Thriller Paradise

Chapter 77: Campus seven wonders six


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Whether to believe in the abilities of his teammates, or to believe in his own judgment, under the time limit, Feng Bujue had to make a choice. This inner struggle is another kind of pressure exerted by the system besides fear. Leaving aside the outcome of Feng Bujue's choice, in this game between the system and the players, he has already lost. He is now distracted to consider a matter that cannot be accurately concluded, which will only bring danger to himself.

At this moment, a baby's cry suddenly sounded, reaching Feng Bujue's ears. He turned his head following the sound, and in front of him was a dark and empty corridor, and the sound came from the corner at the end of this corridor.

He didn't rush over, but looked down at his phone. The time was 40:27, and there were still eighteen seconds before he would miss the opportunity to dial.

Finally, he pressed the speed dial button. Although he only experienced a script together, he is still willing to believe in Si Yu's strength. In addition, he felt that if he didn't make this call, then in the next fifteen minutes, the other party would also bear similar psychological pressure as himself.

So far he has fully figured it out, as long as he can do it, he must dial. Regardless of whether the two can communicate smoothly, dialing a number can at least prove the safety of one of them in a disguised form. Mathematically speaking, as long as a call is made, there is a 50% chance that neither party will be hunted down by ghosts; but if the number is not dialed, one party will be hunted down 100% of the time.


After only one ring, Siyu answered the phone: "I'm fine, don't worry."

"Hmm..." Feng Bujue was really happy to hear her voice, but immediately said, "Didn't you say... don't ask the other party if they are okay?"

About two seconds of silence...

Then, there was a beep from the phone, and the call was cut off in the next second.

There is only one explanation for this situation... Ruyu said a silence word to Feng Bujue in a very unhappy manner without any intention of insulting, and then hung up the phone on his own initiative.

Hearing the beep-beep-busy tone, Feng Bujue stood there dumbfounded, and put the phone in front of his eyes dullly: "Hey! What is this? Throwing my phone! You were the one who said not to ask each other if they were okay! Now you are still swearing! And being able to swear successfully shows that you are righteous!" He opened his eyes wide and yelled at the phone, but the call was cut off, and Biyu couldn't hear him. He was just venting unilaterally: " Idiot? Idiot? Fool? It’s just these words! What have I done! You don’t have to hang up the phone after scolding me! If I had known, I wouldn’t have called!”

In front of him, the crying of the baby was getting louder and louder, and it kept getting into his ears, just like the song sang: "Wow wah wah, wow wow... the baby's cry is bursting in my ears".

Feng Bujue closed the flip cover of the phone, held it in the palm of his left hand, and passed the flashlight to that hand as well. Then he took out the kitchen knife from the bag, held it backwards in his right hand, and walked forward quickly.

Turning the corner of the corridor, he immediately saw a basket on the ground, which looked like a shoe-shaped bamboo basket used for picnics. There was a baby lying in the basket. The baby's body was wrapped in a white towel, with only one head exposed. There was nothing unusual about its face. It looked like a newborn baby with eyes closed and facial features not yet fully developed. It looks like it's long.

Feng Bujue breathed out a long breath, then squatted down, looked at the baby, and said calmly, "Whatever you want, say it. If you can't say it within thirty seconds, move your head."

The baby was still crying, and crying harder: "Wow..." The cry became extremely high-pitched, like the sound made by nails on glass, which made people feel creepy.

"Cry!" Feng Bujue raised his voice and said, "Crying counts as time!"

His hemp-like questioning method resulted in very bad consequences. The baby slowly opened its eyes, the eyes under its eyelids were like blood-colored amber, and the crowded facial features also showed a ferocious smile meaning.

According to legend, a baby born to the world for the first time has three souls and seven souls that have not yet gathered, and they all have yin and yang eyes. If this kind of baby dies, the resentment will be extremely heavy, and it will be more ferocious than ordinary earth-bound spirits.

In front of Feng Bujue, the cradle containing the baby turned into a human torso in a blink of an eye. The face of the dead man was full of horror, his limbs were all gone, and the internal organs in the chest and abdomen were taken out and scattered around. on the ground. And the baby was lying in the hollowed out torso of the corpse, grinning grimly at Feng Bujue.

"The bone is the cradle and the skin is the sac, right?" Feng Bujue also smiled at the other party. Not only was he not afraid, but he was also a little annoyed.

While speaking, he caught a glimpse of something out of the corner of his eye. Looking up, this corridor was already full of similar dead bodies, all of which looked like their internal organs had been hollowed out and all their hands and feet were lost. The death conditions were extremely miserable.

"You are a reincarnated hermit crab." Feng Bujue said, "Let me guess... um... your mother is a student here, she was played with by a teacher or a boy, and after nearly ten months of pregnancy, She came to the school to beg the other party, but she was still ruthlessly rejected, and in the end she could only commit suicide in this corridor, and before she died, she personally dug you out with resentment?"

Home is home, and the ability to brainstorm plots and convert them into language is strong.

After the ghost baby heard the words, the laughter stopped abruptly, and in the next second, it turned into a piercing scream. It also fell down.

It seemed that the monster could not be dealt with in a peaceful way, Feng Bujue hurriedly raised his knife and stabbed at the ghost baby, but the tip of the knife failed to fall, and something caught his wrist suddenly. He turned his head and saw that there was an arm protruding from the wall out of nowhere, preventing his attack. So it seems that the limbs of these dead bodies are still nearby...

Fortunately, the time for this ghost baby to soar high is limited, and it will stop after seven or eight seconds, otherwise Feng Bujue's survival value may be drained. But the situation is still very bad, but on the two walls of the corridor, there are many hands and feet stretched out one after another, each of which can move...

Feng Bujue knew that procrastination was not good for him, so he cut decisively with his backhand, and slashed at that arm with a kitchen knife. It's a pity that human arms are not so easy to cut off, and the arms of dead bodies are the same.

The blade of the kitchen knife was embedded in the flesh of the ghost arm, and a large amount of blood flowed down, flowed into the torso of the corpse, and poured on the ghost baby. The baby actually laughed again, and the sound it made pierced into the ears, making people feel heart-piercing. If it wasn't for the game limiting the degree of pain, Feng Bujue might have passed out.

Seeing that he couldn't get rid of the restraint, Feng Bujue hurriedly put down the flashlight and mobile phone in the other hand, took out Mario's pipe wrench from the bag, and swung it down with lightning speed, hitting the ghost baby's head directly. This time he succeeded, and was very lucky to trigger the effect of [Concussion].

After the monster's body was affected by the skill, all the moving limbs stopped moving. Taking advantage of the situation, Feng Bujue let his right hand break free from the restraints. Using both hands, he beat the ghost baby in the "corpse cradle".

Soon, all the limbs protruding from the wall disappeared. It seemed that the monster was no longer able to sustain it. I thought it was a sign that the ghost baby was about to be wiped out. Unexpectedly, a new vision appeared immediately.

Feng Bujue found that the face of the dead body containing the ghost baby suddenly became blurred, and gradually, the image of that face changed into his own. And he even spoke, even the voice was the same as his: "It hurts... stop... stop!" The voice of the dead body changed from moaning to roaring, twisting its back and struggling, trying to move its torso.

Just when Feng Bujue hesitated for a moment, the ghost baby disappeared under his nose, and only the empty abdomen and some internal organs remained in the torso of the dead body.

Feng Bujue knew that he had been fooled. The monster undoubtedly used a trick to gain a chance to breathe and fled to another place. He immediately put away the kitchen knife, picked up the flashlight on the ground, stood up, and scanned the hollowed out corpses in the corridor with the aperture, trying to find where the ghost baby escaped to.

"Hee hee hee..." There was another burst of hair-raising laughter, this time the laughter didn't sound like a baby at all, and the most terrifying thing was that the place where the sound came from... very close.

Feng Bujue realized something. He lowered his head and looked at his chest. The sight in his eyes was enough to tear anyone's liver apart... The blood-stained ghost baby was curled up and lying on his side. In the abdominal cavity, a small hand was clinging to one of his ribs, and bursts of sinister laughter came from his body.

"Do you want me to commit suicide by using this hallucination?" Feng Bujue said calmly, completely ignoring the scene, and reached out to touch his luggage. He knew that what he saw was just an illusion, and his sense of touch was not affected. He could still touch his clothes and the backpack he was wearing across his back.

He took out the Hatred Eye, put it on himself, and said, "I almost forgot about this thing." Just then he heard another use for this equipment.

After putting on the equipment, Feng Bujue scanned every corpse and every place in the corridor with the aperture of the flashlight. As long as the ghost baby was still creating hallucinations, it would definitely be exposed.

Sure enough, when his eyes fell on a corpse that seemed to be hollowed out, the Eye of Hatred reacted, and there was a monster that was targeting the player.

Feng Bujue strode over, raised his hands and dropped the pliers without hesitation. This time, the monster that had been severely injured was really helpless.

[Main quest progress update]

[Explore Ye Jie High School, break seven kinds of supernatural phenomena, current progress 3/7]

[Main quest progress update]

[Explore Ye Jie High School, break seven kinds of supernatural phenomena, the current progress is 4/7]

Almost at the same time, two system prompts popped up, which meant that at the moment Feng Bujue dropped the ghost baby, Ruyu had also completed the task of the thirteenth step.

"Hmph..." Feng Bujue snorted coldly, and laughed at himself, "Looks like I was worrying for nothing."


In the main building, Si Yu leaned against the wall of the corridor and sat on the ground.

Looking into the corridor beside her, there were countless corpses of ghosts and ghosts along the way, and rivers of blood flowed on the floor. The strong smell of blood and the strange smell from the monsters were enough for people to avoid.

But at this moment, she was unable to move anywhere else.

The lantern and the long sword were placed on the floor beside her. Her right hand was holding the mobile phone, and her left hand was covering the wound on her right waist. The blood from the wound had not stopped, and was still oozing from between her fingers.

This floor led by thirteen steps, once stepped into, there is no way to escape, and there is nowhere to hide. The space is filled with a large number of monsters, some of which can scare people so much that their scare value soars just by their appearance. Those who walk in will either be killed and become part of those evil spirits; or they will be like Rain, kill them all...

In fact, during the last call, Siyu's condition was already very bad. She was lying to Feng Bujue by saying "I'm fine, don't worry".

When it was close to 40:00, Ruyu happened to be in the middle of the battle. Although she was injured at that time, she still consciously adjusted her breathing and answered the phone immediately. She is also very clear that even if she shows any abnormalities, it will only become a mental burden for her teammates.

Now, Ruyu has finally cleaned up the monsters in this space, and she must rest for a while. Its survival value and physical energy value have to be restored, and the bleeding state cannot be cured for the time being. Only by maintaining this static state and pressing the wound can the loss of survival value be stopped.

In this case, the system will not judge it as a "passive game", because the player has to stop the activity due to a specific situation. On "Normal" difficulty, the system does not force players who are on the verge of death to continue their actions. As for the "Nightmare" difficulty, the two said...

Siyu paid attention to the time on the phone, there were still ten minutes before the next call, she didn't want to meet some "ghost hunt" in her current state, so she had to finish dialing the next call.

After the previous phone call, Feng Bujue felt annoyed, while Ruyu felt aggrieved. Objectively speaking, both of them were responsible for this matter, but the main responsibility... still had to be on Feng Bujue's head. Satoshi responded with an embarrassing sentence.

At any moment, even if it's a big reason, it's best for a man not to correct a woman's inconsistencies...

Tick tock... tick tock...

Just when Ruyu thought he could take a breath, in the darkness in the distance, the sound of water droplets sounded quietly...


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