Thriller Paradise

Chapter 87: Hunter Island Three


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Although the title of Allure with one knife seems ordinary, no matter what the title, the abilities it bestows on the player are mostly very practical. It's like Xiao Tan's [Frantic Sneak Attacker], they seem to be more scumbags than a knife and a sword, but his title skill [Retreat Quick Slash] can still give him a lot of room for manipulation in battle.

Regardless of whether the player's title is weak, weird, or even obscene, the practicality of the title skill is beyond doubt. No matter how weak the title is, it will also come with a skill that fits the player's characteristics and must be useful, and there will never be a useless move. Of course, "practical" and "powerful" are two concepts, and a powerful title will naturally have more powerful skills.

The same is true for the title skill [Head Falling] of [First Entering the Sword Sect].

[Name: Heads Landing]

[Special Ability Type: Active]

[Effect: Appear behind the target in an instant, and launch a heavy slash five times the player's own strength limit on its neck. (The cooling time is two hours, it can only be used on humanoid monsters, and the skill must be within three meters of the target when the skill is activated)]

[Remarks: This trick was created by Guan Xiaoyu, a generation of swordsman. When Guan Daxia was eighteen years old, he already had a fierce face and a beard. After studying art for three years, he became the court's executioner. At a time when the imperial court was corrupt and the eunuchs were in power, Guan Xiaoyu beheaded countless loyal and good people in the past few years, and his heart was full of hatred. At the age of twenty-three, Guan Xiaoyu resolutely decided to set foot in the rivers and lakes, to rejoice in revenge. Created a set of "beheading knife method", which has become a masterpiece in the world, and "head falling to the ground" is the first method.]

He rushed forward suddenly with a single blow, and when he approached General Zarov within three meters of his skill limit, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, as if the head of the OSS was already in his pocket.

A second later, Yidao Qingcheng briefly disappeared from everyone's sight, and then appeared behind Zarov in an instant, and the blade slashed down towards the back of the opponent's neck.

Then there was a muffled bang.

As if he knew in advance where the opponent would appear, Zarov elbowed away, hitting his ribs almost as soon as he appeared with a knife.

Before the blade of the simple knife in Yidao's hand touched Zarov's skin, he was blown away by the OSS, hit the wall, and a big mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth. Yi Dao's eyes were wide open, and the surprise and pain made him completely incapable of further action.

The impact force of that blow just now was extremely huge, causing Yidao's internal organs to be severely damaged. Although there were no wounds on his body, almost all of his left ribs were broken, and the displaced broken bones caused severe internal bleeding, which gave him the [bleeding] effect.

The survival value of Yi Dao has dropped to 5 directly, and it is still falling. It is too late for the others to save him, because Zarov has already stopped them, and said in an unquestionable and cold tone: "Look! What a reckless and impolite behavior your companions have committed." He didn't even look at Yidao Qingcheng who was sitting on the ground, and he knew very well that this player would not be able to stand up.

"If he is not so vulnerable, maybe I will save him, heal his injuries, give him the best food, adequate rest and exercise, so that he will have the opportunity to participate in my hunting again in the future. Unfortunately..." Zarov gestured.

Seeing the general's order, Ivan immediately walked in front of the sword, pulled out his revolver, and aimed at the target's forehead.

"Save..." It was already very difficult for Yidao to speak. He only had time to utter a word before his head was blown off, and his body turned into white light and disappeared immediately.

[Team member: One knife cuts the city, has died.]

All this happened so quickly, and the impulsive behavior of Dao Dao made it impossible for the other four people to help him even if they wanted to.

From Feng Bujue's point of view, his behavior...was no different from suicide. Feng Bujue is very clear that at the beginning of the script process, any attempt to quickly clear the level in a short period of time with simple and rude methods is impossible to succeed. Unless this person has the domineering aura of the protagonist Halo King himself, otherwise he will undoubtedly kill himself if he takes a chance to do some smart and risky behavior.

Seeing that his friend had died in an instant, Yijian's face turned pale. In fact, he also held the same idea as Yidao just now, thinking that these two OSSs are not strong. Compared with the ghosts and monsters encountered in the past scripts, these two guys who look like ordinary humans are simply goodwill ambassadors. That Ivan looked a little more vicious, and General Zarov was nothing to be afraid of.

But Yijian didn't have the skill of "head landing", so he didn't attack directly. Originally, he wanted to discuss with Yidao quietly, and the two launched an attack together, but unexpectedly, Yidao wanted to become a blockbuster, and with the backing of his title skill, he rushed forward suddenly.

What was even more unexpected was that this OSS was able to "break the trick", interrupting the effect of a super-high-speed skill before it was displayed, and almost killing it instantly with one blow.

Feng Bujue sighed helplessly, but he immediately had a plan in mind, wanting to use Yidao's death to gain further information: "That's right, General, my companion is indeed reckless, if it were me..." He said, He took out the M1911A1 pistol from his luggage, but he didn't raise it to aim, but just held it in his hand like playing with it: "... I will try it with more advanced weapons." He cast a tentative look at the general: " You can't even catch bullets, can you?"

"Hahaha..." Zarov laughed again: "Of course, my friend, how can a person catch a bullet." He tapped his chest with his hand, and there was a thick muffled sound under his evening dress : "So I wear some protective measures under my coat." He paused for a second, and added: "But I know, you are an excellent hunter, and your marksmanship must be good. If you can shoot me I will also face death calmly." He said, and glanced at Ivan next to him: "But I don't suggest you do this, because Ivan will definitely avenge me at any cost. Losing the commander , he is no longer a soldier, but the most ferocious beast in the world."

Feng didn't feel that he got what he wanted, so he put the gun away, and replied with a smile: "Thank you for your kind reminder, General. Then, I think we should leave too."

"Hehe...see you later, my friend." Zaroff smiled heartily. The combination of his friendly and polite attitude and the ruthless killing in his bones can be regarded as a charming villain image. His performance is so easy, it seems that he has no weaknesses, it is almost chilling.

Feng Bujue winked at his three teammates who had not yet OVER, meaning... we can withdraw.

Five or six minutes later, the four returned to the stone steps outside the castle. Along the way, everyone didn't even dare to breathe out, didn't dare to run and move, and even thought twice about making a loud noise.

It can be said that General Zarov, the OSS who appeared on the stage after the script started, showed an almost desperate strength and a suffocating sense of oppression. From Feng Bujue's point of view, excluding the Lord of Time and Samadil who only heard his voice but only saw his shadow, among all the NCs he has seen, only Oink in the previous script can give him a A sense of helplessness. For an OSS like Dr. Ashford's variant, it is estimated that General Zarov can clean it up with a dagger.

In the end, Feng Bujue spoke first with a concluding tone and broke the silence: "Obviously, General Zarov's humanoid appearance doesn't mean anything. From the perspective of the game, he is just a monster. A person whose physical fitness is not as good as ours. times more than 100,000, a hunter with careful thinking, rich experience, and strong execution ability. And we are his target... or, in other words, prey."

"Nonsense, we can see it without you saying it." Yi Jian said.

"I don't know if you realized it after listening to the conversation between me and Zarov, or after you were knocked down by an elbow...Anyway, brother Yidao must have realized it after that, but It's too late." Feng Bujue said: "Fortunately, we still have a chance now, let's discuss it first..."

"You wait first." Yijian Qingcheng interrupted: "I wanted to ask just now. At first I thought you were the type of player who was 'into the show', that's why you chatted with OSS, but later I found that you seem to know what this Zarov is going to do, what's going on?"

"Well... Actually explaining this question now is just a waste of time, but it seems that if I don't talk about it, you won't listen to what I'm going to say next..." Feng Bujue's words matched his expression when he said it , others can completely fill in their brains... "Since you asked sincerely, I will answer you mercifully" lines like this.

"Say it quickly when you've had enough of it." Si Yu said unexpectedly.

Feng Bujue smiled after being exposed: "Well, the plot of this script should be taken from a book called "The Most Dangerous Game". , was designed by Zarov to come to the island, and then became the prey, and started a three-day hunting game.

The protagonist used his jungle survival skills and hunting knowledge to deal with the general by hiding, making traps, etc., successfully survived the time limit, and sneaked back to the castle on the third day, winning the game. "

He paused at this point: "However, judging from the content, in fact, as early as the first day, Zarov was able to kill the protagonist. He just wanted to enjoy the fun of hunting, so that he could kill the protagonist on the second day." Tian can still come out to exercise, so I let the protagonist go.

In the subsequent fights, although Zarov lost a few hounds, he himself was able to escape from the protagonist's trap at the nick of time every time, with minor injuries at most. As long as he has an excuse, he will temporarily let the protagonist go, stop chasing him, and return to the castle to rest and come back again. "

"He wants the hunting to be as fair as possible?" asked Siyu.

"Judging from the disparity in strength between the enemy and us, this can only be a good wish..." Feng Bujue smiled wryly: "The general just doesn't want his entertainment to end too soon." Rove is indeed a gentleman, even if he does something like a serial murder, but he will not cheat us, or regret after failure. The advice about the dead swamp is also very sincere, it seems that he sincerely hopes that we can 'hard Catch some, or his hunt will be dull."

"Well... let me talk about the actual situation next." After Feng Bujue said this, he left the stone steps, and everyone followed him to the jungle.

In the open place, the moonlight can achieve the lighting effect, but when they got near the bushes, all three people except Feng Bujue took out their lighting equipment one after another. Siyu uses a lantern, while Yijian and Not Afraid both use flashlights, but the models are slightly different.

Feng Bujue picked up a branch and started drawing on the mud: "In the study, I stood closer to the front, and I saw a map on Zarov's desk. When he showed us his 'ship' "Trap', the lights on the sea illuminated the coastline clearly, and after comparing it with the map, I can be sure that the island on the map is the one we are on." As he spoke, he drew an outline similar to an olive on the ground. The irregular shape of the island: "This island probably has such a shape. The castle is in the center, built on a high place, and can basically overlook the whole island." He suddenly raised his head: "Can you find the north?"

"Hmm..." Yijian looked up at the sky, as if he was about to guess a random direction.

Still not afraid to point to the night sky on one side and say, "That's Polaris, right?"

"Very good." Feng Bujue responded, pointed to the sketch on the ground with a branch, and continued his narration: "Here is north, here is south, and the swamp is here..." He pointed at one end of the olive and said, " Before deciding on the escape plan, I would like to mention a few differences from this script."

Feng Bujue always appeared to be very reliable and steady when reasoning and making arrangements. At this time, he could not find that kind of casual and frivolous feeling in him, and there was a unique attraction and persuasiveness in his conversation.

"First of all, the protagonist in the game, if I remember correctly, is called Rains Ford... His game time is three full days, and we only need to escape and kill for five hours. It seems that it is easier to achieve in terms of time, but actually Going up may not be a good thing. As I mentioned just now, General Zarov let Raines go several times because he didn't want the hunt to end prematurely. Our situation is different, and Zarov will definitely start after he finds us.

In addition, the book did not mention any other animals on this island, but when I talked to Zarov in the study, he clearly stated that there are pythons, wolves, tigers, etc... Pigs are also quite aggressive. Therefore, in addition to avoiding the general's pursuit, we also need to beware of the threat of those animals in the dark.

Number one, as you have seen, that guy is too strong to be human. Although he is also portrayed very strongly in the film, it is only a thriller based on realistic settings, not a story about science fiction or superpowers. But the general Zarov we are going to face can kill with one elbow. He belongs to the kind of tactical OSS that absolutely cannot be confronted head-on. It can be seen only from the content of the main task that how to successfully escape his pursuit is the gist of the script. "

Hearing this, Yijian interjected: "But when you took out the gun just now, didn't Zarov also reveal in his words that he would die if he was hit to the head? If the gun was in my hand, I would have died at that distance. Just shoot directly, so close, the chance of hitting is very high."

"If you do that, you, and us... are all dead..." Feng Bujue shook his head and said, "I took out the gun at the time, just to see Zarov's reaction to this thing, and to slip it out of its mouth." Some useful information." He raised his head with a noncommittal expression on his face: "As far as I know, the prototype of modern bulletproof vests appeared in the 1950s, and the author of the original book, Richard Cornell, passed away. The year is only 1949."

He changed the subject: "Nevertheless, Zarov calmly showed that he was wearing something similar to body armor, and he didn't take the M1911A1 pistol in my hand seriously. So obviously, the few words he said at the time , is the prompt that the system gave us directly through the mouth of the OSS."

"Attempting to kill Zarov with firearms is not feasible?" Siyu responded the fastest and was the first to take over.

Feng Bujue snapped his fingers, "Correct." His gaze swept across Yijian Qingcheng and Caibu's face: "The system generates the script based on the actual situation of the player, I think... the four of us here, Including the one-knife allure that has been OVER before, none of them are shooting specialists, and they don't even have shooting weapons."

Of course he hit the mark, among the four people present, only he had a pistol with only four bullets in it, and he was also the one with the highest level of shooting expertise here.

"Actually, the last few words I got from Zarov, interpreted from the perspective of the game... If you have to use a gun to deal with him, it is useless to hit the body, you must hit the head.

Normally speaking, we can only do this under two circumstances: the first, as you said, when the killer is dashed from the distance just now; the second, at a certain moment later, in the dark With a bad specialization level, he hit that alert Cossack like luck...

Obviously, the first case is more reliable, but even if it succeeds, it is futile. Because next... as the general said, the mute named Ivan will turn into a berserk state.

I guess he will immediately replace Zaroff as the OSS and start a frantic pursuit of us. By then, the setting of this script may not be similar to the 'real world'. Even if Ivan becomes the Hulk after he gets mad It will not be surprising. Once that happens, there's no way we'll even get out of the castle alive. "

"Huh..." Feng Bujue let out a long breath: "In short, the theme of this script is just one word - run."

"Then what are we waiting for, hurry up..." Before Yijian finished speaking, Feng Bujue waved his hand to stop him, and said, "I'm going to tell you how to run now."

"How to run?" Yijian asked.

"Run separately." Feng Bujue replied.

"Why?" Not afraid to appear nervous. Baidu search book*store, book*bookstore hand type, bookstore provides TXT download of this book.

Feng Bujue hadn't answered yet, but at this second, something happened that disrupted his entire plan.

I saw Ruyu's figure suddenly turned into white light and disappeared, and then the system promotion sound sounded: [Team member: Ruoliu has been disconnected.]

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