Thriller Paradise

Chapter 91: Hunter Island VII


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"A mere dog has been chasing me for a long time!" Feng Bujue was very upset when he realized this, and his skills have already been activated. If he stops now and fights in a normal state, then the survival value of more than half a minute will be considered wasted. up.

He quickly dodged out, intending to use the shortest time, the fastest and most brutal attack to kill the hound to pieces.

I saw Feng Bujue sliding sideways, holding the flashlight in his left hand to shine forward, while his right hand was holding the pipe wrench tightly, ready to do something wrong at any time.

However, when the monster entered Feng Bujue's sight and was illuminated by the light, he was immediately shocked, and he couldn't help but rejoice that he had activated the Spiritual Consciousness Gathering Technique in advance...

A sound of hurried footsteps passed through the mist formed by the moist air, and a huge, terrifying black shadow walked through the mist barrier.

Its neck is carried proudly, its eyes are almond-shaped, its head is flat and its ears are erect. White, strong teeth in a scissors bite. The body is muscular and compact, the neck is slightly arched, gradually widening, integrated with the body, the back is short and strong, with sufficient width, the thighs are long and wide, and the proportion of the front and rear body is very balanced.

These are all hallmarks of a well-trained, well-exercised, good-breed dog. Of course, as a horror park monster, he was created to scare and kill, not to compete in the Westminster race, so there is something about him that normal dogs don't have.

Its whole body is as black as coal, its eyes are as bright as fire, and its body is unbelievably large. Compared with a tiger, it is no different from a cat.

Fangs were exposed from its grinning mouth, and saliva dripped from the teeth. The most exaggerated thing is that the mouth, neck hair and lower part of the neck of this hound are still shining, looking very much like the legendary Hellhound. But this monster has only one head, not three.

"This thing is made of alchemy!" When Feng Bujue exclaimed in dissatisfaction, the hound had already rushed forward with big strides.

The monster could directly bite Feng Bujue's neck by standing up with its hind legs, so Feng Bujue didn't dare to be careless, and jumped backwards, dodging the hound's bite.

Feng Bujue jumped so far that even he himself was a little surprised. The bonus brought by the spiritual consciousness gathering technique greatly exceeded his expectations, and it was the first time that he experienced this kind of physical fitness that was obviously higher than ordinary people. This even made him a little unaccustomed to it, such as the dynamic vision greatly improved along with the speed and strength... As long as he concentrates, everything in front of him seems to slow down, and he can see clearly when a mosquito flies by, and he I also felt that as soon as I stretched out my hand, I could accurately catch the mosquito with two fingers.

At the end of the first part of "The Matrix", the awakened Neo seems to feel this way. When Smith attacked him for the last time, he easily followed the opponent's attack, and put his hands in the attack with a puzzled face. Changing to one-handed, this is the normal reaction after one's own strength suddenly doubled... a little uncomfortable.

The hound's attack didn't stop. With a howl, it jumped out in an arc comparable to Feng Bujue's jump just now, and charged again.


There was a sound of gold and iron in the jungle, Feng Bujue was thrown down by this monster, but he was not bitten because [Mario's pipe wrench] in his hand was like a bone across the dog's mouth.

This hound's bite is extremely strong, its teeth are as hard as steel, and its upper and lower jaws are struggling to bite on iron tools like pipe wrench, but it is completely fine. If it is an ordinary dog, the teeth may have been broken long ago.

At such an extremely close distance, Feng Bujue could see more clearly. The breed of this dog is really unclear. Its head and hair are like a Doberman Pinscher, but its body is like a mastiff. It is bigger than a lioness. He wanted to complain more and more that this thing might be a synthetic beast.

Feng Bujue's strength is also great now, he firmly grasped the pipe wrench with his right hand, and propped it between the dog's mouth, which seemed to be a temporary stalemate with the monster. With his left hand, he let go of the flashlight, took out the knife that Zarov gave him from his bag, and stabbed it into the soft dog's belly.

In an instant, Feng Bujue was sprayed with blood all over his face, but he knew that the battle was not over yet, and the attack could not be stopped until the enemy completely died. He ignored the blood on his face, and continued to use his wrists to cut the hound in a straight line from the neck to the abdomen. After all, the monster is still a dog. When its most lethal mouth is suppressed, it is very difficult for it to fight head-to-head with a human with more flexible joints and the ability to use weapons.

The hound erupted with astonishing power before it died, leaving deep teeth marks on the pipe wrench. Unfortunately, its strength was not enough to destroy the equipment. The terrifying howl finally turned into a wail, its blood and offal poured on Feng Bujue, and then he declared the end, and his body lay down weakly.

Feng Bujue quickly pushed his huge body away and made him fall sideways. He was about to lose his strength, and he was afraid that he would be crushed under the hound's corpse for a while and would not be able to crawl out.

After solving this vicious... Maybe it's a dog, Feng Bujue immediately canceled the Spirit Concentration Technique. In less than three minutes, he burned his life value at a rate of 2 every five seconds, plus the Before the battle started, he was not full of blood. At this moment, his survival value has dropped to 32. At this moment, there are still three hours before sunrise. If this continues, Zaroff will not need to do it himself. Another dog like this, or another dog like this Encountered a "leech incident" once or twice, Feng Bujue himself died.

"Ha... ha..." Feng Bujue gasped for breath after disabling the skill. Pain, fatigue, discomfort, etc. on the body came surging like a tsunami. It seems that there will be some sequelae after using the spiritual consciousness gathering technique. A kind of fatigue after mental overload.

But there was no time for Feng Bujue to rest. He had to continue on his way. Every step he took towards the southeast was a step away from danger. The plan of exchanging space for time should not waste time while gaining space.

Taking a breather, Feng Bujue picked up the flashlight, put away the weapon, and continued on the road.

He was extremely uncomfortable, his body was covered with blood from the hound's body, causing his clothes to stick to his skin, and the humid environment and increasingly hot temperature made him suffer a lot.

However, Feng Bujue has a tenacious quality, his endurance is very good, it is a bit scary in the eyes of others. This quality is manifested in many ways, besides the fact that he can survive for a long time with the support of noodles in clear soup, and... for example, he can be bullied by some aunts who like to lean on others while standing on a crowded bus. He doesn’t have seizures for more than a minute; he can maintain a very calm expression after eating the extremely unpalatable food made by his friends, and eat all of it, and then say yes; he can also not take a bath or change clothes for a week...

In short, the physical discomfort did little damage to Feng Bujue, and some blood and water on his body were not enough to challenge his endurance comparable to that of an ascetic monk.

If a female player encountered this situation, she probably couldn't bear it long ago. If she couldn't find a water source in a short time and asked her to clean it up, she might go offline directly.

When it comes to female players, the situation on the other side is not optimistic either.

They also encountered a hunting dog, which was basically the same as the monster Feng Bujue encountered. Fortunately, there were two of them, and after all, One Sword Allure is a player who is good at fighting. In terms of combat strength alone, he must be stronger than Feng Bujue who has not activated the Spiritual Consciousness Gathering Technique.

At the beginning of the battle, Yijian rushed forward, relying on fast movement, constantly using the long sword to circle the hound. But after a long time, he gradually lost the wind, and he knew very well in his heart that once he was thrown by this monster, he would bite his throat and die immediately. Therefore, he could only swim and fight, consuming his stamina to exchange some of the monster's blood.

After more than a dozen moves in this way, the fearless one who retreated to the side can also see that one sword may not be able to handle it alone. If he dies, she will have to continue the game alone, which is something she is very unwilling to happen. The special ability given by her title [Hide and Seek] is an active skill called [Count to Ten]. This skill is best activated when there are teammates, so she tries to ensure that she is not alone.

Therefore, not afraid of deciding to temporarily give up the appearance of a weak person who "needs protection from others", she took out her weapon and quietly approached behind the hound...

Not far away, Yijian's range of motion was being continuously compressed by the hound. He gradually retreated to a tree, and the space to move and dodge was gradually lost. He already had a relatively accurate assessment of the comparison between his combat power and this monster's combat power in his heart... The speed of his all-out effort was indeed three points faster than that of the hound, but that was all. The gap in strength was huge, almost Can't compete head-on.

That's what fighting is all about. The mentality of the parties will change before and during the fight. Just by "observing" the opponent, the information that can be obtained is far less accurate than the actual two moves. The fluke mentality of "how strong can the opponent be" before the start of the fight, generally speaking, will be quickly shattered after the start of the fight.

The consumption of stamina does not wait for anyone, and the change of the situation is not completely under the control of a sword. Now he is faced with a decision, which is to lose a lot of life points, go up and fight a few moves, and change to a safer and miserable victory; or continue like this Spend it until you find another way.

Just as Yijian was hesitating, a scene that surprised him appeared.

The place where they fought happened to be close to a stone wall, the surrounding trees were relatively scattered, the night sky above was bright and beautiful, the stars shone with a clear and cold light, and the moon hung high in the sky, making this place immersed in soft and hazy light.

Under the moonlight, a petite figure suddenly leaped high, drew an arc, and descended from the sky behind the hound. The monster and Yijian Qingcheng both froze in place at the same time, the former was because he felt the danger, and the latter was stunned by the sight in his eyes.

Not afraid Meimei was holding up a long-handled sledgehammer with both hands, like a tiger descending the mountain, and swung it straight down at the monster. (.

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