Thriller Paradise

Chapter 92: Hunter Island Eight


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The battle was quickly ended, and a colorless and invisible aura bloomed from the roaring sledgehammer, causing its destruction area and lethality to increase sharply. Before the hound could howl, it was hit in the middle, and its body was broken in two.

The move that is not afraid is called [Elephant Hoof Leap], as a consumable skill, its learning requirements also require fighting specialization level D or above, which shows its power.

Of course, Yijian didn't know about these statistics. He only knew that a monster whose strength was basically equal to his own was actually attacked by the seemingly weak girl who was not afraid of being afraid, and killed him in one blow.

When Yijian just reached the fifteenth level, he also played a "killing game" once. He knows very well that if he is in that mode now, facing an opponent who is not afraid of such, then as long as there is a flaw, he will be with that one. The Hound ended up exactly the same.

Seeing Yijian's eyes, I'm not afraid to feel that there is no need to pretend anymore. Her original innocent and cute expression has disappeared, and even her cute tone and tone have changed, and her tone of voice has become like a bad girl: "ah ... I really can't help it, I thought I didn't have to do it myself." She dragged the long-handled sledgehammer with one hand and walked forward, and the sound of the hammer rubbing against the ground showed an astonishing sense of weight.

"I didn't expect you to be so weak..." She walked around to the side of the hound's corpse, swung one arm, and the hammer drew a half circle in the air, and fell heavily. After the hound was cut into two parts, the first half of its body was still It was twitching and moving, but this time, the entire dog's head was smashed to pieces.

This ferocious make-up knife spattered blood all over his face, his expression was shocked, and he stood there dumbfounded.

"Hmm..." Yijian had been putting on a posture of "Brother is covering you" until just now, but at this moment, he didn't dare to speak too loudly, and said in a cautious tone: "Heh... hehe... so... it turns out You are so powerful...but...why did you encounter wild boars and tigers before..."

The last few words of Yijian's sentence are "You are hiding by the side and acting like you are scared." But before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Not Afraid.

"What did you say?" Her tone was the same as that of a hooligan: "Hey, are you looking down on me?" She tilted her head, glared fiercely at the other party, and stood upright with her sledgehammer, "How dare you talk to my old lady like that..." A sense of oppression came to my face: "Kill you..."

"Big... big sister... I was wrong." Yijian leaned against the tree trunk, his face was covered with sweat, although his teammates couldn't attack, but in terms of momentum, he was no different from a dead person. Strength, you can only kill that kind of miscellaneous fish monsters, big sister, you let me open the way because you think highly of me...ha...hahaha." When he finally squeezed out a laugh, his face was crying.

"That's about the same." Not afraid to put the sledgehammer in the bag, crossed his hands in front of his chest, like a big sister giving a lecture, and said: "By the way...that little brother named 'Crazy Bujue' seems to be doing pretty well." , I haven't heard the news of death until now, which means that he has cleaned up the hound by himself, and his strength is above yours... "

"How do you know that he was hunted down by hounds too?"

"Nonsense, didn't you see the number of dogs in the castle? I guess the players are divided into groups, and Zarov will release a few, or even more."

"Uh...Actually, if I single out this hound, I can barely do it..." Yijian followed up submissively.

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by not afraid to drink loudly, "Stop wordy, bald man!"

"Bald... bald..." Yi Jian's knight-errant's long hair style was inexplicably called bald.

"You have the bonus attribute of the society, and your level is one level higher than him. If he can do the same thing as you, it means that he is stronger." Not afraid, and it is not unreasonable, her words have some truth: "Cut... If I had known that I should follow him, I would have miscalculated.”

Yijian was so depressed that he lowered his head and read softly: "Yes... I'm sorry, I have caused you trouble by being so weak..."

"Ah, forget it, a bald man is a bald man." Sister Bu Afraid "forgave" him very boldly.

If the game had animated expression rendering, Yijian's head would have been a dejected shadow by now.

"Okay, now is not the time to be listless." Not afraid to raise his hand: "The northwest is there, continue to open the way."

"Uh...well, I already know which way is North..."

"What are you talking about!"

"Yes Yes… "


There are still dark forests in front of you, the terrain is undulating, and the rocks stand tall. Sometimes there is mud under your feet, and sometimes there are winding gravel paths.

During the trek, Feng Bujue gradually became numb to the discomfort in his body, and this numbness was exchanged for mental relaxation. Fatigue was like a burden that could not be shaken off, pressing on his body. The survival value has not recovered at all in this situation of constant walking, and the consumption of physical energy is also worrying. Although his active skill [Sloppy Maintenance] may not be used in this kind of scenario with no mechanical facilities, the remaining two It also requires a maximum of 200 points of stamina to perform [Bear Child's Whip Kick], but if the stamina value is reduced to a certain level, in case of an emergency, it is very easy to cause death.

[There are still 153 minutes until sunrise]

At this time, it had been an hour and a half since Zarov set off. Theoretically speaking, the players should have escaped for 146 minutes from the moment they received the mission.

Of course, Feng Bujue didn't actually spend the 146 minutes, explaining the situation to his teammates, and returning to the castle to ask for tools took him some time, but what is certain is that he is at least 40 minutes ahead of General Zarov.

Killing the hound didn't cost Feng Bujue too much time, because he still accelerated for a while at that time. During the following journey, he encountered two or three incidents similar to the boa constrictor hunting wild boars. Fortunately, he was aware of it vigilantly each time, kept himself out of it, and slipped away without attracting the attention of those animals.

Now half of the five-hour survival time limit has passed, even if the fact that Zarov must be moving faster than Feng Bujue, assuming that this OSS deliberately did not use full speed to catch up, but at this point in time, he should catch up anyway. up.

If Zarov still hasn't appeared after another 20 minutes, there is only one possibility. He didn't come to the southeast, but went after the other two.

Therefore, Feng Bujue sincerely and impatiently looks forward to hearing the system notification that the team members have died at some point...

It's not that he hates these two teammates, but that's the way it is in this script. Someone has to sacrifice. For either side, there is a 50/50 probability. He believes that the other party's mood is the same as his.

After another ten minutes, Feng Bujue simply stopped. He sat down on a relatively flat boulder and massaged his extremely sore legs with his hands, enjoying the moment of rest.

Obviously, at this point, the plan to exchange space for time has been considered a success. Even if the general killed Feng Bujue or the two people on the other side immediately, it would be difficult for him to catch up with the survivors on the other side of the island after turning back.

At this moment, Feng Bujue's plan can be regarded as entering the second stage - the stage of slowing down the speed of progress and focusing on saving lives. This stage has nothing to do with the other two, for the simple reason that they are two people. But Feng Bujue was alone. If General Zarov really appeared to kill himself immediately, he would have nothing to say. But if the general went to the northwest corner, Feng Bujue would have to be more careful from now on. What if the general didn't come to chase him, but he was killed by something else, resulting in the death of all the people in the team, it would be a great tragedy.

[Team member: Alluring with one sword, has died. ] The system prompt suddenly sounded.

The moment Feng Bujue heard these words, he smiled shamelessly, but after a few seconds, his smile froze on his face, "Why did only one die?"

He eagerly waited for the news that he was not afraid of being killed, and he could feel at ease only when he heard that both of them were dead. Because Feng Bujue believes that with Zarov's strength, no matter what skills that [hide and seek] girl has are useless, the most is to help her live a little longer.

But... If there is no news of Cai's death for a long time, there will be many variables. The probability of her slipping away from the general is very small, the greater possibility is... The death of the sword has nothing to do with Zarov, he died in other monsters or some kind of incident.

Considering this way of thinking, the worst-case scenario is that Zarov actually came to Feng Bujue's side, and Yijian and Bujue encountered other dangers, resulting in one death and one escape. In the next two hours or so, I am not afraid that Meimei will act alone to face various death threats. And Feng Bujue himself...

Thinking of this, Feng Bujue's pressure came back, he pouted his lower lip, and blew on the hair on his forehead: "Too bad... Now it's impossible to tell where the general has gone."

[Team member: I'm not afraid, it's dead. ] The system notification rang again.

"Eh?" Feng Bujue was taken aback, and then he let out a long sigh of relief: "Huh... I'm relieved now, it seems that they have indeed met Zaroff."

Having come to this conclusion, Feng Bujue felt much relieved. What he had to do now was to slowly move towards the southeast while ensuring his own safety.

In fact, staying in place is also a way. Under this scenario setting, staying should not be regarded as a passive game by the system. But Feng Bujue was very afraid of Zarov. If the general came back at a faster speed, the distance he had traveled so far was still not safe enough.

So, after resting for about ten minutes, Feng Bujue set off again.

This time he stopped after walking only about 300 meters, because after passing through a section of terrain with a drop, he found something in a small mountain beside him - a human skeleton.

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