Thriller Paradise

Chapter 93: Hunter Island Nine


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Feng Bujue took a photo of the surrounding situation with the flashlight, and after confirming that there were no traps nearby, he leaned over.

The corpse had already become a skeleton, and the skeleton should be that of a man. After his death, he was obviously turned over by wild animals, and he might have been dragged here from somewhere else. It is hard to say where he died.

The skeleton's clothing should have been torn when the beast devoured the corpse. Feng Bujue squatted down and inspected it closely, and soon found a small iron box in the fragments of his clothes pocket.

This iron box is about one finger thin, and its size is equivalent to the size of a photo. It may be used to hold photos. The iron box is a little rusty, which is normal in this humid environment. Feng Bujue took out a knife and pried open the iron box along the edge.

There were no photographs in the box, but a pencil and a folded piece of paper covered with words.

[Name: Message from the Unknown Dead]

[Type: Drama Related]

[Quality: Dilapidated]

[Function: Unknown]

[Whether the script can be brought out: No]

[Note: Although you found this, it is not necessary to read it, because once you read the content, everything will be different.]

The first thing that came into view was the description of the item. After seeing the remarks, Feng Bujue faintly felt that the situation was a bit strange. It seemed that the information left by the deceased had a very important meaning. But "not necessarily necessary" to read, what does this mean

"Could it be that... reading this piece of paper will change the plot?" Feng Bujue murmured, "Do you want to read it... Now I am the only player in the script, as long as you are careful in the next two hours, the possibility of successfully clearing the level is very high." More than 90%. But in case you read this... cause some bad changes... "

If it were someone else, he might have given up, but this situation happened to be Feng Bujue's deathbed. If you find a beautiful woman to seduce him, he may be able to sit still; but if you put a stack of papers in front of him and declare that this is a reasoning plot that no one can understand, he will definitely rush to grab it.

At this moment, Feng Bujue is suffering from an addiction, and his heart itches unbearably. Unless a teammate like Si Yu took the things away and prevented him from touching them again, he had to read them.

He unfolded the paper, held it in front of his eyes, and lit it with a flashlight. The writing on it was actually in Russian.

Feng Bujue's heart skipped a beat at that moment, a very terrifying idea appeared in his mind, and it became reality in the next few minutes.

Although this reasoner is quite knowledgeable, he does not know Russian. Fortunately, the system has its own translation function, and the Chinese version will appear in the menu.

[If someone sees this text, it means I am dead. That's fine, for me, it's a relief, and I deserve it.

My name is Zarov, and I am the owner of this island. Maybe you've seen another man claiming to be General Zarov in the castle before, maybe not. Anyway, you should know by now that he is a fake and his name is Raines Ford.

I invented a hunting game to hunt humans on the island, and Ford was once my prey and the only one who survived my hunting game. I still remember every detail of that bout, and he was brilliant, making Malay traps and Burmese tiger traps with a pocket knife. I'm not bad either, I always took the initiative, and consciously let him go a few times.

As a result, he managed to survive the third day and won the contest. Although I lost, I was in a good mood. It was a pleasant hunt. According to the agreement, let him rest well, give him enough food and water, send him on the monorail, and let him leave the island.

I thought that Mr. Ford and I would never see each other again in this life, but unexpectedly, about six months later, he came to the island again.

He actually told me that after leaving the island, he began to miss this kind of game, and other entertainment and [sports] could no longer bring him any stimulation, and he wanted to join me.

I didn't say yes to him at first and asked him to leave, but he begged me as a bargaining chip again.

I thought I was crazy, but at that moment, I thought he was really crazy.

So I had a second contest with Ford, and I declared in advance that I will not show mercy this time. If he can still survive my hunt for three days, I will let him be the hunter. partner.

It never occurred to me that he succeeded again, even more easily than the first time, and I didn't even understand how he did it. In those three days, Ford didn't appear in my range once. He seemed to be able to hear the sound far away. Every time I didn't get close, he moved away faster than me. The traces he left showed him to be as sensitive as an ape, and most inexplicably, he seemed to have no need to eat, excrete, sleep, or even rest.

On the third day, I released three hounds and let them [freely] chase Ford, but after that, I only found three dead dogs, none of them died from traps or knives, they were killed by bare hands .

Later, Ford started hunting with me. After a while, his behavior became more and more abnormal, and he kept asking me to catch as many people as possible. I told him that too many marine accidents would attract official attention, but he was like a greedy drug addict, never satisfied .

He modified ship traps, and bought many beasts to the island through various means. I told him that those animals would bring danger to us, but he didn't care. Ford was completely crazy. Ten times crazy, but also ten times evil.

Nine nights ago, I wanted to kill him while he was asleep. It's not a gentleman's thing to do, but I have no choice, I probably created this monster, so it's up to me to get rid of him.

When I tiptoed to open his door, he stood behind the door, with a grin on his face, waiting for my arrival.

Ivan threw me down from behind, subdued me, and threw me into the cell. He is my most loyal subordinate and will never betray me. I'm not a superstitious person, but I can only think that Ivan is under some kind of evil spell by Ford, because that would explain a lot of things.

Now I am the prey myself. For nine days, Ford has known where I am, I know that, but he will not come to kill me, nor will he come to find me, nor let me approach the castle or escape the island. He wanted me to be killed by those animals in desperation and torn to pieces by those "prey". For a proud hunter like me, this is a great irony.

On the fourth day, I met a sailor who was dying after being attacked by a tiger. They told me that a man who called himself General Zarov forced him to participate in a game. I knew then that I had been replaced.

Now, everything should be over. I have been scarred and feverish, and I don’t know how long I haven’t closed my eyes. If death comes sooner or later, at this moment, I only hope that it will come peacefully and quickly.

I write this not to repent, nor to atone. I just want to warn anyone who reads this message... Ford is not human at all, but some unknown evil incarnate.

run away! Get as far away as possible! Even if you jump into the sea and drown, don't stay on the island!

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