Thriller Trainee

Chapter 114: first Middle school


At the moment the paper plane rushed into the sinking pool, the small cluster of undulating flames at the tip suddenly soared, not only igniting the plane instantly, but also directly setting off a wall of fire that was more than two meters high.

The blazing fireworks burst out from the iron gate with a "boom", and it burned a large area of air into a sea of fire in almost a short period of time, and the iron gate was hotly twisted and turned red.

Methane is a directly combustible gas. It only needs a little spark to ignite it. What's more, the corpse sink is essentially a huge biogas digester. There are too many corpses deposited in it. The anaerobic environment is full of flammable and explosive gases. At this time, you only need to lightly click to get unexpected surprises. .

For example... Explosion.

After Zong Jiu shouted "get down", everyone did what they wanted without thinking.

The huge waves of scorching air blasted up into the sky, as if engulfing the resentment of many people who were buried in this school, they let out a sorrowful cry, and the hair of the people lying on the ground was curled up.

Once the fire was ignited, it was unstoppable and spread to the inside of the sinking pond in just a few seconds.

At almost the same time, the ground of the playground cracked directly, and the bricks and tiles made of cement were blown into the air.

The trainees have long been prepared for the explosion. They either hid on the stairs of the teaching building one by one, or hid in the corner of the playground not covered by the sinkhole. Only a few unlucky ones were hit by the earth and rocks from the explosion, crying out loud. Roll to the ground with a sound.

The teaching assistants are not so lucky.

The assistant coach who was stopped in the iron gate almost received the number one shock and was the first to be buried in the flames. Those on the playground who hadn't had time to escape were also overturned to the ground. The flesh without facial features on their faces twisted together, and a thin slit in their lips cracked and roared, looking horrified.

A huge flame burst out of thin air from the crack in the center of the unrecognizable playground, blasting out several meters high.

The next moment, the question bank, which was separated by a wall from the sinking pond, was also burned for the first time.

Thousands of test papers piled from the ground to the ceiling, printed in advance, the source of pain for the entire school... All of them were burned up and became an excellent nourishment for flames, seeming to be sweeping the world together, angrily roar.

Feeling the impact of the explosion at such a close distance, the trainees outside the iron gate were not very comfortable.

Fortunately, when the No. 1 Middle School established the underground area, it referred to the design standards of the air-raid shelter. Therefore, although the explosion occurred in the underground corridor, the direction of the explosion was horizontal. Because of the superb bearing capacity, the vertical direction was only swept by the sea of fire and carried stubbornly. After the first wave of violent explosions, the trainees who were buffered by the stairs in front of the iron gate escaped.

Perhaps the faculty and staff of No.1 Middle School had never dreamed that they wanted to put the question bank and the sinking pond in one place, and deliberately set up a stable load-bearing structure, so that the teaching assistants were guarded more securely. In the end, this place turned out to be. Became their burial place. What's even more funny is that these trainees are just applying what they learned in high school chemistry.


After the first round of explosions, Zong Jiu dragged a few trainees around, dragging them to stagger out together.

They were the closest to the explosion center. Not only did they lightly burn their skin, but also their ears were bleeded and buzzed by the powerful sound waves, and they couldn't hear anything for a while. As a last resort, Zong Jiu could only rely on body language to pull these people out one by one before speaking.

It's just a round of explosions. Given the level of safety in the biogas digester, this teaching building might not be able to keep it. It's a dead end to stay here now.

Why do they have to choose to do it at the last moment, because the copy will not be closed until 12 o'clock today.

This is also the ultimate reason why Zong Jiuzhi said that he had thought of a way, but it had to be used in the final exam. If they blow up this broken school in the mid-term exam, the main task will not be completed, and it will be their own move to hit their own feet.

The action just now is swift and swift. According to the normal process, they have to live here for four hours. Not only do they have to meet the standard of the main system to destroy the copy, but they also have to survive to complete two tasks in one fell swoop.

The severe situation facing the trainees now makes the barrage anxious.

[They have to stay here for four hours, but with so many teaching assistants, what do they have to do? 】

[We have to continue to add fuel to the fire for these four hours. Otherwise, it will only blow up the biogas digester. I am afraid that it will not be enough for the main system to determine that the copy is destroyed. Otherwise, the behavior of the adult will not be so difficult to be imitated, alas, In fact, this copy is already pretty good, and there is still a way to survive]

[The problem is that many trainees here are injured and want to last for four hours. It’s not that I said, it’s very difficult]

[I can still believe everyone, anyway, when I think about this copy and that adult, I’m completely relieved]

[Wake up, no.1 Where did you help the trainees? You are afraid that you did not follow the live broadcast from the beginning of this copy]

Fortunately, the trainees are not prepared for nothing.

Soon, the survivors in the live broadcast room knew what other preparations these trainees had done in the past half month.

"Class 9! Ready to attack!"

Each class is not idle, especially the nine classes that have collected enough books and test papers during this time.

This morning, they piled up all the books and test papers at the door.

Now, all the trainees in Class 9 are rushing forward with the books in their hands. They seem to forget that there are still bloody scars on their backs, and forget the pain that is so deep that they seem to be rolling on the tip of a knife while running. With a grinning grin on his face, he fetched fire in the biogas cave exploded in the playground, Fei also rushed to the classroom with the fire to the other side of the teaching building, spreading the precious fire to every floor. classroom.


The laughter was mixed with the explosion, full of the most primitive happiness.

The barrage also became happy with it, and it was flashing [Too much relief! ] [Burn it! Destroy this copy! ] [You are a single dog? This ignition position is very suitable to join my big FFF group, funny. jpg]

The classrooms in every glass window are lit, reflecting the bright light.

The flame roared an entire corridor into the sea of flames.

On the other side, there were people who threw the flames into the windows of the dormitory.

When they left the dormitory, they didn't close the window specially. The books wrapped in flames were thrown in. The quilts and pillowcases made of cotton wool burst into flames. After a while, they burned into a sea of flames.

The trainees ran around the campus happily, just like the torchbearer holding the torch at the annual Olympus Games, incarnate as the sacred fire of Prometheus stealing the Sun God's car, holding the ignited hope Running around, is it right

Just as they passed the fire relay, the second explosion came right away.

One after another explosion made people dizzy, and a lot of unpleasant smells from the biogas digester rose into the sky, scattered in this narrow area, almost disgusting.

When the fire spread, the monitors of each class were ordering the trainees in an orderly manner.

Now it is the best time to fish in troubled waters before the teaching assistants have reacted.

Not only the trainees in Class 9, but all the trainees gave back to each other the anger that they had received in this poor school during the hundred and twenty days.

The explosion of the biogas digester only killed the dean, and the principal who rarely showed up did not appear. They would not be so naive as to think that this would be enough to eliminate the armed forces of the entire No.1 Middle School, and the subsequent consumption.

The black wizard stood aside cross-handed, like a okay person who had nothing to do with him.

His dark green eyes crossed No. 2 and the unclear puppet line on No. 2's head, floating to the rear.

Just when Zong Jiu himself didn't think of it, he shook Fan Zhuo's memory. In addition, this copy was originally a paradise for No.1. This gave the devil a chance to give him such a gift. A big gift.

After all, half of the entire S-level is now under the control of the devil, and even the leader of the night clan who has been guarding strictly cannot escape. Although a puppet thread can't do anything, it can only read the memory at most, and it can't even control half a point. Also, based on Fan Zhuo's vigilance, it is difficult to increase the number of puppet threads in a short time.

But then again, after the first root is inserted, it is logical to follow in the end. As long as I don’t let No.2 notice it, it’s not a matter of time to completely control it.

The trainee exclaimed from a distance, "Run-the foundation of this building has been blown up and is about to collapse!"

Obviously one step closer to the ultimate goal of trading between him and the main system, the demon seemed a little bit interested.

He leaned in the shadows, watching the entire No.1 Middle School surrounded by fire, watching the left wing of the teaching building collapse, watching the white-haired young man jumping up like an elf, the opposite side was covered with heavy dust, his eyes But the eyes were still bright as before, flexibly shuttled through the smoke and ruins, the cards in his hand lit a fire, and they flew to different places.

With such a spread of fire and explosion, the No. 1 Middle School has been completely ruined.

The house collapsed and the playground was blown up. It couldn't be seen from the original state, it was completely devastated and completely unrecognizable. If the devil is allowed to comment, even though the copy is ruined, the process has no sense of beauty and does not conform to his aesthetics at all.

This group of trainees was lucky, and found an alternative student in this seemingly desperate copy.

no.1 He held his head carelessly and looked lazy.

There are many ways to destroy a copy, but all of them are as difficult as the sky.

Compared to the other way that the devil likes most, it is more difficult to destroy a copy by physical methods. Because the background of advanced dungeons is very much laid out in a weird world, you must destroy the world if you want to physically destroy it, even if it is no.1, it is nonsense to directly destroy a dungeon from the physical aspect.

Practicing students are all strong individuals, even the self-propelled weapon Van Zhuo, which is recognized as the strongest individual strength, can at most split the steel plate with bare hands. With the premise that the main system "cannot break through human strength" first, no matter how strong it is, it is impossible to become a super Saiyan.

Even if it was a copy of the mental hospital and famine that had been experienced before, Zhuge couldn't do it secretly when it came to complete destruction, and Fan Zhuo couldn't do it. No S-level can do it, except for the devil.

Like this copy of the First Middle School, it belongs to an independent world, but fortunately, the main system has set a scene limit and opened the corpse pool in an absolute dead end. Otherwise, if you want to destroy this copy, it is undoubtedly a fantasy. It is impossible to steal the nuclear/weapons of this world for bombing.

But... Good luck is also a kind of strength.

The man bends the corners of his mouth silently, silently blending into the shadows.

The remaining trainees stood back to back on the southwest side of the playground not covered by the sinking pond, looking at the assistant teachers outside through the sea of fire. The principal, who had not seen anyone before, also appeared, with a big belly standing behind the crowd with a twisted face.

Among this group of people, there was a faceless man abruptly.

On the fifteenth, the people from Class 9 were forcibly pulled over. Even if he is now a faceless trainee, the people from Class 9 did not throw him aside, but kept sending a small number of people to guard him, stunned. It was pulling him to safety.

Zong Jiu guarded the front, wrapped the fire-passing test paper into a ball, and threw it toward the assistant who was trying to break through the siege.

The latter was not in a hurry to dodge, being burned by the flames, and stiff all over, did not reach out to put out the fire, but stood in place, waiting for the flame to spread.

It turns out they are afraid of fire!

Although he was escaping for his life just now, Zong Jiu was also paying close attention to the reaction of the dungeon NPC. He was covered by the smoke, and now there was so much gray on his face that he couldn't see it.

Fortunately, dual use of one mind is not without gain, on the contrary, it can be said that it is quite rewarding.

Around the flames, the movements of these faceless men became exceptionally slow.

Although they have no faces, everything else is no different from human beings, and they are naturally afraid of fire.

The more gratifying harvest is that he discovered that if the faceless man died in a raging fire, the flesh on his face would be distorted, as if re-turned into distorted and pale grimace, scorched in the blazing fire.

Zong Jiu told everyone about his discovery.

The leader of the Ye Clan nodded, his red eyes darkened, and he drew his saber from the system backpack.

"We must take the initiative. If we don't guess wrong, we will not only destroy the scene, but at least eliminate these NPCs before it can be regarded as truly destroying the copy of No.1 Middle School."

After the props expired, this fiercely famous "Caligula" also lost the blood light that came with it when it was unsheathed.

Caligula was the third emperor of the Roman Empire in history. Ancient Rome was rich in tyrants, and this was naturally famous. This saber named after the emperor is the same. As long as it inflicts a wound on the enemy, the blade will be like a blood-thirsty monster, continuously sucking the opponent's blood.

Sabre Caligula is the weapon that Vandro was bestowed by the knighthood of the blood family when he got the blood of vampire in the S-level instance, and it was also a serious A-level prop. Later, he got adventures in other dungeons and was strengthened to S rank, which greatly improved Fan Zhuo's personal strength and was also one of his confidence to sit firmly on No.2.

However, even without the blessing of special props, this did not harm Caligula's fame.

At least when it stirred up a piece of burning paper and sent the latter to the chest of the Faceless Man, there was no lag in the slightest.

no.2 Since that is said, naturally there will be no doubts among trainees.

"No need to do it! They are afraid of fire, they just have to let the torch burn all over here."

Now everyone's force value has been reduced to the lowest level, and this is the only way to be used as a last resort.

In order to save paper, everyone followed the example of Zong Jiu, kneading the pages into a ball for burning/burning/bombing, and tossing them around.

The effect was gratifying, and the raging fire that was already coming became one piece, enclosing the entire playground.

Countless faceless men wailed and disappeared into the flames, their faces twisted together ugly, turning into scorched black bodies.


I don't know how long it took, and there was another horrible sound of houses collapsing.

So far, the entire No. 1 Middle School has so many teaching buildings, none of which is intact, all collapsed, blown up and blown up, it is extremely miserable.

Everyone is anxious, because they still have four faceless men left to resolve.

The principal of the No. 1 Middle School was so embarrassed that he had been hiding behind the teaching assistants, pulling a few people and standing in another open area in the sea of fire, and tried to take out the phone to contact the outside world for help.

Because the two sides are really far apart, they couldn't pass the fire. This distance between most of the basketball court and even Zong Jiu, who had lost the strengthening effect, was really anxious.

"What to do? Let's rush?"


Zong Jiu directly rejected this suggestion, "Whether it can run over such a long distance and such a big fire is one thing, it is more likely that it will burn to death in the middle of the run."

As the ideas put forward one by one were rejected, everyone fell into a situation where they could do nothing.

The viewers in the live broadcast room were more anxious than them.

[I'm so anxious, I'm so anxious, can I break out]

[There are still ten minutes, come on, hold on! 】

[Chong Chong Chong, can this dungeon be destroyed? Just one fell swoop.]

[This principal is really a chicken thief... ...has been hiding there as a tortoise, but there is a sea of flames so far apart, it was really dead in the past. Alas, if you can use special items, it’s fine.]

When everyone was at a loss, things happened suddenly.

The 15th, who had been guarded by the trainees of Class 9, suddenly moved.

He rushed straight up, knocked the previous trainees away, and rushed into the sea of flames without looking back.

Those who were knocked away were all dumbfounded, sitting on the ground scratching their heads.

"dorm manager!"

This change was so shocking that no one reacted to it for a while, only the 98th roared like the first awakening of a big dream.

Tears ran down from the corners of his eyes, and he roared toward the sea of fire with all his strength, "What are you going to do, do you understand our speech, come back!"

The fifteenth, who can become a faceless man, turns a deaf ear.

He ran forward, stepping on the soles of his shoes and trousers and was scorched in the fire, but he continued to rush forward as if he could not feel the pain, and rushed straight to the place where the principal and the two teaching assistants were.

Even the barrage was shocked.

[Fuck, what's going on, this is the first time I heard that the Faceless Man can still be conscious? 】

[Can the Faceless Man be converted back? But I remember the clues I got from several classes, they all said that Faceless People can never be converted back. Is this a bug in the main system? 】

[No, I have done experiments on faceless trainees in several classes before, just to see if they really lost their sense of autonomy like the zombies of the Doomsday dungeon. As a result, everyone got the same conclusion, if not for loss. How can it not be received by the main system after a sense of autonomy?]

[Wait, sisters, don't worry, I suddenly remembered that the 15th of Class 9 is not right. Those faceless people in other classes are all turned into faceless people by the oppression of the environment and despair. The fifteenth of the 9th class is not. He is a faceless man voluntarily turned into a faceless man out of the love of his companions. Even if there is something different from the faceless man who has been persecuted, that makes sense, right? 】

【what! Jimei upstairs makes a lot of sense! I second! 】

A second before reaching the destination, the 15th finally turned back.

In the distant fire, for a moment, Class 9 seemed to re-see the quiet and gentle face that was always smiling on weekdays, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

But no.

The face on the other side of the flame was still flat, smooth, expressionless, and showing no signs of coming back.

Only at the last moment did it split a long mouth gap, just like when all other faceless people talked and rinsed their mouths.

The lips murmured, trying to say something, but time was too late.

On the 15th, he had crossed the entire half of the basketball court, and at the cost of becoming a fire man, even his hair had been huddled, and his face was even harder to see.

Of course, no one pays attention to this at this time.

All the trainees knew what they were going to do next on the fifteenth, and a group of people in Class 9 screamed dumb, one by one crying.

"On the fifteenth, you have a kind of fucking understanding, why don't you come back! Come back!"

"Fuck you, you are obviously still conscious. Isn't it fun to keep us in the dark like fools?!"

"You and Ninety-Nine are two idiots! Didn't you hear it! Big idiot!!"

Listening to the scolding behind her, No.15 smiled silently in her heart.

He didn't know why he laughed, because his thinking speed now seemed to have slowed down countless times. He stood in place for a long time, listening to the explosive noise of flying dogs in the No. 1 Middle School. Afterwards, the body moves first.

Perhaps because of the voluntary transformation, he miraculously saved a trace of autonomy, but he couldn't control his body. Instead, his body moved forward and rushed forward.

Perhaps in his subconscious mind, he wants to protect this lovely and warm class collective with his life.

But as stated in the diary, the transformation of the faceless man is irreversible, and it is impossible to return to the trainee dormitory regardless of whether there is consciousness or not. From the moment he chose to become the Faceless Man, this ending has been doomed and cannot be changed.

Since it's irretrievable—

So, let him do the last thing for Class Nine.

On the fifteenth, he opened his arms and used his own tragic way to spread the fire, and rushed the principal and assistants standing in the open into the dark methane tank behind, and forcibly pulled into the blazing fire.

The screams reverberated over the playground, and for a long time no one heard the sound of falling into the water.

His back figure is decisive, like a flying butterfly, a bird with broken wings, and he has completed his final mission.

It’s like saying silently to everyone—

Never regret it.