Thriller Paradise

Chapter 88: Hunter Island Four


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Siyu sat up from the game cabin, looked at the middle-aged woman wearing an apron in front of her, and sighed: "Mom... It's fine if you come into my room again, why unplug the power."

"Knock on the cabin door and ignore me." Ruyu's mother laughed.

"I heard it, but it happened to be busy..."

"Anyway, you are disconnected now, come out and help mom prepare dinner."

"Ah..." Siyu sighed with a complaining tone: "Mom~ It's okay to ask Dad to help you with this kind of thing."

"Your dad is hiding in the garage with a gaming headset."

"You know where he hides... and..."

"Men are playful by nature. If it is not too much, we women should turn a blind eye. Otherwise, I will go to the garage to find him today, and tomorrow he will hide in the basement. Drain the water in the swimming pool and squat in it to play."

"It's all nonsense... Well, I'll just come." Siyu also had no choice but to take care of her mother, climbed out of the game cabin, and obediently went to the kitchen to help her.


At the same time, in the horror paradise.

Feng Bujue was standing in front of a tree, leaning on the trunk with both hands, bumping his head like a woodpecker, and screaming in his mouth, "Damn it! You're a badass!" Of course, he was only pretending to show his depression, Not really hitting hard.

Ruyu's irresponsible disconnection completely disrupted Feng Bujue's plan.

According to his speculation, it would take at least three hours for the player to go from the castle through the dense jungle to the edge of the island. And General Zarov... is powerful and knows the island like the back of his hand. For the same distance, although it is impossible for him to advance at a high speed regardless of the terrain, it is estimated that he can cover it in two hours at most.

Feng Bujue's idea was: as long as the four of them escaped in two teams and went to the two ends of the island respectively, then at least one team's chances of survival would be greatly increased. Regardless of whether the boss can catch up and eliminate one of the teams in the end, the distance between the other team and the boss is enough for them to survive the five-hour clearance time limit.

This is a very simple tactic of exchanging space for time. In this way, the success rate of clearing the script will be close to 100. Although there is a close to 50 chance of death for each player, this deal is still relatively cost-effective. As long as the level is cleared, the team that was not hunted down will naturally get the level clearance reward; and the team that was hunted down has objectively made a great contribution to the survival of the other team. , the experience ratio given to them by the system will not be less.

As for which team will die and which team will survive, it is entirely a matter of probability. Who the boss will chase after is not up to the player to decide. They have no one to blame, and the most they can blame is their own luck. From this point of view, it is very likely that Yijian and Not Afraid will accept this plan.

And in this plan, Feng Bujue is naturally going to form a team with Siyu, because he is very worried about the girl who is not afraid of her. Judging from this title and the clues revealed in her words and deeds, her title skills are most likely to hide or transfer hatred. Stay with her, just when there is no danger, and when there is danger, it may become scapegoat.

But his reasoning is not supported by factual evidence after all, even if he said it, he can deny it without fear. Furthermore, their game style may be like this. Since someone is willing to take the bait, why should he do good things to bad people. So Feng Bujue saw Yidao and Yijian intending to be flower protectors before, so he didn't stop them. Anyway, he doesn't want to be taken advantage of by himself, and he just reminds his friends not to be fooled by the way.

But now the problem came, Siyu disconnected for some reason, if he followed the original plan, then Feng would have to leave alone... There are many variables in it.

The reason why Feng Bujue didn't set the plan for four people to flee in four different directions is because the danger level of going alone is too high. If you go alone, you may be killed by wild beasts or other unknown things before you go through the jungle. factors are eliminated. The four of them split up, and in the end they might die one by one on the road. Even if the strongest one manages to reach the side of the island, as long as the boss chases after him, the success will fall short...

"Well... the five-player script, just getting to the point, there are only three left." Feng Bujue said to himself: "It would be meaningless for the three of us to escape together, and the boss will definitely catch up with us, so get together Together we are bound to perish, and the plan of two-way escape cannot be changed..."

After he figured it out, he returned to Yijian and Buwei, and said, "Okay... let me tell you about the escape plan."

"Wait a minute." Yijian said unhappily: "Why are you giving orders? You are the lowest level here, right? Besides, according to what you just said, the next plot of this script has nothing to do with it, right? Isn’t your information the same as ours?”

"Then you command, what should we do next?" Feng Bujue threw the burden over with a single sentence.

"Uh..." Yijian froze for a moment, swallowed his saliva, and because of lack of confidence, he raised his voice instead: "Let's run to the northwest corner, through the jungle to the seaside, and keep a distance from the castle." He He said in a serious manner: "Zaroff has hounds, even if the footprints are eliminated, it is only a matter of time before they are tracked, so let's just ignore the footprints and set up more traps along the way to delay his speed. It's already dawn."

"Good idea, you are a genius!" Feng Bujue said with his eyes shining.

"Ah? Haha, thank you, thank you." Yijian didn't hear the irony from Feng Bujue's words.

Fearless Meimei looked at him with weird eyes, as if she wanted to remind him of something, but in order to maintain the image of a weak person, she held back her mouth.

"However, I don't think there is any need to release the trap." Feng Bujue said.

"Ah? Why?" Yi Jian said.

"Do you know about jungle traps? How many kinds do you know?" Feng Bujue asked.

"Uh..." Only then did Yijian realize that his understanding of traps was still at the level of digging a big hole and laying leaves on it, and he didn't even know how to fix the simplest hanging rope.

"Basically speaking, jungle traps can be divided into two types: hunting traps and combat traps." Feng Bujue said: "The function is mainly to capture and kill. In addition, some traps require people to operate nearby. I personally think Two movies, A Drop of Blood and Predator, have done a good job of interpreting the power and function of traps, but they are also somewhat idealized. In fact, most of the traps are not necessarily reliable, and it is very time-consuming to set up."

He tilted his head and scratched his hair casually: "Even if we can skillfully set some traps in a short period of time... But don't forget, there are many other animals in this jungle, even if you set traps, you can't guarantee to be caught." Rove and his hounds will be the first to step on it, so... that would be a waste of time."

Yijian's face darkened, and anyone would be a little bit annoyed when someone quickly pointed out the flaws in the plan.

"Of course, this kind of omission can only be said to be a small flaw." Feng Bujue's tone changed: "Except for this point, your plan is perfect."

"Is it...?" Yijian was a little afraid to speak up this time, for fear of being exalted and dragged down again.

"Of course it is. The two of you are headed northwest. Be careful along the way, let's not pass here." Feng Bujue waved his hand, turned around and walked up the stone steps of the castle.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Yi Jian said in surprise, "You want to go back?"

Feng Bujue didn't answer this question, but said: "If the three of us go together, if Zarov catches up, the group will definitely be wiped out. But if we go separately, you go to the northwest corner, and I go to the southeast." , then at least one side can live."

Not afraid to ask: "But what are you going back to the castle for now?"

"Oh, I don't have any lighting equipment. I'll ask the general if he can give me a torch or something." After Feng Bujue finished his answer, he went up the stairs and walked back to the castle occupied by the boss.

"Ha... this guy is crazy..." Yijian Qingcheng laughed twice: "Huh... no wonder he is crazy."

Not afraid but looking at Feng Bujue's back with thoughtful eyes.

"Let's go, leave him alone." Yi Jian Qing Cheng said.

Don't be afraid to return to that stupid and innocent look immediately, and replied: "Well, okay, brother Yijian, you have to protect me well."

"Hehe... wrap it on me." Slapping his chest with a sword, with a confident look, he took out the sword, raised the flashlight, and led Bu Ai into the jungle.


In the northwest corner of the island, deep in the dense forest.

In the darkness, there was a slight, rustling sound.

A shadow was wriggling and lingering on the ground, sometimes circling around the tree trunk, and sometimes wandering among the gravel.

Pythons are the deadliest predators in the jungle and one of the creatures at the top of the food chain.

On this island, there is an evil and cold-blooded giant, which is more than ten meters long, with a flat head covered with folds; its back is black, its belly is dark brown, and behind it is a thin, Vertical white floral pattern.

It is a natural killer, its forked tongue is like a three-dimensional sniffing radar, and its thick body can strangle any animal to the bone. It has no toxins in its body because it doesn't need it. It can extend its jaws to the point of dislocation, swallow a living person whole, and spend weeks digesting it slowly. After a single hunt, it can remain without food for several months.

Except for General Zarov, this giant python is fearless, and no one can kill it except General Zarov.

Usually it is entrenched on the island, in a lair that other animals can't avoid.

And tonight is the night when it goes out to look for food after a few months.

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