Thriller Paradise

Chapter 71


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The space in front of me is narrower than a storage room, and its area is only a circle larger than that of an elevator. The ceiling is white, and soft white light shines from the top; the floor under the feet is a black and white square grid pattern, just like a chess board; the strangest thing is that, except for the elevator door, all the surrounding walls are made of It is composed of distorted mirror surfaces like distorting mirrors.

The many Feng Bujue in the mirror all looked grotesque. Not only the body is distorted, but even the expression on the face and the temperament of the body are changed by these mirrors. In these mirrors, you can see joy, anger, sorrow, joy, greed, anger, ignorance, delusion... It seems that every distorted reflection in the mirror represents an emotion or desire.

"I thought it would be a large public space like a shopping mall." Feng Bujue said to himself, his eyes were attracted by the only thing in the room.

On the floor in the middle of the room, there was a large box, a one-meter-square, colorful large gift box.

"So... if I open it, a clown with a spring attached to his lower body will suddenly jump out and shock me..." Feng Bujue shrugged and smiled, and walked closer.

At this time, a system prompt sounded: [In front of the scare box, you can open a specific menu to browse its products.]

"Cut... so it's just for show." Feng Bujue opened the system menu with a little disappointment.

The number of goods here is a bit unexpected, there are more than 4,000 pieces, and all of them are above the fine level.

In just two days of internal testing, based on 50 hours of real time, the sleep mode server provided 500 hours of game time, and the non-sleep mode was 100 hours. The total virtual time of the two lines is already twenty five days.

During this period, in each randomly generated scenario, there will be one or two items that the player cannot bring out. In addition, there are countless pieces of equipment above the excellent level that exist in the scenario but have not been discovered by the player until the end .

These things, after a certain attribute modification, can all be found in the scare box now.

The public beta started at 8:00 am, and from then on, the countdown to destruction of all the items in the scare box officially started. It has been more than six hours, and all the items generated during the internal test are displayed at this moment, [Remaining time of existence: 6 days, 17 hours and 38 minutes], and a lot of items generated after the public test have also been added, according to The real time node at the end of the script begins to count down.

Out of curiosity, Feng Bujue searched for the [Blood Corpse Must Die] that he had used once, and found this piece of equipment, but the equipment conditions had obviously changed.

[Name: Blood Corpse Must Die]

[Type: Weapon]

[Quality: Excellent]

[Attack Power: Strong]

[attribute: none]

[Special Effect: When attacking a blood corpse, it can be dissolved]

[Equipment Conditions: Fighting Specialization D, Level 18]

[Remarks: This sword is the early work of the legendary dwarf craftsman "Auer Quande". A cunning goblin merchant bought this sword from Auer with a few bottles of drink called "Erguotou" , Half a month later, Orr made "Goblins Must Die".]

As a weapon with highly targeted special effects and high attack power, such equipment conditions are more reasonable. For a level 18 player with a fighting specialization of D, no matter what equipment he has, he shouldn't have a problem single-handedly picking up a blood corpse, but it won't be easy either. And equipped with this sword, it becomes very simple, and it can basically kill without injury.

The price of this weapon was very in line with Feng Bujue's expectations for such low-level equipment, which happened to be 300 skill points, so this slightly narcissistic guy couldn't help but secretly reveled in his heart for a few seconds.

However, Feng Bujue is not going to buy this one. After all, it is a weapon with specific countermeasures, and the probability of players encountering monsters like blood corpses in various scenarios is not bad. rotting...

He adjusted the menu chronologically, starting with the front page. Then... the obsession made it hard for him to extricate himself. The equipment here has a higher gold content than the auction house, and you get what you pay for. He was afraid that he would miss out on something good.

The more you scroll down, the more excited and surprised Feng Bujue feels. Although [Legendary] level equipment is temporarily hard to find, there are a few pieces of [Perfect] quality equipment. Of course, the price of thousands of skill points makes him only addicted to his eyes. These items may only appear in the CG in the script, or even the gadgets held by the OSS. At most, they are like [Blood Corpse Must Die]. But in the end, they will all come to the "recycle bin" of the scare box, waiting for the fate of being destroyed.

Therefore, in the scare box, even items such as the Xuanyuan Sword or the Blade of Azzinoth are possible. As long as the player has enough skill points, they can buy these. As for whether they can be installed... that's another matter. Anyway, skill points cannot be bought with money, and the only way to get them is to use your own combat skills or resourcefulness in the script to earn them. Presumably, players who can sit on a huge amount of skill points will never be too weak.

Feng Bujue stood there watching for a full hour, completely giving up the idea of buying the equipment here and selling it for money. Xindao: Is it crazy to set up the function of exchanging skills for money in the scare box? The exchange ratio given by the system is only 1:10, which is still a one-way exchange, what a scam! 1,000 skill points can only be exchanged for 10,000 game coins, which is only five yuan in RMB, but can five yuan buy 1,000 skill points? Even players with perfect equipment and skills at level 50, whose skills are worthless, will not exchange this money. They can use their extra skill points to buy equipment and put it up for auction. Who would exchange precious skill points for game currency directly

Not only Feng Bujue, but many people complained about this setting on the forum that morning. Of course, this is not a big deal. The system does not force players to do this kind of exchange. It is not worthwhile, so just don’t change.

Dream Company has not responded yet, and takes an attitude of ignoring it. Until the second Monday in May, after more than a month and several exchange rate changes, the mainstream player group has become more familiar with the market conditions, and the prices in the auction house have basically stabilized. Only then did Dream Company change the exchange ratio of skill value for money.

In the Thriller Paradise at that time, the player base has been roughly divided into three levels, namely: the superstructure with strong players, the middle-level team with a large number of people, and the bottom-level crowd dominated by novices and casual players.

The level of the upper-level player group has generally reached around 30, their respective specialization orientations are very clear, and the combination of equipment and skills is already at an advanced level. They have their own set of strategies for the game, and they bear the title corresponding to their strength. With their experience and ability, they can be the leaders of any middle-level player team. Having such a player on the team can make a huge difference even if he doesn't speak out and just does his part.

Besides, the middle-level players, they are the mainstream group of the game, ranging from blue-collar professional players to casual players with a relatively stable online status. Therefore, the strength of the character, the clearance rate of the script, etc. are all affected. This group of people is the "players" in the general sense. Sometimes they can make a big splash, sometimes they make mistakes, they have complained about their teammates, and they have been complained by their teammates. Where is the gap between the top powerhouses? After a long time, ordinary players will have a mentality: Those who are the strongest in the game are because they have more money than me, or because they have more game time than me.

This kind of thinking does have some truth, but only part of the reason.

Feng Bujue once analyzed what conditions a top player must possess in a game with considerable technical content, and finally listed seven of them:

Knowledge, strategy, luck, fighting spirit, will, courage, talent.

Although there are innate conditions and uncontrollable factors, this is the reality. Games and sports are the same in many places, and geniuses who work hard can become legends.

Finally, let’s talk about the low-level players, which can be summed up in three sentences: 1. Novices who have joined the game not long ago; 2. Casual players who are unstable online;

This is the lowest level, and the strength is self-evident. The first two types of people may leave this level after a period of time, and the third type is more helpless... Everyone has areas they are good at and not good at, and this principle naturally applies to in the game.

One month later, the pattern of the Thriller Paradise is roughly the same. I said this in advance because there are two things to be announced.

The first thing is that in late May, there will be a competition in the game. Due to the large number of players, the qualifications to participate in the qualifiers also need certain conditions to obtain. It should be impossible for the players in the last tier to have chance...

The second thing, after hearing this, I think everyone will take it for granted that Feng Bujue must be among the top players. But... no.

He belongs to the fourth category of players, which is not large enough to be called a "crowd", and in a game with millions of registered users, there are only a few dozen such players in total. Their level may not be top-notch, but they are frequent visitors on the combat power list.

In the later game... Dream Company simply disqualified this group of people from the qualifiers and directly entered the finals, and they could still have byes in the first few rounds. Although this matter is called shady or unfair competition by many people with unbalanced mentality, in various senses, Dream Company is actually protecting the majority of players... If you are allowed to face them in the qualifiers or the early stages of the finals, that would be called unfair competition.


Back to the story, Feng Bujue looked at the equipment for more than an hour, and it was finally over.

In the menu of the scare box, one page will display a hundred items, and each item only has three items: name, type, and price. Click to view, and the detailed information will appear in front of you.

It was naturally impossible for Feng Bujue to click on every item. He only looked at some items he was interested in, and scanned the rest. Some pages were skipped within ten seconds. Even so, and after looking at it for so long, it can be seen that there are indeed a lot of interesting equipment in it.

After reading all of them, he let out a long sigh, closed his eyes, sorted out his thoughts, and then used the search function to find a piece of equipment that he had written down specially:

[Name: Mask of Casey Jones]

[Type: Armor]

[Quality: Excellent]

[Defense: Medium]

[attribute: none]

[Special effect: When equipped, the player's fighting specialization is considered to be one level higher than the actual level, but not more than C level]

[Equipment conditions: male player, level 15, bound after equipment]

[Remarks: The owner of this mask hangs out with four mutated turtles who love to eat pizza and live in the sewer all day long. As a young man without any superpowers, he is still very keen on fighting street crimes, and this mask has gradually become his symbol.]

The price of this mask is 500 skill points, and its value is mainly reflected in the extremely low equipment requirements and powerful special effects applicable to all players.

Before level 20, it was almost impossible for the player's specialization level to rise to level C, and the effect of this mask might allow the player to break through that bottleneck. From the perspective of transitional equipment, the benefits of using this mask between levels 15-20 will undoubtedly be huge. Even after level 20, this equipment is still in use until the player's actual fighting level is raised to C.

Feng Bujue's current specializations are: General E, Equipment E, Scouting E, Fighting E, Shooting D, Medical F; In addition, after the open beta was opened, the specialization column in the menu has changed, the original font It has been slightly shrunk, and a new shadow area has appeared, indicating that there are two new specializations, which are currently not unlocked.

In any case, buying this highly cost-effective mask has great benefits, so he bought it without much hesitation. Although he is now at level 13, it is not difficult for him to upgrade to level 15. In theory, he can get it done by clearing up to four scripts.

After decisively buying the mask, Feng Bujue took it back to the storage room for safekeeping. Then he went to the mall again and listed [Kenny's hooded top] at a price of 110,000, and the buy-it price was set at 140,000. When listing, he paid a handling fee of 4,000 game coins. The amount of this "handling fee" is determined by the system and varies from item to item. As for the pricing basis, it is based on the non-dominant attributes of the item, so the price is basically The above implies the system's evaluation of the value of the item.

If no one bids for the auction within 24 hours of real time, the product will be taken off the shelves, and will be sent back to the player in the form of data at that time. And if it is sold, the system will send the money over.

After Feng Bujue finished these, when he returned to the landing space, the real time was already three o'clock in the afternoon. There is still half a day left today, plus an overnight. He set himself an ultra-short-term goal - before tomorrow morning, he will be promoted to level 15, and his equipment specialization will be raised to level D. In this way, you can successfully equip [Casey Jones' Mask] and [Echo Armor], and then experience the "killing game"...


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