Thriller Trainee

Chapter 113: first Middle school


In fact, when the action should start is also a piece of knowledge worthy of scrutiny.

Their main mission in this dungeon is to survive, and the time when the dungeon is closed is also very convenient, which happens to be 12 o'clock at noon on the hundred and twentieth day.

Today is for the exam. Yesterday the lights out time was earlier and the time to wake up was also earlier. It only takes less than half an hour to open the previous ten classes to correct the test papers. Five classes will only be faster. At most ten minutes will be able to produce results. Coupled with short and rapid results reading, there is plenty of time. Punishment of trainees. Presumably the main system is making decisions at this twelve o'clock noon time.

As we all know, all the teaching assistants guard them during the exam. As long as they are on the playground, they will be reduced to fat sheep waiting to be slaughtered that can't even use special props.

So of course they would not choose to do it after the exam. They have to do it first to keep the first chance and win a little bit of victory.

The barrage was already ready, and after watching this no.1 nervously, the first trainee who dared to openly challenge the destroyed copy.

[Since we have come to this point, there is nothing to say, go on in Class 9, go on all the B-level trainees! 】

[Come on! Everyone in our team is watching at the base, nervous. jpg]

After Zong Jiuyi gave the order, the nine columns of Class Nine came out from the front and back doors of the class in order.

There is no need for him to say any more, because today’s plan has long been engraved in the hearts of every trainee in Class 9, intertwined with their sorrowful emotions when they lost their two companions, and eventually turned into a raging anger, which is bound to destroy this copy. They accompany.

Not long after, the trainees of Class 9 in the corridor disappeared in a hurry, leaving only two columns of people behind him.

The class next door came over.

Class Nine is very stubborn about this matter. They used alternatives to inform other classes of their plans, but they demanded that the most important part must be completed by Class Nine, even if there is a possibility of injury in the middle.

Everyone knows what is behind it.

It is really rare to have such a friendship in such a collective copy. Since someone is rushing up to be a forward, who would want to grab it? Naturally, I went with Class 9.

A team led people first, and Tongjiu nodded and hurriedly went downstairs.

They had to rush to the iron gate a little bit faster to stop those assistants who might be attracted by the alarm.

And Tu Yumen followed Zong Jiu, the Yin and Yang Talisman in his hand was ready to go.

The black wizard and Fan Zhuo on the other side have nothing to do with themselves, the other indifferent and serious.

The black wizard no.1 manipulates Zong Jiu thankfully if he doesn't mess up, and doesn't expect him to do anything at all. As for Fan Zhuo, he had already communicated with Zong Jiu for another task, and now he dispatched a half vampire to the playground.

Everyone has their own tasks, and there is no need to communicate at critical junctures.

Zong Jiu hurriedly nodded at them, and led the second team downstairs together, cutting straight to the center of the iron gate.

Four teaching assistants were now standing at the door of the iron gate, and there were other faceless men coming in and out.

Seeing unrelated people waiting in the direction of the iron gate, the teaching assistants clenched the whips in their hands vigilantly.

"The important place of the school, please leave quickly for irrelevant people, and it is forbidden to stay here!"

It's not to blame them for bad luck, but at this time, many teaching assistants are carrying papers inside the iron gate.

But if they missed this time, they couldn't lead everyone out of the dormitory earlier, unavoidable.

Fortunately, they had expected the situation a long time ago.

The trainees all pulled out their own special props in a thunderous manner.

The trainees assigned to the second team are all body enhancers carefully selected by Zong Jiu, and there are many half-vampires in them, who directly use brute force to stop the assistants and prevent them from interfering.

The Onmyoji flashed away, and a quick seal began in his hand, and the bright blue magic spell rose from the palm of his hand, passing the assistants one by one lightly, and rushing straight to the iron gate behind him.


In the next second, the iron gate suddenly opened under the force of everyone fighting over the mountain, revealing the dark walkway behind it, and the wind was blowing.


They were overjoyed and rushed towards there.

At the same time, the harsh sirens sounded on the campus of No. 1 Middle School.

"Toot toot—"

Almost the moment the alarm sounded, the teaching assistants of No.1 Middle School all paused for a second and rushed towards the iron gate, dragging the barbed iron whip in their hands.

Several teams of trainees who had been guarding outside immediately swarmed up, blocking any of the necessary roads leading to the iron gate.

From the question bank came the teacher's roar, "It's the opposite! These students are really upside-down!"

The lead Zong Jiu brought Tu Yumen and two trainees to break through the siege.

The moment the alarm sounded, everyone realized that something was wrong.

Because the special props in their hands lose their effectiveness at the same instant.


Zong Jiu and Onmyoji exchanged glances, no longer delayed, regardless of rushing forward.

Since the trainees who were executed on the playground were banned from using special props, they have guarded against this move. Now that it is really realized, although everyone's hearts are sinking, they are not panicked, and they are suddenly confused. .

When they were only one step away from the entrance of the sinking corpse pool, Zong Jiu kicked it up, but didn't want a strong force to come from the bottom of his feet. He was also taken aback for a while, and exploded with a foul language.


The sinking pond is actually locked!

It’s the first time they have entered the sinking pool. With the ability of the paper god’s paper, it is naturally impossible to open the door to see if it is locked. This is because they can’t control the calculations in their plan. The variables of living.

But now I can't tolerate them to think about it.

Zong Jiu took out the ballpoint pen in his pocket and poke a few times towards the keyhole.

Seeing this, Tu Yumen quickly took out two paper clips from his pocket and handed them over, "Use this!"

Fortunately, unlocking is really not a difficult task for magicians. After all, many large-scale large-scale magicians lock the magician in the center of the stage, and then escape through secret roads.

In order to prevent errors in such a thrilling situation, magicians will rehearse unlocking skills before this to prevent stage accidents.

The only problem is-if you are faced with an unfamiliar lock, the longer it will take to unlock it.

Zong Jiu quickly broke the paperclip into a long wire-like strip and stretched it into the keyhole.

The barrage looked very anxious.

[It's over, how did you lock it? Could it be that the monitors of the two classes last time caused the school to be alert? 】

[What to do, now the special props have no effect, without the props, the force of the dungeon Npc is undoubtedly absolutely crushing over the heads of trainees, alas]

[Even if the magician unlocks the lock again, it is impossible for the magician to open the door of the corpse pool in a short while, then again, why do they have to open the door of the corpse pool? Is it possible that there is a ghost in the pool that can destroy the world as soon as it is released]

[It’s not impossible that so many people died in this school. According to the law of horror copy, I still don’t believe that there is no ghost]

Just as Zong Jiu concentrated on unlocking the lock, a new situation appeared in the cramped passage inside the iron gate.

There were still many faceless people in the test room. After losing their special abilities, Tu Yumen and the trainees violently pulled the handles, trying to tighten the door to prevent the dean who was locked in from coming out.

But without special abilities, everyone is just ordinary people, where is better than a faceless assistant

Not just outside the sinking pool, but also outside the iron gate.

There were too many teaching assistants in No.1 Middle School. When the previous ten classes were still there, the invigilators were all standing a few meters apart, and cheating was almost eliminated.

With so many teaching assistants, the number is almost the same as the number of trainees in five classes.

After suddenly losing the role of the props, the situation outside has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The power of the npc is too strong, and the trainees cannot parry with their bare hands.

Fortunately, everyone had listened to the command before. Everyone had at least one book in his hand, and nothing else, it could be used to resist the whistling iron whip.

Despite this, they were forced to retreat step by step.

"No, we have to buy time for Brother Jiu!"

Seeing the assistants push the battle line to the gate of the iron gate like a broken bamboo, and when they were about to break through the line of defense, the trainees of Class 9 roared, "Come on, brothers, what are you doing in a daze? One minute is one minute! Fifteen and ninety-nine revenge!"

The next moment, the trainees in other classes watched with jaw dropping as Class 9 rushed forward.

Ignoring the obstruction of the whip, they held hands, turned their backs to the teaching assistants, forming a long wall of people, firmly guarding the stairs.

The whistling iron whip flew from the air and landed on the trainee's back.

Almost instantly, the sore flesh and blood suddenly sounded.

Scarlet blood and minced meat adhered to the barbs of the iron whip, tickled and rolled down to the blue-gray ground, stained with shocking colors.

The people in Class 9 were shocked, cold sweat broke out from their foreheads, but the soles of their feet seemed to have taken root, unwilling to take a step back.

Whip after whip fell down, and there was a muffled hum.

No one backed down.

The trainees who stopped the four teaching assistants at the door of the iron gate clung to their waists tightly, their backs were bloody and they didn't say anything.

"We...revenge...fifteenth and ninety-nine..."

This scene fell in the hearts of the trainees in other classes, and I don't know how they felt.

Ask yourself, it is absolutely impossible for them to take revenge on a dead person and hurt themselves for this purpose. It is precisely because of this that after seeing this scene, the impact and shock on the soul will be more intense.

[I burst into tears oh oh oh oh oh ooh]

[I'm so anxious, I'm so anxious, I'm so crying]

[When they said they would avenge Ninety-Nine and Fifteenth, I really burst into tears]

[Come on! I sincerely hope that I can destroy this copy, and persistence is victory! 】

On the other side, the negative corner next to the sinking pool did not last long.

The door of the test room opened with a nasty noise from the inside.

Tuyumen's pupils shrank suddenly, and he couldn't even bother to speak, there was a burst of gravity behind his feet, and he staggered and was pushed aside.

At this moment, the three trainees of the 9th class of the second team made the same choice with the 9th class, who was hand in hand to form a wall of people, without a communication situation.

They rushed straight to the door, blocked the door of the test room with their bodies, acting as a human wall, and roared in pain.

The dean's roar echoed in the narrow corridor.

Zong Jiu squatted on the ground, and the palm of his hand, who had never changed color, was also a little sweaty.

He was just opening the lock, not inaudible. The crying and screaming from the sky outside, and the sound of whipping from behind, all telling him how this precious time was exchanged.

He abandoned thinking, calmed down, and struggled with the lock on hand.

I don’t know how long it has been, maybe it’s so long, it’s so long that it finally wraps around the movement inside the keyhole. When you just need to circumvent it a little bit, you can open it—

A faint voice came from Zong Jiushen.

"Hurry up... Hurry up, we can't hold it anymore."

Just after saying this, the speaker fell down with a "boom".

The black shadow covered Zong Jiu's head, and the assistant who broke through the line of defense first in the darkness grabbed the magician's collar and tried to pull him back with brute force.

It was at this moment that the lock hung in front of the sunken corpse pool finally fell.

At the moment of being pulled back, Zong Jiu kicked forward with one foot, with the other hand, he grabbed the trainee from Class 9 who had just fallen down and was still angry, and shouted, "Quit all!"

With that said, he directly used a trick to get rid of Jin Chan, and opened the zipper on his chest back with his hands, and directly broke away the insignificant blue and white school uniform jacket, and pushed a few trainees forward violently.

The trainees guarding the door were already on standby, Zong Jiu pushed them over, and they were responsible for pulling, pulling and pulling, and instantly pulled out a few of the second team members who were blocking the door.

Zong Jiu's order seemed to have lifted a ban, and everyone who heard the signal shouted at the same time, relayed the signal, and stepped away. The trainees who had just formed the human wall also let go of the hands that were holding each other, and ran towards the open area marked on the previous map.

The heavy door of the sinkhole slowly opened.

The disgusting smell of corpses mixed with the smell of decayed grease, instantly came out from the bottomless door.

Tu Yumen also ran outwards, and glanced inward with the faint light of the corridor before leaving.

The true face of the sinkhole is a pothole that occupies almost a quarter of the school playground.

Inside there are a section of human fingers that have not had time to decay. The white bones are mixed with black blood. They float up and down in the unidentified pool of brown and dark green. Sometimes you can see half of the brain squirming white maggots. Human head.

The most floating black hairs on the pool surface, because they are the same as bones, which are degraded and need to be salvaged by someone at regular intervals. The black-haired wall next to it was densely packed, almost filling the remaining vacant corners outside the sinking pond.

Rao is the Onmyoji who is used to seeing big scenes, and he feels a little uncomfortable at first glance.

He couldn't imagine which piece here belonged to the 99th who was willing to give his life for Class Nine.

The next moment Onmyoji was also pushed by Zong Jiu and was successfully dragged out.

By then, only Zong Jiu was left in the entire corridor.

He took out the B-grade rosette prop, without looking, he moved a little behind him.

The dean is still in the test room, pushing people out, swearing, and it is bound to make these students who dare to make trouble on the day of the final exam look good.

However, in the next second, he realized that he could not go.

It wasn't that he couldn't go, but the teaching assistant who was the first to walk to the door of the question bank and wanted to close the iron door was fixed in place.

Taking advantage of this hard-won respite, Zong Jiu flashed another blocking hand, rolled on the ground, and instantly rolled across the corridor with an extremely flexible posture, and came to the iron gate.

During the performance of this stunt, he took out the paper airplane he had prepared in his pocket.

The magician squatted on the ground, holding the paper airplane in one hand, and holding the lighter close to the nose of the paper airplane in the other.

The flame was ignited with the light behind it, licked from the lighter mouth to the paper, and jumped out of a bright golden red color, like a reminder of death walking slowly.

The moment the paper airplane was lit, the white-haired young man slowly stood up with a cold face and unhuman cruelty.

The slender hand suddenly threw the burning paper airplane into the underground corridor that had long been filled with gas from the sinkhole.

In an instant, the flames burning on the paper suddenly lighted up along the path of travel, getting brighter and brighter, and the fire burned bigger and bigger, turning into an angry fire dragon in the air, rushing straight towards the biogas pool. Past.

[Fuck, fuck, how come this fire is so big all of a sudden, fuck me, what's going on]

[Wait, I get it! ! The corpse tank is also a biogas tank. What kind of gas is produced in the biogas tank? Sisters, think about it with your head! 】

[CH4 methane, it's methane! Everyone who has studied high school chemistry knows that this is a kind of combustible gas, woc, it turns out that they were already prepared! Awesome! 】

At the end of the day, Zong Jiu gently climbed up the railing of the stairs and yelled, "Get down!"

After all, the paper airplane is just a fuse, the excitement is yet to come.

When methane and air are mixed to ignite, explosion/explosion is very easy to occur.


In an instant, the earth moved and the mountains shook, as much as the sky collapsed and the earth cracked.

A fierce fire rose into the sky from the narrow room, coming like hell, swallowing everything.

In fact, there is a better way. They can rush in to find the answer when they find the problem room, and they can cheat collectively, so at least there will be no casualties.

But no one is willing to choose such a gentle way, preferring to bomb the school straightforwardly, even if there are many loopholes, even if oneself will be injured, that doesn't matter, because this method is the best way to relieve one's anger.

The blood shed must be repaid with other blood.

The trainees in Class 9 laughed in the fire. They threw the books they had prepared for a long time on the flame-covered door in the basement, or they simply lit them and ran happily and threw them to other places in the school. , So that the fire will expand even more.

They successfully ignited this broken school with a fire and ninety-seven hearts of revenge.