissolve." Hua Xiong replied: "Usually, we bring When the player quickly typed the script until it was about to clear the level, the derivative had just completed its visualization and appeared in the script." He paused for two seconds and said: "But the one I encountered this time, the generation speed is very fast."

"So that's how it is..." Feng Bujue suddenly remembered something, and said again: "By the way, how do you know that the target is level four? The system prompt you got when entering the script? Or can you check it in the GM menu?"

"After 'touching' it, you can see the level in the menu." Pan Feng replied, "Just touch it with a melee weapon."

"Wait..." Feng Bujue said, "That is to say, you are guessing when you say that this derivative is level four?"

Pan Feng and Hua Xiong looked at each other after hearing this, and then laughed: "Ha... We told you before that there are four levels of derivatives, so you really take it seriously? Where can we find the third level derivatives?" The ones? Our job is to get rid of all the fourth-level derivatives. Unless we fail repeatedly, or the fourth-level derivatives are lucky enough to encounter six teams in a row, the third-level derivatives will not be born at all."

Feng Bujue laughed dryly: "Well, I hope you are right."

Pan Feng asked: "I said, crazy little brother, how did you watch the scene below? Did you draw any useful conclusions?"

"Hmm..." Feng Bujue put his hands in his trouser pockets, pacing back and forth and said, "The shape of the derivative is a human female, about 1.65 meters tall, with a thin body, which can be taken out instantly or taken from the body. A claw-shaped weapon with a length of about 20 centimeters sticks out somewhere. The speed and power are not much different from the Dr. Ashford variant we saw in the Alab Building before.

From the intelligence level, you can only track its coordinates within the detection range, but it always knows your position, and at the same time, it also knows the exact position of each player. So a battle using us as bait won't work, as long as you're around, it won't get close to us.

How high is the intelligence of this derivative, I can't make a conclusion for the time being, judging from the current situation, it fully knows what it 'should' do, its purpose is to survive and evolve, and the necessary condition to achieve this goal is Let the player and GM all leave the script.

If you think about it from its standpoint...

First of all, it will not prevent you from using the administrator's advantage to quickly pass the level, because clearing the level means that the players will all be sent away, which saves trouble for it.

Secondly, under the premise of ensuring safety, for example, when you are far away from you, the spinoff doesn't mind removing a few players by yourself, maybe this will help it grow? I do not know… "

When he said this, he stopped: "Another point of concern is the relationship between it and the monster forces. Whether the derivatives will be attacked by monsters, or can communicate with monsters, will their interaction be Changing the direction of the plot, whether the main task given by the system will be affected by it, I can't be sure about these.

In short... If I were the derivative, combined with the actual situation of this script, there are roughly three options to choose from. "

Feng Bujue sat on the sofa again, lowered his head, and lightly tapped his forehead with two fingers: "Well... the best strategy is to use yourself as a bait, and deliberately enter your investigation at a suitable time, such as after dark Range, lead you to a specific location, and combine Ashford's mutant and night version of the blood wolf zombie to take you down." He raised his head and touched his nose with his hand: "I know you can check FLAG, monster information and script maps, but you can’t see the real-time coordinates of each monster. It’s not hard to guess, because you found Dr. Ashford through the trigger point of the plot FLAG before. But when it mutated and escaped, the two of you It’s hard to find it anymore.” He said in a deep voice: “Assuming that this derivative can find the mutant of Ashford and communicate with it, and it is smart enough, then it will definitely use the monster to achieve its goal.

The strategy above is the option with the highest success rate for derivatives. "

At this time, he pointed to the distance with his finger, and winked at Xiaotan again. Xiaotan turned his head to look and found a blood wolf zombie approaching in that direction. He knew what Brother Jue meant, so he grabbed a baseball bat and went over.

When Xiaotan was fighting monsters, Pan Hua and the others had already jumped off the roof, because Feng Bujue had said that ambushes were useless, so they stopped blowing on top.

"The best strategy is to kill the mutant of Ashford." Feng Bujue continued to the two GMs: "If it does this, Xiaotan and I will leave the script because we cleared the level, and then The derivatives will come to you, or continue to play cat and mouse with you, anyway, at most eighty hours, you will be offline due to the limitation of the game cabin. Of course, as a set of data, it is likely that there is no The concept of the 'real world' does not know the rules." He paused: "If you choose this, it means that the derivatives cannot communicate with monsters. In order to prevent unstable factors such as mutants and players from disrupting the situation, it At the same time, it also shows that this derivative believes that there is a relatively high chance of killing you in the case of one against two."

At this time, Xiao Tan had knocked the monster to death, and walked back here.

"As for the worst's not very likely." Feng Bujue said: "The worst strategy is to rush over at any time and attack the four of us directly." But if it really came here like this, there must be some reason, for example... It ate Ashford's brain and mutated into a very powerful monster, thus gaining a The confidence to pick four."

After hearing Feng Bujue's analysis, both Pan Feng and Hua Xiong opened their mouths half-opened, and looked at him with monster-like eyes: "May I ask what your Excellency is doing?"

"Big..." Feng Bujue was about to utter one of his usual answers loudly.

Xiao Tan interjected directly: "Freelancer!"

Feng Bujue shrugged, brought the topic back on track, and said to the two GMs: "Let's discuss how to deal with these three situations. Except for the second situation, Xiaotan and I can play a role to some extent. .”

"The death of the two players at level 14 and level 12 has already explained a lot of problems, right? You have also gained an idea of the strength of derivatives through reasoning. Do you really think that the two of you can help?" Pan Feng said: "I know, you are a very capable player, and you are very thoughtful, and you are not a person who is 'played by the game'. If I am not a GM, the game level is probably not as high as yours. But in the face of derivatives Such an existence requires only combat strength, and everything else is secondary."

"It's because you underestimate the player's strength." Feng Bujue said relaxedly: "As you said, the GM's single-player hunting success rate for fourth-level derivatives is over 95%. Then, if you use The strength of your GM is measured... In this level of script, the strength of the derivative is almost equivalent to that of a player who is less than level 20, let alone it is just an AI, not a human.

Master Atobe and his name are really hard to come by, and they were killed in seconds because of carelessness. If they immediately regarded this derivative as a strong enemy, and used guns, skills, etc. to deal with it, would they still be killed in seconds? I figured they could at least do some damage to it, maybe even escape successfully.

I really look forward to being able to live to witness the process of hunting the derivatives and participate in it, so..." He paused: "Let's just think that this derivative will choose the best strategy that is the most difficult for us, let's think about it How to deal with…”


The sun is setting in the west of the city, and the forest is already dark.

As night fell, every trace of air in this city seemed to become icy cold. It was a coldness that could freeze one's blood.

The eyes of the blood wolf zombies have turned blood red, and their movements are still slow like zombies, but their sense of smell has become more sensitive than during the day. Once they smell the breath of their prey, their pace will suddenly speed up, It even bends down and runs on all fours. Its strength, speed, and ferocity are all completely different from the state during the day. The blood wolf zombies at this moment are at least twice as strong as ordinary zombies.

Under the darkness of night, two figures were moving forward rapidly.

Behind them, more than fifty blood wolf zombies were chasing after them.

Twenty minutes ago, the Derivative appeared within the detection range of the two administrators, and it was just wandering in a long distance, with no intention of getting closer. This was in line with Feng Bujue's inferred worst case scenario.

At this moment, Pan Feng and Feng Bujue are running towards the target at a speed that is a few minutes faster than the blood wolf zombies, and both of them have a lot of uninfected blood on their clothes that can attract monsters...

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