Thriller Paradise

Chapter 60: Garlic Warriors Chapter Fourteen


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There were no lights in the gymnasium, so Feng Bujue and Xiaotan took out flashlights, and the two GMs each took out a pair of night vision goggles to put on themselves.

Pan Hua and the two bluntly said that the equipment on their bodies was all set. Including the weapon in his hand, the metal boots on his feet, the undisplayed armor on his body, the night vision goggles that just appeared, etc... Anyway, the set of things on the GM can basically deal with any script at this level. Their equipment is all unconditional, extremely powerful and bound items. The six specializations are all D-level. Since the success rate of D-level skills is only 60%, they are not equipped with active skills, and they are all enhancements. Ability's passive skill.

The four of them tracked the derivative coordinates visible in the GM menu, and came to a huge basketball arena in the center of the gymnasium. There was still no light inside.

They entered through the entrance and exit of the auditorium, and after pushing open the movable door of the aisle, the huge dark space swallowed the light of the flashlight, and the flashlights in Feng Bujue and Xiaotan's hands could not reach very far places (such as the auditorium on the opposite side) ), Pan Feng’s and Hua Xiong’s night vision goggles have similar effects, and places that are too far away look equally black. In such a place, monsters that are about the size of humans can easily hide by crouching behind a certain row of seats.

"I want to ask... is it useful to talk to them?" Xiaotan asked softly, his hand holding the kitchen knife was trembling slightly, and his palm was already covered with sweat.

Before the other three could answer him, they heard an abrupt muffled sound coming from behind. The source of this sound is Dr. Ashford's mutant, it has swooped up, and its target is Xiao Tan.

The script OSS ambushed in the stands above the entrance, which happened to be the blind spot of the four people's sight after they entered. Regardless of where it hides or how it attacks, this is not a choice that ordinary monsters can make.

The derivative knows the real-time coordinates of the players, and Ashford himself can actually tell which entrance the players came in from the smell. That's why it ambushes in such a vital position, and the priority to attack the weakest player is probably some kind of script OSS's own selection mechanism.

The blow came extremely suddenly, and the monster rushed silently, there was no other sound except the sound of it bouncing off the stands and the sound of the wind as it crossed the air. Let alone an ordinary player like Wang Tanzhi, even the GM couldn't detect it in the first place.

Fortunately, this place is very quiet and empty, and the sound of the leap reached Xiaotan's ears a little faster than the speed at which Ashford swooped here. He still had time to turn around before he was slapped and vomited blood. Of course, there was only about a second left for him to respond.

At this second, Xiao Tan doesn't have many choices, if he does nothing, or does something wrong, it means that the survival value will drop sharply.

Death is not inevitable, because Xiao Tan put on the black steel helmet in the luggage when he pressed the bomb just now, and at this moment his head is protected by an armor, so it is not uncommon for his head to be torn apart by sharp claws. will happen. But... Whether it is a helmet or a body attack, if you are culled once by the script OSS like this, you will lose three quarters of your blood for sure. It is hard to say whether there will be any dizziness, bleeding, etc. .

With Xiaotan's speed, it is absolutely impossible to avoid this blow. It's too late to wait for the gunshot of Winchester in Feng Bujue's hand or a certain GM's weapon to kill him through the air. At this moment, he can only rely on himself.

At this moment of lightning and flint, Wang Tanzhi's scare value did not increase but decreased, and dropped to zero.

At that moment, his eyes changed, becoming like a doctor on the operating table, calm, determined, and focused. The mutant was rather like an anesthetized party lying on the operating table, unable to do anything about what was about to happen next.

Some people who usually look very gentle, but in critical moments, they will show cruelty and cruelty.

Wang Tanzhi's hand holding the knife has become very stable, precise, and powerful. In the dark environment, a cold light flashed, and the blade drew an arc, touching the mutant's claw.

The result of this collision will undoubtedly be that the knife in Xiao Tan's hand will be knocked flying, and his hand will most likely be cut or broken instead.

But the transmission of force takes time, no matter how short that time is.

The moment the blade touched the mutant's skin, Xiao Tan's figure turned into an afterimage and disappeared before the impact force had fully exerted its effect. At the same time, he appeared more than ten meters away without any damage. However, because the stands were slanted, he appeared in mid-air, with a drop of five or six meters from the seat under his feet. After falling, the fall and roll caused him to lose 27% of his survival points.

Even Feng Bujue was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect Xiao Tan to calmly make such an extreme reaction in a critical situation. Pan Feng and Hua Xiong were even more shocked, but their follow-up reactions were quick. As soon as Xiao Tan disappeared, they immediately rushed forward. It hit him.

After a few seconds, Hua Xiong realized later: "The kid used [Back and Quick Cut], right, hehe..." He couldn't help laughing.

Pan Feng also said: "Ah... I didn't realize it for a while, he only has this one skill, and he was given the title."

"I'll deal with this OSS, you have other things to deal with." Feng Bujue said suddenly.

Bang, and the Winchester rang again.

The direction Feng Bujue was aiming at was exactly the side that Pan Hua and the two of them were facing away from at the moment.

Just now, in the darkness, a silent shadow leaped from the big screen hanging high in the middle of the basketball court. It seemed to be gliding in the air, flew over a considerable distance, and swooped down to attack Pan Feng and Hua Xiong.

If Ashford's sneak attack was relatively sudden, then this attack was completely within Feng Bujue's expectations.

His judgment on the derivative's AI is quite accurate. Since it can set such a trap to ambush, there must be a countermeasure. The target of the spinner is definitely not the player, it wants to kill the GM, the existence of the player poses little threat to it, but as long as one of Pan Feng and Hua Xiong is killed, the spinner's chances of winning will increase greatly .

Therefore, it doesn't matter whether the mutant's attack is successful or not. The important thing is to attract the attention of the two GMs. way close.

The special environment selection, the position of the mutant, the direction to stand after the attack... all the preparations are for this sneak attack. As long as the sneak attack is successful, even if the mutant is killed, it will be no harm to the derivative. Because once the OSS dies, the two players will be forced to leave the script within three minutes at the most. At that time, Pan Feng and Hua Xiong, who have already been severely injured, will fall into a very passive situation. If the blood wolf zombies broke through the barrier or found another entrance to pour in, the two GMs would be dead.

If only Pan Hua and the others came after him this time, the derivative's plan might still be successful, but unfortunately, it met Feng Bujue.

A gunshot shot down the derivative who had approached less than five meters from midair.

[Eye of Hatred]has long been staring at the abnormal figure in the darkness. Even though the light of the flashlight can't reach very far, Feng Bujue was alert to discover its existence when the Derivative moved in the air. Unhurriedly, he gave Pan Feng and Hua Xiong a verbal reminder first, and waited for the spawner to enter the range he was relatively sure of before pulling the trigger.

Although the derivative is light and agile, it does not have the ability to change direction freely in the air. Since its dive route has been mastered by Feng Bujue, it is equivalent to meeting the opponent's ready-to-fire gun.

The huge impact of Winchester made the spinner hit the wall as if it was swinging on a swing. With the sound of the gun, it suddenly stopped sliding and turned to fall vertically. But this monster is really strong. Even though it was covered in blood, it still tenaciously held the railing on the edge of the stands on this floor.

It took Feng Bujue two seconds to eject the cartridge, load it, aim, and shot again, smashing the monster's hand holding onto the railing.

"Don't delay. Derivatives are your primary target. I'll deal with the mutants." Feng Bujue continued to reload the bullet calmly, and reminded again.

The two GMs had just figured out the situation at this time. Hua Xiong, who was faster, retracted his spear, turned around and jumped, supported on the railing with one hand, turned down the grandstand, and launched an attack on the derivatives.

The underside of this stage is very dark, but Hua Xiong has night vision goggles, which does not affect his fighting efficiency. In the eyes of Xiaotan, who is on the same lower floor, he can't see the battle scene. He can only see sparks bursting out from time to time in the darkness, and the sound of gold and iron intersecting continuously sounds. It is estimated that the derivative has already put his " "Paws" was highlighted.

"You are entangled with it here, it is not convenient for me to fire." Feng Bujue said to Pan Feng: "I said, I can hold the mutant alone."

"Nonsense! Even if you can deal with it, but now I have stopped the hatred, if I pull away, it will follow!" Pan Feng replied while fighting.

"This is easy." Feng Bujue suddenly put away the gun in his hand, took out his pipe wrench, and rushed forward with a motion that looked like he was looking for death.

I saw Feng Bujue approaching the mutant, standing between Pan Feng and the OSS. He didn't even use a weapon, but stretched out his legs to trip the monster...

Pan Feng thought that Feng Bujue had finally suffered a psychosis, but in the next second, the mutant wailed in pain, and then was tripped to the ground in a very strange posture...

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