Thriller Trainee

Chapter 103: first Middle school


no.1 buried the chess piece of the black wizard.

Even if it is a demon who has done an unknown transaction with the main system, it is still quite difficult to in-depth manipulation of an S-class planting five puppet lines in such a short period of time.

But the Dark Wizard was different, the devil controlled him almost effortlessly.

No one would have thought that the leader of the famous witch demon guild would turn out to be a fanatical admirer of demons.

The reason is that the S-level copy that the black wizard had inherited from the wizard back then happened to be one of the copies that the devil played broken.

Perhaps because the past experience left a seed, coupled with the [characteristics] of the puppet thread, the next puppet thread implantation was exceptionally smooth, and it completely became the puppet in no.1's hand.

Unless the devil suddenly wants to remove the puppet line one day, no foreign objects can interfere with this.

After controlling the black wizard, no.1 began to manipulate no.8 to inquire about the whereabouts of no.2.

It is a pity that Fan Zhuo knows about his abilities, and like no.3 Zhuge An, he has been guarded for a long time. He specially spent a lot of money to purchase precious spiritual props from other survivors, and the defense is one day.

However, no.1, which has great magical powers, still has a puppet thread inserted into it.

Although it only took a few seconds, it was enough for him to get the information he wanted from the opponent's brain.

The devil was very curious about Zong Jiu.

When I was in the top dormitory of the trainee dormitory that day, no.2 said that he had a marriage contract with him, indicating that they were old acquaintances, and the devil became curious.

Or earlier, when he chose to manipulate Sheng Yu, he stared at the white-haired magician.

The magician looks indifferent and indifferent in appearance, but in fact there is no less madness in his bones.

It was a feeling of smelling the same kind, which made the devil find it extremely fun.

But it's not enough, similar, but completely different, even contrary.

There is a chain on the magician's body.

Obviously ignores the rules, has no emotions, lacks human morality, and likes to pursue excitement; but whenever he is about to cross the boundary, he even turns his attention to the weak, disguising himself as an ordinary appearance.

Who put the chain on him

The devil was not only curious, but also wanted to break the chain eagerly and release the beast imprisoned behind it.

Then, he saw the memory of Fan Zhuo.

Perhaps because it was too long, those memories seemed a little fuzzy, with unclear tones.

Van Zhuo's identity in the real world is a Chinese-Russian hybrid, the power of the seven oligarchs, and his identity is prominent.

The nickname of the fighting nation is not in vain. The heirs of the big family have been thrown into the wilderness to survive in the wilderness since they were young. The reputation is that they can escape perfectly even in the face of dangerous kidnapping.

When Van Joa was seven years old, he experienced such an experience. Coincidentally, several other families also threw their younger generation to the wilderness training ground, among them Zong Jiu.

It's just that Zong Jiu in Fan Zhuo's memory was wearing a little girl's floral dress, soft as if he could fall when the wind blows, and he couldn't even carry a gun.

Children from other families looked at him with different appearances of albinism and often bullied him, and he would just cry and cry with his eyes open.

But later, he hugged Fan Zhuo's thigh and successfully returned to the helicopter camp with this thigh.

Fan Zhuo actually never met Zong Jiu when he was a child, because he was very busy, very busy, and he was busy turning the top 24 hours a day. Later, a few times when his elders brought Zong Jiu to visit his house, he was allowed to go halfway. Suspension of classes to accompany the guests to play.

The reason why he helped Zong Jiu in the first place was simple, because his education had a gentleman's etiquette. Van Zhuo mistakenly thought that Zong Jiu wearing a skirt was a girl, so in the spirit of a gentleman, he led him through the wilderness to survive.

These memories are all between the ages of seven and ten. Except for a month of survival in the wilderness, they have very little time to meet each other. Afterwards, only the family had an accident. After Fan Zhuo set out to take charge of the family's giant ship, he occasionally heard his personal assistant say that the white-haired young master of the other family urged him to fulfill the marriage contract, but it was also a minority.

The devil retracted the puppet thread thoughtfully.

He is almost 100% sure that the'Zong Jiu' in the memory of no.2 and the magician today are by no means the same person.

It's not just the look and temperament, nor the no. 1 Seeing that Zong Jiu would only cry when he was in danger, even deliberately pretending to be a female, showing that he had ulterior motives and wanted to climb Gaozhi mentality since he was a child.

It's intuition.

The devil will not admit his enemy by mistake.

But... this is a huge gain.

The man licked his lips, the dark golden pupils gleamed with an inexplicable dim light.

The breath leaning against the auricle was cold, as cold as if it was going to drag people down the ice hell.

"Which world are you from? Huh? Super S Grade dungeon?"

After hearing the words of no.1, Zong Jiu raised his eyebrows, but he didn't look surprised.

This is not the first time that he has been spotted. It was Zhuge An before, but now it is a demon. In the future, even if Fan Zhuo recognizes that he is not the original owner, Zong Jiu will not be surprised.

Because even if they guessed that he was not a person in this world, I am afraid they would only guess from the S-level or super S-level dungeon like Zhuge An and the devil.

Unless the devil pierces the puppet silk into his head, no one can guess that Zong Jiu not only comes from a peaceful real world, and everything that happens in this infinite loop is just a book there.

no.1 buckled him from behind, really hanging himself on humans like a lazy demon, guessing with interest.

The dark wizard leaned against the wall quietly. Although he was completely manipulated, this puppet was obviously more suitable for his quiet and silent character than the demon deity. Only when those green eyes were also close to the magician's face, and the slightest expression on his face was not let go, could he glimpse his already-exposed nature.

"No wonder you can touch my line, it turns out that you are not from this world."

no.1 chuckled lightly, his voice filled with lingering joy, "It's so alike... I really like you more and more."

Zong Jiu directly ignored the words behind the lunatic, and directly captured the key message in his words, "Like? Are you not a person in this world?"

The devil is obviously in a good mood, and he is willing to spend time on things that interest him.

He played with the slender knuckles of the white-haired magician with one hand, and clasped the other's waist hidden in the blue and white school uniform with one hand, and casually explained, "Yes."

"It's a pity that the native world is too boring."

Speaking of this, the man looked sad, "I didn't let me play for long, just bang."

His white-gloved fingers gathered Zong Jiu's palm in a timely manner, and then suddenly unfolded, his dark golden eyes flashed with mischievous excitement.

"Like this, it was broken by me."

"No way, I can't find any fun toys, so I came here."

The devil spread his hands and said with a smile: "How fun here, don't you think so?"

The magician did not speak, but coldly moved his hand away, and left without looking back.


After the basketball game, the No.1 Middle School continued to be on the right track of its schedule.

There is only less than a month before the second monthly exam. Faced with a high score of 800 points, no trainee dared to relax.

Weekly exams followed closely again and again.

In the first weekly exam, not a single class in the whole grade met the standard.

At three o'clock in the morning, the monitor of Class 2 smiled bitterly, "If I can really survive these hundred and twenty days, I don't want to see derivative conic sections and series of numbers in my life."

The monitor of the sixth class in the upper bunk lifted his head from the book, glanced at the lights on the beds in the dormitory, silently added, "I don't want to see the theory of relativity, quantum theory, and momentum anymore. This is not done by humans. Olympiad questions."

In such an extremely stressful and oppressive environment, the conversion rate of faceless trainees has greatly increased.

Everyone’s daily routine is to get up, wash, read morning, go to class, do the questions, take a bath, and sleep. Like a machine with a preset program, he repeats this process numbly, trying to stuff more things into his mind without interruption.

The atmosphere in each class is very tight, but in this case, the mastery of knowledge becomes even more difficult.

Starting after the midterm exam, all classes seem to be divided into different levels. The teacher will only follow the top students who can understand, and will not care whether the poor students can understand.

Faceless teachers tend to prefer top students in class, and even start to engage in Olympiad after class, openly making a small focus.

The trainees with good academic performance can learn better by listening to the high content; while the poor students are caught in an embarrassing situation where they cannot understand in class and cannot do their homework.

In addition, in many classes, top students play with top students, and poor students and poor students play in groups, which leads to the lack of knowledge between the two parties.

If the top students in the class do not help explain the wrong questions to the poor students, then the poor students will hardly have any source of knowledge input. After all, the reason the poor students are poor students is naturally the trainees who cannot understand the teaching aids by one person alone.

If this continues, it will be a vicious circle.

In the beginning, the top students sacrificed their time to help the poor students for the collective benefit and for the sake of the whole class.

Because they have discovered the best way to improve collective interests.

Regardless of those poor students, sarcasm, isolate them, but can promote their chances of becoming faceless.

Many poor students couldn't learn because of learning, and under the pressure of all parties, they were cold-eyed. In the end, they couldn't hold on to collapse, gave up on themselves, and became faceless overnight.

Among them, Class 5 is the leader of this kind of campus cold violence.

Almost all of the 404 dormitory where there was a faceless trainee was transformed into a faceless man. Except for Liang Mingde, who discovered the faceless man, the top students in Class 5 were all putting pressure on him.

Nearly a dozen people in their class have been transformed into faceless trainees. With so many people pulling points, all of a sudden, the scores of Class 5 were pulled from the midstream to the top. If this trend continues, there is no doubt that it will become the first class to pass the line.

Sure enough, in the second weekly exam, Class 5 was stable over the eight-percent line, even more than 40-50.

On the other hand, the original first squad is now the second squad, and with the strength of feeding, it is still a short distance from the eight-hundred-point line.

During this period of time, the small group of Class 5 didn't even mention how brave they were and exaggerated.

Gradually, Class 6 and Class 2, which have always remained neutral, also learned from Class 5, and began to put pressure on the poor students in the class.

Even the first class, because of too much pressure, ushered in their first faceless trainee.

There are only nine classes, faithfully keeping the promise made by the ninety-nine people together, and no trainee has changed.

But I have to say that the scores in their class are too dangerous.

Soon, the last weekly test before the second monthly test came.

After the exam, the whole class stood in front of the blackboard with the average score and fell silent.

In the last week, they only had more than 750 points, a full 40 points away from the goal.

This is because Zong Jiu played particularly well this time, with 1150 points in the roll, and he got a good score of around 1020 points.

In the silence of the class, the 99th took the lead to speak.

"Don't panic, it's only forty points. Each of us works hard, and reads each subject carefully. This will come out. Don't give up hope."

As soon as he spoke, everyone started cheering on each other, "Yes, I don’t sleep anymore this week. Damn, I don’t believe it anymore. This high school problem can stump me, a programmer who has been typing code for many years. ."

"Yes, everyone will work hard together, there will be a way!"

"Brother Nine has said that he did well in the exam this time, and the review is almost the same. If you don’t know anything, you can ask Brother Nine for tutoring during the evening self-study. As long as we work hard together, there will be no failures in this world. The hurdle."

"There are still seven days, let's do it! Nine classes, do it!"

... ...

Everyone cheered and cheered together. Gradually, the previous frustration was wiped out, and a smile reappeared on every trainee's face.

Only Zong Jiu stood by, lowered his head slightly, only feeling that the card on his palm was hot.

He took another test result for the next week.

The overall tone of this card is dull, very dark and very dark, and the background is the night sky, showing an unknown black.

On the card, a tall tower is built on a lonely cliff, with a very high spire and white clouds floating beside it.

A golden lightning struck the crown-like top of the tower, and the three topmost rooms lit up flames.

The pope and the emperor in gorgeous clothes fell from the tower, facing down, their hands raised, their faces twisted with fear.

When disaster strikes suddenly, human class and wealth become meaningless in front of them.

This is the interpretation of this card.

In the entire 22 large arcana cards, the most destructive, destructive, and ultimate symbol of bad luck—

【High Tower】

This is also the only card that has bad luck both in position and inversion.

Zong Jiu was holding the worst card among all tarot cards.

Fortunately, the only comfort in the fortune-

This tall tower is upside-down.

Although the inverted tower is as unlucky as it is, it is not as full of destructive power as the upright tower.

Of course, it's not much better.

The white-haired young man put the Tarot card back into the system backpack, closed his eyes in place, and quickly began to think about the solution in his mind.

This may be a tough battle.