Thriller Paradise

Chapter 67


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It took Feng Bujue a long time to calm down and give a reasonable explanation for what happened just now. He thought that the guy named Woody was probably not an ordinary game administrator, and his level was much higher than that of Pan Fenghuaxiong and the two he met before.

Since he can add fake buttons and other things in the player's login space as he likes, it is very likely that the image he turned into after walking into the mirror wall when he left was intentional.

And the identity he revealed, the inexplicable words he said, the questions he asked, etc., it doesn't make much sense to think about it carefully, unless there is really some supernatural power in this world, otherwise he is just playing tricks.

Assuming that what I saw just now was not a hallucination, the appearance of fear...maybe means that my condition has improved and I am starting to be afraid, which should... be considered good news.

All in all, this is the reasonable explanation that Feng Bujue can think of. As for the unreasonable explanation, Woody's words are tantamount to unreasonable explanations...

Having come to this "reasonable" conclusion, Feng Bujue stopped thinking about it. Anyway, the senior administrator of the game didn't warn him that there was anything wrong with playing the game in the state of "losing fear", except for playing pranks. Feng Bujue felt even more confident.

He put this episode aside for the time being, so as not to affect his mood of experiencing the public beta.

Turn your gaze back to the operating area next to the elevator door, and the remaining four buttons are nothing suspicious, they should all be normal buttons that already exist.

The "storage room" undoubtedly refers to the metal room for receiving settlement rewards and storing equipment. Feng Bujue hasn't received the fear rating reward for the last script, so he can get it now when he goes in, but he is careful because the mall is already open Alright, game currency should come in handy. So he is not in a hurry to choose a reward right away, and is going to go to several other places to observe the demand before deciding which one to get.

Feng Bujue first clicked the conference room button, and after pressing it, he got a system prompt:

[Your meeting room has been created. You can invite friends, teammates, and players not in the blacklist to enter the meeting room for communication. The maximum number of people is ten.]

[When you are in a meeting room, shopping mall or scare box, you can use the new text chat function in the game menu to communicate with your friends.]

After the prompt, the elevator door opened, and outside the door was a metal room larger than a storage room, which was very spacious and brightly lit. There was a long table in the middle of the conference room, and around the table were ten black tables office chair.

The surface of the long table is silver, and it seems to be a neat and smooth plane, but when you look closer, you can see that there are ten circular planes with slightly different colors around the edge.

After Feng Bujue stepped into the conference room, the elevator door behind him closed automatically. He hesitated a little because it wouldn't be like this when he walked into the storage room. Looking back, on this side of the meeting room, there is also a switch next to the door, which seems to be used when going out.

[In front of the "conference table", you can open a specific menu, browse the items in the luggage and storage room, and display their attributes on the desktop without actually taking the items out.]

He came to the table and read the prompts, then took advantage of the opportunity to show [Mario's pipe wrench] and tried the effect. The 3D projection of the item's appearance immediately floated on the table, and slowly rotated. The item description was displayed in the "meeting table" menu in front of him. If there were other people sitting on this long table at the moment, they could also read it from the menu.

"So that's it... In addition to team members for communication, maintenance, exchange of items, etc., it can also be used to hold a private auction or something." Feng Bujue read.

The item display function of the conference table is mainly to facilitate one person to display equipment to a group of people, because in this game, if you want others to view an item that already belongs to you, you have to hand it over to the other party. During the internal test, you can only unconditionally Hand it to the other party, and when it comes to the public beta, the party who handed the item can choose to "gift", "trade" or "display" according to the situation. Of course, this kind of selection is just a conscious operation, and it can be completed by sending a nerve signal to the system from the player, so that it will not take a minute to hand over an item.

When Feng Bujue moved away from the table for a certain distance, the display of items stopped automatically. He pressed the button next to the elevator door, and the door reopened, then closed again when it returned to the landing space.

Then, he reached out and pressed the "Mall" button, and the system voice sounded: [Connecting to the mall for you, please wait... This time the partition number is: 17]

[The mall is a large public area. In order to prevent the space from being crowded, a partition system is adopted. You can set the default partition number you want to connect to in the login space. If you do not set it, the system will immediately assign you to a relatively free partition. Each division can accommodate up to 5,000 players, and divisions that are full need to queue up to enter.]

After listening to the prompt, the elevator door opened. The scene outside the door gave people the first impression, as if it was an expanded version of the New York Stock Exchange, but the space was even bigger.

In the middle of the shopping mall, there is a round tower-shaped metal object. Its surroundings are covered with display screens in all directions, ranging from two meters to eight meters high. Various data are refreshed on it in real time, and surrounded by this "information tower" The surrounding crowd is also the largest, and this scene is quite similar to the Hong Kong stock market in the 1990s.

After Feng Bujue walked out of the elevator, the elevator door behind him closed after only a few seconds, and then quickly opened again. At this time, another player came out from inside. He turned his head and looked around, and found that on this side of the building, there was a whole row of about a hundred such elevator doors, which were constantly opening and closing, and players entered or left every minute.

These doors are just hubs for blocking and reconnecting space, each time they are closed and opened, they will lead to different places. When he needs to leave, Feng Bujue will return to his landing space regardless of which door he enters.

Of course, some people have tried the experiment of walking side by side into a door, but unfortunately it doesn't work, and one person is bound to be blocked by an invisible wall. The same is true for the conference room. If a player accepts an invitation to enter someone else's conference room, he must enter through the elevator door of his own landing space, and the door will be closed after entering. In other words, ten people had to enter or leave one by one.

Feng Bujue walked towards the central area of the shopping mall, looked around, and found that the roof here was very high, so high that it was difficult to visually measure the distance from the ground. The bowl turned upside down.

There are four pathways around the information tower in the middle, which are separated by four fan-shaped creations at 90-degree angles. There are also multi-faceted display screens on the four objects, and information is also scrolled on them. This central area is the focus of the mall—the auction house.

And in the outer area, there are many stores arranged like shops. These are system stores, and there are not a few people who patronize them. However, the items sold by the system are fixed, and even if they need to be replaced, it will be a quarter later. Players Generally, they will leave after browsing or buying what they need, so there are not as many players staying there as there are at the information tower.

There are not too few players in this division, bustling with each other, shuttling back and forth. Feng Bujue planned to go to the official store first, but suddenly someone yelled at him: "Eh? It's you!"


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