Thriller Paradise

Chapter 61: Garlic Warriors Chapter 15


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Dr. Ashford's mutant is still humanoid as a whole: half of his face is like a zombie, almost rotted, his eyes are bulging like inflated, and the eyeballs are so full that they seem to burst open at any time; the hairstyle on his head can be seen Refer to Mr. Einstein; the upper body is basically the appearance of a werewolf, covered with manes, and the palms are sharp claws; the back is quite special, with jagged bone spurs protruding from the elbows, heels, and spine; other features are some vampires , all parts with skin are pale, and there are iconic fangs in the mouth.

In Feng Bujue's eyes, the appearance of this OSS represents the following three things: having a head, being afraid of garlic, and being able to trip.

At this moment, what Feng Bujue is using is the magical skill that can only be used three times [bear child's whip leg], its effect is "regardless of the specialization level, 100% stumbles all monsters that can fall down theoretically, And provoke the other party to attack you."

"Go and deal with the derivative, I'll leave this place to me." Before the mutant got up, Feng Bujue picked up the pipe wrench and pointed it at the back of the head, and then punched it continuously, with a bang bang sound and bursts of blood splashing It can all show how black it is. He has been vaccinated anyway, so he is not afraid of blood splashing into his mouth right now.

When Pan Feng saw this, for some reason, he had a feeling that this place could be handled without his own intervention...

"Okay... we'll help you after we've dealt with the derivatives." He said and turned down the stands.

Because the effect of [Concussion] was triggered twice, the monster was suppressed by Feng Bujue and knocked on the ground for more than ten seconds before getting up, losing a lot of blood. During the period, it had already stood up once, but fell down again because of the dizzy effect.

After the mutant successfully stood upright, Feng Bujue turned around and ran, and OSS naturally chased after him. At this point, unless someone tripped it with that shameless skill again, it would not change its target again.

"Xiaotan, come up and help!" Feng Bujue shouted as he ran around the stands, his voice echoing in the empty stadium.

Wang Tanzhi has now recovered from the pain from the fall just now, he responded, found the nearest flight of stairs, and ran up the stairs.

Feng Bujue led the mutant to run all the way. His route was very simple, that is, he ran along the edge of the upper stand which was relatively spacious and could be walked on. He didn't want to be with a mutant who could even cling to vertical walls. Monster races faster on rough terrain.

After Xiaotan came up the stairs, Feng Bujue was running from his left side. Both of them were holding flashlights, so they knew each other's positions. Seeing that they were approaching, Feng Bujue shouted, "Trip it with a bat!"

"Received!" Xiaotan stood on the first step lower in the plane, took out the bat, looked to the left, and made a gesture of preparing to swing the bat.

After Feng Bujue ran past him on the right side, Xiaotan swung his bat forcefully, swinging the bat sideways, and hit the mutant's calf that was chasing him directly.

With a sound of pong, Xiao Tan felt that both arms were numb at the same time. After hitting the target, the bat flew out of his hand, and he didn't know where it landed. The mutant's physique was astonishingly strong, the straight bone under the knee collided with the bat, and it made such a sound, and its leg bones did not break because of it.

Of course, Feng Bujue already understood the fact that its bones are very hard, otherwise its skull would have cracked after so many blows with the pipe wrench just now. Moreover, the monster's previous behavior of smashing the windshield of the building with the bone teeth on the outside of the elbow in the Alab Building is enough to prove this point.

The problem is, even though the leg bone didn't break, the mutant got tripped up...

After Feng Bujue ran past Xiaotan, he deliberately slowed down and was about to turn back. When he heard the sound of the blow, he turned his head and took a photo with the flashlight, just in time to see the mutant sliding face down against the floor...

"Cut his Achilles tendon with a knife!" Feng Bujue yelled as he took out Winchester, and shot the monster in the head.

Xiaotan catches up from behind in three steps at a time, takes out a kitchen knife, cuts at the back of the monster's feet, and rubs it violently like sawing wood.

The mutant's head was smashed, and the matter in the brain flowed all over the place, but the monster didn't stop moving, it still tried to get up and attack.

"Is this the dying stage..." Feng Bujue's face was covered with blood, but there was no tension in his expression.

He took a few steps back and sighed to Xiao; "Don't get close, it should hang up after a while."

The mutant that lost its head crazily destroyed everything around it. The surrounding seats and cement facilities were easily smashed by it, but because the Achilles tendon of one leg was broken, it could not move decently. Feng Bujue and Wang Tanzhi pose no threat.

"It's almost done here! How about your side?" Feng Bujue shouted towards the area where the fighting sounds were coming from below, and shone there with a flashlight.

Wherever the light reaches, I can see Pan Hua and the two besieging the derivative. The latter uses the steel claws protruding from the knuckles of both hands to fight against them, but he does not show any weakness.

A word popped out of Feng Bujue's heart, "Damn!"

"Needless to say! This is level three, right!" Feng Bujue shouted.

"Ask after seeing it?" Hua Xiong replied unhappily.

The two GMs were also quite embarrassed at the moment. Just now, Hua Xiong realized that something was wrong after jumping down and doing two tricks with the derivative. The hand of this derivative that was knocked off by Feng Bujue healed itself quickly and grew steel claws, and the gunshot wound on his body also quickly recovered. With that amazing melee combat ability, it is obviously not a fourth-level derivative. The strength that the reader should have. After Pan Feng joined the battle, Hua Xiong had the energy to glance at the administrator's unique game menu during the battle, only to find that the opponent was really a third-level derivative.

Feng Bujue also noticed the self-healing hand, and he commanded from the stands above: "Behead! Will this beating last until the year of the monkey?"

"Nonsense! Can you kill me or not? Come and try?" Pan Feng roared.

They really couldn't be blamed for this. Although the derivative was petite, his strength was by no means inferior to Ashford's mutant, and his speed and reaction were on par with the two GMs. Its weapon is an extension of the hand, which is more suitable for close combat than two people using long-handled weapons, and its self-healing ability allows it to have a lot of room for maneuver when fighting, and slight damage is within an acceptable range.

If the battle continues like this, if the two GMs are invincible for a long time, their survival and stamina will be exhausted. Even if they can afford it, there are other hidden dangers...

[The current task has been completed, and the main task has been completed]

[You have completed the script, it will be sent automatically after 180 seconds]

The sound of these two system prompts meant that the mutant's struggle had ended and it had completely stopped its activities. It also means that Feng Bujue and Wang Tanzhi can stay in the script for at most 3 minutes.

At the same time, at the entrance of the stand, pairs of red eyes emerged from the darkness, accompanied by the howling of the blood wolf zombies one after another, announcing that a large group of monsters were attacking...

The fastest update, no pop-up windows please.