Thriller Trainee

Chapter 105: first Middle school


There was a dead silence in the classroom, only the sound of sobbing one after another.

[Fuck, oh oh oh oh don't do it]

[Really reminds me of the girl’s class in the diary, and it’s also self-sacrifice...]

[Oh, oh, so sad, it's not allowed to miss any of the nine classes that are good, and how can you survive from this copy together with the good ones? 】

[Damn it, I always thought that even if there is a change, it is a poor change. The dormitory head is fifteen in the class! In the whole grade, this ranking is the only one who has become a faceless trainee, right?]

[Alas, this shows that he is willing to transform himself, rather than being forced to become a faceless man by circumstances or pressure. Fuck, it is this kind of voluntary dedication that makes people sad... To be honest, I never expected to be in an infinite loop. Here, there are such people.]

After so many days, these B-level trainees in Class 9 have become familiar with them one by one. Regardless of whether there were conflicts before, and what organization they came from, the environment of this instance allowed everyone to quickly forge an extraordinary friendship, and it quickly heated up in the environment of mutual help and mutual assistance in the nine classes.

Struggling together and studying together on weekdays, we all have deep feelings for each other.

The head of the dormitory is the fifteenth of the class. His grades are above average and his personality is quiet and restrained.

In addition to him, there are five poor students from the bottom of the class in 407, and four of the second to tenth in the nine classes, which is equivalent to a configuration of one excellent student tutoring one poor student. But because No. 15 has a good personality, 407 will collectively elect him as the head of the dormitory.

On weekdays, everyone focuses more on the mischievous and active students in the class, and rarely pays attention to the underachievers like the dormitory director.

But this does not mean that everyone has no feelings for the 15th.

The trainees in Class 9 were full of sadness, and among them, No. 99 and No. 98 in the dormitory were the most.

Although No.15 has a quiet personality, he is really nice and gentle.

When he is in the dormitory on weekdays, he is always the one who gets up first. When I went to wash up, I would help other trainees in the dormitory to beat up hot water, and wait until I finished washing up before coming back to wake everyone up.

When doing homework at night, he often went out to fetch water for the postgraduates as he wrote, accompanied by a low-pitched cheering and inflating, which immediately refreshed people.

Even the day before the exam. The whole class was lost because the average score was not up to the standard. After returning to the dormitory, even though the poor students on the 99th didn’t say anything, they did indeed feel like Zong Jiucai had wanted to sacrifice themselves. idea.

As a result, in the middle of the night, on the 15th, the dormitory chief noticed something was wrong, and he got up from the bed and picked up some of them for education.

"Fortunately, Brother Nine ordered me to take a closer look at you guys... What are you doing? Everyone stays up late at night and keeps eyes open."

"In this dungeon, you are poor students. After this dungeon, everyone is a B-level trainee. Thinking about so many horror dungeons you have experienced before, can you knock you down by completing such a small exam? stand up!"

In the middle of the night, the 407 dormitory was hiding from the lamp of the auntie. Everyone stood in the middle of the dormitory wearing shorts, with their heads drooping, just like students waiting for the teacher to criticize.

The dormitory sighed and went up and gave each of them a big bear hug.

"Don't do stupid things, Brother Nine has said, there must be a way, we will definitely be able to get out of this copy, come on!"

The ten people of 407 put their hands together and were about to shout "one, two, three, come on", when the footsteps of the dormitory suddenly sounded in the corridor.

Everyone glanced at each other, running faster than a monkey, rolled over onto the bed with a stride, lay down and pulled the quilt in one go. Only the iron bed was dangling in the air.

After the dormitory’s flashlight dangled from the glass window at the door, they breathed a sigh of relief under the covers, and gave out a sullen laugh on the bed.

"Liar, shit, I'm just a liar. I comforted us and said that when I returned to the trainee dormitory, I had to go to the top bar for drinks with the whole class, but what about myself?"

As soon as the ninety-nine remembered the scene last night, she covered her eyes and cried so hard.

He wanted to punch the dormitory chief, but the Faceless Man just stood there blankly, looking at him indifferently with the flat flesh on his face, and didn't answer.

After a long time, on the ninety-ninth, he slumped down his fist.

Zong Jiu frowned, "Wait, he seems to have something in his pocket."

After hearing what he said, No.99 hurried forward and put his hand in the pocket of the Faceless Man viciously.

The latter stood on the spot, like a puppet who had lost his soul, and even if he was pulled out of his pockets in front of him, he did not respond.

On the ninety-nine, he took a piece of paper from his pocket.

A neatly folded sheet of paper.

The paper was written with delicate fonts, and people in 407 knew it was the 15th size.

[To everyone in Class 9:]

I really really like the time I am with everyone. Whether it is entering an infinite loop or before entering an infinite loop, these are my happiest days.

This time I did not fulfill my promise, because I really like Class 9 too much.

As the diary says, there must be someone who sacrifices. Why can't that person be me

I'm leaving first, don't worry about me, this is my own choice, no one is forcing me. If you really want to thank me, then live your life.

[Definitely, I must live well, even with my share]

In the end, a big smiling face was drawn on the white paper, with the corners of his mouth curled up, exactly the same as when he laughed on the fifteenth on weekdays.

But they can't see the face of No.15 anymore, never again.


Class 9 came to the playground in a gloomy atmosphere.

Other classes also noticed their distinctive atmosphere and whispered one after another.

Among them, the squad leader of the fifth class was the most cynic after seeing it.

"Aha, doesn't it mean that you can't have one of the nine classes, and you don't want to have a faceless person? So, some newcomers are hypocritical, and in fact they are not the same as my mother."

Behind him led a large group of faceless men, and Wu Ya looked over, with a terrible sense of horror.

The top students in Class 5 stood in the front, and the poor students were isolated in the last position. After being crowded out by the whole class of trainees, you can't even see the head.

The voice of the squad leader of the fifth class did not cover up at all. Soon, the entire class on the playground looked over, all with surprise.

The situation of Class 9 has been heard throughout the grade, and their bold statement has also attracted much attention. Even the new B-class class leader, the magician, has attracted a lot of attention. Some top students sneered at them, while some poor students envied their collective upward and harmonious atmosphere. But what I have to say is that Class 9 is definitely a clear stream in all classes.

But now, there are also faceless men in Class 9!

There are already many classes looking at the faceless people surrounded by Class Nine, whispering in private.

What does this mean, is it just that they are harmonious and friendly on the surface, and they also oppress poor students in private

After hearing the words of the squad leader of Class 5 on the 99th, his angry eyes were red, and he wanted to hit him with his fists.

Zong Jiu stopped him.

"Take the exam well, there is no need to get angry with this kind of person."

The white-haired magician had a calm tone, "On the 15th, he used his own life to give the class a precious opportunity. Do you want to destroy it with a fight?"

Sure enough, after hearing the name of the dormitory head, everyone calmed down.

That's right, the top priority now is exams, and should not be distracted by other things.

Seeing that the people in Class 9 didn't respond much, gradually, Class 5 also felt meaningless, and their voice gradually weakened.

Soon, all the trainees took their seats on the playground one by one.

The teaching assistants came holding the papers, and the dean announced the start of the papers.

[The exam has started, it’s really getting more nervous every time]

[There is one more faceless man in Class 9, I should be able to pass this time, ah]

[I remember the last time Class 9 organized the exam by myself, and the average score was still 20... I don’t know if a faceless person will do it, I hope it will do it]

[Definitely, pray and pray. jpg]

The snow-white papers were sent out one by one, in black and white, as cold as this copy is gradually reaching the winter weather.

It was still autumn when the trainees entered this dungeon, and now it's winter, and it may snow in the next few days.

The cold wind was fierce, they were wearing thin school uniforms, rubbing their frozen hands, and taking exams on the playground.

Waiting for the dean to say that before the test time was up, Zong Jiu kept quietly staring at his name on the test paper.

His lack of emotion can make him calm in any environment and any occasion. Sometimes, even the description of indifference is not accurate, but cold.

Including just now.

The moment Zong Jiu saw the Faceless Man, it was not astonishment or sadness like other trainees. Rather, it quickly listed the benefits that this faceless man can bring to Class Nine.

What does Class Nine mean to him

The white-haired young man stared at the slightly drooping pen nib in his hand.

Had it not been for this collective copy to be ranked based on the average class score, I am afraid that Zong Jiu would not care about the lives of others at all.

But this is a forced group model, regardless of others is a dead end.

But in fact, from the point of view of maximizing benefits, the approach of Class 5 is undoubtedly the optimal solution.

The purpose of collective copy is cruel elimination, there is no fairness at all.

This copy seems to be difficult, but in the final analysis it is the psychological quality of the trainees and the choice between good and evil in the face of desperation. Just like the college entrance examination, in essence, the purpose of the college entrance examination is to stratify students, testing students' learning ability, autonomous planning ability, self-discipline ability, intelligence... etc. What is being tested, the content is not important, only the result is important.

As long as the mental quality is good enough, like Tu Yumen, you can't become a faceless man after 300 days in this copy. As for the choice between good and evil, it is even clearer. As long as the goal can be achieved, the process is obviously not important.

As extreme as Class 5, by sacrificing others to perfect oneself, it is very likely that he will survive to the end.

Although such an approach is selfish, it is also a form of personal strength in the eyes of the main system.

Like the devil, crushing the copy with absolute strength, the main system did not intend to take action to get rid of him, but to cooperate with him, it is enough to prove that the process is not important in front of that high-dimensional system, what is important is only the result.

Zong Jiu can now calmly analyze the pros and cons and get the meaning of the main system, but he will not do that, at least not now.

Because he promised to take Class 9 back together.

He responded to the expectations of Class 9 and promised that everyone should be good, and they should keep their promises at all costs.

This is the logic of the magician.

Right or wrong, it has nothing to do with morality, as the old nun once said—

Since personality makes him unable to distinguish between right and wrong or morality, then respond to the expectations of most people.

"It's time for the test—"

Zong Jiu stared at the name he had written, cut off his thoughts, and began to answer.

He made a decision silently in his heart.


The examination was tense and anxious.

Eight hundred points is really difficult for trainees who have only studied for three months. The conversion is equivalent to a full score of 750 in the college entrance examination. At least a score of about 520 is required, and it is for everyone, not to mention that there are more difficult Olympic questions in it.

Class 1 and Class 3, which have fewer faceless people, are cautious and extremely cautious in answering questions. Only the fifth class with a large number of faceless people seemed to have a chance to win. The fifth class leader even raised an Erlang's leg and sat there to answer the question.

There was a small episode in the middle of the exam.

A student in Class 2 cheated and was caught by the teaching assistant.

The follow-up processing results were simple and rude, and still bloody, the trainee was immediately called off the exam. Not only did he give zero scores to all the papers, he was also taken to the podium.

The assistant teacher put a towel in his mouth, and went straight down with a whip, smashing his kneecaps to pieces, and he just knelt down on the flag-raising platform and kneeled for the whole school’s trainees. It is said that he has to keep this. Kneeling in a bruised and bruised posture for seven days before he was able to repay the sins caused by this immoral behavior.

Zong Jiu answered the question very carefully this time.

The converted score on the 15th itself belongs to the middle and upper reaches of the 9th class. Even if it is transformed into a faceless trainee, the average score of the class that can be pulled is much less than the average score of other classes that change from a poor student to a faceless student.

Even if it is the last one in the class, it is almost impossible to pull 20 points with one person.

The poor students in Class 9 really can't learn, and no one among the trainees in the class blames them.

To be honest, when people were created in mythology, gods gave everyone different talents. Some people are good at this, some people are good at that, just like an exam. Of course, there are people who don’t add this talent point. It’s like singing a song that can never find a tune. Moreover, they have put their best efforts to improve their scores. Even if it's not big, no one will provoke it.

Therefore, the burden on top students is heavy.

They must get more points.


Zong Jiu quickly calculated math problems one after another, and checked the calculations over and over again before moving on to the next one.

He hoped that he could get back the last missing points for Class Nine.

The barrage is also very nervous.

[I pulled the paper closer and looked at it. Damn, this school is just a dog and not a human being. This time the paper is more difficult than the previous few times]

[Fuck, is it true? If it is difficult, is it even more difficult to reach eight hundred points? 】

[That must be... I am so speechless. Not only did I improve the score so much, but also the difficulty. I really hope that the adult can ruin this copy, vomit]

[I found that this collective copy is very inhumane, totally unreasonable. The collective copy of A-level trainees on the other side is even more outrageous. A group of people sailing on a luxury cruise ship. Fresh water has become a scarce resource. It has now fast-forwarded to split into seven camps, giving each other wrong information to achieve the goal of survival. The problem is that there are trainees who were infected as murlocs. I really split on the spot]

[I also found out that the Olympus copy of C-level trainees is similar... This time the collective copy is designed to expose humanity, hahaha, but the most annoying thing is the possibility of surviving It’s the unscrupulous people, it really makes me have a heart attack]

During the four-hour test, the barrage in the live broadcast room began to chat.

[Seeing this, I’m really glad that I didn’t sign up for this thriller trainee competition. Although I may not pass the preliminary rounds, bad life is better than death. I don’t think I can survive a round of dungeon after entering.]

[I’m still thinking, if there are only a hundred survivors in the end, I don’t know what the people who get the universal wishing ticket will make.]

... ...

Talking and chatting, soon, time passed.

When the invigilator blew his whistle to signal to stop answering, everyone stopped writing.

This time, the dean announced a new rule.

"Don’t be too nervous, because the number of students in this year is much less than that of previous ones. It is also to promote healthy competition among students. After a group meeting with the teachers of the whole school, we decided to slightly change some of the rules in the school. These regulations are looser."

"The revised school rules are as follows: in the classes that were eliminated in the second monthly exam, we decided to relax the policy and amnesty the top five students in each class without punishment."

Obviously, many teachers do not seem to be satisfied with this new rule.

The first middle school has always implemented a collective elimination system. Although it seems that some students with good grades will be wiped out, this atmosphere is extremely helpful to squeeze the surplus value of the students.

They have been using this method for many years, and almost all the students who came out of it have become faceless in such a cruel environment.

It’s just that there are too few students in this class. If this method is continued, it will be difficult to conclude that the whole class is faceless students. High enrollment rate.

What is completely different from the teacher is the uproar of the trainees.

The top five in each class showed a relaxed expression.

Without being dragged down by the class, this has become the basis for their unscrupulous, competition has also greatly increased.

However, competition is not the most important factor. Anyway, being able to open a way out of a mortal situation has increased great hope.

"Don't be too happy, everyone. This school rule will not take effect until the final exam expires. This exam will still follow the old school rules."

When everyone was rejoicing, the Faceless Man poured cold water on them again.

"In order to make everyone look forward to it even more, we decided not to announce the pass list for this monthly exam, but to announce the pass results directly according to the shift, class by class."

Hearing this sequence of announcements, many poor students began to see dense cold sweat in the palms of their hands.

On the 99th, he raised his hand again and asked to go to the toilet.

It's just that Zong Jiu didn't arrange a task for him this time, but he was really scared to pee.

This sequence means that every class has a time when the sentence is pronounced. The class that reads the name is tense, the class that does not read the name is even more tense.

And the faceless teachers all stood in front of the rostrum, observing their fearful expressions with interest.

The first to be read out is the results of the first class.

I don't know if it was the difficulty of the test paper or a mistake in a team's performance. This time they actually stepped on the line.

This result made one class breathe a sigh of relief and made other classes even more nervous.

Since the division into classes, the results of the first class have been far ahead. Although later because the number of faceless people was not as good as that of Class 5, it also faithfully represented the learning strength of the trainees in this dungeon.

Even one class barely exceeded the score line by ten points, what about the other classes

Everyone looked at each other, and they were worried.

Soon, the dean read out to the second class.

This time, Class 2 caught a cheating student and scored zero points directly. Many people in their class not only stared fiercely at the trainee who cheated and dragged down the class, but also felt sad.

Unexpectedly, the second class passed, only one point higher.

You know, the previous two, nine and six classes were all classes that did not meet the standards in the third weekly exam. The pressure on these three classes can be imagined.

The squad leader of the second class sat on the spot and cast a grateful look at the fifth class.

If he hadn't listened to the advice of the class 5 monitor before, and let the trainees in the class put pressure on the poor students, and changed a few faceless people, it is estimated that after being dragged down by a cheating poor student, the whole class would have to explain here.

Three shifts followed.

The third class is the class of the black wizard, Zong Jiu didn't even look at it. Since the devil managed to control the useful pawn of no.8, he would definitely not let him be a dog in the dungeon so simply.

Sure enough, the third class passed, and the score was even higher than the previous class one and two.


After reading out the results of three classes in a row, they all passed without risk. Other trainees who did not read the class began to have small hopes from the bottom of their hearts.

What if

Immediately after that is the fifth class. After all, the four classes were wiped out as early as the mid-term exam, and even the corpse residues were sent to the sinking pond to generate renewable energy, which was used for heating and hot water for the school.

The squad leader of Class 5 hummed triumphantly.

It is no exaggeration to say that their class is the most stable in the whole year. Because there are too many faceless people in the five classes, the class atmosphere is also cold and tense. The neighbors have accelerated the conversion before the exam, and the scores are easily pulled up. There is no need to worry about whether they will perform abnormally like other classes.

Like their monitor, the top students in Class 5 were not worried at all, and some even yawned brazenly.

"So sleepy, when will it end? We want to go back to sleep."

"That's it, this group of rubbish dragging dogs in the class is embarrassed to be embarrassed here with such a poor test."

"If it weren't for us, how could these poor students survive? I couldn't see it when I was a trainee on weekdays. I didn't expect that the exams were not good. It is really a low-powered child to have parents who are not taught by parents."

These people stretched their waists while talking coldly, all the front of the conversation was intentionally or unintentionally pointed to the countdown of those in Class 5 who had not yet become Faceless.

Among the countdowns, Liang Mingde was the least pleasing to the eye.

The other nine people in Liang Mingde's dormitory have become faceless people. Not only does he remain the same, he also runs a mutual aid alliance in the class. They can cheer each other up every day.

Several top students in Class 5 saw him upset. They blocked him in the toilet several times with cold water, pushed his head into the cold water, and gave him a lesson.

It is true that trainees cannot kill each other, but as long as they are not dead, the main system will not care. There is no way to stop this kind of school bullying, and many of them are also one of the incentives for becoming faceless.

As a result, he didn't expect that Liang Mingde was really a smelly stone in the pit, and he carried it down abruptly.

They all planned secretly, and the score required for the final exam will only be higher or lower than the previous one, and they must get Liang Mingde down by then.

Unexpectedly, the next second, the smile of the fifth squad leader solidified on his face.

"Class five, seven hundred and ninety-five points."