Thriller Paradise

Chapter 72: Campus Seven Wonders One


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[Crazy Unconscious, Level 13]

[Please select the game mode you want to join.]

[You have chosen Team Survival Mode (Normal), please confirm.]

[Confirmed, the random number of team members has been generated: two people.]

[You have entered the queue and are searching for other players who are ready.]

[Matching completed, neural connection is being coordinated, script is being generated... ]

[Loading starts, please wait a moment.]

"Welcome to Horror Paradise." The voice this time was a woman's voice, speaking very softly, like a whisper.

[The loading has been completed, you are currently in Team Survival Mode (Normal).]

[This mode provides an introduction to the script, and there is a chance of branch/hidden missions and special world views.]

[Script clearance reward: Randomly draw a learnable skill card.]

[The introduction to the script will be played soon, and the game will start immediately after the play is completed.]

Feng Bujue's body felt weightless, and then the opening title of the script appeared in front of him. In the shot was the gate of a school with the moon hanging in the sky. The name of the school on the wall was "Ye Jie High School". Looking into it is the playground and the main building, and then carefully observing the freeze-frame picture in front of you, you can roughly judge that there are at least two other teaching buildings and a gymnasium in the school.

[Ye Jie High School, the noise during the day is in sharp contrast to the silence at night. The school's cheap building site was once the site of a mass grave. More than 20 years after it was completed, all kinds of weird and weird events happened from time to time. The hidden fear in people's hearts turned these things into various strange stories, which were passed on by word of mouth among teachers and students...]

[I don't know when, a ballad called "Seven Unbelievable Schools" appeared...]

Hearing this, the voice of the system next to Feng Bujue's ears suddenly changed to the immature and ethereal voice of a little girl. This creepy voice expressed the content of the subtitles in front of him with a monotonous rhythm:

[Save him, save him... It's hard to go home in the well, don't look at him, don't look at him... Otherwise, you will be buried in the well.

One, two, three, four, five, six... Count the steps and go upstairs, turn around quickly, turn around quickly... Don't walk on the thirteenth step.

Tick-tick, tick-tick... the sound of the water doesn't stop, it's red, it's red... don't look up in the mirror.

SoFaRe, LaSoRe... The keys are complaining, don't listen, don't listen... The most important thing is to applaud after playing.

Gululu, Gululu... the aroma is tangy, taste it, taste it... which bowl of human flesh and which bowl of soup.

Woowawa, woowawa... The baby's cries burst into my ears, laughing, laughing... The bone is the cradle and the skin is the bag.

Ghostly, bloody... fierce ghosts are in a hurry to chase their lives, don't be afraid, don't be afraid... ghosts and monsters can also be killed.]

After this passage was played, the scene of the CG remained unchanged, but the voice returned to the system's notification tone. In the next two minutes, what Feng Bujue heard was the most amazing setting among all the online games he had played in his life...

[You and your teammate will each get a mobile phone, this item cannot be put in the luggage, but can only be held in the hand.]

[The mobile phone has sufficient power and can display the current script time. Contains a speed dial number, the number is your teammate's mobile phone number.]

[This phone cannot call any number except speed dial, and does not contain other (such as SMS) functions, and cannot turn off or reset the ringtone.]

[The time will be counted after the start of the script. From the tenth minute onwards, you and your teammates can have a one-minute call every fifteen minutes. Both parties must take turns serving as the calling party and the called party in sequence.]

[It has been randomly assigned, the first call needs to be initiated by you, the second round should be initiated by the other party, and so on.]

[If the two parties fail to make a call until the next call, the "responsible party" will continue to be targeted by ghosts. Example 1: When the time arrives, the calling party dials the other party’s number. If the called party fails to pick up the call after the bell rings, the latter is regarded as the responsible party; Example 2: When the time arrives, the calling party forgets or fails to dial the other party’s number. The calling party is then considered the responsible party.]

[You and your teammates cannot talk directly (system restrictions), you can only contact by phone.]

[You and your teammates are not allowed to approach each other knowingly (such as when the other party comes into sight). If the two parties encounter each other accidentally, they must separate within one minute, otherwise they will be chased by ghosts at the same time.]

[After the script starts, please enter the academy within five minutes and act separately. After the time limit is exceeded, the punishment is the same as the above article.]

After this prompt, the script started directly.

Feng Bujue was already on the scene, and he also had a black flip phone in his hand. He turned his head to look at the teammates around him, he was taken aback for a moment, and unexpectedly met Ruoli like rain. Before queuing up, Feng Bujue didn't check the status in the friend list again, so he ignored that there were friends online.

Although Ruyu's expression didn't change, she was a little surprised.

On the first day of the public beta, there might be millions of players online. In the vast sea of people, the two of them were in solo queue, but they happened to enter the same script, and the number of players happened to be two. Such an extreme coincidence can be called fate.

What is fate? Let me summarize it in combination with the Buddhist theory of reincarnation. There are sixteen words: grievances become father and son, debts are transferred to husband and wife, what kind of afterlife, seize the day and night.

I think the word fate may not only be linked to love, it is also fate to come to the world and make enemies. Therefore, I would like to advise friends who believe in Buddhism, if you have a grudge, you should take advantage of this life to report it quickly. In the next life, he will be your son, and you will have to pay for a house and marriage. If there are still debts that cannot be repaid, quickly switch to the ranks of atheists. If you have lost material things in this life, you will have to pay back the flesh in the next life.

Oh, by the way, the main reason I'm talking about this is because the previous ballad seemed weird, so I just spit it out to relieve the tense atmosphere.

Closer to home, Feng Bujue tried it first, but he was really speechless. His intention to speak was stopped by the system and could not be transformed into action.

So he could only make gestures, first he made a "six" gesture, turned his head and put his hand next to his ear, which meant to make a phone call, then pointed to himself, then raised his index finger, then pointed like rain, raised his finger two fingers.

Feng Bujue wanted to confirm the order of the calls, and his movements were relatively simple and easy to understand. Naturally, Siyu understood and nodded slightly. Then, she also gestured, pointing first to herself and then to the main building of the school. After a proper pause for a few seconds, she pointed at Feng Bujue again, and then pointed in a direction to the side of the playground.

Feng Bujue made an OK gesture with his right hand, then stretched out this arm (because the other hand was holding the phone), and made a "please" gesture.

The two finished their assignments in silence, and Ruyu walked into the "Yejie High School" first, followed by Feng Bujue, but they went in different directions.

When both of them stepped into the school gate, the system voice immediately sounded: [The main task has been triggered]

The content of the task is [Explore Ye Jie High School, break the seven kinds of supernatural phenomena, the current progress is 0/7]


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