Thriller Paradise

Chapter 6


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"Juejuejuejue... Brother Jue... just... just..." Wang Tanzhi stammered, and the shock value jumped again. Due to the accumulation of fear, even if he calmed down after a few seconds, the fright value did not return to the lowest area, but stayed at around 15%.

Feng Bujue was expressionless, and interrupted in a calm tone: "According to my reasoning, we have two choices now."

"What... what?" Wang Tanzhi can now turn two words into four.

"The first one, you take this small knife and rush over, and after you turn the corner, just slash anything you come across." Feng Bujue replied, "I'll cover you from behind."

"I choose the second option." Wang Tanzhi's answer was fluent all at once, before he even heard what the second option was.

"Actually, I'm more inclined to the second option." Feng Bujue walked in front of Wang Tan, stood in front of the first door on the right without feeling nervous, and turned the doorknob.

Everyone knows that in any horror game, the door is a scary barrier. No one knows what will be in sight after opening the door? Besides, there is also the classic malicious design of "opening the door to kill". It can be said that the moment the door is opened, the danger faced is the same as chasing that corner.

At such a moment, most people will cautiously stretch out their arms to open the door, lower their body, keep their body as far away from the door as possible, and be ready to escape at any time. But Feng Bujue's actions at this moment are almost like the state of going straight to the toilet cubicle driven by the desire to defecate. He walked forward quickly, leaned forward with his upper body, pushed the door open and entered.

There was no light in the room, and the light from the corridor shone in through the door, and the scene inside the house was horrific.

This is a ward of about ten square meters. The cabinet in the corner is overturned, as is the trash can in the corner. There are a lot of debris scattered on the ground, but most of them seem to be useless garbage, such as rags, waste paper balls, broken flowerpots, some soiled sterile cotton, broken glass medicine bottles, etc. ... The sheets of the hospital bed were torn, and the whole room was filled with the smell of blood, and blood was almost everywhere in the place illuminated by the light.

"The training mode will become an invisible option when the player reaches level five. Obviously, this mode is for novices, allowing players to advance to level five more safely." Feng Bujue said while coming When I got to the cabinet, I turned it around and searched for the remaining things inside, "Those 'high-level players' probably only play the training mode once at most after finishing the novice tutorial; or they don't play at all and go directly to the In the single-player survival mode. Because such players must have read the relevant game instructions in advance, they know that the benefits obtained from this mode that only rewards experience must be far worse than the formal survival mode."

Feng Bujue found a syringe that hadn't been unpacked from the cabinet. He glanced at the attributes and put it in his bag: "From the point of view of the rewards, the training mode is worse than the novice tutorial, so I think , its completion difficulty is basically similar to that of the tutorial, as long as the player is not frightened and disconnected, they can pass the level even if they don’t solve the puzzle.” At this time, he actually leaned down and sniffed the broken bottle What does the medicine smell like? "Actually, we don't need to enter these doors to explore, just chase the shadow and continue the game. I think it will take up to 20 minutes, and it will take a few times to experience a loss of survival value." Fight, you can get this script done."

"Then you still come in?" Wang Tanzhi said.

"As I said, there are two options. You chose the second option even if you didn't even listen to it." Feng Bujue unfolded the balls of paper on the ground one by one, and took them under the light source to look at them one by one. "The second option , is to solve the puzzle.”

"Hey... didn't you just say..."

"I said that you can pass the level without solving the puzzles, but I didn't say that there are no puzzles to solve." Feng Bujue continued: "It's just that even if we solve the puzzles, we won't get skill points." He continued to check those Paper, his expression didn't change much, "But solving puzzles has at least one advantage, that is, it can reduce the difficulty of clearing the level. To put it simply... to share some of the tasks that require physical strength, use intelligence first." He said, challenging He took out a piece of paper, handed it to Wang Tanzhi and said, "Look at what's going on."

"This is..." Wang Tanzhi took the paper, read it for a few seconds and asked, "Medical records?"

[Name: Medical Records of Unidentified Persons]

[Type: Drama Related]

[Quality: Normal]

[Function: Unknown]

[Whether the script can be brought out: No]

[Remarks: There are many parts of this paper covered by blood.]

"This is your job." Feng Bujue said, and raised the remaining stack of papers in his hand: "Let me take a look at this pile."

Wang Tanzhi felt his scalp go numb just by glancing at it. Of the pile that Feng Bujue was holding, the top one had a strange human face painted on it.

The two came to the brightly lit corridor and watched for about three or four minutes. Wang Tanzhi looked at it very carefully, because many parts of the medical records were covered by blood, he had to guess while reading; Feng Bujue was looking at the flowers quickly, quickly scanning one by one. He is an addict, he can read everything quickly, and his memory, comprehension, and reasoning are very efficient, and the content on these papers does not scare him, so in his eyes, this is similar to reading illustrations in ordinary magazines .

"Have you finished watching?" Feng Bujue asked this question first instead.

Wang Tanzhi's gaze was still on the medical record, he thought for a while, and replied: "This is a male, twelve years old... and a child."

Feng Bujue touched his chin: "Oh... Young Pioneers." No one knows how his mind works...

"Well... Leukemia, I have been hospitalized for quite a long time, but..." Wang Tanzhi put down the medical records: "From the medical records, the days are numbered..." He raised his head, and his eyes moved to the end of the corridor: "Now he has become a ghost." Alright..."

Feng Bujue said: "Not necessarily, there are three doors here, we only know that the first ward may be the boy's ward in the medical record, but we are not sure if the shadow we saw just now is him." The stack of papers was handed to Wang Tanzhi: "You don't need to look carefully, just look at the attributes." After a second pause, he added: "Six different faces are drawn on these papers, and each corner of the paper has A number."

[Name: Face Sketch*6]

[Type: Drama Related]

[Quality: Normal]

[Function: Unknown]

[Whether the script can be brought out: No]

[Remarks: These paintings are obviously made by the same person. This item can be split or stacked, counting as one item when stacked.]

"I'm getting more and more confused..." Wang Tanzhi said.

Feng Bujue nodded: "It's normal, there are obviously not enough clues to solve the puzzle." After speaking, he walked towards the second room: "In addition, I have another hypothesis, and this hypothesis is also that I hope to clear the level after solving the puzzle. The reason." He opened the second door and said at the same time: "I believe that at least one piece of formal equipment can be found in these three wards."

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